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The Bad & The Broken [PG-13][P-Duskie & Sky][Done]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/19/2011 8:33 AM

~ Domeskis ~

An abandoned building on the darkest side of town ... it was an ideal place for those wishing to dwell in the silent solitude of their thoughts.  It was said that those of ill natures and problem pasts often found themselves in this dark city, plagued by it's own dark deeds of the past.  Whether that was true or not was left in the eyes of the beholder...

A young male, looking no older than perhaps 22, sauntered about within the shadows.  His hair messy and clothes looking ragged.  He didn't care much for appearances.  It was silly.  His bright red eyes peered around in the darkness, searching for nothing in particular.  For no real reason, he had come here on this night to simply brood over just what he had become.  The name of "Demon" that had been thrust upon him in his early years...  It had definitely shaped him into who he was today.  A recluse of society, a trouble maker, an overall bad guy...  But that wasn't who he really was, who he really wanted to be.  How troublesome it all was...

The decrepit old building groaned softly as a cool night breeze ran over it.  The wind howled as it slipped in from the broken windows and stirred up settled dust and rubble.  It had a bit of a soothing air to it for the Lucain.  Tonight would be spent here; peaceful and away from everything else.  Then another sound reached the male's ears... as faint as it was ... a sound unfamilar that didn't sound ... natural, so to speak.  Was there ... someone else here?

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby MythicDusk » 01/19/2011 8:48 AM

The young woman sat at the base of a ruined wall, shadows encompassing her. She sobbed into her arms, her shoulders heaving as the tears drained her. Her satchel discarded to a side beside her, the small vials stomped into the stone, only one remained and a few hypodermic needles. She needed it, at least. She was only 20, if that. Her shoulders shook feircley as another sob heaved through her. Eventually, she had no more tears left to cry, no more rage to scream with and no more pain left to feel. she felt light, but not in a good way.

Her daughters were growing up, two of them hadn't contacted her in quite a while. Paranoia was off with that damned new boytoy of hers and Blaidd, well, she didn't care about Blaidd in the least. But Rosa was gone. It was over now. The young woman slowly rose her head, her shuddering breaths seemed to echo through the abandoned corridoors. Her tearstain glistening, her bangs pushed out of her right eye and tucked behind her ear, showing her icy blue eye, her left a shining yellow. She then slowly leant back fully against the wall, feeling a few sobs that had not pushed their way free during the first few boughts come.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/19/2011 9:05 AM

Following the strange sounds through the shadowed building, Domeskis tried his best to navigate smoothly without giving away his presence.  It ... didn't go too well.  Every so often, he'd knock into a wall who's angle he'd misjudged and stumble over unseen rubble.  His eyesight wasn't the best at night...

The closer he got, the more distinctive the sounds became.  Sobbing?  And from what he could tell from the pitch, it sounded female.  Coming up on the young woman, he froze in surprise.  For a moment, he thought he was merely imagining it.  It wouldn't have been strange, seeing as this whole place gave off an eerie vibe and haunted look to it.  He stayed to the shadows, observing the presumed female from a distance.

In what little light the moon provided for sight, he could only make out a blurred silouhette, not many details.  As she moved, he shifted his weight, ready to hide should she rise but she didn't and he eased up a bit.  Should he show himself?  Or stay hidden?  Those questions riddled his brain.  The outcome could go either way.  After all, not many 'pleasant' people wandered about abandoned buildings at night, right?  

Pushing the thoughts of danger to the back of his brain, he took a step forward and gave a short, gruff cough as to alert her of himself.  But he remained silent, waiting to see how she'd react to a stranger in her presence...

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby MythicDusk » 01/19/2011 9:32 AM

The woman's head snapped up. If it was another woman standing infront of her, she would of shrugged it off and simply asked them what they wanted. But it was a man. She had bad experiences with men. So instead, she scrambled into a stand and began to back away, her whole body trembling with fear. "What do you want?" She felt more tears well up.
Oh gods no, please don't show him more of my weakness.

I don't want it all to happen again.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/19/2011 9:44 AM

Domeskis was amused by how the woman reacted.  He was a bit proud ... that 'bad' image he'd gained for himself seemed apparent.  But here in the shadows out of the public's eye, he felt a bit bad for startling her.  

He didn't hold anything against women, and in truth they were the last one's he'd bother on his path to destruction.  But of course, there was no way for this woman to know that.  So her fear was just.  He took a step forward and looked her once over.  She didn't seem to be dangerous; if at all, just the opposite.  Now closer, he could see her cheeks glistening from her tears and could see the fear in her face.  

He held up a hand in protest.  "Don't get all riled up, now.  I ain't gonna hurt ya...", he growled, unaware of just how mean he could have sounded to her.  Years of talking so made it second nature...

"I was just wondering why on earth you were in such a place ... and at night, no less..."  He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and stared at the woman curiously as he waited for a reply.

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby MythicDusk » 01/19/2011 9:53 AM

The woman fel her whole body tremble, and within a moment, her instincts took over. She remebered what shy had drilled into her over the past year. 'Don't get scared. Get angry.' She felt a snarl tear through her vocal chords, her tremblings became more feirce, but not from fear, but from rage. Her hair had fallen over her blue eye again as she looked up at him, her body language showing she was ready to attack.

"Just who do you think you are?" She snarled, advancing on him. "What the hell are you thinking of doing?" Step "To a young woman," step, "out here," step. "All ALONE!" She screamed the last part as she got into punching distance, taking a swing for him with a loud roar of pure rage, her whole form shuddering.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/19/2011 10:11 AM

Yikes!  It seemed Domeskis had seriously misjudged this woman!  He stumbled backwards as she came at him, barely missing her fist that came flying out of nowhere.  His serene look twisted into a scowl in a flash as he took a defensive stance of his own.  

"HEY!  WATCH IT, LADY!", he spat loudly at her.  He raised his fists up, ready to block another swing should she go on another attack.  This wasn't what he was expecting to happen in the least.  "Who do I think I am!?  I'm not the one swingin' on random people for no reason at all!"  His red eyes flashed with anger as he stared her down anxiously.  

Perhaps his image was a little too convincing...  She thought he was going to try something like some lowly pervert?!  What an insult!  He'd never dream of it!  Regardless of what he wanted others to think.  "I wasn't going to try anything!" , he yelled.  Yeah, as if that would put her worries to rest.  But he had to try.

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby MythicDusk » 01/19/2011 10:16 AM

The woman seemed to regain some of herself and snarled. "Help me..." She growled. It was twisted, she was begging for help, but she was snarling like a beast. "The bag. Needles. One's full. Inject it...Into vein.." She hissed,bearing her right arm and her hands clenching as she battled with herself, the rage only building in her. No matter how much she should of calmed, she never could. She had simply been given tranquilizers.

Even if she was extremely allergic.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/19/2011 10:32 AM

"Wait ... what?!"  The sudden plea for help from the distraught girl totally threw the Lucain for a loop.  One minute she was coming at him like a crazed animal and now she was wanting him to do ... what?!  Eyes flickering around wildy as he searched for said bag, he stammered "What bag, wher-"  Spotting the bag, he looked from her to it hesitantly before finally springing into action.  

He raced over to the bag and rummaged through it until he found the loaded syringe.  Taking it firmly in his hand, he went back over to the woman and held it up.  "N-now what?"  Hey, it wasn't like he'd done this before!  Though he didn't wait for any directions and grabbed hold of her arm with a firm grasp.  He picked out a prominent vein and shoved the needle tip into it, quickly injecting her with the unknown liquid.  Hopefully, he had done it right... and hadn't just killed her, or something.  She had told him to do it!  So ... he obeyed.  If anything bad happened, it was her fault!  What was worse, he hadn't a clue how she'd react now...

"Jeeze lady, are you alright?!"  His voice was full of concern and confusion.  What the heck was going on with this chick?!

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby MythicDusk » 01/19/2011 10:40 AM

The woman felt her knees go from under her, and with a soft sigh, she collapsed, the needle slipping from her arm with no resistance. A few moments later, she came too and felt bile rise. "E-e-excuse me for a moment." She swallowed it down, scrambling to her feet and around a corner. After a few moments, there was the destinct sounds of meals coming back up, followed by a gentle cough. the woman wandered back to him, holding her stomach with a gentle groan. "I was hoping that I wasn't going to need that today." She smiled weakly at him. "I'm sorry about my reaction. I'm Akkia Konnawtyst. And if you want me to explain what just happened, I will, happily." She covered part of her arm with one of her hands. There were large feyline markings traveling up her arms and down her face. there were also masses of scars covering her arms. A few faded and a lot fresh. They were all needle marks.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/19/2011 11:00 AM

Confused by the whole spectacle happening in front of him, the male stood silent for a moment as the lady excused herself.  He was curious to ask as to why but the sounds that soon followed was answer enough for him and he looked to the ground awkwardly, wincing a bit as he heard the juices hit the ground with a sick splat.

"Oh it's ... quite alright..."  He looked the girl over and scratched the back of his neck nervously, offering her a small smile of his own.  Though, the smile quickly faded when he saw all the puncture marks that littered her arms.  He was suddenly hit with a sickening feeling.  Had he just injected this girl with drugs?  Helping to feed a drug addiction did not sit well with him...

"Um ... Yeah, I wouldn't mind a small explanation, but I won't pry.", he stated with a rough chuckle.  "And hello, Akkia."  He presented her with a hand in greeting.  "I'd say it was nice to meet you, but we had a bit of a rough start, heh.", he laughed.  "You can call me Demon."  He wasn't all for revealing his god-given name just yet...  Besides, the name had grown on him by this point.

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby MythicDusk » 01/19/2011 11:07 AM

Akkia's smile slowly faded as she was where he was looking. Ofcourse. He was thinking what everyone else thought. "It isn't drugs." She said simply, her eyes dark. "I have a problem. When I get angry, I can't calm down. I need tranquilizers." Her eyes snapped up to him, and she spoke in a low voice. "It's either this, or be put down. I chose the tranqs." She then moved past him and knelt by her bag, filling up a few of the needles with a clear liquid from one of the vials, humming softly as she did it, then placing them back in the bag. they were kept in a polystyrine case, to stop them from breaking if the bag took a hit. Which it did at times, shown by it's old, beaten leather.

"Thank you for your help, demon." Akkia said simply, her eyes glazed over as she swung the bag onto one of her shoulders, moving away. After a few steps, she fell to her knees with heavy trembling, her breath harsh.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/19/2011 11:29 AM

"Oh..."  Retracting his hand as the shake went ignored.  Well, you couldn't blame a guy for wondering, right?  It was the most common reason behind it all, usually.  Or at least, in his world it was.  He didn't exactly hang out in five-star rated places after all...  "Being put down?  Damn ... that's a little harsh, isn't it?"  Sure she seemed to have some anger issues, but did it really warrant such a fate?  Just what kind of life did this Akkia live?

His gaze trailed after her as she went about refilling her needles and gathered her things.  He couldn't help but to raise a brow in interest at Akkia.  She was certainly something different...

He had turned when she had looked to be going.  "Don't mention it."  Thinking that was to be the last of their conversation, Domeskis went to leave but her sudden rough breathing drew his attention onto her once more.  He ran over to her as he realized something was wrong.  "Oh good lord, now what...  Hey, Akkia.", he called out to the female, grabbing hold of her shoulders and shaking her a bit.  "You feelin' alright?"  His eyes searched hers worriedly.  Her glazed eyes sent a chill racing down his spine.  "Come on now, don't pass out on me..."  He gripped her tightly, attempting to lift her up and move her over to an open window.  If anything, some fresh air would help...

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby MythicDusk » 01/19/2011 11:47 AM

Akkia coughed slightly and slowly stood, smiling weakly. "It's been so long since I had to have such large a dose, my body's not used to it anymore." She chuckled softly and humorlessley, leaning on him. "I just need to sit down somwhere for a while." She mumbled, feeling herself slowly become weaker. "I think I'm gunna fain-...." Before she could finish her scentence, she was on the floor, unconcious.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Re: The Bad & The Broken [P-Duskie & Sky]

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/19/2011 12:15 PM

Domeskis staggered over to the window with Akkia in tow, struggling to keep from dropping her to the ground as she practically fell onto him.  But when she fainted without much warning, the strain was too much and she slipped from his grip.  "Ack!  Akkia!"  He quickly fell to his knees and wrestled with the female's limp body.  

Propping her up into a sitting position, the male tried his best to gently move her over next to the window.  He made it so she could lay up against the wall somewhat comfortably.  He let out a sigh inbetween huffs and grabbed her shoulders in a soft shake.  "Akkia?  Akkia!  Oi, woman ..."

He looked around frantically, unsure of just what exactly he should be doing now.  He was no doctor in any sense.  Should he go get medical attention?  Or would she come to and be fine in a few minutes?  Would she die from one of those decisions?  Ahhh!  What had he gotten himself into?!  He could be mean and just scram right now, but heaven knows he couldn't just do that...  So he'd stick it out as far as he could with her.  

"Akkiaaaaa?"  He tried again with another shake.  "D-do you need a doctor, or something?"

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