A city of white and silver, doctors from all over the world come to converge here and find work. Hospitals of all kinds decorate the white walkways of the city. There are many notable ones you can visit if your pet is in need of some attention. (+3 Precision)

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After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/07/2013 9:03 PM



Strages glanced at the name brand watch on his wrist, noting the time, before slipping his long, pristinely white coat sleeve back down over it. Despite the warm weather, the man wasn't often found without a coat of some nature, it being some sort of fashion statement, perhaps, although he was never the most updated when it came to fashion. He wore what was comfortable and whatever unorthodox thing the mafia provided for him, which was the case currently. Since Aros had blown off the mission, it was left for Strages to take care of the task assigned to them by their mafia boss, Karkaine. He was supposed to make a deal with one of the hospitals, to form a contract to sell them blood that Hellia had acquired as payment from those that owed them. With the guise of a doctor, the white coat, a fake ID tag, the stethoscope, and all, even a pair of prescription-less glasses to complete the look, he easily blended in when he entered the hospital where he was supposed to meet with their client.

Inside, he was greeted, and smiled charmingly, something he could manage on cue after his years of practice. To this day, he had never forgotten what was most important in his life, but after that precious person vanished and he searched and searched all in vain, he threw himself farther into his work to prevent himself from wasting away entirely. Any pain he had, he locked away, beneath a figurative mask. Now, he could pretend to be anyone.

"I'm here to meet with Doctor Smith," he informed the receptionist and was soon pointed in the right direction. The deal was easy to strike up, once he met with the doctor  had just come out of the surgery room. They settled on a price and made arrangements for the products to be delivered, Strages not bothering to question what the doctor's intentions were with the blood once he received it. Whatever happened to it, rather it was used in surgeries, sold to blood drinkers, it was really none of his business once it left his hands.

Having no more business there once the contract was signed, Strages stepped out of the hospital's front doors and out onto the busy sidewalk,  mildly contemplating lunch. He didn't recall eating breakfast, nor dinner the night before, as he often forgot to do these days, but certainly, his daughters would get mad at him if he didn't eat something soon. They were always on his case for not taking better care of himself.

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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/07/2013 9:46 PM


It had been entirely too long since he'd been here. His eyes were still getting adjusted to the brightness. After being cooped up in a tiny little jailcell of a sickroom for nearly... well... almost two years... It was worth it, though. He'd made his peace with the 'Other Aaron' - they'd found a way to split. And he was himself. He didn't have anything else left of the other soul inside him. And it felt... Good. Granted, the price was hefty. He'd been sick. Really, really, really sick. But that was over now, and he had to find what had convinced him to undertake that in the first place. Hiking his coat up over his shoulders, and giving an involuntary shiver, he headed out into the streets from the cafe he'd been in. He didn't... LOOK any different. Well, maybe a little ashen from the left-over symptoms, but that was the price he had to pay. He thought back on the doctor's words in that other world... "You'll be susceptible to the weather, to minute changes in the environment, and may have a hard time adjusting to changes..." Well... A few fevers now and again, and some blurry eyes weren't going to stop him from finding what he was FINALLY well enough to search for.

In true Aaron style, he'd sort of... absconded before he was completely well. Once he wasn't bedridden, he'd checked himself out. They couldn't keep him there any longer. Now, though... his belly was full, his eyes were mostly clear, and other than the very low-grade fever running in the background, he was ready for the hunt, the search, whatever you'd call it.

He tucked his wallet back into his pocket, and fastened the chain to it. During the year and a half he'd been bedridden, he'd made a fair amount of money as an author under a pseudonym. Absently, he wondered if Strages ever READ any of his works. His stuff as 'DarkBlue' made him a small fortune... although most of it was about fantasies he'd had with Strages... and about the life he wished he hadn't missed out on. It was a desperate attempt to reach out to his beloved... even if the man didn't realize it. Pathetic really.

Putting aside those thoughts for now, he broke into a sprint down the street, checking his watch quickly to make sure of the time. It was late enough.... He'd have to stop searching soon, and move on to another area. Maybe today.. would be the day...
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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/07/2013 10:30 PM

After a pause and a refreshing deep breath of fresh air, the man disguised as a doctor started out down the sidewalk. At first, his pace was leisurely with his hands buried in his coat pockets, distracted by many thoughts of his past. He remembered the reason he had ever come to Medicai, back when he was first starting to learn a few things here and there for the sake of his sickly lover. He'd come more often in the last few years, when they started up a medical division in the mafia at Hellia's request. Along with the rest of his work, Strages had attended class and became a registered nurse, not having the time to pursue an official higher medical degree, though Hellia continued to further his medical education out of her own boredom when she lacked patients and she could con him into it. That woman was such a pain in the neck.

What was worse than her conning him into helping her, was when she compared him to character in a boys love romantic novel, which she had once even had him read after shoving it in his face multiple times. Although he had little interest in it initially, he'd read it, if only to make her shut up about it. What was worse, he couldn't deny similarities between the character and himself, though, of course, he vehemently denied such things to her face. He didn't need to hear, "You'd be just like him, if you were a real doctor," any more than he already did.

Abruptly, Strages shook his head, dispelling those annoying thoughts from his mind. His pace became brisk as he headed for a local cafe in the district. It was a common eatery for many of the doctors and nurses in the area, the food was pretty good for such an establishment, so he was bound to fit right in.

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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/07/2013 11:09 PM

Aaron was just turning the corner when he realized he'd forgotten the pills he had to take on the counter of the cafe. Technically, he didn't have to - but he might as well get the doctor off his back, and take them for a few weeks. He spun around on his heel, still jogging, and almost skidded to a stop when he saw someone else going into the cafe. ... His heart skipped a couple of beats, and he felt a rush of adrenaline, and a pain in his chest. Was it....

He came closer, and looked a second time. No.. there was no mistaking it. Even after all these years, he still remembered.. those eyes. Even if Strages changed every single thing about himself, he would still remember the way those eyes held his gaze. He broke into a faster run, calling out as he did so, biting his lip for a moment before he let out what he'd been keeping in.

"If you DARE walk in there without turning around, after this entire time, without giving me a chance to explain, I'm going to bite you so hard you won't even enjoy it!"
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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/08/2013 12:16 AM

It was only but a short walk to the cafe, Strages' sensitive nose easily able to pick up the scent drifting out when patrons entered and took their leave. The scent of food and coffee muddled up his senses, dulling the others scents around him. He went for the door, his hand wrapped around the handle when he stopped dead in his tracks, his ears perked up to the sound of a familiar voice. Although time had passed, that voice was something that the man could never forget. Of course, part of his mind was doubtful, considering the option that the words, the voice, was only a trick of his imagination. It wouldn't have been the first time he had thought he had heard what wasn't really there.

After a long moment without moving, an agitated party behind him loudly cleared his throat, "If you're going in, go in, if not, please get out of the way." It was those words that caused Strages to snap out of it. "Shut the hell up," he replied in a low growl without looking back at the stranger behind him. Instead, he released the handle and turned to face the direction of the other voice. The stranger tried to stop him, attempting to cause further conflict, but Strages shot him a deadly glare.

"Hm. Any bite would suffice, even if it killed me, after all this time." He shouted, not moving from his place as his most precious person came toward him. Despite his lack of action, he wasn't angry, in fact, he was too stunned to move. His heart skipped a beat and began to pound in his chest, an awfully painful sensation that he had lacked for a long time. "That damn well better be you, and you had better explain." Part of him wanted to rush out and meet him, to pull Aaron into his arms and not let go, but another part of him didn't want to move, didn't want to go back to the source of the only pain that actually hurt him.

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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/08/2013 12:29 AM

Aaron took off at full speed after he heard and confirmed the voice of his beloved one. Tears actually flowed from his eyes as he ran at him, and wrapped his arms around him, before just... kissing him. Kissing him, drinking him in, eyes closed, tears flowing, hands searching. He never wanted to let go. But need for air meant that he had to.

"... I'm home." he whispered. "I'll explain everything. I promise, just... don't... don't let go right now. Don't turn around, don't turn away. Just... hold me. Right here, right now."

He had to whisper, because his voice would have cracked if he hadn't.

"... I thought that was you..." a soft attempt at a laugh, as his eyes lifted to meet Strages'. "I'd recognize those beautiful eyes anywhere."
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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/08/2013 12:54 AM

Upon Aaron's impact, Strages' body moved completely on its own, wrapping his arms tightly around the other young man, pressing him tightly against his own body, holding him there as if he would never let him go. He didn't have to be told to hold him, he was afraid to let him go, afraid he would vanish again if he did, but he couldn't quite admit that to himself. As they kissed, he drank in the other's deliciously intoxicating scent, something he had longed for all this time. Against his better judgement and his attempts to hold it back, he felt his own eyes grow moist, although he couldn't let the tears fall.

With their embrace, he began to stroke the other's hair in a gentle, soothing manner. "Shh, don't cry. I'm here, it's all right. I wont go anywhere." Strages never went anywhere. He was always waiting, always searching, just as he had always done when Aaron had up and vanished for any amount of time, something for the other man to always come back to, no matter what happened.

Though his facial expression was difficult to read when Aaron's eyes turned their gaze onto him, his eyes were strangely gentle, an expression that was only saved for this person. Despite himself, he chuckled softly. "I didn't believe it was you at first... With how long you were gone this time, I ought to kill you for worrying me. I... thought you were dead in a ditch somewhere." His words may have been harsh, but his hold on his lover never loosened in the slightest.

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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/08/2013 1:10 AM

"I can... and will... explain." he murmured, burying his head against Strages' shoulder. "Oh Jes... You have no idea how good it is to see you." he said, using the old nickname. "I missed you. I missed all of them. Our family... "

The tears still flowed freely. "I want to tell you what happened... but not here. Not in the streets, not in front of everyone..." He rested against his love, feeling his warmth and being comforted by it. It had been... SO LONG since he'd been held.

"Let's go... somewhere. Somewhere private - alone. Without prying eyes. I want to tell you what happened... please, let me explain. And yeah... You should kill me." He looked up again, eyes glistening with tears, and his fingers just clutched at Strages' clothing as if he'd never let go.
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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/08/2013 1:33 AM

With one hand, Strages began to wipe away the tears as they flowed down the other's face, still fighting to hold back his own. He couldn't cry, too, because then neither of them would ever stop. It would be a deadly, never ending cycle, until they were unable to shed another tear. "Our children, those that still decided to stay home, they are doing well." Their three daughters, Intre, Nardat, and Ivi, as well as their sons, Adze and Liam, and their grandson, Vivax, were all still around all the time. Albeit, Strages had uprooted his family and moved them into a larger home, something equivalent to a mansion, so that they would have enough space to live happily. In such a large home, they would have been able to have their own families, too, if they wanted. "But we moved."

Certainly, passersby were staring at the two as they embraced, refusing to release one another, but Strages didn't give a damn. He'd sooner rip out someone's throat than let Aaron go. "Somewhere private... It would be the fastest just to get a hotel in the area, then. Shall we? I know the perfect place." Often enough, he stayed in the area for business, so he'd racked up his favorite hotel's equivalent to frequent flyer miles. Besides, though he was willing to ignore his hungering stomach, he was well aware that Aaron would also berate him if he found out he hadn't eaten in so long and tried to keep going on without it.

Without waiting for a reply, he took Aaron's hand in his own, gently uncurling it from his clothes and lacing his fingers between his. Public displays of affection weren't always his thing, but he needed this. He then pulled Aaron's hand toward his mouth and kissed it, the corners of his mouth twisting into something of a smile. "I wont kill you, but I might do something else. We'll see." His voice was low. "Shall we go? There is... much to discuss."

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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/08/2013 1:59 AM

Aaron nodded, his fingers not leaving Strages' for the longest time. He thought, though, as they walked, he might as well... clue the man in on something he'd been doing at least. Plus, it was his favorite quote from Like You, Like I - the first book in the Eventide series for his novels - so named for the fictional city they were set in. He kept his voice low, but loud enough for Strages to hear.

"As they walked hand in hand, Nick couldn't help but thinking to himself that this was perfect. The night sky up above, the cool wind of summer turning to fall, and the soft and steady pad of their feet on the pavement as they made their way to a place where secrets, surely, would be told. Of course, since it was Vander who was doing the telling last time, Nick felt it was his turn. Especially after that last fiasco in the hospital hallway..."

He trailed off - after having just given one of his favorite paragraphs out of the third chapter. His fingers curled a little more tightly around Strages', but he didn't say anything. The man was bright enough to figure it out on his own.. but if he asked, Aaron would tell him.

It felt... nice. To be with him again, felt lighter - somehow much more.. bright. Which was saying something. But then again - it was ALWAYS like this when Strages and he were together. Always had been, always would be. And the family was doing well... that would have been Aaron's next question. Right now though? ... He wanted to spend this time with the mate he hadn't seen in far, FAR too long. And just in case Strages was looking... He was still wearing the ring. He had never even THOUGHT about removing it.
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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/08/2013 2:36 AM

As they released one another, all save for their entwined hands, Strages adjusted the spectacles, pushing them up to sit comfortably on the bridge of his nose. They may have only been a prop for his current disguise, but it was annoying to have them sitting too low. Their walk was silent and, even then, his heart hadn't settled in the slightest. They didn't necessarily have to fill the silence either, simply capable of enjoying being in the presences of one another, and he actually needed the time to sort out his thoughts. His actions, his words, they were all habitual, natural reactions that occurred because of Aaron and how much he loved him, even now, but that didn't replace the pain that he felt. He was elated to be beside him again, and he had undoubtedly already forgiven him, no strings attached, but some things still stung.

When Aaron began to speak softly, he didn't say a single word. For some reason, the words were familiar, but he couldn't place it exactly. Though, when a certain name was mentioned, Strages' eyes grew wide for an instant and a shiver ran down his spine. His gaze shifted sideways toward his mate. "You didn't," his words came without thought. If he had more faith in the Gods of Evelon, he probably would have sworn to them just then. "If you're telling me that you became a novelist in our time apart, and you used me as a character... I'm never going to hear the end of it." He would already imagine Hellia's smug expression, as if she wasn't difficult enough to deal with already! Sometimes, it was annoying to have become a part of the medical division. Of course, a bit of a smile slipped onto his face, anyway, though it only raised even more questions.

One way or another, they ended up at the front of one of the more grandiose hotels in the area, Strages unclipping the fake ID tag from his coat and slipping it into an unused pocket. Though it may have been shocking, he didn't actually use a fake alias for renting out hotel rooms, at least not here. He approached the check in without releasing his mate's hand. "Excuse me, I need a room, although I don't have a prior reservation."

"Oh, good evening Strages. It's been awhile. How are you this evening? Would you like your usual suite? It is available." The woman behind the desk was beautiful and chipper, but the man didn't seem to notice either detail, nor had he ever. Her gaze shifted to Aaron and their joined hands, but shot back to Strages when he replied.

"Ah, I'm doing well. They're working me to the bone and I am missing my breakfast and lunch because of it. Nothing new. My usual suite would be great." He procured a card from an inner pocket, offering it up to be charged with a smile unfamiliar to real Strages. If he didn't act polite in these situations, his long existing facade would be broken. In these situations, he had to be the charming actor and nurse. "I'll need immediate room service. Just have them send over the chef's special for the day. I suspect the room will already be stocked with my preferences?"

"Yes, yes, of course," she replied as she charged the card and handed it back over. "I'll have them rush right over. Is there anything... special that you may need?"

"No, we're fine, thank you."

After that was over, he didn't waste any more time, leading Aaron away to the elevator without another word. With that brief engagement, he wondered if his mate would feel a pang of jealousy, as it was evident the female receptionist had a bit of a thing for him, enough to remember his hotel preferences and carter to them flawlessly.

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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/08/2013 3:09 AM

Aaron hadn't been away so long that the bond they shared faded. He felt the irritation in Strages.. just as Strages probably felt the small nip of jealousy in Aaron. Just a nip. But Aaron was nothing if not protective and possessive. He paused just before they reached the elevator and the lady left, to lock lips with Strages.... One eye open, making damn sure she saw before he drew back with a bit of a sinister chuckle.

"Yes. I did become a novelist while I was bedridden. It was... an experiment. That worked out. That may or may not have been solely based on what I'd like to do to you, given the time and opportunity to do so."

He swung his hand a bit, before looking into Strages' eyes, and then back down to the floor as they got on the elevator.

"I might as well start NOW.... I left to break ties with the spirit. And.. And I. WE ... Succeeded. I won't be plagued by the heart issues anymore, I won't be troubled by the visions, I won't lose contact with my senses... It's all fixed. But in return... I had to pay a hefty price. For almost two years, I..."

Here, he bit his lip, and tightened his grip slightly.

"I lay in bed on the edge of death. My body had to adjust to living like that - alone like that. Without the other soul to bolster or aid me. I had to endure torture to make it stick. And the only thing that kept me going was thinking about you. Planning what I Was going to say when I got back, missing the kids...." He licked his lips, moistening them. "I finally got out of bed - er... well.. checked myself out of bed, actually - about half a week ago. I've been looking for you at the spot we last saw each other every day since then."
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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/08/2013 3:59 AM

The kiss came as an abrupt surprise, but he kissed back nevertheless, chuckling as well, when they broke apart. "You really didn't have to do that. I haven't even dreamed of being with anyone else and it might make the news, 'famous actor Strages locked in a passionate kiss with an unidentified man.'" He didn't really take the words to heart, he could care less what the world thought of him, but he didn't want to draw too much unwanted attention, for the sake of privacy. Throwing himself into his work, that meant every aspect of it, including expanding his cover up career of acting. It was so easy to become well known. "No one needs that attention."

"You have an awfully vivid imagination," he commented, in regards to his novels, once the elevator doors closed behind them. "I am going to assume that they are based on your fantasies." Then, he feel silent once more, listening to Aaron's explanation. As the other man described what had happened, he frowned, and it only continued to deepen.

"You should have told me what you planned to do," he finally said, after a long moment of processing. He was vaguely thankful that the suite he had requested was located on the top floor, the elevator ride giving him plenty of time to wrap his head around his mate's words and come to his own conclusions. Maybe if he had been told, he could have done something, anything for him, in the time that he was gone. It wouldn't have hurt so bad when he had found that his fiance had vanished, had he known what he had intended to do. "I'm glad that you're all right now." If there was one thing to be thankful for, it was that. More than thankful, he was actually incredibly relieved.

When the elevator dinged, declaring that they had reached their floor, he pulled his hand away, abruptly and effortlessly scooping up his companion in his arms, as he had done in the past. "Even if you were healthy enough to check yourself out, you are not at one hundred percent. Let me take care of you until you recover." It was so very much like Aaron to push himself more than he should, even if he hadn't entirely recovered yet.

Strages carried him much like a groom would a bride down the hall, attracting the attention of the odd guest here and there that they passed. When they reached the suite, they were greeted by a male staff, which gave the couple a peculiar look before clearing his throat. "Your order will be here shortly. I have your key cards here." For a moment, the staff didn't seem to know what to do with the two cards that he held out, before settling to offer them to Aaron, as he was the one with the available hands to take them. "If you'd excuse me." He dismissed himself quickly, not farther interested in interrupting.

"All sorts of attention," Strages mused quietly. He hadn't recalled how much attention the two of them could draw toward them when it came to public places.

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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/08/2013 4:11 AM

Aaron just laughed, and took the keycards, winking up at Strages as he did so.
"Of course we attract attention. Two admirably hot gentlemen, at least one of them reasonably dressed, and a couple to boot? I'm surprised we don't have a book written about us." He paused here, and leaned up to nip lightly at Strages' ear, just like he used to. "Oh wait. We do."

His hands reached up to lightly tangle in the man's hair. "It's grown..." he murmured. "I like it. More to grab." That last one was mostly a joke, shown as Aaron chuckled, and relaxed into his love's chest, content to be carried. He didn't weigh much. Then again, almost two years of being on death's door tended to do that to someone. "So... I know it won't be easy... and we can't start off like I was never gone, but... Will you give me another chance? There's no need to leave now. I don't have to share my body... it's all yours. And those damnable heart issues are gone too..."

Excitedly, he continued. "And with my books selling the way they are, I can afford to help take care of the family now, too. And maybe... just maybe... have some extra to play around with?"
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Re: After All This Time [Private] [M]

Postby ToxicShadow » 08/08/2013 4:52 AM

A low growl, similar to a purr, rumbled in Strages' throat as his ear was nipped at, yet another sensation he hadn't felt for some time. "Perhaps we ought to be models instead." It was only a joke, but they probably could make a good living doing that, too, especially as an item. Not all men were comfortable acting as a couple with other men, so being a genuine couple could have some advantages, though the obvious disadvantage because they wouldn't pose with anyone else. They were both far too protective and possessive for that.

"Isn't it evident that I have already given you another chance?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he gazed down at the other man's face. "If I didn't intend to give you that, I would have had nothing to do with you. Although, I do like that your body is only yours and mine." His smirk was cunning.

There were considerably lucky that the staff had at least opened the door for them before they scurried away, and Strages quickly retreated inside. The inside of the hotel suite looked grand, having an entire kitchen and living room area, with a connected bedroom containing the largest bed size available, a jacuzzi bath and a balcony that overlooked the city. Apparently, as he stayed in the room even by himself, he liked the life of luxury. It wasn't the largest suite, but he didn't feel that one with a second bedroom and bath would be necessary, given that he didn't intend to let his mate out of his sight now that he had him again.

Deciding not to imply that he was rushing into things, Strages lowered Aaron onto the plush sofa in the middle of the room, before settling in beside him. "With your books selling, I could also afford to take time off again, I'm sure. We're pretty well off now and I've saved up a lot. We moved into a mansion. Many of our children have chosen their own careers, too. I became a registered nurse as a formality while you were gone." Some things really had changed, but, in essence, they all remained the same.

As he spoke, he removed the glasses, folding them up and setting them on the side table beside them, and sighed. "I'm surprised you haven't said anything about my appearance or what I was actually doing in Medicai."

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