Almost large enough to be considered a theme park while remaining free to the public, Terrace Park is rumored to have been the site of the Grand Hollowheart's defeat, leading to the Hollowhearts first accepting a pact with humans. (+2 Fame, +2 Endurance)

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The Divider

Postby Terri » 12/02/2007 4:06 PM


The Kanua sat.  That's all; just sat.  She was sitting.  And perhaps staring, too.  And waiting; yes, she was certainly waiting.  Decidedly waiting.

For what, one might ask?  Whatever it was, it seemed to have gotten the poor Kanua quite under the weather.  For the first time in Kai knows when, Tesha was actually frowning.  For such an upbeat soul, this was a rare occurrence.  Normally bouncing and full of energy, running, yipping, drinking, teasing, wrestling with Taya--wait!  Maybe that was it.

Where, pray tell, was Taya?
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Postby Terri » 12/02/2007 4:18 PM

After a few moments, the Kanua girl stood and began to pace.  She wasn't pacing angrily or anything; she just needed to keep moving.  It had been scientifically proven that Tesha was unable to sit still for more than six moments; if she attempted such a feat, she would spontaneously combust.

But, getting back to the point, she was pacing, and still waiting.  Where is she? she thought, her mind securely fastened on her 'sister,' her Berry counterpart.  Taya had promised to meet Tesha here almost twenty minutes ago, and was rarely late.  The Kanua's mood was going down with each passing moment that her friend didn't appear despite her attempt to stay positive and make excuses.  After all, she was great at making excuses for Taya, and vice versa; they had bailed each other out of jail numerous times, and had always been there to stand behind the other should a problem arise.

Taya and Tesha; they were tight, they were.  Tight as sisters.
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Postby Terri » 12/02/2007 4:52 PM

The Kanua girl abruptly sat, tucking her tails underneath her to still their spaztic frenzy.   This was getting worrisome.  A small pout appeared on her maw as she waited, trying her best to keep still.  As she looked around, she was struck by a rather unfamiliar emotion.  She was uncomfortable.  There were so many people around her, but none that she knew.  Off in a corner, gossiping, sat a pair of Matches, their feathers ruffled in excitement as they giggled.  They were the sort of people Tesha would normally hang around with.  Placing a smile on her features, she stood to make toward them.  She was stopped dead in her tracks, though, as she caught the eye of one of the girls.  They held each other's gaze for a moment, until the Matches looked away, back at her friend, as though she hadn't even noticed the Kanua.  Tesha raised an eyebrow, her smile remaining, though slightly confused.

Then the Matches looked back at Tesha for a moment, but didn't meet her eye.  the avian's eyes traveled up and down the Kanua's feline figure, a surreptitious smile on her face.  Then she turned back to her friend, and began giggling.

Now tha Kanua was thoroughly confused.  That is, until both Matches began tossing her glances, whispering amongst themselves, and pointing.  At her.

Tesha's face fell, and she sat back down, gnawing on her lower lip.  They're...talking about me?  She had never felt self-concious before, and tried to give the two friends the cold shoulder.  Their demeaning giggles pierced her back, though, going straight to her heart.

As she struggled to ignore the two, her eyes trained on her paws, she found herself cursing the Berry's absence.  She'd never been left to fend for herself before.  Where's Taya!?
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Postby Terri » 12/02/2007 6:46 PM

The Matches continued their gossip and the park continued its daily routine as Tesha sat there, gritting her teeth, waiting for her 'sister.'  Eventually, people began to filter out of the park as the sun sunk lower on the horizon.  Even the two obnoxious Matches seemed to bore of giggling and pointing at the Kanua; with one last sneer, they too flew off, away to giggle about some other insignificant oddity.

The Kanua let out a sigh.  She'd been waiting for...oh, about two hours now?  Taya still hadn't shown.  Something must have happened...I hope she's alright.

It was at this point that she finally stood up to leave.  Dejectedly, she turned to the exit of the park, and stopped dead.  She saw them.
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Postby Terri » 12/02/2007 6:55 PM

[center]Taya                                                   | ???

Hey, hey.  Careful now.

The voice rang out into the darkening air, resounding in Tesha's ears, hitting her like stones.  A little ways off, under some swirly slide, were two Kuhnas: a Berry and a small kit.

Jeeze!  Watch it, the Berry said as the kit playfully extended a claw to tear at her nose.  The assumed mother backed out of the way easily, but not before reaching out a paw to bat at the tiny creature, flip it onto its back.  The little kit squealed  in excitement as its belly was exposed and the berry gently nuzzled the soft, sparse fur.  Tesha's paws were heavy as lead as she approached the two, whom were purring and squealing as though they were having the best time in the world.

Her voice was cold and emotionless as the Kanua spoke, rather quietly, yet still audible if one were especially perceptive.


The Berry turned her head, a look of surprise on her features.  Said look quickly turned to a look of anguish as she picked the kit up in her mouth and started to move towards Tesha.  The Kanua turned away, tears hanging off her bottom lids.
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Postby Terri » 12/03/2007 10:51 PM

Angrily, Tesha turned and began stalking towards the park's edge.  Taya had...ditched her?  Taya, her best friend.  Her 'sister.'  Her Berry counterpart.

Had ditched her?

Tesh!  Hey, Tesha!  Wait up a second! Taya called before scooping the kit up in her jaws and running towards her friend.  Whayte! she mumbled, her jaws full.

The Kanua spun on her, snarling.  I did!  For two hours, at least.  I sat here, and waited.  She curled her lip in disgust.  And all the time, you were just a few yards away playing with that...thing.  She looked at the tiny kit, snarling still.  I'm done waiting.
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Postby Terri » 12/04/2007 5:07 PM

"...Please, Tesha..."  Taya's voice was filled with pain and regret.  "I'm sorry; I forgot to tell you.  Something else came up..."

The Kanua snorted angrily.  "Yeah, I can tell.  What a cute replacement you've found."

Now it was the Berry's turn to get defensive.  "What did you expect me to do!?  Just leave her at the Pen and come out to gossip and drink with you?"  She sighed.  "I'm a mother now, Tesh.  I can't play like I used to."  She looked fondly at the tiny Kuhna wriggling on the grass at her feet.  "I have to take care of her."

Briefly, Tesha's eyes closed.  Her nature was fighting with her hurt; it wasn't normal for her to be angry, but Taya's actions had ensured that the feeling came on strong.  "Taya..."  A few breths later, her eyes slowly opened, a smile sitting on her maw.  "Okay, I understand.  Just...don't do that again.  Ever.  We're sisters, remember?  We talk to each other.  We communicate."  The grin obtained a crooked trait.  "So you're a mother.  That's great!"

Taya smiled weakly, truly grateful for a friend like the Kanua.  "I knew you'd forgive me, Tesha."  She let out a deep-throated purr.  "We'll always be sisters."
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Postby Terri » 12/08/2007 2:17 AM

Smiling, the two adult Kuhnas purred, Tesha rubbing up against Taya's side.  "Just don't ditch me again."

The Berry grinned, though it was still a bit frought with regret.  "I know.  I'm sorry."  She gently licked her friend's cheek, and the two of them closed their eyes.

It was at this moment that the kit let out a pitiful squeal.  Taya was immediately on her feet, nosing her little Zookiberry worriedly.  Her peaceful manner had completely dissipated into a look of sheer panic.  "What happened?  Why'd she yelp?  Is she alright?"
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Postby Terri » 12/08/2007 12:38 PM

At Taya's frightened tone, Tesha nidged closer to the kit, prodding it gently with her nose.  It gave an excited squeal and leaped at Tesha's nose, laying a thin scratch on its surface.  The Kanua reeled back, but the was smiling.  "Feisty little bugger."  Taya nodded sheepishly.

"You sure you're alright?"

Tesha returned the nod.  "Yeah, I'm fine.  What's her name?"

The Berry looked to the ground for a moment.  "I...I don't know," she confessed.  "I haven't really thought about it."
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Postby Terri » 12/08/2007 1:15 PM

Tesha raised a brow.  "haven't thought about it?  My, my, what a dedicated mother."  She smirked, purring.  Taya sniggered, casting a playful glare in the Kanua's direction.

"Well, I don't think I'm doing half bad!"

Tesha's eyes rolled, still smirking.  "Yup.  Such a mannerful little creature, and I have a gash on my nose to prove it!"

The Berry's voice rose in feigned exasperation.  "A gash!  Oh my!  You poor, poor thing, getting beat up y just a tiny little kit."

The two girls collapsed on the grass, giggling madly.  The little Zookiberry bumbed over to them, laying her head on Taya's paw.  All three of them yawned simultaneously.
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Postby Terri » 12/08/2007 8:29 PM

The Zooki let out a tiny yip, making each of the adults smile.  It was the kind of smile that could onlt be brought on by the innocence of something so naive and young; it was a sad smile, perhaps, for each of the sisters knew that the little Zookiberry wouldn't be naive and innocent for long.  Nonetheless, they grinned down at her, their tails hanging motionless in the air.

The kit then latched on to one of Tesha's tails, clawing at it ferociously with tiny daggers.  The Kanua merely giggled and reached out her paw to swat the little thing away.
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Postby Terri » 12/21/2007 12:00 AM

[[ ...Er.  Okay, so this is almost a month late, but pretend that Teleaha's still an unnamed kit. X3;; ]]

Tesha's paw came down hard on the little kit's ehad.  She hadn't meant to hit her; she was just playing.  The Kanua simply didn't know her own strength.

As Tesha's paw landed a blow on her head, the little Zookiberry squealed in fright, mewling pitifully.  Taya bristled and stood, her claws flexing.
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Postby Terri » 12/30/2007 9:42 AM

Taya froze as her kit mewled, and in a split second she had placed herself between her sister and her kit, her body folded protectively around her little Zooki.  She sniffed her urgently, prodding, pawing at her, making sure everything was alright.

Once she was sure her kit hadn't been harmed, she turned a merciless snarl to the Kanua.

"Tesha!  Be careful!  I can't believe you actually hit her!  She's only little, Tesha, she's only little!  Don't touch my daughter.  Don't touch her."

Tesha's face fell.  For a moment she stood there silently, returning Tesha's gaze.

"I guess sisters can be replaced."

[[ Yeah, this is done. XP  Thanks.  they all went home, and Teleaha grew up. o3o ]]
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