Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby Mousen » 10/03/2010 3:44 PM

On that particular day, no-one had even questioned why there was a small, very red postbox outside the cathedral. Infact it had just been considered the norm, it would be considered the norm for many years to come. It was one of those in-between days; it was a cold, grey day. Threatening rain, perhaps even hail if the cold kept up. The sky was decidedly colourless in it's mid-afternoon state; perhaps the sunset would bring it a better spectrum of colour.

Inside the arcane building a young male wandered. His gaze was firmly fixed on the floor as he wandered. There was something strange about this particular fellow, it wasn't really anything to do with his appearance; in those terms he was very average, dark, lank hair hung just below his ears, he was very pale too, he wore a dark coloured coat- much too big for his spindly frame. Wrapped around his head was a faded burgundy scarf; he kept tripping over it as he walked. Muttering several curses underneath his breath.

He wasn't sure where he was going. There was an eventual aim- to find something to help his mother, she could fix everything then they'd go looking for his father. It has a crazy, childish dream. Full of impossibilities and stuff he'd thought of as a very young child. He couldn't yet be called and adult; his mannerisms and his frame both pointing that out with alarming regularity, his colourful language and his height pointing out the fact he wasn't a child either.

The nameless boy, (he's never been given a name as a child. He was patiently waiting for his mother to think of one) was infact an angst ridden teenager. Perhaps had he spent time near the Evelonian Preservation Zoo, he'd probably be followed around by a couple of angst balls. One could almost see their flappy wings and gormless, purple faces flying around his head as he walked.

Lost in thought, (mainly due to wondering if the purple things flying around his head were going to materialize any time soon) the boy didn't notice a figure hiding in the shadows. To be quite frank he wasn't exactly hiding; just biding his time. As the teen walked past him, the man leapt swiftly grabbing the teen from behind. A syringe clasped in the man's hands, inside it a silver liquid swirled; HG or mercury as it is better known.

The boy was left for dead among the the darker part of the dark building. Many years passed before anyone even ventured that deep into the cathedral again. It was many more years before anything of any vague importance happened; unless you could count the post box outside swallowing it's 9000th letter as important.

(Title fail, sorry for the wait, and I'm working on his human form as I type. xP)

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Re: [Private, Doctor Who RP]

Postby HunnyBun » 10/03/2010 4:33 PM

"Professor, what is this?" Asked the girl clothed in a plaid shawl.
She ran around the red Post Box that was sitting outside of the Cathedral, examining every inch of it. It seemed so out of place, and was a bit strange.
"It's obviously a Post Box, Olive." The older looking man said, walking out of a blue Police Box.
The girl sighed and slumped over, it was her way of saying "I knew that".
"I'm not sure what else to say, Olive." He replied to her. "And how many times must I tell you, it's Doctor, not Professor."
He walked over and tapped her on her nose, before heading into the Cathedral. Olive sighed and ran after him. He was always keep secrets from her, why would he tell her the truth now?
Olive stumbled slightly, it was a bit dark inside, and she couldn't see where she was going.
"I can't see a thing..." She said annoyed.
"You will adjust in do time." The Doctor replied.
"Adjust my a-ahh!" Olive shouted as she tripped and tumbled to the ground.
She slowly sat up and held her head, then squinted to try and see what it was. But she was still not use to the dark.
The Doctor had ran over, and instead of helping her up, was examining what she had tripped over. It seemed to be a body, an old body. Lying here for who knows how long.
"No, I'm okay, I don't need help." Olive groaned, climbing to her feet.
The Doctor shushed at her, and waved his hands. It was his way of saying "Quite, there's something more important that you".
"Hm, it seems to be a body..." The Doctor hummed, saying his thoughts out loud.
"A body? Is it dead?" Olive asked, slowly inching closer.
"Almost, but I believe I can help him." He pointed to his feet. "Grab his feet and I will grab his arms."
"Where are we taking him?" Olive asked, doing as the Doctor instructed.
"To the Tardis of course."

(( Click pets for human forms, the Doctor is in his 7th persona / Yay, title fail 8D ))

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby Mousen » 10/03/2010 5:14 PM

There was something very, very intriguing happening somewhere not too far off. It was something so ground breaking that the people there would be speaking of it for many years too come. However it's something of complete irrelevance as such it won't be recorded here.

The boy, nameless of course, was often a rather difficult person to place. Even though he was completely unremarkable, aside from the fact he had six toes on one foot, he had exceptionally small ears, and his eyes were decidedly triangular. He was the kind of person you could pass by ever so easily. Though he was never forgotten. If you were to pass him again, if you were a brave kind of person you'd stop him and ask if he knew you. Not that anyone on Evelon that had seen him before would still be alive mind you.

He'd been trapped in a coma like state for years. Ever since the incident. He was moth eaten, dusty, filthy even. Though he was sill alive, if only just.

(Not much for me to say really. X3 -fail- )

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby HunnyBun » 10/03/2010 5:47 PM

As the two slowly pulled the boy outside and towards the blue Police Box, Olive could finally see what it was they were carrying. Gasping loudly, she dropped the legs and jumped back. The sudden pull caused a chain reaction and the Doctor fell backwards to the ground.
"Olive!" He shouted angrily, sitting up and fixing his hat.
"But look at him Professor." She replied, pointing at the body.
"Yes yes, he is quite ugly looking." The Doctor replied, grabbing the boys arms again.
Olive slowly grabbed the legs and held them far from her. It wasn't that he looked ugly, it's that he looked disgusting, dirty, dust covered. It was just a little to much for Olive to bare. But she did, and it was long until they drug him into the blue Police Box and sat him down.
It was quite strange for anyone who wasn't use to the Tardis. As many had stated, "It was bigger on the inside". And the Doctor had explained many more times that it had something to do with dimensions and whatever, Olive could never understand the science mumbo jumbo. It was just simpler to say it was bigger on the inside.
"Now what do we do?" Olive asked, stepping back from the body.
"Hm, not sure." The Doctor answered, tapping his chin and examining the body closer.

(( I have no idea how to help him XD ))

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby Mousen » 10/03/2010 6:07 PM

It were a one in a million chance that Olive happened to have dropped him on a rather sharp rock, that in itself wasn't a particularly hard thing to do, considering the boy's luck it was practically guaranteed. Over the years the boy had lost some blood, due to the injuries sustained the night he was attacked, it was only a small amount of blood per day, really. Though he hadn't healed, his body being in complete shut down from the mercury (which is deadly poisonous to the bolboretas a very short lives, humanoid, alien species.)  So as the small cut leaked blood and it leaked silvery-purple blood for several minutes, there wasn't a stir from the young seemingly comatose figure.

That was that for almost a minute more. Until there was a small moan from him and he sat bolt upright coughing and spluttering and uttering many an unrepeatable word, thankfully many of the worst ones were in Nahuatl, so it would save both the Doctor's and Olive's ears bleeding.  He shook the dust of himself, clouds and clouds of it filled the TARDIS. It was only after making sure there wasn't any spiders anywhere near him (although he wouldn't admit it, the boy would run through hot coals to get away from those eight legged beasts) he looked around. "Who the hell are you?" he asked rather bluntly. It was several seconds before it clicked that the two in front of him were possibly his saviours. Only then did he replace his annoyed glare with his sheepish and most apologetic expression.


(My posts will get better I promise. X3)

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby HunnyBun » 10/03/2010 6:19 PM

Both the Doctor and Olive were taken off guard by the sudden upright bolt and shouts of the boy. Olive really tripped over the Doctors coat rack when she jumped back. The Doctor quickly grabbed his hat, as if it were going to blow off.
"Hey! Don't thank us for helping you or nothing!" Olive shouted, placing her hands to her hips.
"Olive..." The Doctor growled to her.
He walked around to the boys front and held out a hand to help him up.
"Good to see your are alright." He said, smiling. "Might I ask what happened?"

(( It's fine XD ))

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby Mousen » 10/03/2010 6:54 PM

Human form
"I thought there was a spider."he muttered defensively, as if that justified his bluntness. "Sorry, I kinda panicked." the boy admitted after a moment. "I'm not sure to be honest. Last thing I remember is being grabbed from behind and-"  He looked down at his hands, there was a small amount of blood on the finger tips, blood that was definitely silvery toned. "How macabre..." he murmured, almost appreciatively at his would-be killer's handiwork.  

He looked around,there was no doubt where he was; inside another TARDIS. This one seemed quite old, much older than his own over-complex, over designed TARDIS. "Thanks, by the way." Only for a moment did he lower his guard to cast a nervous smile at his two rescuers, he took the doctor's hand and got to his feet. "Who are you, anyway?"This wasn't the blunt, almost rude tone as before, only curiosity was in the boy's face.

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby HunnyBun » 10/03/2010 7:29 PM

(( L-ove him 8D Might just sketch him for fun >3 ))

Olive scoffed and crossed her arms, looking away from him. That was the worst excuse she had ever heard, and she had heard some bad ones. She could tell she wasn't going to like this kid very much.
The Doctor had leaned in when the boy had examined the blood on his fingers.
"Hm, fascinating..." He once again said his thoughts out loud.

The Doctor, after helping the boy up, tipped his hat he held out his hand.
"I'm the Doctor, and this is my companion Ace." He said.
"Olive!" Olive shouted.
He had just dropped off his last companion and kept accidentally calling Olive by his last companions name. She absolutely hated it, but the Doctor mixed everything up. So she was use to it by now.

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby Mousen » 10/03/2010 8:32 PM

(Thanks, I spend hours working out human forms for my characters. XP Heh, you don't have to do that. xD Draw him for me for Christmas or something, then I can gift-bomb you.(*is going to try and gift bomb you anyway.* XD; )

It was quite self evident from his expression, (even watered down with gratitude) that he wasn't going to like Olive much either. "Nice to meet you, Doctor and Ac-, sorry Olive. " There was a small smile on his face as he 'accidentally'  messed up Olive's name. He could tell by the expression when the doctor had called her Ace, how much she hated it. They were getting off to a wonderful start. Wonderful if you mean wanting to rip each other's throats out, then yes, it was going great.

"I don't actually have a name as crazy as that sounds. Though when asked I usually say 'Duke' since that's what my Dad apparently wanted to call me." He shrugged, after going this long without a name the boy had cam to realize they weren't honestly that important. "You haven't seen anything that resembles a letter box have you? You see it's kind of important... Since if I can't find where I parked it I'm in deep water." It was a habit of his not to explain things thoroughly "Oh! That didn't make and sense, did it? I'm also kinda a timelord, albeit a pretty useless one. The post box, the utterly useless thing it is, is my own TARDIS. No idea what I did to it to make it stick like that though..." He rubbed his head a little bit, the feeling of slight drowsiness not completely gone, it was like he' just woken up after getting way too little sleep and his brain was still trying to catch up with the rest of him.

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby HunnyBun » 10/03/2010 8:51 PM

Olive gave a look to the Doctor as if to say "Did he say Time Lord?". The Doctor just nodded to her unasked question.
"Hm, you mentioned a Post Box? Well, it's just outside, if you would like to check on it." The Doctor replied, opening the door to his Tardis and motioning for him to walk out.
Olive watched the two, the boy more. If he was a Time Lord, then that would mean that he would recognize the Tardis and it would only be a matter of thinking to know the Doctor was a Time Lord. So why hadn't he asked if he was yet? Olive thought he might have something up his sleeve. So she wouldn't let her guard down in case he were to make his move.

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby Mousen » 10/04/2010 5:36 PM

The boy fell out onto the ground, flailing comically before doing so. It had been a long time since he'd walked, or even been concious for that matter. He was bound to be a little ungainly. From his place on the floor he looked up and saw the teeny red letterbox. It seemed to be in good condition on the outside, that was a relief to say the least.

He quickly pushed himself up, ignoring the fact his balance was non-existent as he scrambled toward it. He reached it faster than one would expect it was clear his runnerbean frame was good for running. As he reached it he quickly attempted to salvage some of his dignity by  brushing his crazy hair out of his eyes and generally keeping a straight face. He hoped they hadn't seen that.

"Why are you travelling with Olive then, Doctor?" It was one of those face palm moments. It was clear in his wording that he believed Olive to be the Time Lord. It was rather amusing really, not that the boy would find it funny no doubt.

(There you go~ x3 )

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby HunnyBun » 10/04/2010 5:55 PM

The Doctor had ran over to help the boy when he had fallen and flailed on the ground. But he had jumped back up and ran to the Post Box before he got to him. The Doctor just stood there scratching his head, he wondered what was so special about the Post Box to make him scramble so.
Olive leaned against the doorway of the Doctors Tardis and watched them. This kid was just weird, and she already knew the Doctor was just as weird. This whole thing was weird.
The Doctor looked at the boy confused, what did he mean by him traveling with Olive? Olive just bent over laughing.
"Ha, he thinks that your with me?" She blurted between chuckles.

(( Yay, mix up 8D ))

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby Mousen » 10/04/2010 6:42 PM

There was that moment you just wanted to bang your head against the wall for. The boy just muttered something under his breath, blushing a deep red. After a moment of teenage scowling he turned to the post box. He ran his dust covered, bitten nails down the side of the thing, after a moment of struggling it opened. A cascade, a mountain of over 9000 thousand letters spilled fourth swallowing up the boy and giving him several thousand papercuts in the process, they came in a wave,  a towering wave on ink and white envelopes. Only stopping when they had reached Olive's feet. Luck seemed to be on her side. Though for the boy it was another story. He escaped out of the knee deep pile of letters, if looks could kill, that would have been the murderer.
"Don't you dare laugh." He glowered at Olive.

He stepped inside, ducking to get under the tiny doorway. Inside was a fairly run of the mill TARDIS, except for the fact you had to wade through letters to get anywhere. A few black and white photographs of what was obviously his mother and possibly his grandmother were glued to a small part of the TARDIS. There was also a very blurry sepia shot of what could have been his Grandmother and Grandfather, it were quite obvious if you looked hard enough that the male figure on the right wasn't exactly human. The figure was very pale, his skin seemed was almost translucent infact. His hair too was very light in colour, his eyes were overly-large, they seemed to lack pupils, instead they were pitch black, his lips too were strangely dark. There was something of him in the boy. He glanced at the tiny black and white and sepia photo's he hoped they wouldn't bring them up. He didn't have time to go over his life story.
"This is it."This particular TARDIS seemed to be slightly more modern than the doctor's own, though under all the letters it was hard to tell; it certainly looked complex.

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby HunnyBun » 10/04/2010 6:58 PM

The wave of letters might have decreased as it made it's way towards Olive and the Doctor, but it was still quite large and knocked the Doctor off of his feet. It took every bit of energy Olive had to not burst out laughing, and after a moment of holding it back, she had to duck back into the Tardis to let it all go.
The Doctor, once recovering his balance and shaking out a few letters from his coat and hat, looked into the Letter Box. It was a Tardis, that was for sure, just as he had been wondering.
"So this is your Tardis?" He asked, walking in without permission. "Where will you go now?"

Olive poked her head out to check on them, but both the Doctor and the boy had disappeared. She had guessed they were in the Letter Box, and that would have to mean the Letter Box was his Tardis. Why hadn't she thought that before? Olive shook her head, she bet the Doctor knew it was a Tardis the whole time.

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Re: Untitled [Private] [Doctor Who RP]

Postby Mousen » 10/04/2010 8:04 PM

His mood worsened as he caught ear of Olive laughing. She obviously found the situation highly amusing. He didn't look up as the doctor walked in. He was slightly surprised that he hadn't managed to bang his head. "Me? Where am I going next?" he echoed, sounding slightly surprised. "I'll probably go visit my Mother, she'll probably be wondering where I am, if she remembers who I am." The last part was murmured underneath his breath. "Perhaps even my Grandmother, god knows what that crazy old woman gets up to now."

The two of them were in a bit of a state; his grandmother resided on a post apocalyptic world that's huge star was going to collapse in on itself some time in the next thousand years. His mother being half bolboretas, they lived barely one human year. The effect of that had begun to show a long time ago. Her memory was going, sometimes when he visited she couldn't even recall who he was. The boy's greatest fear was that he was going to be like her one day. The bolboretas blood ran through his veins, even in a lesser amount. Still he wondered if it was enough to cause him severe issues later on.

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