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Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2][Hunt]

Postby Moofius » 01/26/2012 9:53 PM

Everyone had to take them. A few were sort of wary about the two, small green pills but took them anyway since they were under strict orders to do so. Scot didn't care either way, popping them in his mouth as soon as he got them and not giving them a second thought.

The day went as normal, eat food, use bathroom, get ready for a battle, fight, kill, come back to base and try to get to your room before Hitler found you. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Scout got into bed with only a few bruises from a RED Scout who had his head sniped before he had a chance to cave in Scot's skull. Perhaps a disturbing image and thought, that he had come so close to death, but it was so close to routine now that Scot slept easily. Actually he fell asleep much easier than normal, out before his head hit the pillow.



Scout groaned and rolled away from the alarm clock, discomfort sitting heavily on his shoulder blades. He must have slept on his arm funny.
"Ugh... Shudup, wouldja?" He grumbled, twitching his nose which had a bit of an itch. It felt like there was a hair on his face or something.

The beeping and discomfort continued and Scot figured his roommates were dead and he didn't actually have any (again). Well whatever, maybe he'd throw out the piles of crap covering the floor. The distance between his bed and the floor was getting less and less all the time.

With the goal of shutting off the alarm being number one the young man rolled back over (more discomfort) and  blindly reached towards the alarm. His hand hit pillow.
"Huh?" Was his air really that bad? Scout stretched again, as far as he could, and tried to feel on the night stand. Only pillow, and not even the edge of the pillow.
"What the fuck?" He asked, blue eyes opening as he turned his head so the alarm and his arm could be in view. Except his arm wasn't there. There was a furry sort of... paw... thing.

Another stretched, fingers reaching. His arm was nowhere in sight but the paw on his pillow stretched and strained, the fingers of the paw separating to show of small, sharp claws and light brown fur.
"What kinda' sick fuckin' joke...?" Scout asked, withdrawing his "hand" to touch his face. Was that fur? Was his nose wet?
"Awh wha...? Wh-what the fuck?!"

Scout started to flail and kick his way out from under his bed. His feet hopped his ass up higher than his head and he tumbled forward onto his bed, kicking up at the air as he yelled in a blind panic.
"SHIT! SHIT!! What the fuck!? Why'doIgotfuckingpaws!?"
Scout rolled back onto his paws, feeling that weird discomfort from his shoulder blades again.

"Ah Jesus... What...?" He tried to stand up on his feet and fell back, hitting his head against the wall. Tears started to roll down his cheeks while he tried to sniff them back, one paw rubbing the back of his furry head as Scout got his first look at his furry belly and giant feet.

"Oh my FUCKING God... What the hell is this?" He could sleep on his fucking pillow, that was how small he was now! He struggled to his feet again, hopping around in a tight circle to try and see himself. He was like... a rabbit or something? Were those feathers? Jesus what the hell!

After tripping over his legs a few times Scout had to stop and cry and think. Something had clearly gone horribly wrong. Scout needed to get help. He didn't bother to think why he was like, just that it needed to be fixed. Since the distance from bed to floor was small Scout felt okay with jumping down onto the pile of clothes and God only knew what else.

Everything looked so big and scary now. His bed was huge now. Scout didn't know what to make of it. All he knew was this just had to be a mistake, a fixable mistake. All he had to do was get help.

Scout hopped through the clothes, the uneven surface making it harder to traverse than it should have. Last night it had taken him all of three steps. Now it was like an epic adventure. It didn't help that he had a poor grasp of how his legs worked. Hopping was not running, it was hopping. The dynamic was not like running so Scot spent a good portion of his time tripping over himself.

Eventually he hit solid floor, the only clear spot in the whole room which made sense since it was right by the door. Scout rubbed at his eyes to rid his cheeks of the tears he'd shed getting thus far, the fur on his cheeks wet. Scout had made it to the door. All he had to do was... open... it...

"Fuh-fuck!" He hopped over to the door and tried to jump up as high as he could, paws stretching up to the door handle. Not. Even. Close.
"No nonononono...!" He tried a few more jumps, each one failing miserably. Scout pawed at his door, claws scratching lightly, "Hey! HEY! Help! I can't...! Huuhn, this is fucked up!"
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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby Redd » 01/27/2012 3:12 AM

As the first glimmer of light struck the window and filtered through the window panes and blinds - that someone had neglected to shut – there was a stirring on the bed.  

It didn’t take long for Mikhail to rouse himself up from his slumber and pull himself up out of bed, but it took a second for him to register that there was any different. He breathed a quiet breath, mentally preparing himself to deal with the others. He preferred the quiet solitude of his room and the privacy it offered. He didn’t need the idiots that he worked with fouling up his living space, they were bad enough on the battlefield and in the kitchen.
Though he was a simple man he liked everything neat and compact and he’d be damned if someone messed it all up.

Mikhail pushed himself to the side of his bed, and scratched his face contemplating his team – then something made him freeze in terror. His hand (no claw!) was covered in fur. WHITE FUR.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Mikhail jumped off the bed in terror, freezing up again when something tinkled and something coming off his back smacked the edge of his bed, sending him tumbling onto the floor. No. Stop. Breath. Sort this out. You’re a Sniper. Breath. You’ve been through worse.

With that thought, and the fact that his pride might possibly be on the line, the Sniper pulled himself awkwardly back onto two feet. Then he toppled over again. What the HELL was wrong with his legs?  He wiggled them to get a better view of them. Peg legs, who the hell would have invented that. He breathed, slightly giving in to panic now (what sort of Sniper could function with legs that seemed way to unstable to walk on?). He forced himself to take another breath, and survey himself from where he sat. Most of his body was covered in white fur and on his chest was a tag with a number, so far so good. He even had a tail, and opposable thumbs. Perfect, he would still have use of his hunting knife, SMG and Sniper Rifle.  If... he could walk. Fuck. And, oh what was this? His tail had a fucking BELL on it? What messed up sort of creature WAS he?
He turned his attention to his face. His face was covered in some sort of cloth, tied up in the back as a bow and another bell hanging off the top of his head. Fuckin’ bells.

‘Okay, time to get up.’ He grumbled to himself. It was probably a good idea to go and see what had happened to the rest of his team. He grabbed the side of the bedside table and hauled himself to his feet, this time using his tail to attempt to balance himself on his awkward legs. He’d attempt to balance on walls and nearby objects until he got the hang of this. ‘Spy? Scout? Anyone?’ He raised his voice as he attempted to wander to the door.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/27/2012 4:18 AM

Like everyone else, the previous day had just been a day. He'd taken the pills like everyone else, went through the day, and then to bed. The Engineer, or 'Engie' as Scot called him, snuggled his pillow into deep sleep, wishing that it was the Scout for which he'd fallen. It'd been awhile since they'd shared the bed together, and Engie was feeling it. He relied on the deep slumber to keep such longings away, and when sleep took him, it helped. He dreamt of back home, of the faces he hadn't seen in quite a long time...

It was when his aunt from home was calling for him when his slumber was interrupted by an incredible itch. Engie blinked awake slowly, still nestled in the clean, white sheets of his private room when he reached over and gave his shoulder a scratch. A distinctly different feel. And Engie was already beginning to feel a sense of mass displacement around him... "What...?" He blinked at his arms, feeling a strange sensation from he itching, like rough hide... Scales!


"Aw... What in tarnation..?!" The Engineer said, turning his head this way and that. There was a pang of panic but he was also under the impression that this was a dream. But he knew it was not. Shit. He... needed to figure out why this'd happened. But first... The Engineer surveyed his entire body. Reptilian but a bit softer, a tail that (if he focused hard enough on) he found he could move manually, and when he reached up on his rounded, scaly head, there were ears. Slipping out of bed (the extra weight of his tail felt odd, for sure), Engie tested walking. "Hmmm.. a quadruped. Alright," he murmured to himself, walking slowly and steadily getting used to this. It wasn't as hard as he'd thought (what person, as a child, hadn't crawled on all fours before?), but it still felt a little demeaning. Whatever, he'd deal with that later.

On all fours, he was a little taller than the edge of his mattress. When he balanced with his tail, he found he could balance on his hind legs and access the door. Good, going good, Engie. Out in the hallway, Engie worried for the fact that he couldn't lock his door, but he was curious as to whether everyone else was experiencing this... odd phenomenon. If so, it wouldn't much matter, at least not for a few hours while the rest of the team recovered. The first instinct drove him... He had to check on Scout. His Scout...

It took awhile to get to where he needed to go (hey! His leg felt so much better this way...? Less weight on the bad leg), but after awhile, he found his way down the Scout hall. Many of the mercs he'd seen on his way there had been changed as well (and all were different kinds of... creatures), most of them panicking. What was going on? And what was that noise...? "Ah! Scout?!" He called, hearing his own voice come from the throat of this... lizard. There was Scout's cry behind the door, and Engie put into practice his newfound door-opening skills. "Hold on. Ah'll getcha outta there." Calm, stay calm. Scout already sounded a might panicked.


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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby Moofius » 01/27/2012 5:09 AM

At first he'd been pawing (or clawing) lightly at the door. It didn't take long for Scout to give up caring as he clawed harder at the wood surface, making some change in the overall appearance. It was hard to call it "damage".

On the other side of the door he hear his name called and he paused and felt his ears stand up straight. He would be some little girls dream right now. Fuck he needed to get out of this body thing!
"Engie?!" Hope for escape from this room and hope for this all being solved crashed into Scout at about the same time dread did.

Engie was going to see him like a cute, fluffy rabbit? Scout jumped back from the door and climbed into and onto the pile of clothes, the door swinging open behind him.
"Oh gawd don't look...!" Scout gasped, flopping forward and covering his face with his paws, ears pressed back. But it was too late. The Engineer would have seen how freakish he was, if he had not already figured out that his voice had come from the rabbit.

Scout turned around slowly, looking down at his paws, "I-I dunno'... Man... Fuck..." He rubbed one paw across his cheek, automatically pulling it back to pass it over his ear as if to groom. Scout didn't notice, or if he did that all went out the window when he actually looked up.

Up until that point he figured he was probably the only freak on base.


Red had tried every conceivable way to avoid those pills. In the end the RED Spy, cursing the pills, took them and hoped to God that any ill affects would be temporary and something he could deal with.

That night he stayed up late trying to decipher more of that old WWII folder of information. He was not aware of how often he scratched his arm or neck, but he did find it odd how much earlier he went to bed. Red had barely made it to his bed before collapsing onto it and falling asleep.


Red woke up and knew right away that something was wrong. His vision wasn't blurry but it was... So far from right, and even though he had fallen asleep in his clothes he felt the lack of expensive tailoring around his limbs and torso. He looked around carefully, checking for traps or other persons in his room before he slowly sat up in bed and blinked.
More than one set of eyelids closed and a wave of vertigo swept over Red. A small shudder ran down the length of his spine, which Red was now learning was much longer than it was the light before.
Don't Panic.

"On y vas, a le salle de bain." The words were spoken softly, but firmly as he moved his legs towards the bathroom. Well his legs seemed to be working. His vantage point of the room seemed considerably higher than normal but Red wasn't going to worry about that too much off the bat. First things first, he needed to know what he was going to look like today. With a tail and more than two eyes, Red suspected it was not going to be the more enjoyable days.

The first thing that was really awful that happened was he hit his head... Against the top of the door frame.
"Merde!" Red hissed, ducking down to try again, only to hit the side of his face against the door frame.
"PUTIN!" He snarled and hissed. Really hissed, like a cat or a snake might.

Red turned his head sideways and stepped into his side bathroom to look at himself in the full sized mirror he had, at least he use to have. With the extra two and a half feet (or so) added to his height it wasn't really that at all.

Red still had his suit and gloves on and was, at the same time, completely naked. Well that could be convenient. He also had wicked looking claws on his feet and hands. He looked down at himself, running his hands experimentally over his body. Think, boney... Scaled.
The body was very far from what he had gone to sleep with (the tail that seemed to sway back and forth with a mind of it's own attesting to that) but, had he any idea what others were waking up with he wouldn't complain (much). Still this was quite a rude awakening but he still had no idea what his face looked like.

Red bent forward, gasped and fell the rest of the way to land hard on his knees. The claws of his hand broke his mirror, the split second view of his face was burned into his mind forever though.
He was like a lizard snake thing. With eyes. Lots and lots.
"Un, deux, trois... six, sept, huit... neuf? ... N-neuf..." Red hands gingerly travelled over the expanse of his "face" which was now about three times wider than it had been before. No wonder he had his the door frame with his face. As he touched and felt his way around he counted his eyes to confirm that he did, indeed, have 9 eyes.

"Neuf..." How in the world had this happened? How had he become this strange creature thing? Overall he was taking this quite well. He wasn't freaking out of breaking down. No, he had better get to the bottom of this. Red would start with those pills. That seemed to be the strangest thing about yesterday, hands (er, claws?) down.

Red strode over to the door of his room, checking to make sure he was presentable before swinging the door open. If his suspicions were correct, and this was all linked to those pills, everyone else on base would be a freak just like him.
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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby Redd » 01/27/2012 5:55 AM

(I apologise for Blue's swearing tirade. 8'| He gets angry easy.)

By now, Mikhail had made it to the door frame and reached out a hand to grab the door knob. The once 6' man had now shrunken to the size of a mere child, though he was glad he could open the door. The golden knob twisted as he grappled with the damned thing (with a hand completely covered with fur, twisting slippery objects was no easy feat) and finally the door swung open.

'Ack. There we go.' He muttered to himself, eyes sweeping the corridor for once seeking out a single friendly face. Right now, it looked like he was at least the first Sniper up, since the hallway was still quiet so he strode along, using the wall for support to try and find a familiar face.

'Bonjour~ I see you are affected too.' The voice of someone familiar, but not exactly a friend filtered down the hallway. 'What on earth are you friend? A tree?'

Mikhail shot the Spy an irritated look before giving himself a glance, feeling embarrassed at the though. A tree...? It sounded like a usable suggestion. If... he wasn't white... and wearing bells and a face mask. Still a tree? How embarrassing, especially next to one who had taken the form of what appeared to be some deformed wolf. A wolf would have been a prouder species, but at least he still had retained the use to hold weapons.

'I don't know what I am.' Mikhail snapped back, his anger making the little bell on his tail jingle, adding to the hilarity of the situation. ' How did you even get out of your room? Wolves don't have hands.'

Bastian struggled to maintain his composure. Even though this was slightly alarming, he could not deny that it was amusing. 'Calm mon amie. An', well... I 'ad a bit of 'elp.' He replied, gesturing to the shape behind him.

Mikhail placed a hand over his eyes. This was... great. He was stuck like this. With a wolf-spy he detested, just because of his attitude (and possibly how similar they were) and how many times they had both saved each other and a grumpy, non-english speaking bird engineer. This was... brilliant. Why had he gotten out of bed again? 'And how did you manage that? He doesn't help anyone.'

'Oh well. I need to see 'im occasionally to get my equipment fixed. You just 'ave to treat him with a little more respect and flattery, but I understand that sort of thing is eh... beneath you?' Bastian flashed the Sniper a wry grin before raising his head to glance at Ryou. 'Ryou?'

The Engineer raised his head from inspecting his feathers and looked at Bastian. 'Yes?'

'Uh... we are.. going to, eh... check on zee others. You coming?' Bastian tried to phrase awkwardly, hoping the engineer would understand him. To his relief the bird dipped his head. 'Okay, it is settled then. You following too Mikhail? I 'eard from Ryou that one of zee other Engineers was 'eading into the Scout 'all and that was all 'e 'ad seen so. There should be people there?'

Mikhail sighed and rolled his eyes. 'Fine. Hang on I'm going to get my knife, I don't want to deal with that rabble without it.' He grumbled before hobbling back into his room, grabbing the knife he kept under his pillow and joining the pair walking down the hallway. Man he hated Scouts, so much. It gave him so much satisfaction to kill the buggers.

- - -

Blue stood in front of his mirror, in complete shock. He was a fucking raptor. A. Fucking. Raptor. He turned his head, watching the creature in front of him copy him. Then he flexed a claw. The reflection did the same.
Suddenly overwhelmed, he turned and made his way back to the bed, taking out a good chunk of the door frame and sitting on the bed, which gave a noticeable groan. 'Man... I did not expect that to happen. Bloody 'ell mate...' He mused to himself, gripping the side of the bed, not noticing the gashes he was putting into the quilt and mattress.

The pills, it had to be the pills. There was nothing else his mind could put together as an excuse for the issue. Did that mean everyone was the same as him... raptors? Or would they be something else?
Though, to be honest he wasn't too motivated to go and check. He was just empty. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to react. He couldn't wear his hat with this bloody horn in the middle of his face and he doubted his ability to hold a rifle as he didn't exactly have opposable thumbs. Sure, his new claws were nasty enough to rip and tear but that just wasn't his style or what he had been trained for.

'Bloody, fucking, kangaroo balls. This is fucking ridiculous.' Blue growled, suddenly sitting up and striding out the door - not caring that his sickle took another chunk out of the wall - and down the hallway where more people could hear him. 'Who the fuck out here can fucking explain to me what the fuck is going on, aye?'

All the stories
And the loopholes
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Throw another of your right hooks
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Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/27/2012 7:05 AM

"Scout!" the Teigu chimed happily, the Engineer's ears going up in an attempt to detect where the boy was as soon as the door swung slowly open. There was a flash of brownish fur, a blur that dashed out of view for a moment. So Scout was changed as well...? When the other was finally within his sight, Engie smiled, biting back the most drawn out "D'awwwwwr" he'd ever would have said. But he held it back (the boy would be loathe to hear it if he did) and crawled into the room, his ears automatically pinwheeling every which way. "You too, huh?" he said, his lizardy maw forming a warm smile as he plopped himself on the ground before Scout. He would let Scout come to him, no doubt the boy was a bit more freaked out than he was (not to say he wasn't perturbed in the least).

Scout was now a rabbit of some sort, of the most adorable nature, and he was probably hating every minute of it. It probably didn't help that there was now a sizable difference between the two of them, swayed in the other direction. It wasn't often that Engie saw the top of Scout's head (even if the head was that of a rabbit's), so Engie had to take everything slow. "I think it's been an interestin' mornin' for all of us." Another reassuring smile though. Engie let it play out on his reptile snout as his ears radar'd backwards where he could hear some commotion. There were a few voices out there (none of them sounded threatening, at least for now), and he thought that perhaps he could recognize the Australian, as well as the French, accents.


Expendable. They were all expendable and it was something that most forgot after a few months in the hell that was fashioned for them. When you were fighting out on the field every day for your very life, it was hard to remember just why exactly you were being sent out in the first place. Beautiful.

He had to smile at that, looking at the two, innocent pills sitting in the palm of his hand. The Spy rolled a thumb over them and closed his eyes, popping them in his mouth. From the research he'd gathered, they were all in for a ride, but it was just like anything else. Expendable fodder, to be used and abused. 'Blu', like the company he was nicknamed after, stood in the cold, stuffy atmosphere of the basement cellar he'd been given. His safe haven. Blu threw his head back, bottoms up, and pressed his back against a far wall. He let himself slide down and sat in the quiet stillness to muse on why he didn't fight this harder. He kept his eyes closed and waited for whatever was to come. It was about an hour or so in that the first of his fingernails began to feel lose, and with a little help, peeled easily away. Blu tossed it across the room, fingers stained with blood, and laughed, drawing a hand up to his face and letting his body shudder with it. His body felt hot, his heart was beating too fast and there was the insane notion of wanting to scratch at his skin until it came away. The world began to spin.

"Hahaha....oh mon dieu."

Expendable. He let himself laugh away until sleep took its place.


The change had not been slowly gradual, and when he awoke, the Blu Spy felt sore with the abrupt changes made. A roll of the shoulders (hellooooo... four shoulders?) was only the first in several exercises he took in discovering who he was today. Lithe, insectile, and with some interesting new perks. It was by far nothing he was expecting, but who knew what the Administration developed behind the veil of authority? He was still sitting on the floor in a crouched heap against the wall. This position had grown uncomfortable, and the discovery of two pairs of glassy wings proved to be the source of the discomfort. Blu took the time to find a mirror and leer into it (now a foot or so taller than normal), rolling and testing each and every joint of his body. The tail was obediant and eventually prehensile, the wings took a bit of backward thought. Working four arms was by far the most difficult task, for his mind felt doubly split and required a new way of operative thinking. Walking was fine, though he felt lighter. That was always a good thing.

Though he was without the clothing that he'd been wearing the day prior, Blu still felt so, covered in the armor-like carapace. "Hm hm hm... This iz interesting..." he purred to no one in particular. There was no point in worrying whether this would be permanent or not; the damage had already been done, and any complaints would fall upon deaf ears anyhow. To him, it was just another mask to wear, a new 'himself', reinvented as always. If Adminstration did this to them, there was a reason.

Ah but yes. He shouldn't stay here, it would be interesting to see who else had turned into what else. The Blu Spy sneered a little, finding it difficult to store his weapons on his person now that there were no cloth bindings in which to conceal them. A butterfly knife he held as he considered crevices in his carapace, though he wasn't all that sure how safe that would be. Hrm. For now, he'd simply keep it on hand (his left secondary hand), as he turned to leave. If he needed his gun, he'd have to return to it. For now, he would venture out. There was some flight practice to do.

((8U Yep. Blu has Hulking Figure, which bumps him up one size category (in this case to M, around 7 or so feet). 8"U Hulking Figure makes him sound fat.))


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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby Moofius » 01/27/2012 9:05 PM

(( E for Everything. There's a warning for a reason. :'D And lawl, Blu is totally fat. :'D <3333 JK, JK. <333 Also on the BLU side, from Kreepy's chars I think the Spy = American (French), Engie = Ashun, Sniper = Russian. So no Australian accent. Could be wrong though. ))

Scout blinked up at Engie stupidly for a moment, his jaw hanging open, his buck teeth all the more prominent now that he was a rabbit.
"Well shit. What the fuck are you suppose to be?"

As eloquently put as it was it was a genuine question (and concern). Rob was like a really colourful lizard thing. With donkey ears.
"All of...? Interesting?! You think this is fucking interesting?!" His voice felt a bit smaller and a bit, God forbid, higher as a rabbit. Made sense; smaller body, smaller throat, smaller voice. Scout hopped down the pile of clothes and to the strange new form that was Engie to put a paw against the engineers tail.
"You have a fucking tail, Engie! A TAIL!"

Where Rob was hoping to keep calm and under control to hopefully instill those feelings into his little bunny friend, Scout was the exact opposite. How could anyone be calm if they were all freaks?!
"I have a tail! People don't have tails, Engie! They just don't fuckin' have 'em! It's against nature! How am I suppose to work like this!? How am I suppose to live like this?!"
As the Scout spoke passionately of his plight the fur on his body started to stand on end and bristle, his lips pulled back a little to bare non-threatening teeth. He wasn't threatening Engie but the stress reaction for him was to look that much fluffier, body almost vibrating with irritation and fear for the future. It wasn't often that the Scout thought about such an uncertain thing, but being turned into a rabbit sure helped put things in perspective.

"What'll my ma say? Awh jeez, Engie, my brudda's are gonna' kick the snot outta' me and ma' only feed me carrots for the rest of my life! At least you can open doors..."
His ears flicked towards the sound of others voices for a moment but then went right back to trying to look stressed and upset, eyes pleading with the engineer to fix everything. Scout knew this wasn't his fault and that Rob likely didn't have an answer but Rob was the best shot he had of getting out of this.


Well apparently they weren't just like him. The creatures running around didn't have 9 eyes and the same colours as him. Most of them were red (though not all, and one was entirely blue and suspicious...) but out side of that there didn't seem to be a constant theme. He would call them all mutant freaks, but really the theme seemed to hint towards a purposeful design. None of the creatures he met as he traversed the halls were sporting gimped limbs or an uneven number of them. If they did, like his odd number of eyes, it was something centered. That said, none of the species were from earth.

Many of them resembled animals from earth (house cats with wings or wolves with blades from their backs) but they sported strange growths or abnormal things. Red felt he was a bit of lizard, cobra, scorpion and maybe something like a spider for the eyes, with a humanoid figure; for that he was grateful.

It was when he was going down the Sniper's dorm area that Red caught sight of something quite interesting. A previous Sniper was now... a dinosaur? His Matilda would be thrilled. In fact she would probably love her daddy even more thanks to his reptilian face and body. If it weren't for his wife he might not bother reversing this.

"Well aren't you juzt 'opping mad, Bleu." His tongue flicked out of his mouth to taste the air and Red flinched and laughed, "Well that's new. Hmm, anyway. No need to lose your 'ead, Bleu. I zuzpect it waz zee pillz we were given from the 'igher ups." Red said, matters turning more serious as he moved to light up a cigarette, only to remember that he was, essentially, naked. Well that was inconvenient.
"Zwinging your 'orn around like zhat will only get one of zomebodies eyes poked out. I may 'ave a few extras, but zhat doesn't mean I wouldn't 'esitate to kill you iv your ztupidity took it out."

Red sniffed and flicked his tongue out, tasting the stress, fear, and confusion in the air. Huhn. Well this would make reading emotions much easier. He didn't have to read or guess, just stick his tongue out.
"Hmm, try to enjoy it, my friend. Imagine all the new things you can feel. What is it like 'aving eyes on the side of your 'ead?"
Only two of his eyes were on either side of his head. Six of them were concentrated towards the front. The one on his forehead was disorienting as it took it was was above him. He would have to test his ability to look in multiple directions at once.

Right, the Sniper. Damn it was hard to concentrate on solving problems when your whole body could have new abilities and skills. Like did he have any poison in his tail? Was he venomous? Where was Blu when you needed someone to experiment on? What was Blu?
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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby Redd » 01/28/2012 12:44 AM

Bastian tilted his head considering the odd situation they were in. He wasn't the brightest of spies; his usual role on the battlefield was assassination and cutting the power to Engineer's equipment, not in intelligence retrieval or deciphering. Though, it seemed like everyone had those strange pills... and therefore everyone had become an animal.
'Oh! I 'ad an idea~!' Bastian perked up excitedly, unaware that his tails started wagging in his exuberance. 'It was those pills, oui? So eh, we could... ask a eeh... Medic..?'
He trailed off looking at the expression, or what he could decipher from the scrunched up fabric on the Sniper's face. 'Eh, It was just a suggestion. 'E would probably 'ave more of a clue than one who does not know medicine.' He finished shrugging.

'I'm not going anywhere near either of those medics.' Mikhail grunted folding both of his arms and continuing to walk to the Scout corridor. 'I only talk to you out of... circumstance and I detest medics. I'm not going to talk to people I can't stand. I want to get to the bottom of this quickly, efficiently and with the least amount of fucking about as possible. You understand?'

'Oui. I was just trying to 'elp. Zat is all.' Bastian's ears drooped on their own accord, matching his lapse in optimism. He'd resolve to possibly pitch the idea to someone else later. It made sense, if the pills were medicine, wouldn't the medics know what to do? Like most people he had a healthy level of fear and respect for the medics but all in all, why not ask?

As the group rounded the corner, Bastian spotted one of the Scout doors open and voices coming out of it. Possibly one of these team members were up and had gotten over an initial panic. Hopefully. After a quick backwards glance at the Engineer (who was otherwise busying himself with learning all the features of his new transformation) and the Sniper (who was mulling over something), he called out a quick 'Bonjour~? Ah, 'ello?' Down the hall, hoping that someone heard him.

- - -

'Mad? I'm fuckin'... I don't know. Aye mate. Yer a strange creature too.' Blue placed a claw over his face; his thoughts were right now a jumbled mess. He wasn't taking this as well as some of the others evidently were. He wasn't used to change, and his life as a professional Sniper for RED had certainly lulled him into a false sense of security in that respect.

'Though, I see yours suits you more than some of the others I've seen.' Blue commented, shifting awkwardly. Spies. The one thing he hated. Especially ones on your own team; they couldn't kill you, unless there was a personal reason but he knew of a particular one who didn't let team colour get in the way of his personal endeavours. 'Well, I'm bloody sorry. I'll try to watch it.' He growled, the words actually forming a throaty growl as he spat them out. But he really did mean it. He really did fear Spies quite a bit. There was the hope that maybe the transformation had affected their disguising and cloaking equipment, but until Red let it slip, he wasn't going to take his chances.

'You, er.. mind if I follow you mate?' He shifted from foot to foot, getting used to the awkward leaning forward shape of the raptor and how he had to use his tail as a counter balance so he didn't pitch forward while walking. Evidently whatever he was, was built for speed, which made him an excellent Scout, but a horrible Sniper. Man. Would he have to be retrained? That would be the worst. 'Fuckin' bollocks.' He growled quietly to himself, before raising his voice again. 'Yer... seem to have more of an idea than the rest of the wankers in this base. And personally, I'd prefer to get back to normal as soon as possible.'

Blue shifted claws again and inspected his hands. Two claws per hand. Perfect. How was he supposed to get anything done like this? He always supposed one of the brighter Engineers on base could rig something like an opposable thumb up; there was always hope, wasn't there? He wasn't going to end up as a fucking scout. That was suicide on the front lines. He liked being a Sniper, he was reasonably more assured of his survival that way.
'Ugh, sorry. Got... distracted. Aye? I uh. Kept 'em closed. It's easier not being a fucking freak for now.' He growled giving his head a shake. Indeed he had focused on keeping his eyes on the side of his head closed. He had been pretty good at winking with both eyes, so training the others to stay shut wasn't overly hard. He had found the extra set extremely disorientating. Though now that the Spy had mentioned it, he opened them again, fighting against the sickening wave and how it ruined his sense of perception. Still, too bad humans didn't have eyes on the side of their head. It would be perfect for watching out for enemies while scoped. 'I'm surprised you're not havin' issues with yer bloody eyes. But, you're used to slipping into different skins like that, aren't you.'

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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/28/2012 7:48 AM

Well that hadn't worked. Staying calm did nothing to help the boy... er... rabbit to stay level-headed. Engie's ears went down of their own accord as he began to worry more for his little, fluffy counterpart. "Ah, Scout. Ah'm sure this can't be permanent," he said, his tail giving a little flick when Scout touched it. Well that felt weird. "Look, jus' calm down. Ah've walked down the halls and most everyone seems to be havin' problems of their own, so surely that means it was for a reason... And Ah'm sure someone's gotta know about this, if at least just a little." His ears perked (man, was it weird to have them move on their own). "Maybe a Spah'll know." They began to lower again, flat against his head as Engie finished, "... or a Medic."

The idea of seeing a Medic, especially that Medic didn't exactly strike well with him, especially with the both of them like this. If they were lucky, Medic was now something equally as fluffy and better yet, harmless. Best not to find out though. It was then that he heard the voices again, this time closer and calling out for them, or so he thought. "Hmmm. One sec, Scout," Engie said softly, padding over in reptilian fashion to poke his head out of the doorway. "Hello? Hey there, guys. Havin' trouble too huh?" Engie didn't know these newcomers personally, but he'd seen them around a couple of times. It was hard, after all, not to know anyone at least in appearance around here. Though... it was sorta of hard to pinpoint just who was what, since only their voices gave way to who they might be.


Flight was most definitely harder than it seemed. And Blu wasn't about to find the highest point in the nearby area and simply jump off. No. That was stupid. He did however discover that getting his wings going wasn't too hard (and once they started, then beat faster then the eye could keep up. Kind of like a dragonfly? Hah!) and provided a veritable source of lift. The hardest part was controlling where he went and how fast. Blu graced himself with a couple of scrapes in the red dust, feeling somewhat foolish. But he was persistent. Every moment he spent not getting to know his body, everyone else would catch up. It was just another skin, only this one came with more mechanics.

He'd have to test it on someone eventually. How he could kill. Weapons of course, were his first option, but Blu would be an idiot not to capitalize on his new abilities as well. He was faster, lighter (which might be detrimental in a scuffle), could fly (eventually), had a prehensile tail and four arms (that would be fun), and possessed a carapace (wondering vaguely if it could take a bullet). What wasn't to explore? Blu smiled, dusting himself off after a short burst into the air, his feet hovering above the ground just seconds before. It was a mix of controlling which wing when how fast...

Honestly, he had to see what his precious nemesis was up to, what he was. This was too good to pass up. He wasn't exactly sure what he was capable of yet though, as well as what Red's new skills were. It could be dangerous. Hrm. Perhaps a little more experimentation first (he didn't fall out of the sky this time!) and then he'd make his way to the RED base. Just to see. If all went well, Blu could safely view Red from the comfort of a high perch... Provided the other Spy didn't possess his own set of wings...


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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby Moofius » 01/29/2012 6:32 AM

If he stopped being mad there was a high chance of him being upset again and the last thing Scout wanted to be was a baby. He did calm himself down a little, fur mostly going back into place, though he looked significantly fluffier with all that fur standing on end.
"Well if only a few people were freaks that'd be weird. Maybe they'll blame all of us being freaks on some sort of weird reaction to on site chemicals or or cut out our vocal cords and use us for a petting zoo or something!" Scout groaned, running his paws over his cheeks, eyes, forehead, all the way back to his neck. His ears followed the motion, springing back up once the rabbits paws were back on the ground, blue eyes looking up at Engie with a hopeless air about them. They seemed to say, "We're so boned" and the sense of doom and gloom only intensified when the engineer mentioned the medic.


Scout hadn't even considered who might know about this. It would make sense to ask the person who had given him the pills in the first place.
"Well... Yeah lets start with Spies or something..." They knew a lot about everything, those spies. It would be way easier to get information from a medic, but spy's knew everything and if they were all weird mutant freaks too then maybe they wouldn't be so secretive about what was going on. Medics, on the other hand... Well a medic was just another word for Hitler, since he was Engie's and his own medic.

"Maybe Hitler is like... a... a gold fish or something. I wouldn't mind running into him in he was a goldfish." Scout said, chuckling a little, ears perking forward a bit. He could see Panacea just eating him up. What if somebody had turned into a fish. That would make them pretty much dead, right?

"Well if we're gonna' go looking for spies," Scout muttered, ignoring Engie to instead leave the room, his hops still awkward and lopsided as he tried to walk as he would had he not woken up as an animal.
"... A wolf?! No fair! And you're a huge ass bird and... I better not be the smallest fuckin' thing running around." Scout snapped, barring his teeth and bristling up again, "And what the fuck are you suppose to be, Jingles?"
Seriously, was he like... a legless baby abominable snow-thing?


Red chuckled as he once more ran his hands down his sides. Scales still and cool to the touch, reptilian.
"Zpies don't 'ave any one sing zhat "zuits" uz. We zuit all sings. Zhat zaid, I 'ave to agree. Zhoo anysing whiz a vaguely 'uman shape would be much eazier to adjust to. I muzt zay though, you are zporting an extremely fazcinating body right now. A raptor." Red chuckled and shook his head, "Besides, my 'ead iz wider zhen zee door frame. It will take zome getting use to."
Hopefully they wouldn't need to get use to looking like strange animals thought up by some reptile obsessed artist. Hopefully their was a known way to reverse this and that would be handed out as quickly as the pills that had changed everyone had been.

Red did not care much for hope. Hoping was what those who did not do did. Red was a doer and so seemed the Sniper who asked if he could tag along.
"Mais oui, of course," Red purred, turning around quickly and starting to walk, "I want to get a few sings from my room. Zhen we can go and per'aps zpeak to members of RED 'ou owns brains. Zhere are more on BLU zhoo. Zhere iz a good chance we will 'ave to go to zhere baze and call for a temporary truce."

His eyes? Well it was true that the sniper had 4 now. An extra two compared to what he had gone to bed with, but Red still trumped him with 9. The number was still strange and very alien. 9.
"Well I did 'it my 'ead trying to leave enter zee bathroom. It iz really weird... My 'ead iz much wider zhen it was yezterday. But yez, I am uze to many ozzer zkins. Even zhoo, zhis iz ztrange for me. It iz not like going from a cat to a dog. It'z more like going from a cat to zhome zort of Lovecraftian zpace God..."
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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby Redd » 01/29/2012 10:54 PM

(KAY. Lemme test out this Russian accent, since Kodai gave me pointers. Sorry if I suck ASS. Also. I might... make one of my guys fuck off soon. I feel like I'm jumping all over the place with my three characters 8|)

The spy shifted, not liking to do the talking out of the group; outside of the Sniper he hated talking to people he didn't know, but Mikhail was even more antisocial than he was and Ryou wouldn't talk to begin with. So the responsibility had shifted to him. He knew that it was almost stupid to think that he couldn't trust the members of his own team but there was always a chance that there was a spy who hadn't turned or that his disguise equipment still functioned. He had taught himself not to trust or talk (the Sniper was a different case, Mikhail had is place on the battlements, anything that resembled him that wasn't there was a Spy; they had their system worked out) to anyone else unless absolutely necessary. Despite his usually open demeanour, true to his new form he was a lone wolf.
'Oui. Az far az I'm aware ze entire base has been turned, though few are actually capable of anything more zan staring at their own reflection.' Bastian replied, taking in the Engineer. Well, wasn't he unusual. A monitor of some sort maybe, though those ears were not usually seen on reptiles.

He flicking his ears around enjoying his heightened senses. These would prove invaluable for espionage; combined with his new speed and his cloaking equipment, it would be perfect or intelligence retrieval. He'd have to learn how to function with his fangs as opposed to his weapons, which might be difficult considering his class but that seemed to be a common problem, looking at the group.
He turned to the Scout, taking in his form - a winged rabbit, how unusual. Those disc wings, could they be removed? Could those wings actually support his weight? 'Ah... not exactly a wolf though. I 'ave... wing 'things'. I don't remember wolves 'aving them. All except maybe ze Sniper and zat Engineer - who iz just a simple crane - we just seem to be animals... with unusual features.'

'If I knew, I vould tell you.' Mikhail snapped back cutting across Bastian, hand tightening around his knife and fabric around his eyes crinkling into a furious expression. He had assumed he was something freakish, especially compared to the other two, but neither of them had made a verbal comment. Bastian had just raised an amused eyebrow and the Engineer hadn't even bothered noticing his presence. But to have the Scout confirm it, it just pissed him off.
'Does it matter? I vant to go back to normal. Minus zhe comments, okay? Iz zhat so hard?' Mikhail exhaled deeply, honing his anger into something that he could use to help the situation, not lose his cool because that would just be counter-productive.

Ryou put a wing to his face, before exhaling too and looking upon the group. While the Spy had said that few had moved beyond gawking at their reflection, this group - minus the Engineer, and possibly his Spy - were still acting like a circus. 'What is plan then?' He asked, narrowing his eyes and cutting back to the chase. There needed to be a logical, objective based mind in charge of this, or at least pushing this forward for once or these clowns would just bicker. 'We see Medic, or Spy?' The last part was an afterthought, gathered from parts of Mikhail and Bastian's conversation, but it seemed like a path they were going to take, he just hadn't picked up what way they were going to go.

- - -

'At least yer don't break door frames, mate.' Blue commented, eyeing the now ruined door frame. Walls.. had been more damaged before, hadn't they? He supposed he wouldn't get in to trouble, there had to be creatures larger, he'd heard something huge coming from the Pyro corridor. 'I guess you have a point there, though. And fuck, this? I can't fuckin' shoot like this. I just want to get this bullshit sorted, so I can do my job again.'

He was glad the Spy let him follow, though he felt stupid in just simply 'tagging along'. Granted, he would have felt worse if he had joined the ranks of the idiots running around like their heads had been cut off, but it was almost degrading having to rely on someone else for help, even if they were a spy.
Though... this spy.. had just mentioned going to the BLU base - was... he suicidal? 'Eh... listen mate. I... know yer a spy and a nice bloke... but are you fucking batshit insane? Why would they not kill us on sight? I mean. I'm sure they have... some members who possess... some level of intelligence but who is to say, we aren't killed by idiots first.' He ranted as he was walking, fully understanding Red's point but still disliked that option.

(Sniper... gets a tiny post because he's flipping the fuck out and I can't... really think at the moment. Really Sorry :C)

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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby BaalsBaby » 01/31/2012 2:00 AM

The way Scout rubbed his paws all over his face contradicted the way Scout was feeling; it made him unbearably adorable, something which Engie felt was a little inappropriate to point out at the moment.  "Don't worry boy, Ah'm pretty sure they won't stick us in a pettin' zoo," he chuckled. Goodness, Scout worried just about any old thing. Don't get him wrong, he was worried but it wasn't like they could do much about it until they found out more. Maybe the others might know a bit more than they did? And if BLU wanted them to be his way, surely it was for a reason, and they'd turn them back just as soon as they wanted right? How effective was it to pay a lot of strange animals five digits worth of yearly salary anyway?

The way Scout looked though, that dejected, hopeless look nearly broke his heart though. Scout was capable of more than just a deadly puppy look, since Engie had already a soft spot for animal. "Yeah maybe a Spah'l know...," he commented, waiting at the door while looking over at Scout. "That Medic. Ah'd rather than not even see him as a goldfish," he snickered, though really. He'd rather not run into him at all. After all his leg was fine now, at least like this.

It was only when Scout hopped past him (oh god it was so weird being taller) that the others arrived, the Engineer focusing now on a mental patient's interpretation of a wolf, a crane, and a ... something he wasn't even sure. "Howdy," he said to the Spy, the apparent speaker for the group. "Huh so everyone you've seen has been like this, and you yerself don't know?" The Engineer asked politely. Oh shit. Scout was starting to piss everyone off. Again. And this time, that Spy, at least, had the capability to actually eat Scout right up, ugh. And the... whatever he was... uhm.. Sniper. He could still use a weapon.

"Whooooa Scout. Hold up now," the lizard frowned and before he realized it, he waggled his tail a little, which came around and wrapped gently and protectively around the rabbit, pulling him back closer to him. "Whoa.... How'd Ah do that?" If anyone was impressed, it was the tail's owner. "A-anyway," he continued, looking back at the three, especially the crane who'd spoken up. "Well we were gonna ask a Spah, but if'n you don't know..." a look at the wolf, "... then... Ugh. We should maybe ask a Medic. Ah think we're all in agreement that the only thing weird that might've happened were those pills we were made ta' take." Well. It seemed plausible anyway, unless anyone else had another plan.


"Oof!" The BLU Spy laughed sheepishly at himself as he landed in a tree not some few yards away, roughly. He was hugging a branch, his wings splayed out in haphazard fashion in the branches. He found he could feel through them just as well as any other part of himself. The antennae on his head had unconsciously wrapped around each other, pressed against his head. It was too sensitive, so he must've done so to level out somewhat. Eventually, Blu's wings folded themselves neatly behind him and he brushed off. Okay. He was in a tree now, that was higher than he'd ever gone. And he had to say... this was actually quite fun. Being in the air gave him a sense of freedom that being bound to the ground was no longer the only option, it gave him a sense of power. So far as he'd seen, none of the other BLUs had mastered flight yet (or even tried taking to the air)

That meant he was in a good spot right now. Fighting, he wasn't sure. Perhaps it was a bad idea to see Red. What if he was a giant... dragon... or.... something? Wouldn't that be fun...

But how to go about that. Flying there would be  ahell of a lot of fun, but it would be foolish to simply go there without any means of defending himself (especially if Red could fly). Blu rested on the branch of the tree, looking at some of the members quarreling in a panicked frenzy. There was a cow lowing loudy at a lion-zebra abomination in the firing range. A small, wicked ferret was playing tricks on some giant Tyrannosaur (oooh god, don't let Red be one of those) that looked more awkward on its feet than menacing. There was a pack of spotted dog creatures which fit together in unison. What had BLU done to everyone...

As he was watching, BLU found himself picking up on the others. How they moved, the way they talked or held themselves. Just from that and a keen memory, he found he could pinpoint most of the creatures just by the way they carried themselves. If he could hear them, even more so. He was doing it again. Overanalyzing, but it had saved him many times in this business, and yes, it was still business. Everyone was themselves, only the shapes were different.

((Blu's just gonna hang out for a bit until I do something... With him. 8'U))


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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby Moofius » 01/31/2012 3:08 AM

"I dunno' if it's hard, dipshit!" Scout snapped, all emotion and puffed up fur and frazzled feathers of lopsided, undiscovered muscles of his wings, "I don't even know how to turn back, it could be really fuckinaaAAh!" he wasn't sure where his paws were going but he seemed to be grabbing for the mass of muscle wrapping around him and his waist. In his panic he tried to squirm out of the hold only to end up awkwardly laying on his side.

Scout dug his laws into Engie's tail while he tried to haul himself into a better position, wings automatically flapping to try and help lift some of that weight off the ground. This was a little counter productive since those muscles, in that configuration, where entirely new to the Scout who fell back in shock.
"Augh, wings, right... Huhn That was fuckin' weird, man. We gotta' talk to... We should talk to a Spy! I mean, come on, this Spy is obviously a useless one. What about that other BLU Spy. You know, the scary one? I'm sure he knows what's going on."

The comment was half a jab at the Spy who had a way cooler new "form" than himself, and half because the other Spy really was better. The entirety of his reason to talk to a Spy over a Medic was that the exact last person Scot wanted to talk to was a Medic. The best Medic, the one with the most knowledge, was Hitler. If he wasn't the first Medic they would talk to he would be the one with the most (if any) information on what was going on. No, it made more sense, for his physical and mental well being, to see a Spy, and Scot was far from being a fan of Spies.

"Seriously lets go see a Spy... Or something... I mean how would we even know who or what anyone is?" Scout wasn't even sure what everyone was here. Engie seemed to know and from there Scout was figuring it out through him but... Oh right, Engie!
"Oops!" Scout pulled his claws back and licked the spot apologetically.
Wait... licked? Scout froze and pulled his face back and trying to act like that didn't happen. Because it hadn't, don't be ridiculous.

"I say we don't look for Medic's and we look for that really scary BLU Spy. He knows everything, it just makes more sense. Medics suck."


Red quirked an eyebrow at the Sniper (Did he have eyebrows? No, he was without eyebrows. Curious.) and laughed as he turned away to continue down the hall, "Why bother with a gun? I zuzpect mozt won't, and wizz teeth and claws like zhat there is not much that could ztand in your way."

As he spoke he looked over his own hands and his own set of claws. They were extremely long in nature and he wondered what other applications that could have beside stabbing and slashing. Perhaps they could help him climb? Dig?

He noticed too that while he was looking down at his hands with his "primary" eyes those on the hood of his new head were observing the hall in front of him, taking in more details than he could process. The whole experience of walking down the hall and beginning to truly realize the potential of his numerous eyes was thrilling. Even as he went through these motions he kept up the front of mild amusement as they moved from the Sniper hall back to the Spy hall.

"Wait 'ere," Red commanded, since he wasn't about to take any disobedience when it came to his living quarters. Nobody was going to know of his hiding spots, no way. He slipped into his room and retrieved his room keys, gun, butterfly knife, cigarette case, lighter and the one item that was most important to the Spy on the job, his mask. All of these were placed in a small shoulder bag, since he was without pockets and had grown much too large for any of his suits. Not ideal but for now it would have to do.

Perhaps it seemed strange to bring all of this, but since he did not know much about these pills or their effects, if he suddenly began changing back he would rather have the mask on hand. The only thing that did not go in the bag was the gun, which was put into his usual shoulder holster. A few moments were spent readjusting it to his new body shape, Red practicing his draw a few times before he was satisfied enough to re-holster the weapon and exit his room.

"Alright," Red said, trying to decide what he wanted to do next. Going to BLU wasn't ideal. He could check the with the Medics, or just ransack their records. There were things he could do before going to BLU, most of them being a lot safer and giving him more time to learn the ins and outs of this body of his.
"Letz check out the Clinic first. It's bound to be crowded, but zince the Medicz were the one to pazz out the pillz RED may 'ave given them filez whizz important information."
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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby Redd » 02/02/2012 11:01 AM

Bastian shifted uncomfortably again, the question about his own knowledge stinging his pride, only in the sense that he'd probably be considered completely useless as a Spy in these circumstances. He wished he was more of a man who handled intelligence but as per his past jobs, just assassination sat more easily with him.
His ears and tails noticeably drooped, but perked up tall as the Spy became aware of such a change. 'Ugh, Iz so weird. I am sure it could be adapted to, but.' Bastian was not so keen on the idea that his expressions were so readable. 'Non, you are right. I am a front line spy, I don't handle zat information. You would be better with someone else. Zough, I imagine if zose pills turned us, a similar pill - or maybe the same one would turn us back.'

Bastian flicked his tail in throught. Would the team be better travelling together than not? It would pose an awkward situation for their group, since Ryou and Mikhail were not the most talkative pair in the entire base. Though, they'd be able to work collectively as a group and at least have more of a chance to turn back.
Plus, if they split up, there'd have to catch up later. Always a hassle of course. 'Ah, I waz a little preoccupied escaping my room, ozerwise I would 'ave tried to figure out where ze rest of ze spies 'ad gone. I apologise.' Again his tails dropped at the though. Ugh, really these instincts and expressions would have to be controlled, up until last night, Bastian had a brilliant poker face and there was more to maintaining a straight face, especially if his ears and tails had a mind of their own.

Mikhail bit back a rude snort, amused by the fact that the others - especially the Scout and Engineer - were having trouble controlling their own bodies. It almost made him feel better about his previous inability to walk, something he had made sure to sort out on the way over.
Although his own form was some weird freaky creature (and now that he thought about it, it did feel like some creepy Christmas creature) it was fairly easy to get the hang of, though he probably wasn't ready to do any fancy foot work in those stilts just yet.
'I vould like to get zhis sorted before you furries try to get a room togezher.' Mikhail commented drly, folding his arms in a cross, the fabric above one eye crinkling as it rose. 'I agree wiv zhe Scout zho. Zhe Spy would be a better option for all of us.'

- - -

'Long story short, I'm a Sniper mate. A bloody Sniper. This is more Scoutin' material, you know what I mean?' He grumbled shaking his claws in irritation. 'Claws ain't no good for picking off idiots from a distance. Same way, I'm sure even something like you would probably have issues if you turned out like one of those fucking dragons I saw earlier.'

As he waited for Red to gather his things - he would certainly not dare even disobey that Spy. Some spies were nasty work, and some were nasty work wrapped in a pleasant seeming guise. Whichever one Red happened to be, Blue wasn't too keen to find out - both outcomes ended up being the same.

But. Dragons, that was something. It seemed those pills turned the taker into a random creature, be it real, extinct, myth or just plain bizarre. Why had the higher ups given them the set pills? So they could fight each other? Were they... expected to fight today if that was the case?
Blue shook his head and sighed deeply. There would be a way to keep his class, he was sure of it. The engineers would be able to do something, right?
Not that they wouldn't have their work cut out for them anyway, sure but. Modifications could be done, with time.
His Spy shield could be modified, he no longer needed a close range hunting knife with these claws and teeth, and perhaps his Sniper Rifle trigger could be repositioned to suit his downswinging claw, as opposed to it's usually sideswinging trigger. He'd have to retrain himself in hand to hand (claw to claw?) -perhaps with one of the smaller dragons - but he started to regain his composure. Perhaps things could still work.

Red exiting the room cut through Blue's musings. Medics weren't exactly his cup of tea - then again, he was a Sniper, apart from the odd friendly Pyro, who was - but Red had a point and it was probably safer than waltzing into BLU's headquarters. 'Alright then matey. Lets get this over and done with. You're dealin' with the medics. Couldn't care for 'em myself.' He grimaced, unable to keep his claws from exploring his new bony, scaly arms and face. He was almost unable to place the feeling, though the closest he could say from experience, was the feeling of having bare teeth after one got their braces removed by an orthodontist, just infinitely more surreal.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Take A Chill Pill [E][Private][TF2]

Postby BaalsBaby » 02/03/2012 5:23 AM

"Hnnnn. Right, that Spy," Engie replied back, softly. Ugh, that Spy. It wasn't that he disliked that Spy, not entirely, it was just that he was dangerous, perhaps even more so than the Medic. There was a feeling that Engie had about a man like that, and he even felt sorry for the Red Spy (a little, anyway) who seemed to be Blu's current target of interesting. Never a good thing. But, if anything, the Blu Spy had a good chance of knowing what was going on here.

"So Ah guess we'll go find him, yeah," he said as he began to walk the way that the blue wolf Spy would have been familiar with. Not that... Engie knew exactly which room belonged to the particular Spy they were looking for. Come to think of it.. The Teigu paused only after a short trek down the hallway, looking over at his counterparts. "Y'know, Ah jus' realized... Findin' a Spah is already like findin' a needle in a haystack. Findin' that Spah in whatever shape he's in now will be even harder." Shrugging, he took to walking again, trying to get used to walking forward on four legs rather than two. He could feel the clacking of his reptile nails against the cool linoleum beneath him, noticing just how different everything looked with such a lower vantage point. Bah. It wasn't like he wasn't short to begin with, sheesh. Now he was even shorter.

Their small journey seemed longer than it should've been, shorter legs and all. Everything was more alien now, even when they arrived at the Spy hall. There were a considerable amount of creatures (all of them seemed to incorporate a splash of blueish coloration in their design) stumbling over themselves, but none of them seemed to fit the bill for who they were looking for, honestly. "Hmmm. Darnit, y'can't even holler for him neither. S'not like Ah know his name." He turned to the Spy-wolf, tilting his head and looking up a little are the more mammalian ally. "Well, doesn't look like he's here. Or maybe he's in his room. In any case, Ah ain't about ta' go knockin' on every which door." If the presumed Spies were all here, stumbling over themselves, the Engineer had to reason that they too knew nothing about the current predicament everyone seemed to be in. But honestly, he didn't want to see the Medics, either. It did make sense though, just... yeah.

((Bah, I lied. <8'| Maybe I'll throw Medic in my next post. I need them to move a little more. x'D Also leaving BLU out for now since he's just Spying. Oho.))


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