A city of white and silver, doctors from all over the world come to converge here and find work. Hospitals of all kinds decorate the white walkways of the city. There are many notable ones you can visit if your pet is in need of some attention. (+3 Precision)

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Return to Medicai City

i'm confirming my presence today, yet again | open

Postby robopup24 » 12/04/2013 8:30 PM

The lulling white of the streets were beginning to make Althea uneasy. Crouched in an alleyway, taking care to duck her head whenever a passerby walked by, the Paragon figured that she much preferred the discomfort of the forest. Out here, despite her hood, she felt exposed.

It was a childish fear. In this form, she looked nothing more than a small, redheaded girl, hair messily tied into a long, bristling ponytail. There was no way to hide the unnatural golden hue of her eyes, however, or the glowing marks beneath them. Newt had bought her a mask a while back--a simple, featureless thing with eye and mouthholes--which she wore now.Though she threw it against the wall and shouted that she would never stoop to hiding her face, she gave in once the contract had been drawn.

Ah... maybe the contract was why she was here too. She hadn't felt too well once she let Senka go. Dizzy spells and sharp pains in her legs struck her without warning, making travel difficult for them. It became apparent that they'd have to find a doctor.

"--my lady."

The lizard was back. Newt, as polite and sickening as ever, held out his hand to her.

"Please let me--" he began, but Althea was already pushing herself up.

"I don't need your help," she said, even as she swayed. Newt didn't deign to respond. Good. She didn't need to hear his voice more than she needed to. "What did you get?"

"My lady. In the condition you're in, I figured that it'd be best to seek a doctor."

"I'm fine!" Althea winced as she stepped out into the harsh sunlight, shaking her head, swaying. "Can't waste... any time..."

"... you're bound to crash into someone like that."

"Let me walk by myself, lizard."

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Re: i'm confirming my presence today, yet again | open

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/04/2013 11:21 PM


As much as he disliked having to return home from his shift, only to get called back in a matter of less than two hours, Ente could not deny a request to return to the hospital. There had been a sudden increased number of emergency cases and a lack of staff over all at the hospital shortly after he had left, so they were dire need of capable hands. With motivation of people's lives and well being on the line, how could the doctor possibly say no even when he would be abandoning his prearranged plans and working over time?

The hospital was almost a madhouse, doctors and nurses rushing here and there, new emergency patients being dropped off almost continually. Given his unique talents, Ente was particularly helpful at identifying injuries and stabilizing the patients, which usually meant he was sent to tend to the patients in the most dire of situations first. He prided himself in his work, and held a great amount of compassion that allowed him to do his job, but even all that with his experience wasn't enough to stop him from wearing down after seeing so many in such difficult or unsightly states. It was painful to see a fellow person hurting so much.

When one of his colleagues arrived early for his shift, giving the hospital a set of fresh hands, he insisted that Ente at least take a break. They could handle things until he got back, since the more critical patients had already been seen. At first, Ente had made an effort to decline the offering, but had been forcefully persuaded in the end.

"Perhaps I should thank him," he mused to himself as he slowly strode down the sidewalk. Although he would never admit it, he probably needed a little rest.

Ente's priority, now, was to find lunch. He'd been working on a mostly empty stomach and that definitely needed to be remedied if he was going to return to work after his break. His venture lead him away from the emergency hospital and down the street, onto a crossroad that had a few restaurants that he commonly frequented for lunch, nestled between smaller hospitals and doctor's offices. The area was generally fairly busy, since most hospital staff, students and patient visitors also came to the area to eat, along with the patients of the directly local places.

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Postby robopup24 » 12/04/2013 11:44 PM

Doctors were a common sight in these streets. It was with this knowledge that Newt had scoured the city while he walked, though he'd been ordered only to procure medicines. He would not disobey a direct order from Althea. As her servant, however...

Lowering his hands, Newt continued with an amiable tone. "Please take a seat for a moment at least while I fetch you a drink. We've been on the road for some time."

Althea, bent over, bristled at his suggestion. She'd always been hot-tempered and impulsive. Yet, even though she hated to admit it, she knew that he always put her safety first and foremost. Her dislike was something he could bear so long as she was well. Maybe that only stoked her antagonistic feelings against him even more.

"... don't take too long." With those words of defeat, she sat down on a bench. Permission given, Newt gave a slight bow and broke out into a brisk pace.

Any doctor would do. But he needed someone discreet, who wouldn't ask too many questions or prod too far. If they got to be too troublesome it wouldn't bode well for either of them. In any case, it shouldn't be too hard to find a good Samaritan willing to help two weary travelers, would it?

Newt grabbed the first person he could see by the arm, offering a smile of apology.

"--sir, do excuse me. Are you a doctor?"

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Re: i'm confirming my presence today, yet again | open

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/04/2013 11:59 PM

As he walked, Ente found himself mildly debating about which restaurant to stop in at. He wasn't really in the mood for anything, nothing exactly sounded tasty at the moment, he just knew that he needed to eat if he wanted to stay in decent condition later on while he was working. That is to say, nothing sounded bad to him, either, he could have probably eaten anything without issue.

Deciding to give up on choosing a place based on his tastes, he headed to a place he felt had good pricing for the menu selection. He was on his way there, only a few yards away, when someone suddenly grabbed him by the arm. The doctor nearly pulled his arm away from the stranger, but didn't, when he heard the other man's words.

"Yes, I'm a doctor," he answered evenly, eyeing the man up and down briefly. Partially, he was weary, as most would be when suddenly confronted by a stranger on the streets, but he was also concerned. For a stranger to come up to him, seeking a doctor, that could very well mean that they needed his help. Which, as a  dedicated doctor, he could not ignore someone that needed help. "Is there something the matter?"

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Re: i'm confirming my presence today, yet again | open

Postby robopup24 » 12/05/2013 2:47 PM

Newt wasn't very imposing to look at. With his threadbare hood and worn, thin armor, he seemed like the sort to be a lost traveler or a pilgrim. Anything that might've drawn attention or warning had been sold off long ago, though he kept his sword strapped by his side. He didn't want to cause any alarm, however, if the man noticed it. With a grateful smile, he let go and kept his hands in sight, setting them by his side.

"Thank the Triumvirate. I'm sorry. I'm not sure where to turn." He ducked his head, bowing slightly. "It's my daughter. She's awfully sick, and we're low on money. I know it's rude of us to demand something from you so suddenly, but..."

It's not a complete lie. In any case, maybe introducing her as his daughter would help sway the doctor to their side.

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Re: i'm confirming my presence today, yet again | open

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/07/2013 6:13 AM

By appearances, it certainly didn't seem as though the stranger that had snatched up his attention was threatening. He appeared like a traveler or, at the very least, not someone that would normally be found in the bustling city of Medicai. He did not fail in noticing the sword the man sported, but wasn't concerned about it. Ente didn't treat the man in a manner that gave away his cautiousness, either, although he was just generally cautious as any person would be. One way or another, he was not impolite, nor was he really worried. In the worse case scenario, Ente did not doubt his own ability in taking care of himself. His magical abilities could be used for more than just healing.

As the man explained his predicament, a gentle smile appeared on the doctor's face. Newt would not even had to make up a lie in order to sway Ente to help. As any good doctor, his primary interest was in helping others. Money was no matter when it came someone in need.

"Say nothing more," he said, lifting up a hand, letting the man know that he need not continue. "I'll take a look and do what I can." What sort of doctor would he be otherwise?

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Re: i'm confirming my presence today, yet again | open

Postby robopup24 » 01/04/2014 2:42 PM

Genuine relief passed through Newt's face. He'd been worried about Althea's health since they arrived at the city--he had little hopes that they'd be able to secure a decent doctor and had been considering resorting to theft. That would've brought much trouble if they'd been-- he'd been caught, but this was much preferred. The Kuchi Nagi gave another bow, smiling this time.

"I thank you, sir. I have her resting in a safe place right now. Would you come with me?"

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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