Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Return to Terrace Park


Postby Remedy » 05/16/2011 5:49 PM

Seeley giggled.  "Okay!  Lead the way, Kama."

Kama headed of the way she came.  Her old trail was easy to follow since her weight as a Terratops and her flat feet flattened out the tall grass.  Along the trail, she found an egg right in the middle.  It was neon yellow and a bit hard to look at directly.  She picked it up and put it in her bag, unsure how she could have missed that one.  It was probably because she was in such a hurry to get back.
She continued along until she reached the stream.  "Here it is...  Some may be hidden in the water."  she said.  She quickly got back to looking along it's banks in hopes of finding another well hidden egg.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Slot 3: Pickle, Elektra, and Chayden

Postby Chayden » 05/16/2011 6:18 PM

"Kama, please take Jenna's eggs?"
Jenson called to the leading Terratops. He clomped along after her, holding them out. He knew that she had a bag on her somewhere.
"Too... heavy..." he faked, slowing as he over-exaggerated their weight. His arms slumped, and he dragged them across the ground as he walked. "Can't... go on... for long..."
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Postby Remedy » 05/16/2011 8:41 PM

"Ok, um... no problem."  Kama said quietly, putting Jenna's eggs in the bag.

Seeley ran up next to them, concerned about her friend.  "Oh, Jenna!  Are you okay?"  She was surprised that Jenna was acting so achy, since it hadn't seemed so before.  She herself didn't think the eggs weighed that much, but then again, she was a six legged Terratops.  It might take a lot to make something seem heavy to her.

While Kama was searching along the banks for eggs, she found what appeared to be a rock half buried in the sand.  Any other might just overlook it, but she was skeptical...  it could be an egg.  She easily pushed it out of the wet mud with her foot, and sure enough, it was a grey egg.  Kama then continued looking along the banks, feeling even prouder of herself for finding such a difficult to find easter egg.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Slot 3: Pickle, Elektra, and Chayden

Postby Elektra » 05/16/2011 9:06 PM

"Hey, wait for me!" Bruno called as she raced back toward the already moving group.  She'd started daydreaming, and hadn't noticed that Kama was starting to take them back to the stream.  As she got back up to pace with the others, she noticed that the ground under her paws was beginning to dampen.  Finally, they came upon the stream that Kama had been talking about, and immediately Bruno jumped in.  Grinning ear to ear, she called to the others happily.  "Hey, I'll be down the stream a little ways, so call if ya need me.  I'm gonna see if there are any others around here."

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 05/16/2011 9:22 PM

"Okay!"  Seeley called to Bruno.  She herself decided to search in the grass and plants along or even in the river to see if any eggs were concealed there.  She found an egg shell that looked like it was from an easter egg, since it was painted pink and blue.  After looking around a bit more, she found two other broken pieces.  They might not count as an actual egg, but she put it in the bag just in case.

Kama wasn't having quite as much luck as she had before, since three eggs she had thought she'd found were only rocks.  Since Bruno was searching downstream, she decided to head upstream and see if there was anything else up there.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Slot 3: Pickle, Elektra, and Chayden

Postby Elektra » 05/16/2011 10:03 PM

As Bruno continued upstream, she began to notice that the brush on the edges of the stream became increasingly unkempt, making the rest of the one odd part of Terrace Park look like it had been taken care of every day.  A few fleeting thoughts of worry came to her, but the thought of finding more eggs helped her keep going.  Of course, at one point, she had to stop walking and start paddling, for the ground under her paws seemed to disappear.  Now, that was definitely worrying, but at the last minute before she began to turn back, she spotted an extremely sparkly item at the very bottom of the suddenly deep stream.  Deciding that it was definitely worth it, she took a deep breath, and plunged downward.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 05/17/2011 8:10 AM

Seeley had an idea just then, and walked over to the water.  She still wanted to see her reflection.  The running water, however, didn't give of a very clear image so it looked a little bit warped.  It made her broken horn still look as long as the other one, so in her mind, all was well.  "I guess it really is hardly anything."  she said cheerfully to herself as she continued on her hunt for eggs.

Kama looked over at Seeley while she was peering into the water and was concerned for a second.  She didn't want her sister to be upset for the rest of the hunt, but before she could intervene, Seeley appeared to be happy with it.  Since she had gone back to searching for eggs,  Kama decided to, too.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Slot 3: Pickle, Elektra, and Chayden

Postby Elektra » 05/17/2011 4:52 PM

It seemed that Bruno hadn't realized just how cold the stream was in the early spring.  She suppressed a shiver as she headed downward, still wanting to know what that sparkling object was.  Just as it seemed her lungs were going to burst though, she reached out and picked it up with two paws, and pushed off with as much power as she could, and was sent spiraling to the surface.  She came up spluttering, but after a minute or two adjusted and managed to paddle to the shore.  Once she got there, she pulled herself out and lay down on the grass, planning to wait a few minutes before beginning her search again.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 05/17/2011 6:54 PM

"I wonder how Bruno's doing..."  Seeley said cheerfully to herself, making the decision to head downstream alongside the river to find her friend.  She wanted to know if anything was up there and how Bruno was doing, since she hadn't heard anything in a while.  Upon reaching the even more overgrown part of the area, she grew concerned.  "Bruno?"  Seeley called out, wanting to make sure she was okay.

Kama hadn't noticed her sister disappear at the time and was too busy searching through a bush.  She had found two eggs in there already, one obvious and one cleverly camoflaged.  She would probably realize at some point, though.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Slot 3: Pickle, Elektra, and Chayden

Postby Elektra » 05/17/2011 10:01 PM

The Dalma's ears perked up as she heard her name being called out, and she picked up the object that she had yet to examine.  She'd been so tired after that one deep dive that she hadn't really even bothered with the object that had been causing her such trouble, but now that she did look at it, it seemed that it was an extremely sparkly egg.  She almost had to look away after a few minutes, but it was still a sight. "Hey, over here!" she called out after setting her newly found egg down.  "I'm on the shore here, and I found a weird egg!!  Come see!"

While she waited for Seeley to reach her, she looked around, trying to spot any other eggs, since she'd been gone a while, and it probably wouldn't look to good if she only had one egg.  She heard the steps getting louder and closer, and she searched more franticly.  Finally, just as it seemed Seeley was about to arrive, she stumbled upon a simple pastel yellow egg, and scooped it up.  Sure, two eggs wasn't a lot, but it was more than one.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 05/19/2011 4:21 PM

"Oh, there you are!" Seeley said, relieved that Bruno hadn't gotten hurt or lost.  "Whoa!  Those are some pretty eggs!"  she exclaimed, looking at the two Bruno had found.

Meanwhile, Kama still hadn't noticed Seeley's absence and had managed to find some more eggs around the area.  After she couldn't find any more, though, she figured they had swept the place clean.  "Seeley?"  she called, looking for her sister to ask if she wanted to move on.  
No answer.
"Seeley!"  Kama called louder, hoping she hadn't been left alone.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Slot 3: Pickle, Elektra, and Chayden

Postby Elektra » 05/19/2011 5:59 PM

"Thanks!" Bruno said, smiling up at Seeley.  
"I don't really know if this glittery one was supposed to be all the way at the bottom of the stream, since I barely lasted long enough to grab it."  Wrapping her thin tails around the two eggs, she said,
"Hey, it gets pretty deep further down, but I bet we'll find some cool eggs.  You wanna try?"

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 05/19/2011 7:32 PM

"Sure!"  Seeley said.  She hadn't heard her sister's calls.  "I think I can swim pretty well"  
Well, maybe "swim" wasn't the right word for Seeley; due to her species' build, she had trouble staying afloat for long periods of time.  She could easily dive to the bottom and push back up, though.  Plus she could hold her breath for a ling time.  And the eggs were at the bottom, right?  She wouldn't really need to stay up in the middle of the stream for too long.

"Seeley!"  Kama called again.  "Bruno!  Jenna!"  She knew Jenna might be around somewhere, but she hadn't seen her in a while.  

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: Slot 3: Pickle, Elektra, and Chayden

Postby Elektra » 05/19/2011 10:37 PM

"Awesome!  I can stay up for a while without getting tired, so I could tell you where there's an agg and then all you would have to do is dive down.  I'm guessing that because we've been searching in the more open parts that there won't be many eggs left... Especially since Kama and Jenna are still back there."
The Dalma jumped into the water and started paddling down but stopped when she heard the worried calls of Kama.  "Hey, do you hear that?"  she asked Seeley to make sure it wasn't just her imagination.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Postby Remedy » 05/19/2011 11:10 PM

"Okay!"  Seeley said, ready to hop in the water when Bruno told her where the eggs were.  She stopped and listened when Bruno asked about the noise, though.
"I don't hear anything..."  she said.  Seeley never had great hearing, though, and Dalmas probably were of those species with really good hearing.  She didn't give much attention to that fact, though, and sort of brushed it off.  "Maybe it was another group searching for eggs.  We better hurry if we want to find more than them!"  

Kama sat down and looked around.  She was very confused, and wasn't sure how to go about things now.  By herself, she usually felt comfortable.  But right now, she didn't really know where she was; the trail that she had followed to find her way back here and managed to disappear as time passed.  
"Ugh, where was it that Bruno said she was going?"  she wondered to herself, trying to recall where the Dalma had said she was going to go look.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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