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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Middy » 07/22/2015 7:53 PM

"I don't think there is any need to give me an examination, Luminare, but you seem to insist that we do so. You being a cardiologist and all, will just keep worrying about my heart health until I let you, is this correct?" Avery smiled weakly back at him, a little on edge about seeing Luminare perform his doctor duties on him, when they were supposed to have a romantic time out. Dragging work back into the scene made his stomach churn just a little, but at the same time he was happy that someone wanted to look after him, instead of vice versa.

He was quite enjoying the attention the cardiologist was giving his hand, enjoying the fact that it wasn't because someone was scared, or wanted to squeeze it for comfort while he was going over their procedure. Damn... work... why couldn't his mind just leave the hospital and focus on what was happening?

"I still think it would be nice to go back to your place, have some wine, and get to know each other on a more intimate level," he put his free hand on Luminare's, "As your new boyfriend... I never did ask on where you stand in a relationship. Are you more... dominant, or submissive?"
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/23/2015 4:28 PM

The doctor laughed a bit, and blushed just slightly for the first time in this conversation. "I'm a switch." he said quietly. "I can do either. Most-often I'm sub, though." He reached up with his free hand to scratch the bridge of his nose in a rather nervous, fiddly gesture. "Which do you prefer?"

He was interrupted from having to ask more by the arrival of their food. The fajitas sizzled in the pan as they were set down before him, the server warning that the play was 'scalding hot' and not to touch it for a bit, before she started setting out the condiments. Once that was done, the plate with the two tacos was set down, and the server left to retrieve both tortilla soups, while another one approached to set down Avery's enchiladas with a similar warning of a hot plate.

Luminare licked his lips, opened his stack of tortillas, and started to build one with just ground meat, and a couple of the condiments. There was ground beef, chicken, shrimp, and grilled veggies on the hotplate to choose from, obviously. Luminare choose the meat first. He figured he'd let Avery answer the question he'd posed, and looked up at him expectantly, taking a big bite of his filled tortilla.
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Middy » 07/23/2015 5:20 PM

Avery had to think on it for a moment, trying to figure out which position he liked best in a same sex relationship. Before he could give his reply, their food had arrived, his gut rumbling more from hunger. Everything looked so good, and he was eager to dig in, but oh, not until he answered Luminare. He had to wait for his food to calm down, so that seemed like as good a time as any. "I... well I could switch too. I was always the sub whenever I was dating a guy so... it depends really," he could feel himself blushing, so went back to blowing the steam off his enchiladas.

He was actually getting more and more excited about what would take place when they went back to Luminare's, but there was a tinge of nervousness in there too. "Mmm... Luminare, I'm... anxious to get to your place now. We could... get to know each other better, and perhaps... you could still listen to my heart there? Just without being so clinical? If you know what I mean."
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/24/2015 3:28 PM

Luminare laughed a bit, and mentioned something along the lines of 'Nobody said it was strictly medical'. The meal passed in quiet conversation, and by the end of it Avery knew a great deal more about Luminare than anyone else on the staff did. He knew that he had aspirations to take over as Head of Cardiology at some point. He knew he had a rather annoying habit of looking for symptoms of things in virtually everyone - product of his medical school training that he'd never really let go of. He also knew that Luminare's interest in Avery had actually be going on for quite a while, and he was surprised that the man had said yes.

By the time they were finished eating, and Luminare had paid for them both, they were at least partially more awake than they had been previously. Awake enough to catch a bus to Luminare's apartment complex, and ride the elevator up to the room. D323.

The place wasn't luxurious, even though it was fairly decent-sized. There was a simple couch, a coffee-table shaped like a dog, a small kitchen, a laundry room, and a large round bed settled by the window in the corner, next to a simple desk with a computer on it. The computer was sitting on a pile of books, and more books were stacked beside it, and on the desk, along with a basket for papers. The computer was off.

"Well... My humble abode." Luminare said once he and Avery were inside, and he'd locked the door behind them. "The most expensive thing in here is that bed." there was a soft grin at that. "I do love a nest-bed."
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Middy » 07/26/2015 5:40 PM

It was quite a nice apartment all things considering, not like his own that was barely touched due to his long hours at work, coupled by the fact that he didn't cook at home often and usually used it for bathing and sleep. Luminare's on the other hand, looked well lived in, but clean. He couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy hit him as he thought that the cardiologist got to spend more time at home than he got to, but now was not the time to feel envy towards his now boyfriend.

"You have such a nice place, and the bed very cozy looking," he mused, taking a seat on the couch to rest just a bit more, of course hoping that Luminare would join in next to him. "I see you get to spend more time at home than I, am I right?" he patted the cushion of the couch next to him, inviting the cardiologist over, "Now that we are here, how would you like to get to know me?"
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/26/2015 5:57 PM

Luminare quirked a brow a bit. "Ah... no. I spend hardly any time here, other than for sleep." he said, laughing a bit. "The other members of my household use this place as they like. Although, they know to leave it clean, and not come in when the door's locked." he chuckled. "I spend almost all my time at the hospital, so days like today are... well.... unique."

He crossed over to sit next to Avery, reaching out to put his hand on his leg, before leaning forward, and giving him a soft kiss. "We can start however you like. The place is ours so long as the door is locked. We can sleep, we can cuddle, we can watch a movie... whatever it is you want to do. I just want a listen at your heart eventually."

Trailing his fingers down Avery's arm, he took his hand in his own, and kissed the back of it. "Perhaps while you're resting in the bed, and we're talking? Or perhaps we can start with a nice massage? I've had a few lessons."
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Middy » 07/30/2015 1:11 AM

"So it is much like my own home situation, I am so busy that I use it just to cook and sleep," he gave a little chuckle at yet another similarity between them. Seems like they had a lot of strange things in common, which is probably why they were so close. As for their interactions at the moment...

"Luminare, I'm not usually one to take things that slow. I kind of... like jumping into the passion" Avery turned towards Luminare, enjoying the gentle touches he was giving him at the moment, but wanted more. He reached out and pulled him closer, holding him in his arms as he pressed his lips against, not daring to pull away for a few moments, but he had to. "I do want you Luminare, so we can go at any pace you want. I like it fast but passionate," he still kept his tight embrace of the cardiologist, his heart beginning to beat faster from excitement. He had hoped that the other wanted to do things fast paced as well, and just because he liked things to happen quickly, didn't mean it couldn't be filled with passion.
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 07/30/2015 8:33 PM

"And here I was reserving myself, because I didn't want to scare you off." Luminare said with a laugh, adjusting himself so that he was essentially on all fours on the bed. He pushed Avery down a bit, and went straight for another kiss, trailing them down his arms, first, then his hands, and then down his throat, to his shoulder. "Take this off." he growled lightly under his breath, tugging at the collar of his shirt. There was plenty of room on the bed to maneuver. Luminare hadn't been here to sleep in days, and it was still quite neatly made.

"I think I might be feeling a little dominant today." he admitted with a soft laugh, leaning forward to lick Avery's throat, whether or not he happened to be taking off his shirt, possibly making the task that much more difficult. "It's been a rough couple of days, so that could... very well be it." Clothed or not, Luminare couldn't help himself anymore, and started stripping off his own shirt, shucking the pants shortly afterward, and kicking his shoes off, leaving him in underwear and socks.

He wasn't bad to look at, despite a few scars on his back, shoulders, and arms. Well-toned, and very nicely sculpted, full of lean muscle and primarily-smooth skin. There was even a slight tan, but it was very slight. Of course... he worked in the hospital, and very rarely saw the light of the sun other than on lunch break.
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Middy » 07/30/2015 9:41 PM

Avery shivered at the contact of those butterfly kisses all over his body, causing it to heat each time he was touched by the other doctor. It had been so, so long since he was touched like that. The very same contact that made him feel wanted, important. "Mm... okay," he whispered, closing his eyes in pleasure as Luminare licked his throat, his own hands busy with undoing his shirt, tossing it carelessly to the side to reveal creamy pale skin. "Good to hear that you are willing to take the dominant role," he said with a soft chuckle.

While Luminare was busy removing his clothing, Avery mirrored his actions by undoing his tie and tossing it in the same direction his dress shirt landed, followed by kicking off his shoes and socks. He stopped for a moment to look over Luminare's body, heat now pooling down south. Man, he didn't expect him to be so well built, making him a bit embarrassed by his own lean body. While he looked on, he began to remove his slacks, pulling them off all the way and tossing those to the growing pile of clothes.

He debated if he should remove his boxers as well, but felt like he wanted Luminare to tell him when. The surgeon was already excited enough to go on, but part of him wanted to be completely dominated.
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/01/2015 1:14 AM

Something in Luminare realized that the other man wanted this, wanted him to be the boss here. So he didn't mind obliging. He trailed his hand down Avery's right arm, and gripped his wrist, taking both of them, and holding them above the other's head with one hand, while his other gripped his chin, and kissed him, hard. He straddled him, almost sitting on his midsection, and leaned forward to nip at his ear, and tug at it lightly with his teeth.

Meanwhile, his free hand was trailing downward, over his neck and shoulders, up and down his sides, and finally down his belly, and under the hem of his underwear, leaving it there for a moment before he started to play with the organ still enclosed. He had a suspicion that Avery was into the sort of stuff that he usually liked, so if Avery wanted a dom? A dom he'd be. His first order of business was to move down a little, and lightly nibble at his shoulders and neck. If he wanted the bite... he'd get the bite. But right now, he was testing the waters.

"Is this what you want?" he asked, hissing very close to his ear. "Do you want me to take you like this? Tell me what you want, Avery, and I'll do it. Anything. Just name it."
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Middy » 08/01/2015 6:54 PM

Avery wiggled underneath him, his face still flush with excitement and lust. The kisses he received only proved to add to it, reaching up to pull Luminare down as he gave him a rough kiss, fingers twisting in his hair. When his lover pulled away to nip at his ear, he couldn't help but moan, especially when those wandering hands began to explore his body. "Luminare.." he breathed, his expression turning into one of bliss, "I want this, I want you. I don't care how you take me, so long as we... become joined," he blushed, purposely dodging around anything too blunt.

He would tell him what he wanted in time, but for now he would let Luminare do as he wanted until he asked him again. Truth be told... he didn't know what he wanted, all he knew is that he wanted his now lover to take him, toss him into a world full of passion. Avery took this moment to quest his own hands down the cardiologists body, tucking his fingers under the band of the other's underwear, letting him know that he was more than ready to take it a step further.
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/01/2015 10:15 PM

"Oh, I fully plan... on being joined." he murmured close to Avery's ear. He trailed kisses up and around most every part of Avery's body, smoothing his hands up and down the skin as he went. When he finally did make love to Avery... it was at once hard and slow, passionate and relaxed, and completely and totally taking over the younger male in every sense of the word. His need outweighed the cautious, medical mind, and resulted in being a little more forceful in his passion than he might have meant to be.

When he was finished, he stood, albeit a little on the wobbly side. Bringing towels back for the both of them, as well as some moist towelettes, he cleaned them both with tender care, and collapsed beside Avery, still very naked, and still extremely aroused. Of course, what he didn't tell Avery (not that it needed saying) was that the night was young, he had time off, and that was only round one.

"Are you okay?" he asked, once he got his breath fully back, drawing the other man into his arms. "Not too rough? Did you... like it? If you did... give me a little... and we can do that again."
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Middy » 08/02/2015 7:44 PM

Avery laid there on the bed, out of breath and completely overtaken by post coital bliss. Luminare was so... passionate in bed, taking him hard but gentle and loving at the same time. Not once had any of his past lovers treated him like this, or had made sure to give him the satisfaction he needed instead of just focusing on themselves. No, he was treated as an equal, and gave him everything and then some. He even made sure to clean them up afterwards, to remove any discomfort of feeling dirty-- not that Avery really cared at the moment if they were filthy or not.

The surgeon sat up, feeling a tad sore from not being used to sexual activity yet, and looked at Luminare, his eyes tracing up and down his body. It seems like he was still ready for more, and he had to be honest that he was too. "Lumi... that was... amazing. I--I don't think I've had sex that great in well... ever," he smiled sweetly to him and returned the embrace, "I would love to go again but... Luminare... when we did that you-- you actually thought of my needs at the same time. I don't think that--- I've ever had that before. Thank you."
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 08/02/2015 11:12 PM

Luminare just... held him, running his fingers up and down his spine, occasionally tangling in his hair. When he did speak next, his voice was... soft. Warm.

"Avery... A relationship isn't just about one person. I know that." he smiled at him. "If the others you've been with didn't, well... they weren't any good at it. Thank you for the compliment, though." He chuckled, and kissed him again, scooting back a little to put his hand on Avery's chest... then eventually, his ear. Laying like that with the other man's heartbeat beneath him was at once soothing and arousing. Of course, he was being extra-careful not to hurt Avery with his weight, just... listening to the beat of his heart.

Slowly, he slid his hand down Avery's arm, and twined their fingers together. "Let me just.... lay like this for a bit, alright?" he asked, snuggling into Avery's chest.
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Re: .:Medical Shenanigans [P: Arri] M:E

Postby Middy » 08/06/2015 8:01 PM

"It wasn't just about that either, so often I had folks... cheat on me. It always took some time for me to figure out that they were sleeping with others behind my back, but when I did find out I--- lost it," he gave a sigh, feeling stupid for even bringing such a thing up. Avery always had some deep seated trust issues, mostly stemming from his childhood and up into adulthood when he had so many unfaithful lovers. "Luminare, I trust you enough to remain faithful to me..." he gave another yawn, enjoying the warmth from the other on his chest.

If he were to be betrayed once more, then it would only mean that his brother was right. Damn Abel, it was his fault that he always beat himself up over everything, and only began to stand on his own and gain some confidence once he ran away from home that night. For now, he would push those thoughts from his head and remain happy for now. He had finally got a boyfriend again after three years, he wasn't going to screw this one up.
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