As an active volcano, few creatures venture near Nori for fear of being too close during an eruption. On most days there is a continuous slow flow of molten rock seeping through the mouth of the volcano, so travelers are advised to dress appropriately. (+2 to Endurance)

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/29/2008 10:30 PM

The Gallizar's eyes narrowed in thought. She wanted to know how to kill....anyone she didn't like. Humm, he kinda liked this girl's style. Now, he wasn't stupid. He could assume, well enough, that she really didn't favor him so much, but that trivial fact was just that, trivial. It need not be a concern of his, as he couldn't be killed in any practical way and he was such a rare being, perhaps the only one still existing like himself, so there was no need to teach her how to deal with a kind like his.
"Good enough. If you agree, then I will teach you what you need to know." Being a player in the game of killing, himself, it'd be easy.
"Now then, comes the price." Mentally, he was grinning wildly. Physically, he held a serious expression. "I'd like one of your eyes. Whichever one you choose." As he said this, his own eyes burned down into the girls. "Both of them are in excellent condition..." He added, more to himself. "Now, before you drop the idea, I must tell you this, though your eye will be removed, the socket left empty, I can assure you that you'll still see from that area. But you won't be able to do such things as cry. Understood?" And, as if to illustrate how he'd go about removing it, he suddenly stuck his arm forward, hand going into her stomach. It fazed in, harmlessly. It would bring her no pain at all, though he could easily rip out any of her organs at the very moment. He drew back, before she could freak out.
"You see, I'm not a normal person at all." He grinned. "Do we have a deal?"

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/29/2008 10:39 PM

Kyo listened to him and was surprised that what he wanted was her eye. If she could still see after, then there was no way for her to worry, but was it really a good idea? Maybe not... But why should she care? If she was going to get what she wants, that was what was important.

She thought about it a little bit longer before taking her decision. "It's a deal." She finally said. "You can have my left eye. That's the one I'll give you." She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to let him take her eye before him teaching her, but she didn't monded doing it as long as she feeled okay with it. She was not felling that this guy would run away without respecting what he told her. He was going to teach her.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/29/2008 11:42 PM

"Very good then." With that, he considered the deal as good as sealed. He knelt down to be on a better level with her, not willing to wait to gain his half of the agreement. He needed all the pieces, to make sure his ultimate toy continued on well enough to be used when he finally needed it. "It won't hurt as I remove it, only afterward as the magic sets into play. The worst pain you'll ever feel in your life, for a few minutes. Survive it, however, and no other amount of pain should be able to phase you." Once you've felt the worst pain in your life, it was logical that no other pain could do as much harm to you. Just that, was a good start on getting her all set up to take care of herself.

Then, he had his hand partially in her face, fingers delicately clenching the left eyeball, yanking it out rapidly, the network of veins and attachments coming out with it. Just as soon as it was unattached, Kyo temporarily lost sight from that half. It was actually rather disturbing, for anyone who wasn't used to morbid ideals. That clearly excluded Jakerz. Almost carelessly, he tossed the eye up into the air, and it vanished.
At the same instant his had was free, he pressed his palm against the empty socket where the girl's eye once was, a strange magic pulsating into her body through the opening. As it settled in and reworked her body's system to function without it's eye, that when the pain would hit, far more then enough to double the girl over, vampire or not.

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/29/2008 11:54 PM

Kyo knew that moving could be really bad for her. Those kind of things needed to be done perfectly. She didn't wanted anything to go badly. It was probably the same thing for Jakerz. If something was going to go bad, both of them would be at a lost.

She never felt anything the whole time he was removing the eye. Even after it was removed, it was as if nothing happened, but when he began to put in the magic, the pain stab at Kyo like a sniper would shot throught butter. The pain was really intensed. Her vampire pride as keeping her from yelling as loud as she could, but her righ eye was crying. She couldn't do anything to stop the tears. It was hurting way too much. Right now, it was as if there was nothing more around her. The pain was making her want to die more than anything. It really was the most painfull thing she ever felt.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 04/30/2008 2:21 PM

And yet, Jakerz was very indifferent toward Kyo's pain. He'd seen it many a times before. Heard it many times before, even if the girl held back the scream. There was very mild surprise at her action, however, which he didn't show. A little girl in this kind of pain biting back her tongue so as not to scream. Interesting indeed. Perhaps being her teacher for the needed time wouldn't quite be so bad. He just had to keep in mind that, while he would be teacher her, he really couldn't deal with finding a third victim. How frustrating. Rejet would just have to wait, as would Rein, but for very different things.

Not saying a word, the heartless man simply sat back down on his little chair of a rock, observing this victim with uninteresting for a short time, then glanced off, taking interest in something else of the volcano. It was still raining down on them, but he'd come to ignore it perfectly. If he could do his work while it was raining, he obviously wasn't effected by it.
Tick...tick...tick... He waited patiently for the other's pain to ease.

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Postby Rushfeather » 04/30/2008 6:04 PM

Kyo felt the pain for a little bit longer until it finally began to become weaker and weaker until it was all gone. She sighed. She really thought it would never finish. She opened her eyes and blinked in surprise. She really could see as well as before with her missing eye. It was great. It felt a little weird though. She couldn't feel her eye anymore.

After a little while, she looked up at Jakerz. "I think I'm ready for training, now." She told him. He was still there. Exactly like she had think. He didn't left her after taking her eye. It was time he respects his part of the deal now.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 05/20/2008 3:17 PM

Jakerz grinned a bit, almost devilishly, when Kyo looked up at him. He was standing casually, arms crossed from having to simply stand there and wait around. Yes, the pain seemed to die down now. This little...toy happened to live. Very good. It was so troublesome when those suspected worthy enough to survive, didn't. It was fun to have toys that survived, good for study, and they were few and far between.

"Well now, what can be taught to you while in such a desolate location?" He pondered to himself aloud. She wanted to know how to kill, to take down anyone she wanted. On the other hand, she was a vampire, and had lessons to learn there too. "First thing's first, just come here." Oddly, he knelt down and held out an overturned wrist to her. "You're going to have to learn the different scents of blood, for one thing, just to survive. You cannot be a killer if you're so weak you can be killed. My blood is dried up and useless to you. Learn what it smells like inside the veins, and avoid it in the future."

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Postby Rushfeather » 05/20/2008 9:02 PM

Kyo listened to Jakerz. Was he really going to help her in her training? Would it really be usefull to her? She had to trust him a little. She was looking at him, wondering what he would begin with.

By now, she had already guessed that his blood wasn't good at all. "Don't worry, that sent is the last one I'll go for. It stinks." Earlier, she had decided to try drinking it anyway because she was really hungry. She still was, but she would not try to drink his blood again. She could still taste his horrible blood. Or what was left of his blood.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 05/21/2008 9:59 PM

"Very good then." The Gallizar stood up in an abrupt movement, seeming to do that quite a lot- being abrupt. For a creature that came and went as he pleased, he was a bit jerky, and definitely nosy, those bells on that obscure hat he wore jingling with even the slightest of movement. "The best way for you to be trained...I bet you're wondering about that, aren't you?" Of course she was. Any living thing could be predicted fairly well, given that the one doing the predicting had the time to observe.
"On the field work would be best, clearly. How does that sound? Going out and finding you a test victim?"

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Postby Rushfeather » 05/21/2008 10:12 PM

Kyo couldn't agree more with him with that. "I think it's a good idea, but I don't think we'll find anyone around here..." She knew that the sun was still up and she didn't want to get stuck somewhere until night. It would be quite boring. Though she could use that time to train. If she had Jakerz to help her, she could train anywhere. As long as there was no sun. She couldn't stand the sun. Not like her father could. She didn't know if it was a matter of time or not... She really hoped that she wouldn't be burned by the sun's ray all her life.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 06/20/2008 4:49 AM

Jakerz laughed a bit. "Oh, but my dear, you found me." That had to be worth something. It didn't look like anyone would ever be here and, yet, this was where they met! What kind of wonderful luck was that? Good, bad, who knows, but it was some kind of luck. They were both getting what they wanted; that didn't happen too much in the world anymore, two people coming to an agreement and being happy about it.
Suddenly, he lowered his eye level closer to Kyo's eye level. "Just what are your vampire habits? There are various different kinds of vampires in this world." And if he was judging the signs right, how it was rainy even now, and just something about her trailing off into thought... Hey, it was a pretty typical trait of a vampire, so, "I take it you're the sort that's extra sensitive to the rays of the sun?" If anything, he'd need to know a few things about her, if they were going to be stuck together for any period of time.

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Postby Rushfeather » 06/20/2008 9:48 AM

Kyonshi looked at Jakerz. "In fact, I'm just not used to the sun's ray. It's the first time I go outside during the day, but I already knew that I was a little weak to the sun's ray. I think it won't have any effect anymore once I'll get used to it. Appart from the sun's ray, I don't think I have another weakness..." She tried to remember if there was something else she was forgetting... Oh yeah, that was it. "There is one other thing..." She said after having considered all the facts. "I completly loose my powers when I'm menstruated." She was a bit shy about it and she knew it might seem really strange.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 06/20/2008 12:56 PM

That may have very well explained a lot, this being the young vampire's first time coming out in the day. She already had a decent judgment for that sort of thing, it was pretty typical that a vampire who was weak to the sun was able to come out in the day so long as the sky was covered in a thick mass of cloud coverage. "Then we have to test it." Sometime, they would, anyway. It was a simple conclusion to come to. For her to get used to the sun, she had to be exposed to it. If she got weak and say, collapsed or something, while he was around, then it would have turned out alright. The strange jester could easily pick her up and move her to a safer location.
But the second news came...He wasn't quite so sure what to say. No doubt he'd been aware that females...did that, but he'd never been close to one for any even semi-long period in his life. If he was around one, it was maybe a day. However, he didn't loose his cool, not at all. Absently, he tugged on one of the ends of his hat, as he replied. "I'm going to assume that time is not now." She'd smell different, if she was. The body acted differently then, and Jakerz was very acute to the body and changes it would under go, even if he didn't go into that one in any detail, as it was useless information to him. "In any case, you'll need to learn how to take care of yourself even when your powers are being shot."

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Postby Rushfeather » 06/21/2008 12:35 AM

Kyonshi could understand that exposing herself to the sun would help her to get used to it and she knew that it wouldn't be too dangerous if he was there with her.
She looked at him. "Yeah, it's not right now, but it should begin soon. Normally it would be in two or three days, but it might be a little later." She couldn't tell an exact time obviously. "And I do think I'll need to find a way to defend myself without my vampire powers. I'm as week as a human when I lose them. Even my fangs aren't showing anymore." She had been pretty surprised the first time it happened, but now she was used to it. She was always feeling weird during that periode though.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 06/21/2008 1:36 AM

That didn't leave them too much time then, before having to take a four to seven day break, assuming she still functioned as a normal female that way. They'd have to do as much as possible, quickly. That wasn't even taking in the fact that Jakerz had things to do, people to see, and even vice versa...sort of. Who knows what Rein would ask of him in which he'd have to comply to, as part of their agreement. No one could tell the man what to do, but he seemed to uphold his ends of deals when the arrangement had been worth it to make. He even went so far as to give himself in a previously made agreement.

He gave a nod, jingling again, taking a few steps back. "Attack me." It was a command. "Show me what you'd do now to get to the point of killing someone." And he was utterly serious, standing their openly, hands hanging loosely at his sides. He needed to know what she she could do right now, before trying to make her better. It was a building process. It was only logical. With any luck, she'd be a fast learner.

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