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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 04/13/2009 4:59 AM

The palmie followed Conovan, using the leaves atop his head to help clear the older bag of dirt. It's wear and tears was easy to spot, but the sand and salt had preserved it rather well.
"What a find, what a find. Slash, it only seems appropriate that the cat that found the bag would let the goodies out for all to see, wouldn't you say?"

The sea lapped lazily at the beach, slowly, slowly creeping up on the group. The tide was coming in, it seemed. The palmie didn't notice the potential danger that he had his back to. It was a known fact that palmie had to be careful around the ocean. The reality of being washed out to sea...

(( Sorry it's so short. ))
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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 04/19/2009 7:04 AM

((Funny... I could have sworn I already replied to this o3o))

The tide lapped around Slash's feet as he used his nose and feet to prise open the clasp of the bag. It was slightly rusty and stiff, but eventually it snapped open. His paws dug deeper into the wet sand as he struggled to lift it. It definitely wasn't empty.

A large clump of damp sand fell out of the bag. Slash heaved a sigh of disappointment. At least the bag was lighter now, if nothing else. He padded over to the Palmie, and dropped it in the wet sand at his feet. For the first time, he noticed that it was almost as large as the Palmie himself. "Here," he said, "Take this, it's for you."
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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby Shadow » 04/25/2009 6:56 PM

Conovan nodded his approval as Slash dropped the bag at the Palmie's feet. He personally didn't really want the bag, and didn't think Slash would either. The palmie, on the other hand, might be able to use it to keep some of the treasures it found. He voiced this, since he wasn't sure of anything else to say.

"Maybe you can use it to keep the treasures you find in," he suggested. He waited for someone to suggest continuing to explore; he wasn't usually one to verbally say anything remotely signifigant, and this wasn't any exception.

(Sorry for the delay/short length.)

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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 05/13/2009 5:56 PM

The leaves on the top of his head shivered excitedly as he took the bag in his mouth. As he spoke he sounded muffled and a bit mumble.
"Fanks gwuys... Diff will hef loths," his tail stub wagging, "Maybe we thould head dow-"
Not a large wave, but a wave none the less crashed against the palmies back, the force knocking him forward. As the wave retreat so did the palmie, towards the water. Not his own choice, as could be seen by the shock on his face.
"Ah-?!" the strange creature started to squirm, unable to get back up and out of harms way. If the wave came back...? He'd be washed out to sea.

(( Sorry I'm so late. oDo ))
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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 05/15/2009 9:35 AM

Slash whipped around; he hadn't noticed the tide coming in, and now it was threatening to wash the Palmie away! He ran over and opened his mouth to grab the nearest leaf on the Palmie's head, but stopped just in time. Would that really be safe? An image flashed through his mind of the Palmie screaming in pain, and he drew back a little. That wouldn't do at all.

So intead, he pushed the Palmie with his nose a little, just as another wave splashed onto the beach. But the little guy wasn't washed over by the wave this time. Slash lifted his head for a moment and looked at the leather bag which lay on the wet sand some distance away. His present to the Palmie was about to be lost to the waves instead. But if he went over to get it, then he couldn't save the Palmie if the wave came back. 'What now?' he thought, frantic with helplessness.
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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 05/25/2009 1:42 AM

"Oh thank you!" The palmie said, shaking with fear. His cool cat attitude went out with the wave as he clung desperately to his new friends face.
"I... Oh wow... I didn't see it coming my friend," his attention went with his friends, looking at the bag, "Ah... It would be nice to keep, but my life comes first. Do you think we could travel up towards the safety of the trees?"

He really needed somebody who could look out for him, that had been to close. If Slash hadn't been there to save him... Well he didn't want to even think about it!
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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby Shadow » 05/30/2009 9:24 AM

(OOC: Sorry for my disappearance/delay again…)

Conovan stared at the bag for a few seconds as it floated farther from the shore. He would have loved to see the palmie keep it, but he was glad that Slash had saved him; a life was far more important than a leather bag. It was too far under the surf to be retrieved now.

He nodded at the palmie’s question. He would be glad to go up the beach towards the safety of the trees. He really did like the cool shade that the trees provided, and the sense of protection. He shook some wet sand from his feet, and began walking slowly towards the trees, waiting for the other two to follow.

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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby QuirkyRabbit » 06/09/2009 11:08 PM

'Oh well,' Slash thought as he watched the bag float away. 'Maybe we'll find more things later.'

"But first," he said out loud, "Let's get out of here. Come on," he nudged the Palmie towards the shore. The two of them followed Conovan up the beach. Here the sand was not as soft, as the palm trees' roots ran everywhere, but at least the little Palmie was safe from being washed out to sea.

"Think we'll find anything interesting here?" Slash asked no one in particular. He bent low and sniffed along the ground. Here and there were bits of seaweed, or small black lumps which he recoiled from. He looked up at the sky through the fronds of the palms. He laughed, "Better look out guys, or we'll get bonked by a coconut!"
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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 06/10/2009 12:40 AM

The palmie wasn't attached to Slash's face now, but he was keeping close, still shaken by the close encounter. It was good though that they weren't making a huge deal out if it, it was helping him relax.

"Oh?" he looked up at the taller settled trees that looked so much like himself, "Well I could tell them not to drop anything on us," the palmie said, happy to try and repay Slash for saving his life. The palmies leaves waved about, as if with purpose and gthe trees... The trees above seemed to... Well that was impossible. They wiggled back?
"...Alright," The palmie smiled, stubbly tail wagging happily, "They won't drop coconuts on us." his attention turned to Slash. Maybe he'd go treasure hunting away from the beach...

(( Okay. I'm going to give this palmie to Quirky. =3 You can always change the personality or do what you want with him. ^___^ ))
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Re: Seeing the Sea for the First Time [Private + RE/RE2?]

Postby Shadow » 07/16/2009 11:29 AM

((OOC: 'Grats, Quirky. I think it' about time I posted here so that I can pull Conovan out of this roleplay.))

Conovan glanced at the sun, or what was left of it. It was setting, and quite beautiful, too. It was a long way home. He didn't think he would make it back in one night. Well, a little stop elsewhere along the way couldon't hurt, right? Despite himself, he felt the corners of his mouth turn upward into a smile.

As for Slash and the Palmie, he almost felt as though he was intruding. He was sure they would be developing a really strong friendship, especially since Slash had saved his life.

"I think I should be getting back now. It was a pleasure. Maybe we'll meet again someday," he said to both the palmie and to Slash. Grinning again despite himself, he added, "Don't get hit by coconuts!" He began to walk in the direction he had come. He was going home now, but maybe he would make a stop or two on the way...?

[Conovan has left.]

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