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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2011 8:44 PM

Smelling the delicious scent of fresh eggs and bacon, Navvi figured that Anthos must be in the kitchen. He walked in, stumbling slightly, yawning every now and then. "G'morning," he said, his voice a bit deeper than usual due to his recent sleep. "Tha' smells good." Even in his tired state, Navvi noticed Anthos blushing, and suddenly wondered if he should change. But the thought of walking back up the stairs just to put a shirt on wasn't an idea he much liked, so instead, he simply went and took a seat, yawning. "I'd offer to help," he said, his voice regaining a bit more of its normal tone. "But I'm afraid I would only mess things up in this state. I'm not exactly a morning person." He grinned sheepishly.


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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/28/2011 9:09 PM

"It's alright. I was one of the few morning people when I worked with the Turks." He finished up cooking the food and placed a plate of it down in front of Navvi. He caught himself looking appriciatively at Navvi's toned body and forced himself to look away. He sat down next to Navvi and began to eat. "The velix should be here soon so we should get ready as soon as we done eating. They'll be bringing food and information with them."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2011 9:27 PM

Navvi nodded. "Alright, sounds good." He picked up a fork and shoveled the first bite of eggs into his mouth, closing his eyes in rapture. "One thing's for long as I'm here, I won't have to worry about not eating well." He smiled at Anthos. "So, what kind of information exactly do the velix bring? I didn't exactly understand when we were talking about it last night."


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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/28/2011 9:37 PM

"They tell us about the monsters that live around here and what they've been up to. They'll go to sleep for weeks on end and then stay up for months. The velix seem to know when the next sleep cycle is and warn us when they're about to wake up. This place is messed up and well cursed as far as I know. Then there's the guy who owns this place. He never shows his face and speaks through the velix. They're puppets really for him." He ate his bacon happily and thought more about the velix. "They also seem to be from another world like me. They use technology I've never seen used here or back on my world."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2011 10:16 PM

For a moment, Navvi felt as if he stopped breathing. "Wait...the inhabitants of the village we passed through...they're not human?" Navvi looked questioningly at Anthos. "You call them monsters. Were you just using the word, or is it real?" He shuddered. "And I desperately hope that this place has adequate protection, should they choose to be hostile." The more he talked and ate, the more Navvi woke up. "The velix sound quite intriguing. I wonder where exactly they're from? To be honest, even after all my travels, I had no idea that any other, how should I say it? Worlds, I suppose. I didn't know that any other worlds existed other than this one until just last night, when I met you."


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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/29/2011 6:08 PM

"No, they are not. Unless you consider creatures that eat human flesh human. I call them monsters." Anthos continued to eat quietly for a bit before continuing. "They stay far away from the mansion. They refuse to step foot past the gates. I've seen them pace just outside the gates a few times. Hopefully they'll be sleeping when Halloween comes. The person who owns this village likes to have parties and fireworks. People come from all over Evelon to visit for Halloween. Last year battlehearts had to be on guard to keep everyone safe." He finished up his meal and leaned back in his chair. "The velix refuse to tell me where they're from, but they know far more about my world for comfort. It's as if they've been there."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/29/2011 6:36 PM

Navvi cringed. "That's..." he shook his head in disgust as he searched for an appropriate word. "deplorable. Surely they couldn't prey on the flesh of animals, like the rest of us? I can't see how anyone could live with themselves while eating human flesh...of course, I'm assuming that they have the same type of intelligence as us, giving them morals and whatnot." Navvi took another bite, washing it down with a gulp of water. "Well, as long as they never pass the gates, I would actually be intrigued to see them, outside the gate, of course. That would be simply dreadful if they were awake during Halloween...I'm sure that security would keep people safe, but it would also make people nervous, causing an awkward tension on one of the few nights were you are meant to cut loose." Chewing and swallowing the last bite of his breakfast, Navvi tapped his chin with the end of his fork thoughtfully. "Perhaps they have, been to your world, I mean. They obviously have been to worlds other than this if they have superior technology; if the found a way to travel from one world to this one, why not yours, as well? Who knows, maybe they travel all the worlds?"


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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 10/02/2011 8:38 PM

"Oh they're intelligent, but they lack all morals." Anthos listened to Navvi and tried to force himself to focus on the topic at hand and not his chest. His wonderful bare toned chest....Anthos shook himself mentally and smiled. "Well they have been active the past week so maybe we can see them tonight. They're interesting to see that I will admit." Anthos got up and took Navvi's plate from him and washed it. "Yes hopefully they will be, but we'll find out as soon as the velix arrive." He washed his dishes as well and glanced back at Navvi with a small smile. It was almost just like it was before. He had settled back into his normal routine he had when Rufus was still alive. Taking on the role of the stereotypical housewife, which he enjoyed so much. He loved cleaning up after others and cooking, even if it wasn't exactly what one would call masculine. "That the velix may very well be. We'll have to find that out won't we?" He chuckled as he finished up with the dishes and put them away. "We should hurry and get ourselves cleaned up."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 10/02/2011 9:08 PM

Navvi sighed. "Those are the most dangerous ones. They have the intelligence to do either great good or great evil, yet lack the morals that would sway them towards good." He shook his head. "I could almost pity creatures like that. It would be exciting to see them, though." He smiled as Anthos took his plate for him, and thanked him quietly. He debated getting up and helping him, but he had a feeling that this was Anthos' niche, and he didn't want to take it from him. He couldn't help but watch Anthos, admiring the easy way in which he could keep everything within the area tidy and sparkling with cleanliness. "Yes, that's a good idea. I'll just go back up to the guest room and put some clothes on. I had a clean pair in my pack." He stood and stretched one more time, easing his tight, clenched muscles.


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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 10/02/2011 9:19 PM

Anthos watched Navvi stretch and desperately tried to push dirty thoughts from his head. It was hard though as it had been so long since he had last seen another man without clothing on. He could almost see Navvi without his, just no. Too soon, too soon. Anthos shook his head and headed up the steps to his room. Looking back at Navvi he called out to him. "There's a bathroom if you want to shower." Oh crap, that was about the worst thing he could say. His face turned bright red and he quickly turned around and went into his room.

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Re: New Beginnings [Private/ S, L, V]

Postby Kitsumi » 10/02/2011 9:48 PM

Navvi hadn't caught Anthos' distress, and merely shotued, "Thank you!" as Anthos hastily retreated up the steps. Before getting into the shower, he stopped to grab his clean clothes from his bag, as well as his razor. He was beginning to get a bit scruffy, and knew that he could use a good shave. Once he had everything he needed, he went into the bathroom and started the water.

The feel of the hot water raining down on him was delicious, and Navvi smiled, humming softly to himself. Once he was completely clean, he stepped out and proceeded to make himself look presentable, shaving, drying and brushing his hair, and brushing his teeth.

Once he was finally finished, he went back downstairs, sitting on the couch that he and Anthos had sat on the night before, waiting for Anthos to appear.


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Re: New Beginnings [Private/ S, L, V]

Postby Kylo » 10/02/2011 10:17 PM

Anthos closed the door behind himself and sighed. He undressed and went into the bathroom that was connected to his room. He showered quickly with cold water to calm his body down and sat down. Breathing deeply he willed himself to calm down and to think what had happened through. Never had he reacted like that to anyone other than Rufus. Rufus was the only person who had ever made him feel such strong urges, and suddenly this man that he had just met was sending him over the edge. He did not understand how he could have acted like that over just seeing Navvi without a shirt. He'd have to be careful to make sure things didn't get out of hand.

Standing back up he turned off the water and got out. As always he did not have to shave. For some reason he had never gotten facial hair in his life and he was rather glad of it. It saved him time and money. Drying off he looked in the mirror and smiled at himself. Yes he still the same as always in appearance. At least that was still consistant and normal. He then proceeded to dry and style his hair. Once satisfied with the results he slipped into his set of casual clothes and headed out of his room and down the stairs.

He saw Navvi sitting on the couch and he smiled as he went over to him. "You look nice with your hair like that." He sat down next to him and looked around the room. Before he could ask anything else there was a knock at the door and he got up. "It must be them. Come one let's go meet them." He got up and went to the door opening it wide.


Two velix stood on the stoop and stared up at Anthos and Navvi blankly. The destructo velix whirred and clanked as steam escaped from it's mouth as it opened it then clamped it loudly shut. The viral velix next to it shoved it and then turned back to Anthos and Navvi. It opened it's mouth wide and a crackly voice that sounded almost childish came out. "Hello again Anthos Kronos. I see you have a guest. Am I to assume that this man is a friend of yours? I have no record of him in my databanks." The velix closed it's mouth and several beeps emitted from its head before opening it's mouth again. "Ah, it seems I was searching the wrong files. It is nice to meet you Navvi Dedre Ione. It seems that you have recently met Anthos here. I hope that you two are doing well together." The destructo vexil clanked it's mouth open and close at the viral and nudged it roughly.
"Yes, yes I was getting to that. Calm your circuits before you fry yourself again and the creator must repair you again."
The viral velix turned back to Anthos and seemed to smile. "My friend wishes to tell you that the infected will be sleeping this Halloween and that the creator has arranged for a picnic for you and Navvi. He hopes that you will have a wonderful time."

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Re: New Beginnings [Private/ S, L, V]

Postby Kitsumi » 10/02/2011 10:46 PM

When Anthos showed up, clean and smelling amazing, Navvi had a heard time keeping his thoughts from going awry. "Thanks," he said, smiling as Anthos complimented him. "You look pretty good right now, yourself." Navvi followed Anthos, surprised at how excited he was to meet the velix, and yet a bit scared as well. After all, these velix were strange things, apparently, and who knew what they could do? Not that they would do it, of course. From what Anthos told him, they were only there to help.

The moment Navvi saw the velix, he couldn't stop staring. They were weird, mechanical little creatures. Apparently they knew everything as well, for the one started calling Navvi by his full name without even being introduced. "How did you know my name?" Navvi studied the creature curiously. "I understand that you have a database, but how could I have possibly been in them?"

Then, at the mention of the picnic, he smiled. "Well, picnics are always fun. What do you think, Anthos? Would you enjoy a nice picnic?"


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Re: New Beginnings [Private/ S, L, V]

Postby Kylo » 10/02/2011 11:13 PM

The velix smiled crypticly and opened its mouth again. "I know everyone on Evelon. It is my duty to know them all." Anthos placed his hand on Navvi's shoulder and squeezed it gently. "They know everything Navvi, and I mean everything. It's kind of creepy but you get used to it eventually. I would also love to go on a picnic, but knowing the velix they have it planed on an odd day. Don't you, you odd little things?" The velix emmitted a sound simiuliar to a snicker and then replied. "Of course Anthos. It is scheduled for Halloween in the grove next to the lake where the fireworks are set off. The creator said you would enjoy the scenery and the light breeze off the lake." Anthos smiled and shook his head in amzement at the small creatures. "Will you ever tell me just who this creator of yours is?" he asked. "No, but you will meet him one of these days, in fact you may have already met him." The velix smiled cryptically and went silent. The viral velix opened its mouth again, but this time an odd light shone out of it.
"Watch this Navvi, this is how I get supplies and food for cooking."
Food began to spill out of the light amonst other necessary supplies. When no more things came out the velix closed its mouth and blinked. Anthos smiled and began to gather the supplies.
"Thank you again little ones. I won't take up anymore of your time as I know you're busy."
The velix bowed and smiled before clacking their jaws and wandering off down the hill.

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Re: New Beginnings [Private/ S, L, V]

Postby Kitsumi » 10/02/2011 11:41 PM

Anthos' hand on Navvi's shoulder was incredibly comforting, and Navvi found himself blushing slightly, while desperately trying to hide it. "I'm starting to realize that," he said, grinning. "Hmm, a picnic on Halloween, eh? I've never done that, it sounds fun." He chuckled. "And that area sounds pretty nice. Your creator sounds like quite the guy...or girl...or person."

When the light began shining, Navvi covered his eyes until he could handle it. Then the stuff came pouring out, and Navvi's eyes became as big as saucers. "H-how are you...?" Figuring that the explanation either wouldn't come at all or would be vague, or too intricate to explain, he let the sentence trail off, not finishing it. As the velix wandered down the hill, he called out a quick goodbye before turning to Anthos. "That was definitely something."


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