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Somebody New? [(P)(M:E) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/23/2015 1:57 AM

The steady drip, drip, drip of the IV bag mimicked the ticking of the clock on the wall as Arrikanez relaxed on one of the chairs to the side of the waiting room, leaning forward. The liquid running from the bag, to the tube, into his veins, felt cold and slimy. It did nothing to soothe the nausea as of yet, even though the nurse had promised he should be feeling better soon. Regardless, there wasn't much he could do aside from wait, as he had shown up here without an appointment, without Luminare's knowledge, and with nobody to vouch for him. Passing out halfway to the park was sort of a spur to the whole 'get to the hospital and see a doctor, you moron' thought that had been niggling in the back of his mind for at least a couple of weeks now.

Well, the "moron" part was a recent addition, as well as a reflection of his perceived stupidity in not having made an appointment, or come into the ER sooner.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes as he watched the hands of the clock chase each other around the bright white face. The thicker hand was settled comfortably somewhere between the seven and the eight, and the little hand was creeping up toward the playfully stenciled twelve. Given the fact that it was dark outside, it was nearly eight o'clock PM, and no doctor had shown up yet to his summons. A nurse had given and attached the IV, and told him to take a seat and wait. Which he had been doing for the better part of three hours now. Luminare would have never let this stand... but Luminare was probably busy, in surgery, or just not here, so Arri had to deal.
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Sarah » 06/23/2015 3:39 PM

Argon walked through the halls of the hospital. Apparently there was a waiting room around somewhere. A good old boring place he could sit until his charges were done. He had always hated hospitals, filth under a sheen of bleach, but he supposed that humans needed a place to teat their sick. He continued walking and ignoring the looks he got from the staff. He didn't care what waiting room he ended up in so long as he found one.

Taking a hard right to avoid a doctor landed him right in a waiting room. complete with a bored receptionist and some poor sod waiting for doctor. With a sigh he chose a seat and wondered if he would just be twiddling his thumbs for the next few hours.
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/24/2015 12:14 AM

Arri looked to the side as someone sat down. Someone... tall. And those muscles... He swallowed a bit. At least it was someone else, though. Somebody fresh. A new face. That was good.

"H-... Hello." he said slowly as the man sat down, looking a little beyond bored. "Wh...What bring you here?"

To be perfectly honest, he wasn't expecting much of an answer. He was the type of person to strike up a conversation with random people just because he was waiting for something else. Then again, he was also the type of person to carry on a conversation with himself at various points, so one could argue for his state of sanity at this point.

"Um... I'm.... I'm Arrikanez. If... If you were wondering. I'm here for a checkup, but the doctor's... busy? I guess?"

Sighing a bit, he smiled at the stranger, and canted his head to one side.

"Doctors, am I right?"
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Sarah » 06/24/2015 12:32 AM

Argon's head snapped up in surprise. He hadn't expected anyone to talk to him. Most people preferred to pretend he wasn't in the room. He narrowed his eyes at the sickly man and then smiled. There was no need to be rude after all. "Nice to meet you Arrikanez," he said hoping his voice wasn't too gruff. For a moment Argon tilted his head as if he were listening for something.

"I imagine the doctors have their hands full at the moment. It is a hospital after all," he said with a chuckle. "But it looks like you would be better if one was available," he added looking at the IV bag dripping into the man's veins.

"What happened? If you don't mind my asking," he said leaning forward a bit.
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/24/2015 1:14 AM

The boy shrugged. "Well, I was on my way to visit someone and I kinda... sorta... passed out. Dragged myself in here after I woke up. I've been feeling off for days, but it's not been much to worry about, so I delayed coming here. My friend Luminare, who works here, would have my head."

Shifting in his seat a bit, he rubbed the wrist of his IV-laden arm, and sighed again. "I have various problems with my heart off and on. It might be a curse, it might be something physical, but I'm not sup-"


He was cut off when a severe-looking man, thin and wiry, with black hair, and almost neon-cyan eyes walked in, narrowing his eyes at whatever Arri was about to say, and... finishing his sentence for him.

"No, you're not supposed to let it get to the point of passing out before you come see me for an examination. You know we're supposed to keep an eye on your condition! And yes, I will have your head. Later, though." He eyed the IV, nodded to himself, and turned to Argon, straightening the black stethoscope around his neck, pushing it under the collar of his white coat.

"You must be Argon? I hope Arrikanez here hasn't annoyed you. Xena has been telling me all about you..." he eyed the man a bit. "She's not in any danger. So far as I can tell, the arrythmia is mostly benign, but I'd like to have her back for some tests in a week to make sure it's nothing more serious. Right now, I've got her talking to one of my nurses to calm down a bit." He pulled the woman's chart, and glanced over at Arri for a moment before looking back at Argon. "If you wouldn't mind keeping an eye on the young one here, I can go ahead and schedule the tests in one week... and get back to you once that's done. She really is... very chatty."

"I have a name. And this itches." Arri muttered under his breath, as though afraid of offending Luminare.
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Sarah » 06/24/2015 1:23 AM

Argon listened to the man explain his condition. He wondered why Arrikanez wasn't worried about his condition considering he had passed out from it. That was definitely something Argon would worry about. Then the doctor came in, presumably the one Arrikanez had mentioned, and began to scold the young man. Argon felt a little awkward being in the middle of the scolding.

"Of course not, we've barely begun talking," Argon said and smiled at the doctor. Argon nodded along with what the doctor said. Most of it meant nothing to Argon but he would be sure that Xena came in for whatever tests were needed. He surely wasn't going to allow her to get to the point of passing out. "I've heard that about her," Argon said with a chuckle.

He wasn't quite sure why he had to watch the young man, but it wasn't like he was doing anything else. "So," he began after the doctor had left. "What made you wait until you were passing out to come to the hospital?" he asked.
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/24/2015 1:32 AM

"Kind of afraid of him." Arri said after Luminare left. "I mean, obviously he cares. And he's sweet to the right people. He's really good at what he does, and he's... well, been my doctor for as long as I've had one. But that's not..." he shook his head a bit. "That's not the point. He judges everything I do. Every little mistake, every little thing I could have done differently."

Arrikanez was actually scratching at the wrist he was rubbing earlier, nails digging into his skin. He didn't seem to be aware of it. "He judges the choices I make in my life like he's my father, and he's not!"

Even though it made him seem somewhat like a petulant child, he glared in the direction Luminare had disappeared down the hall. "He acts like I don't know how to take care of myself, and like he knows everything that's the best for me, and the truth is that... That he doesn't get it."

He snorted a bit, and then closed his eyes. "I guess he does care, but... does he have to shove his caring down my throat every single time I walk in the door?"
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Sarah » 06/24/2015 1:43 AM

"Get a new doctor," Argon said flatly. It was the only advice he could think of. Although once the words were out of his mouth he realized he might have sounded a bit rude. "Or come in like your supposed to and act responsible and maybe he'll see that your not a child who needs a dad," he added only making himself look more rude. He was a stranger after all, he had no idea what these two mean were to each other. To Argon the solution was as clear as day, but Argon was not exactly the emotional type. "In my experience those who care don't realize that they become overbearing. Maybe you just need to talk to him?" Argon said trying to be kinder.

"Also, I think you could take the IV out if you wanted," he said noticing the man was clawing at his wrist although Argon couldn't see if he was tearing his own skin or not.
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/24/2015 2:00 AM

"Oh, it's not even that." Arrikanez said, shaking his head. "He's a good doctor. A great one, even. But if he's trying to be my dad, he... well, he needs to understand a lot more than he does. But he's always so busy, always running here, there, and everywhere. He doesn't take breaks, and he definitely doesn't... have any time for me."

He eyed the IV, and shrugged. "The nurse said to leave it in. It itches, but... the nausea is gone now, so that's a good thing. Maybe I should leave it be."

Scratching a bit more, he turned his gaze back toward the hallway once more. "He doesn't understand how lonely I am, for once. I see him parading around with his patients and his charts and his nurses, and all I can think about is how I'd like to have at least some of that attention. I don't even have any friends anymore. Let alone someone to take care of me like that."

With a quiet chuckle, he turned back to Argon. "Sorry... I guess I'm overstepping my verbal bounds. You don't really want to hear about my issues, huh? ... So... What's your friend Xena in for?"
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Sarah » 06/24/2015 2:16 AM

"No, your fine. It's been a long time since I've been able to talk to anyone," he admitted. "Besides, it sounds to me like you don't really have anyone to vent to," he added.

"Xena is in for whatever your doctor friend said. She isn't really my friend. We work together and she asked me to take her to the doctor because she had no one else who could," he said looking back into the hallway. "I suppose she could see us a friends, we spend a lot of work time together," he added after a while.

"From what she told me in the car her family has a history of heart problems," He told Arrikanez. "I suppose she started to feel strange and decided that she needed to see a doctor. I'm not really sure why I was the only one who would drive her though," he continued.
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/24/2015 5:15 PM

"Sounds like she didn't have anyone else to trust." Arri said quietly, leaning back in the chair, and looking up at the ceiling. "Maybe admitting weakness is an insult to her or something. Me? I've never had trouble with that. People know I'm weak. S'why I didn't just pack to leave for the War like Tris did."

He scratched at his arm again with another sigh, and glanced over to Argon. "You're right, by the way. Nobody to really listen to my venting. I live in a place where people just sort of do their own thing. Lumi goes to work, Aaron's hardly ever home, Blacklight has his job, and Tris and I barely ever talk anymore. It's mostly just me alone with my own thoughts most of the time."

Chuckling a bit, he crossing his arms - carefully - and looked full-on at Argon. "Enough to drive you insane at some times, I guess. I talk to myself a lot but, lo and behold, never get an answer."
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Sarah » 06/24/2015 11:06 PM

"Mm," Argon grunted. He was sure that what Arrikanez was true. Argon trusted Xena as well. He was sad to hear the young man didn't have anyone to talk to. Even Argon, as rare as it was for him to talk, had someone who would listen to him.

"I'd help if I could," Argon told the man. "Although I hardly know you," he added. "Besides, you may not even want my help," he said with a small smile.

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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/24/2015 11:37 PM

"Any help at all would be much appreciated." Arri said, drawing his lips into a bit of a smirk. "You know, you're the first person I've met all day who took the time to talk back to me."

He scratched his arm again, and heaved another sigh. "Luminare wants me to be healthy, but he has to know that much of what's wrong with me... isn't my fault. I think he just feels like he should be able to do something, and the fact that he's not picks at him like an annoying fly."

It took a moment for him to realize what he'd just said, and he laughed a little. "A lot like me buzzing around other people with my problems, now that I think about it. Sorry about that. Ummm... After I get out of here... are you hungry or anything? I... have some money, if that's something you'd like to do. I mean... get lunch. Or dinner. Or... whatever time it is? Oh.. It would be breakfast, wouldn't it? So... breakfast then? If you wanted to? I know a couple places..."

By the time he figured he should probably shut up, his pale cheeks were flushed with a brilliant shade of rose. He swallowed, and scratched at his arm some more, before reaching up to tug at the center of his shirt, fiddling with the buttons on the black button-up.
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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Sarah » 06/27/2015 1:44 AM

Argon could understand where Luminare was coming from. Sometimes it was hard to see a loved one in trouble or pain and not be able to do anything about it.

"I'd love to go to breakfast," Argon said with a grin. He wondered why the young man had struggled to ask him. Maybe it was because he'd been waiting for so long. It was quite easy to loose track of time. "I don't know how much longer Xena will be. Do you know how long you'll be in here, I could give you my cell number in case i Have to drop Xena off at home." he said. Argon wanted to make sure he didn't leave Xena behind.

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Re: Somebody New? [(P)(M) Sarah and Arrikanez]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 06/27/2015 2:21 AM

"I...uh... Don't know how much longer I'll be in here... He told me to sit tight, so I'm going to do that, but..." Arri shook his head a little. "It could be a while. Maybe... your phone-number would be a good idea? I don't know. I have a cellphone..."

Rummaging in his pockets, he brought out his cellphone, and offered it to the man. "Here. You can put your number in it, so you don't have to write it down or anything. Ummm.... Do you have any particular place you like to go for breakfast? Oh! And... umm... yeah. Don't... like... leave Xena behind. That wouldn't be good, right? I mean, maybe..."

What was wrong with his tongue today? His words kept getting all messed up, mixed up. He shook his head rapidly to clear it, and took a deep breath.

"I... wouldn't mind... if you stuck around. For my checkup and stuff. Well, after... or during? I dunno. I'm... um... sort of not really good at this whole speaking to people thing. I'm sorry."
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