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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 08/09/2009 4:07 PM

Deep breathes, deep breathes. That didn't help. Thinking that just made him laugh harder. Okay, he had to stop. He really did. He could just hear his sister's voice in his head, screaming at him to tell her what was so funny. She'd think he was laughing at her if she was there and would start fixing anything that she thought out of place. Okay, he had to get serious, he had to...His thoughts were broken of by more laughter. He couldn't keep thinking about it. He'd really done it this time.

Zadar had finally pulled himself into a sitting position. He had noticed Kirye had started laughing too, but he had no idea why. he hated it when something was funny and he didn't get it. But that was probably how she felt right then. "Sorry, sorry. Oh jeez, I'm so sorry, really I am." He winced a bit 'cause his chest and stomach were throbbing. "You are the first person to actually like my stutter. My sister finds it obnoxious and my dad is always trying to fix that. And you, a complete stranger almost, has actually accepted it. Sorry, I can't get over how random it is." He giggled a bit more before the laughter actually died and he was left grinning and breathing hard.

((I love him. He's so cute I want to squish him to death, but I won't 'cause his dad would kill me XD))

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 08/09/2009 6:26 PM

Kirye smiled, happy to finally have her answer. She let out another short laugh, but did not allow herself to have another laughing fit. She was already hurting enough from the last one...but a good kind of hurt.

It's ok. No need to apologize. Actually, I haven't laughed this much in...oh, I don't even know how long! You see, if someone near me is laughing, I can't help but laugh as well. So actually, I need to thank you. You just brightened my day.

She frowned a bit at what he said about his father and sister, but then her smile quickly returned. Hmm. I don't see why anyone would try to fix your stutter. I seriously do think it's cute. Besides, when you care about someone, you should be able to accept them just the way they are...right?


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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 08/09/2009 7:40 PM

Zadar listened to her laugh again. She had a nice laugh. So she hadn't laughed that long in a while either. That was something they had in common then. "Happy to help." he told her. Well, at least he had done something right that day.

"My dad does care about me. Only really bad fathers don't care about their kids. he just wants me to have friends and stuff and be brave and such. I have breedings lined up, more than my sister actually which scares me a bit and makes her jealous. I sneaked into her diary once and it said that I was more attractive than her. Now that really scared me." He shivered at the thought. The thing that he hadn't said was that he had breedings lined up with other males. He was surprised his father hadn't said anything to that. "And my sister not liking my stutter, well...I wouldn't expect anything less from her. She's an older sister--by only a few minutes--and sees herself as more mature. So technically I'm her baby brother."

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 08/10/2009 11:10 AM

Kirye suddenly realized that she had made it sound like she thought his family didn't care about him. Which was so untrue. I mean, who couldn't care about this lovable kuhna standing (or sitting) next to her? He was just so easy to care about...Kirye had only known him for a very short while, and she was already starting to care about him...which was odd for her.

Oh, I didn't mean that your dad doesn't care about you. I'm sure he does, and your sister too. I realize that may have come out wrong. I just always thought that the people who cared about you should be open and accepting of you. Although, she shrugged. I wouldn't know from experience.

Kirye cocked her head to the side, curious at what Zadar had said. How would having more breedings than your sister scare you? And, although I haven't seen your sister, I wouldn't be surprised if you were more attractive. You are quite attractive. And I really mean that...I'm not just flirting. And I don't see how anyone could think of you as a baby. You're actually...quite a bit more mature than many of the guys that follow me around, in more than one way.

((Me thinks that Kirye may have a bit of a crush on Zadar))


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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 08/10/2009 2:25 PM

"Oh, yeah, I know what you meant. I'm like that." That's why he never cried when his sister yelled at him. He was good at deciphering messages in stuff that people said. His sister may say that he was the most annoying and obnoxious brother in the world, but she really mean that he was the most adorable and lovable brother in the world. He hadn't taken any offense to what Kirye had said. He had just known what she meant. "I'm pretty sure you wouldn't say something like that, and really mean exactly what you said, to me." But he could be wrong. He'd heard of people with secret identities, people in movies and stuff.

There were multiple ways having more breedings than Zila would scare him. "Well, it means I'll probably have more chances than her to have kids, and then have more kids than her. And I don't really see myself as a father figure, you know. I'll have to take on responsibilities and that means no more fun, no more playing, I'll rarely be able to go anywhere while they're still young and that'll probably be the only time I'll want to get out of the house since they'll always be whining and calling me and wanting to play, and I usually play rough when I play with someone else, which is mostly my sister. And I'm probably better at playing by myself than with something smaller and much more fragile than me."

Okay, so maybe she thought he was attractive, but that doesn't mean...Wait. Did she just...She did, didn't she...Wow. He wasn't sure if he should be grateful. Heck, he wasn't even sure if it was meant to be a compliment. Truthfully, he was a bit afraid, but there was no way he was going to say that to her. "I really don't know what to say to that." And he was more mature too? Now that he really couldn't believe.

((Don't tell him that. He's clueless right now, and that's how I like him. Completely innocent. But she seriously has to meet his sister someday. That would be so much fun.))

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 08/10/2009 5:21 PM

Kirye laughed at Zadar's thoughts on being a father. Well, I don't know. I often wish I could have kits of my own, but I have no breedings lined up at all. Not that I know of, that is. I mean, sure, sometimes kits whine, complain, put up a fuss. But I know that it will warm my heart to hear my own kit telling me they love me, or what a great mother I am. Or just being able to hold them when they're scared, wipe their tears when they cry. To be able to protect them, to love them, and to be loved back. Maybe I'm just weird...but I can't see why anyone would be able to say no to that.

A dreamy smile had come to her face while she had been talking. Yes, she could definately see herself as a mother someday, if she were ever to get a breeding. For a moment, she had zoned out, and she quickly shook her head, trying to regain her composure and answer Zadar.

Well, usually people say 'thank you' when receiving a compliment. But I suppose you don't have to say anything. She laughed...somehow she found it quite funny the way Zadar seemed to almost freeze up when she complimented him.

((Aww...Zadar's so cute! Lol. I think the whole clueless and innocent part definately plays into that. I think it would be hilarious to get all three of them together, Kirye, Zadar, and his sister...I'm laughing just thinking about it, haha))


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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 08/10/2009 7:35 PM

Zadar listened thoughtfully as Kirye told him her hopes of being a mother. "There's no way you're weird. Well, you're no weirder than anyone else, lets put it that way. But I guess parenthood is a 'you have to try it to like it' thing. Sometimes when you try to make a little kid eat something new. they say they don't like it when they've never tried it, and then they try it and love it." That's what was going through the household at the moment. He had just gotten two new half-siblings and they were so loud. He wondered if he and his sister had been that obnoxious when they were kids. "I don't think I'm quite ready for fatherhood though. I'm still focusing on being a big brother." And even that was beginning to be a problem. Though it had been funny when the kits had gotten into Karma's journal. There was confetti everywhere. He had to hold back the urge to crack up at the picture.

Zadar wasn't sure if he wanted to be attractive. Kirye was considered attractive and guys followed her around almost everywhere. His sister wanted to be attractive, but she was his sister so that explained it. "No offense, but I'm not completely sure if it is a compliment. There's nothing wrong with being attractive, I'm sure, but I'm having a bit of trouble thinking that it's an entirely good thing. Some guys think you're attractive and what has it gotten you? Guys that wait on you hand and foot? They're not going to stick around once they discover the real you and realize they don't like that inner you much, not that there's anything to dislike, of course."

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 08/11/2009 10:29 AM

Kirye laughed. So I am weird! Just not weirder than anyone else, hmm. She listened to his thoughts about parenthood, and started to see what he meant. Yeah, I see what you mean. See, I've babysat all the time, so I almost know what it's like to be a parent. Other than the whole mother-kit bond thing, of course. But if you've never had the chance to experience that...I can see how you wouldn't exactly think it was all that great. And being a big brother is a start...I'm sure that you're younger siblings look up to you a lot.

Kirye's brows wrinkled in thought. I've never thought about it that way before. It's true...being attractive has only brought me trouble. But you...for me, I think that you're attractive because I'm getting to know you. It's the inner you I guess you'd call it, that seems so attractive to me. I dont' know...maybe I'm not making any sense.


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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 08/11/2009 1:43 PM

"A babysitter, huh. My sister says I've had a lot more babysitters than her, and my dad explained that to me, saying that she was too old for a babysitter but too young to take care of me. So, she hung out with the sitter while I ate my dinner, took my bath and went to bed. I never really minded though since all they talked about was girl stuff. I'd overhear Zila ask about boys sometimes. I'd known nothing about that stuff when I was younger. Now I know too much." A shiver went down his spine. It was true. He knew all about makeup, and how to do the perfect nails and toes and hair, and all about style and fashion. He listened as she said his siblings would look up to him. "They look up to my sister more. She spends more time with them than I do."

He listened as she explained in was what was inside him that was attractive. Not the outside. Well, that sorta made sense. Sorta. He tried to make a bit simpler. Maybe he could try and tease her a bit. Didn't friends tease each other occasionally? "So, technically what you're saying is that you're attracted to me." It wasn't really a question, more like one of those statements you told someone when you're confused.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 08/12/2009 2:57 PM

I never had a babysitter. Either my mother or my father was always around to watch me. I was actually quite spoiled as a kit. Kirye shook her head. And as for talking about girl stuff...I don't know. Sure, I can talk about it, but I can't see how for some girls, that's all they talk about. There's more to life than just beauty and boys.

Kirye blushed. Of course that was what she was saying...but now that she thought about it, she wasn't quite sure that she wanted that fact known. Well...yes. I'll admit that I'm attracted to you. You're not like the other boys I know. You're...real. And I find that quite attractive...and I'm not going to lie; your looks aren't that bad either.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 08/12/2009 5:04 PM

"That's nice. My mom lives somewhere else with my other sister and my dad travels a lot. There are other kuhnas at home, but they weren't all that willing to take care of us." He listened to her opinion about girl stuff. He wasn't that fond of it either but when he had nothing better to do than hang out with Zila it was part of the package. "Try telling that to my sister." He mumbled. His father had tried telling that to her once and the fit she threw made him hide under his bed. They were younger then, though. And maybe it would be easier to hear it from another girl than from your father.

He looked at Kirye curiously. Was she...blushing? Oh, so now she was the one that was embarrassed. He listened carefully. So she confirmed it. And she gave a reason too. He had started to piece that together, but he hadn't really realized the depth. "I guess that's a pretty good reason because of what you've been through. But I'm really not the only guy like that out there. I guess it sort of matters where you come from. My half-brother's sorta like that. And this other kuhna at home is like that too. But you couldn't get him anywhere near the outdoors." Zadar put his paw next to his mouth as if he was about to tell a secret and leaned forward towards Kirye. "He's afraid of flowers." He whispered.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 08/12/2009 5:18 PM

Huh. Kirye wrinkled her nose in thought. I don't know what it would be like to live without both my parents. And all the other kuhnas who live with me are all like my brothers and sisters. Our whole house is like one big extended family. It's always nice to go to one of the older kuhnas with my problems, or to one of the younger ones to brighten my day when I'm upsest.

Kirye was even more embarrassed that he had noticed her blushing. Great, as if she didn't look like enough of an idiot. I'm sure you're not the only one. It's just, you're the only one I've ever had such a fun time with. I mean, how many other guys would offer to do something fun, like build a sandcastle? She giggled, and then laughed out loud when Zadar told her the last part. Afraid of...flowers? Well, to each his own, I suppose. I guess those tiger lillies could be pretty fierce, huh? She laughed, all awkwardness gone once again.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 08/12/2009 7:44 PM

As Zadar listened he nodded slightly. One big happy family. "That's sorta what we are too. We just aren't all related. We live together though so we had to get along. It was either that or we had to build another house and I don't think Clack really wanted to do that. We just got over out differences. We rarely fight anymore, and when we do we call it 'debating'. Keeps the mood up. All it is is a friendly debate." He laughed a bit at that. Most fights were far from 'friendly debates'.

"True." He said. "I didn't know you meant the whole me. I thought you meant the part that didn't obsess over your looks. Which are quite nice I might add. To be truthful, the first time I saw you I thought 'female'. And then I thought 'pretty female'." He laughed a bit. "But I suppose that's probably not a very good compliment compared to what you've gotten in the past." He wasn't good at giving compliments. The only females besides Kirye he'd ever met were either as old as his father or were related to him. His sister was the only girl in the house related to him at the moment besides the new arrivals.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 08/13/2009 12:26 PM

Friendly debate, huh? I wish that was all our "family" had. But I'll admit, we do sometimes get into fights. Especially when someone decides to move the furniture without telling Junis, our blind "brother". Kirye grimaced at this memory. He has...a slight attitude problem because of his...er...condition.

Kirye laughed, and ducked her head to hide the fact that she was once again blushing. Of course, she could take compliments from many a male, but Zadar said one little thing, and she was reduced to a blushing schoolgirl. Actually, coming from you, that's probably one of the best compliments I've ever recieved. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem like the type of guy who doesn't hand out compliments often. If that's true, then I'll especially treasure what you just said.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 08/13/2009 1:18 PM

Blind huh? Well, that was a better excuse than his sister for having attitude. Much better. "My sis has an attitude problem because she has attitude. That's not a very good excuse, is it?" But some people were just born that way. His sister was so picky about her food and she never wore the color brown unless it was paired with pink or blue and if it was a chocolate brown. That's how she was as a kid. She never ate broccoli or oatmeal unless there was honey and cinnamon in it. She never had icecream unless there was fudge on it unless it was chocolate or mint chocolate chip or butter pecan or one of those weird flavors from Ben and Jerry's.

He was a bit suspicious when she ducked her head to keep her face out of his view but he ignored it. He was too confused with the fact that she had said he had given her a really good compliment. And not just a really good compliment, but the best one she'd ever received. Because it was coming from him? That was new. "It's true I'm not very good at compliments and I don't give them out often, but that doesn't mean I don't like giving them out. I'm not a mean person as you probably know. The only time I don't like giving out compliments is when my sister is pinching my arm as hard as she can to get them out of me." he rubbed his arms as if he could feel the sharp pain of her nails there again.

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