Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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Benji [7]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 12/09/2007 4:21 AM

By now, little Benji was sound asleep. He wasn't responding, and he was almost dead-weight in the man's arms. He didn't answer the question of course, since he was out cold. However, his pulse was still normal, and he was still breathing. He MIGHT not have a concussion. He might just have bumped his head on something. Which would be a good thing, generally. A yawn confirmed it. He was going to be okay. Now, if he'd just wake up...
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Postby Kyrit » 12/09/2007 4:26 AM

The Elder kuhna rose to his feet, wings shifting slightly on his back. He'd keep to the shadows for a while longer at least, but he'd make sure to follow them. If he lost sight of this boy he'd never figure out how such an interesting kuhna came to be. This one seemed easier to get closer to then the female he had met anyways. He'd be able to possibly get to know this one better, and not even be rude to him. He had tormented a poor Sulkuhna back in the cathedral, toying with her mind.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 12/09/2007 4:41 AM


What happened was confusing, very well seen as something not of this world. For it wasn't. The shadows cast by near by trees were ripped away from the solid objects in which the belonged to, forcefully dragged across the ground to meet at one specific point. In correspondence, the strongest rays of light that filtered down from the sun were also yanked away from their natural paths at met at these point. The shadows and the visibly bright light clashed, swirling up violently in a rough dome shape. Suddenly ceasing, both non-solid 'objects' vanishing and reappearing in their proper place, a man stood there. He had suddenly formed within the two materials.
A Lucain, one would guess. Two thick bushy tails and semi-fluffy ears. His tanned flesh had various tattoos under the first several layers of skin, showing oddly. It almost made him seem see through, though that was far from the case.

"Where could he have gotten to?" He asked himself in a frustrated and worried undertone. Yes, this would be 'Daddy' as is it was. Not a birth father, clearly with a species difference, but that wasn't relevant.
It took Incruente very little time at all to spot is adopted child, and another male. In what seemed like a flash, he hand his hand rested on the other's bike, a surprisingly dangerous smirk playing onto his features. It was surprising for this one to appear at all violent, since it wasn't much his taste.
"And what would you be doing with my poor unconscious son?"

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Postby Asrya » 12/09/2007 4:50 AM

Blix isn't much for fighting. He's also one that when he's focused on something, he doesn't take much notice of the world around him. Unconscious or concussion he wasn't about to leave the kid along in the park.
So when the bright flash burned the biolune's eyes, he was startled. When the hand came down on his shoulder, he outright jumped.
Holding Benji carefully he turned his brilliant eyes to the lucian.
His initial reaction is defensive. The Rexxel bristles, holding the boy protectively tighter.
In about two minutes it dawns on him what the man said, andhis grip loosens, though he looks suspicious. Even the unsocial rexxel knew that Benji wasn't a normal kuhna and it didn't take but a few braincells to figure there'd be a few people who wouldn't feel remorse about taking the boy.
He narrows his eyes slightly.
"He hit his head. I'm taking him to the hospital to make sure he's alright." Blix's voice is heavily accented from stress.

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Postby Ke'ra » 12/09/2007 1:01 PM

The coast looked cleared for the two, so if they were going to make their escape from this park and hopefully make it back home.  Slowly and quietly the two stepped out from behind the trees in which they were hidding and looked at their surrounding.  It was oddly quiet and Charlie couldn't shake the feeling that it was still not safe to move.  Her hands gripped the bag which held the stolen money and the two moved on.  They continued to walk for several more minutes in an uneasy silence and finally Alpine broke it.  

"It is really quiet today"
"Yeah a little to quiet dont you think?"  
Alpine nodded and the silence fell over the two again and they continued their walking for several more minuetes until Alpine rapped Charlie on the head lightly and the two stopped.  They heard voices.  Silently sneaking up to the place to which they heard the voices.  They didn't see much but shadows.  

"Oh crap" Charlie whispered "I guess we need to find another way around"

Alpine nodded in agreement. "Yeah we do"

Backing away really slowly things were going well until Charlie stepped on a branch and it snapped.  Gasping the two froze hoping no one had heard it.
<center>Image<br>Blaze Polly</br></center>

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Benji [8]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 12/09/2007 3:02 PM

The one of the bunch LEAST paying attention was the one that heard it. And without another word, he woke up, and pointed to the bushes.

"I think they wanna play tooo..." he murmured quietly.

He was still tired, but he always wanted playmates. It was just the way it went for him. He had to have people to play with him. Things got boring, if he didn't have a playmate. His daddy had always been there to play with him... so he he figured that Mr. Snappingbranch over there might want his daddy to play too.
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Postby Kyrit » 12/09/2007 3:23 PM

Etzlij looked down at the two that had been stalking about, Charlie and Alpine, from his spot high in the branches of a tree that they were close to. He then looked once again toward the other group, seeing that the young male had awoken. He had decided that soon he'd stop watching from the shadows and come out to confront the group, but first he must find some reason to come out. Could he claim to be a doctor? Well, if he took to his human form he might be able to pass for one, but he doubted they would think so.

He looked back down at the other two once again, waiting to see what was going on.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 12/09/2007 3:50 PM

Ente's ears perked up, swiveling toward the sound of the breaking branch, but ignored that matter. No, he had other things to attend to. Like this matter before him. Like he would care if someone else was roaming about the park.
"You will not be taking my child anywhere." He half growled at the Rexxel, his tails flicking about like a defensive carnivorous animal. "So I ask, kindly, that you release him." He didn't want to have to use force, though he would if it became necessary. That was pretty clear. Internally, he sighed. He didn't like having to resort to violence, hence his name. If anyone had any idea when it came to Latin, they would possibly be aware that even his name rendered him non-violent. He hated blood, among other things.

Despite the other man in the way and clinging to Benji, he keeled down to say something more softly to him. His eyes seemed to warn Blix not to attempt anything, now would have not been a good time. Then spoke to the Kuhna, gentle but also slightly scolding. Perhaps he'd respond to his voice and get this cleared up. "Ben, Son, ar-are you alright? You shouldn't run off like that."

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Postby Asrya » 12/09/2007 3:57 PM

Blix watched the man. Feline intuition told him the lucian was on the level, and his tender motions toward Benji proved it. Forcing himself calm, he eyes the man, loosening his grip on the boy.
"He's hit his head. I bandaged it, but I'm no doctor. At best I might be a medic." He eases the boy toward his father. "I'm not sure what hap-..." His ears swivel toward the branch snap, eyes following. Blix might be construed as slightly paranoid if he weren't so (usually) calm and he eyes the source of the sound, then the trees. "And I've had the distinct feeling someone was following us." He shakes himself slightly, letting Ente have Benji, though he doesn't look any less on edge.
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Postby Ke'ra » 12/09/2007 5:19 PM

Alpine closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

"They heard that Charlie" he muttered.  
Charlie nodded and muttered back "I know"  
"So what do we do now?"
"We figure out a way to talk ourselves out of this and hopefully none of them will recongize us as theives."  

Alpine nodded to that idea think too it was the best course of action.  Slowly the two edged their way out of the darkness of the trees and Charlie did the talking.

" my name is Charlie and this is my friend Alpine.  We mean no harm we are just passing though on our way home."  Hopefully they would by the half lie that she said and they would leave her alone.
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Benji - [9]

Postby Rainbowfox Ari » 12/09/2007 7:57 PM

The semi-conscious youngster giggled at bit at the two who walked out of the shadows, and yawned again. After a few moments, he once more closed his eyes, and drifted off to whatever dreamland had in store for him. He was fast asleep in whoever held him's arms. Didn't even hear his father - which could have been a bad thing, if one looked at the fact that Benji NEVER ignored his dad. It just wasn't in him. The head wound had at least stopped bleeding now, though.
Benji looked so adorable, asleep. His white hair fell over his face slightly, and his eyes moved under the eyelids as he dreamed. He was pale. And his skin felt a little hot. Possibly a fever.
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Postby Kyrit » 12/09/2007 9:28 PM

"Thieves, aye?" he thought to himself, a small smirk play on his features. And now they were caught... What to do, what to do? While attention was drawn to them he could transform without being seen. Shadows engulfed him and then slowly faded, revealing a young male, looking to be around the age of seventeen or eighteen. His pale body was covered in black markings, almost like tattoos, that seemed to fade, appear, and fade again, continuing the cycle. His hair was pulled back in a very sloppy low ponytail, many strands flying about freely in the wind. His hair was rather odd in color. Almost a pure white, except for the very few black streaks within it.

Etzlij was very lean, but wasn't at all unhealthy. His metabolism just made it to where anything he ate didn't seem to stick to his bones. His shirt and pants were white, covered in black flames. "I think I'll watch for just a bit longer before coming in..." his thoughts continued.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 12/11/2007 1:54 AM

Well, it was good thing that Blix still didn't insist on being protective, it saved Ente a good amount of trouble. He took Benji into his arms quite willingly. He seemed a little overly careful upon hearing the report. Holding the boy, he placed one of his hands behind his head in order to feel the bandages. So that was the truth. Innerly, he was thankful that Blix had down so. He wouldn't discuss it, but that as true. Right now, he focused on the fact that Ben wasn't conscious and the other fact that they were surrounded by others. Three, as far as he could tell. It was an educated guess, but it was likely that he could be wrong. First he rested the back of his hand to the child's head, and then his own forehead to check for the temperature. This wasn't a very good sign. He shook gently, and spoke words trying to coax him out of his sleep. Things like 'Son, listen to me' or 'Come on, you have to get up.'

He hardly had time to concern himself with the two that had showed themselves. His eyes shot back to Charlie and Alpine momentarily. "Lie or no lie, as you say." He was automatically suspicious since they were previously trying to sneak around. "But I'm a tad busy." He turned his attention back to the young Kuhna is his arms.

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Postby Asrya » 12/11/2007 3:09 PM

Blix eyed the father and son a moment longer before turning toward the other three. Two he could see clearly, the other he couldn't quite make out.
"Aye? We're a bit preoccupied. What brings you over?" The Lucian was concerning himself with Benji, so Blix dismounts the bike and steps forward, eyeing Charlie and his companion carefully, staying alert for any other movement, not prepared for a fight with anyone, especially since he's so low level.
(woo hoo level for blix)
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Postby Ke'ra » 12/11/2007 4:01 PM

Charlie and Alpine stared at each other.  Silently speaking to each other Alpine though his talons and Charlie with her hands.

"You think we should help these people?" asked Alpine

"Yeah it might draw their attention away from what we really are"

"Your taking a big risk are you sure it is the best course of action?"


The two nodded and Charlie turned to the group and said "You need a doctor? I know a hospital not to far from here.  It is called St. Lucy's have you heard of it?"
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