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All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/03/2015 1:14 PM

In human form


He was late. Granted he was only late by three minutes, but he was still late. It wasn't as if Veronica was a stickler for time or anything, her mother had always enforced the idea that you always had to show up to a function 'fashionably late', but she had been counting the seconds up to when she would see Nathan again.

Veronica's son was a slippery one and so hard to get ahold of. Not because he didn't care, he loved his mother more than anything, but his profession always kept him so busy. Too busy for Veronica's taste. She loved that he was a doctor, she loved that he was so successful in his field, she loved that he had the biggest heart in the world; but, she did not love that she only got to see him in person every two or three weeks. If she was lucky. The door to the restaurant chimed as it opened and Veronica sat very straight up in her seat, craning her neck as impossible angles to see who had entered. She sighed; it had just been some teenager. "Where the hell are you?" She whispered to herself, using her straw to angrily push ice to the bottom of her water.

Veronica knew that she was being unfair and very impatient, but the last time she had gotten some quality time with Nathan had been...gosh, when had it been? St. Patrick's Day? No, that was too soon...Veronica grimaced. It had been the weekend after Valentine's Day, which meant she hadn't seen her son in more than a month! She groaned longingly, folded her arms onto the table and leaning her forehead on them. A little voice in the back of her mind reminded her how her mother would have thrown a fit if she saw Veronica sitting like this at the table.


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/03/2015 1:23 PM

In human form

His mother was going to have a fit, if she wasn't having one already. Nathan could feel it.

It hadn't been his fault. Two weeks in advance he had put in that he was taking an hour for lunch today, two weeks. He had made sure to budget all of his time so that exactly at 12:00pm he would be at the restaurant, giving his mother a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. And now it was 12:10pm and he was power walking (well, it had escalated to a jog at this point) through the parking lot of Cafe de Vivre, his mother's favorite restaurant. Ten minutes late. Veronica had insisted that she squeeze out as much of the hour that they had together as possible, and he had blown ten whole minutes of their precious time because a patient refused to believe that the headache they were experiencing was from a cold, and not a brain tumor. The door chimed as he walked in.

"Can I help you sir?" The hostess asked, giving him a bright smile. Nathan had noticed her bat her eyelashes, but he chose to ignore it. "Er, I'm looking for my mother. She should be..." His voice dropped off as his eyes desperately scanned the room. Nathan hadn't seen her at first because she had had her forehead dropped onto her arms, the only thing recognizable was her signature high pony tail. He grinned. "Right over there. Thank you!" Before the hostess could say anything else he was bounding up to Veronica's table, a familiar feeling of love washing over him as he approached her.


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/03/2015 1:32 PM

Nathan crouched down beside his mother, who was still unaware of his presence. For a moment he considered scaring her, but since he had been so late and she was probably already more than irritated, he decided against it. Instead he started with, "I am so sorry that I'm late."

Veronica's head shot up so fast and startled him so much that Nathan almost fell back onto his bum. His mother's expression went from confused, to excited, to a little pissed off at a very rapid rate. "You are late. Ten minutes late, you little bastard." Veronica huffed, sitting up now but crossing her arms at him. Ten whole minutes, wasted! "And you promised me that you weren't going to be late this time, Nate." Nathan frowned and stood up, pulling his mother's chair out from the table so he could pull her to her feet for a hug. Veronica resisted at first, but as soon as Nathan had wrapped his arms around her tightly the maternal side of her kicked in, and she squeezed him tightly back. "I know, I know. And I'm so sorry. Hectic morning." Nathan apologized. Of course it had been, Veronica thought, it always was.

She pulled away and grabbed her son's shoulders, looking him up and down. "You look good." She remarked, giving him a grin and ignoring his excuses. "So good, in fact, that the hostess up front hasn't stopped looking at you."


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/05/2015 5:46 PM

Nathan blushed. "Er, yes. I-I...have noticed it, I suppose." Holding his head down a little low now, Nathan pulled out his mother's seat for her to sit down, and once he had pushed her in took his own seat as well. Veronica kept her eyes on him the entire time, recalling how uncomfortable attention from females made him and basking in his embarrassment. If there was one thing that Veronica loved to do, it was to embarrass her son. She reached for her glass of water and took a sip, raising her eyebrow at Nathan. "So, what is it? Hostesses not good enough for you?" She teased.

Nathan blushed a little harder now and leaned forward towards her. "You know that's not it, mother. She's...very pretty." Which was true. Gorgeous, blonde hair, big blue eyes, the nose of a pixie, she was his (and anyone's) type. "It's just...you know, I don't..."

"You still don't date, do you?" Veronica asked incredulously.

Nathan gave his mother a pathetic smile and half shrugged. Veronica leaned back into her seat and ran her fingers through her ponytail. "Unbelievable." She sighed, shaking her head at him. "Nathan, you're halfway to being 30. This is the time where you're supposed to be putting yourself out there, getting into the process of finding a serious relationship!"


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/24/2015 5:58 PM

Nathan crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Ah, so what you're saying is that I should be much more like you? You know," He gestured towards her. "The picture of monogamy." A slow grin spread across his face at his mother's hypocrisy, growing wider when she scowled back at him.

"My situation is different." Veronica said with a shrug, taking another sip of water. Nathan leaned back forward and rolled his eyes. Her situation? He knew just what she had been referring to. "You mean Hyperion?" Nathan scoffed. God, that jackass that his mother was, for some reason, madly in love with. Had been, and most likely would be, for years. It wasn't as if Hyperion had a bad personality, the guy was fun to be around, came from a good background, and could crack jokes until the cows came home, but it was the way that Hyperion had treated Veronica all of these years. Giving her empty promises of how once he was finished sewing his wild oats they would settle down together. And while granted, his mother had been seeing other people (perhaps too many people) just like Hyperion, Nathan could tell that she was getting more tired and tired of waiting for him with each passing day. "Yeah, I do mean Hyperion. Why do you say it like that?"

"You know why I say it like that." Nathan had been vocal in the past about Hyperion, but in true Veronica sense, she had always opted to ignore him or pretend there wasn't a problem.


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/24/2015 6:05 PM

Veronica stirred her drink with her straw, feeling a little argument coming along. Usually she jumped at the chance to put someone in their place, but not with Nathan. She hated arguing with him, half because he always gave such good retorts that made it hard to win and half (a little more than) because Nathan was her baby and arguing with him made her upset. But luckily before Nathan could elaborate, a waiter appeared, delivering them. "Good afternoon, welcome to Cafe de Vivre." He greeted, his gaze immediately doing a full body sweep of Veronica. Nathan shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "My name is Tyler. Have you guys decided what you'd like to eat?"

Nathan rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the menus. Tyler hadn't even bothered to look in his direction; he still had his eyes thoroughly fixed on Veronica, who beamed under his attention. "I think we'll just need a few more minutes, Tyler, if you don't mind." Nathan cut in, giving the man a cold stare. Tyler cleared his throat, nodded, and said a quick "I'll be back in a few minutes" before shuffling off in the other direction, embarrassed. Veronica gave a smug, innocent shrug. "Now, back to Hyperion."

Oh dear, she had been hoping they would have moved past him as a topic of conversation. "Nathan..." Veronica warned.


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/27/2015 4:10 PM

But Nathan's attention could not be diverted. "Mother please, don't tell me that you're still hung up on that douchebag." Veronica cringed; the only time that she had heard her son speak truly ill of someone was when he was talking about Hyperion. That's how much she knew her son despised the man. "I am not hung [i]up on him," Veronica replied unconvincingly, leaning back into her seat and folding her arms defensively. "He and I are just...you know, on and off."

Nathan snorted. "I don't remember the last time that you two have even been on." He pushed his water to the side. "In fact, if I recall correctly, you two have never actually been on. Just off. Him off doing whatever he wants to do and you-"

"Me doing whatever I want to do too!" Veronica interrupted. "And we've been on before, too." She insisted. "Maybe not like, on on, but we've been on." Nathan eyed her suspiciously for a moment, staring so deep into her eyes that she had to look away. Every time that he did that, she could tell, he was examining her expressions for any of her tells. Veronica hated when he read her like that, and her bastard son happened to do it very well. "No, you haven't." Nathan finally answered matter-of-factly. "You haven't been on. And you won't ever be on because he'll never be on board."


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/27/2015 4:16 PM

Veronica cleared her throat, her feelings a little hurt. "Jesus kid, think you could have been a little more harsh?" She asked, rubbing her arms comfortingly. Nathan sighed, realizing his error, and reached across the table and opening his palms for her to set her hands in. "You know I didn't mean it like that," He said apologetically. "I just mean...I just mean you're the only mother I've got. And I love you so, so much." At this, Veronica hesitantly placed her own hands in his, giving him an exasperated kind of look. "But it really pains me to see you let a man treat you like this. Putting you on the backburner. Because that's not the way you raised me, and that's not who you are."

Veronica sighed, her son squeezing her hands. God, the fucker was smart. And he was right. Veronica had always made it a point to push self esteem on Nathan as aggressively as she could, to stand up for himself when he needed to and not let anyone roll all over him. She had raised him to believe that he was worthy of anyone and anything in this world; it was what he attributed his success in the medical field to. "You know, kid, this isn't my first choice in relationships. Obviously I want to settle down with Hype and have the whole package, the whole thing, you know? And finally get mother off of my back." Veronica rolled her eyes. Blair was always on her ass about roping Hyperion down. But Veronica was barely even 20, Blair could stand to give her a break. "But that's just not in the cards for us right now. I wish it was, but it's not."


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/27/2015 8:55 PM

Nathan frowned, unsatisfied. "No, it's just not in the cards for him. And you shouldn't have to wait around for it to be 'in the cards' for him anyway, not when you're someone like you." Veronica let go of Nathan's hands, realizing that although she had felt she had done a good job of concluded their argument, her son was still far from moving past the topic. She hadn't wanted to spend the short time she had with him arguing over Hyperion, and Veronica could feel herself starting to patience a bit. "I know that you're trying to be protective, Nate, but you're going to have to trust that I can handle this on my own."

"But you're not happy this way!" Nathan withdrew his hands back defensively now as well, and although Veronica opened her mouth to fight back Nathan quickly started again with, "And don't say you are, because I know you and I know that you're not. Maybe you don't want to jump the broom right now but I see, I see that with every passing day you get closer and closer to being there. Am I wrong?" Veronica wanted to tell Nathan that he was, but she knew if she lied to him he would automatically call her out for it. So instead she narrowed her eyes and decided to go on the defensive approach.

"Why do you think you get to lecture me on waiting for love? Nathan you're twenty five years old and aren't any closer to settling down than when you were thirteen!"


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/30/2015 5:38 PM

Nathaniel did not look very impressed with his mother's sudden outburst, and knew that his new level of defensiveness only meant that Veronica was getting annoyed with him (and was losing the argument). "You know why I don't date, Mother." Nathan said, looking very tired now. Veronica didn't like to talk about Hyperion, and Nathan didn't like to talk about his love life at all. Veronica was an easygoing woman, but still had that mother gene inside of her that wanted her son to find someone to spend the rest of his life with. "No, I don't know why you don't date. All you ever do is give me that half-assed 'I'm too busy!' speech every time I ask."

"It's not half-assed, it's the truth. I just don't have the time for it, that's all." Being the physician to the royal family and one of the top in his field at the Skytaen hospital, Nathan was on call 24/7. In the past, it had always put such a serious strain on his relationships. "Women don't like it when I have to spend the majority of my days in the hospital or at the palace, and I have less time for them. A lot less."

"Well then you date someone in the same field as you!" Veronica offered. "Someone who understands the commitments you have because they're going through the same things that you are. Bam, solved."


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 04/30/2015 5:43 PM

"Not bam, not solved." Nathan replied, not able to help himself giving his mother an amusing grin. "Women in my field are always so busy too, and having two people in a relationship who are on call and away all of the time is just a waste of time." It wasn't as if he hadn't considered the prospect before; he absolutely had, there were plenty of eligible bachelorettes at the hospital. But Nathan wasn't the type of guy who just dated casually, and if he were to ever be in a serious relationship with another doctor of his caliber he was positive that it would only end badly, as all of his relationships in the past had. Intimacy was key, and you couldn't really have that with what he did. "So what?" Veronica demanded. "Are you just going to spend the rest of your life alone?"

Nathan grinned a little wider now. "Not alone, no. I'll be married." He picked up his glass of water and raised it a bit, as if giving a toast. "I'll just be married to my work." Veronica rolled her eyes at his lame humor and shook her head. "That's no way to live, honey. Just ask my father."


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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 05/27/2015 6:39 PM

Nathan wasn't sure exactly how it was that the initial conversation had looped itself into talk of Archibald Billings, but he wasn't at all surprised. As much as his mother loathed her father, and she did loathe him, she could not stop herself from speaking of him. Veronica enjoyed complaining about the Billings' patriarch whenever she had the opportunity, and now here she went. "I'm nothing like Grandfather." Nathan insisted. "I don't have a family, nor do I have any plans of beginning one any time soon, because I know that I couldn't be the best father that I could be to them with my career."

"But Nathan, you'll always be married to your career. Are you saying then that you'll never settle down and have a family?" Veronica asked. While he pondered this, she looked him up and down as quickly as she could. Though he bared no physical resemblance to his grandfather, and Veronica constantly thanked the Gods for it, there were pieces of Nate that were just like Archibald, whether he wanted to admit it or not. And that wasn't always necessarily a bad thing; Archibald and Nathan were both intelligent, quick witted, ambitious men. It was just that Archibald was also a huge dick.

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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 05/27/2015 6:57 PM

"Well, I won't have to think about settling down for a long time." Nathan finally decided, more to ease his own worries than his mother. His stomach rumbled as he remembered that all the while they had been sitting, arguing, they had forgotten to actually order something to eat. And the waiter with the wandering eyes was nowhere to be seen. "Do you know what you're having?" Nathan asked Veronica.

Veronica grabbed up her menu and flipped it open, her eyes immediately steering their way to the salad section. Her figure was important to her. "You know," Veronica said as she perused the section. "You don't have as much time as you think you have." Nathan looked absolutely exhausted that this conversation was still going to continue, but he opened his menu and without looking at her asked, "Oh? How do you figure?"

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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 05/29/2015 5:07 PM

Nathan sounded more than uninterested in whatever argument his mother was about to make, but that hadn't slowed her down one bit. A stubborn bitch, she was. "Most people you're age have practically found the person that they plan on committing to, Nathan. They've been courting for years and are nearing to taking the next step." She sipped her water daintily, then added, "Or they've already taken that step, and are taking the next next step, which is having children to drive you insane." Veronica teased.

"Nonsense." He responded, furrowing his eyebrows. "Most people my age don't have nearly anything figured out. At least I have a more than steady source of income and a solid foot in my career path. Doesn't that mean anything?" Veronica pretended to think before a moment before giving him a flat look. "No, of course not. You're not like normal people your age, Nate, do you forget? You're part of the aristocracy, the rules are different."

Nathan studied her face, waiting for it to betray her with some sign of joking. However, it didn't come, and he was disappointed. His mother had always rejected the noble ways, the expected noble customs, yet when it came to him she always seemed to hold him to such a higher standard than she held for herself. Perhaps that was just the way of mothers?

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Re: All I Wanted Was a Nice Lunch [Self][L]

Postby AuroraSky » 06/26/2015 10:36 AM

"Yes, Mother." Was all that Nathan could think to say. The man glumly stirred his glass of water, watching the ice cubes circle over and over again. After a few moments of his silence, Veronica could feel a bit of guilt start to creep in. She hadn't met to upset him, or to diminish his many accomplishments; she was always so proud of Nathan and would never want to make him feel otherwise. But before she could say so, the waiter was standing beside them again with a pen and pad in his hand. "Are you guys ready to order?" He asked brightly.

Veronica had forgotten that they were even in a restaurant, and was a little peeved that the waiter had come returned to them so late. If he had come a few moments earlier he could have stopped her from hurting Nathan's feelings. "Uh, yes we are." She said, snatching up her menu. She hadn't even really looked at it, but just decided on the first salad she could see. "I'll have the chilled lobster salad with the sweet summer corn." She asked politely to the very enthusiastic waiter.

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