Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/11/2010 1:31 PM

Adam walked cautiously down the path cutting through the thick woodland that surrounded the rundown cathedral, his crimson eyes searching the dim evening air like glowing dots in the darkness. His hovering wingblades and twin plates floating near the end of his tail pulsated with electricity in the near-night, specks of starlight gradually appearing in the purple sky. Nocturnal birds made an occasional noise in the distance, but other than that and the footsteps of a Thorn Penticorn following very close behind him, all was near-silent.

Aforementioned Thorn Penticorn's bright white eyes that could hardly see scanned the darkness like a deer in headlights, blinking occasionally and mostly focusing on Adam. Renne's limited eyesight made everything about three feet away disappear into blurs and obscure outlines. His light hoofbeats made barely a sound, considering that his species was essentially a spirit of the forest and the ground even here, in a supposedly cursed place, would not give him away to those who would do him harm with sound. He had to admit he was relatively excited about this because Adam was, but he was also more afraid than his companion. A Mekkayena... weren't those dangerous? And the Cathedral was an evil place. Who knows what they could run into?

He shook his head to physically throw away those thoughts, as though it were possible. His maroon mane flipped slightly, the shine from Adam's red lights reflecting off of it. He was trying to be percieved as evil, wasn't he? He had to go along with Adam because he had to stay with Adam and because it was what he was supposed to do... As for the Rabbot MG1, he had begun to go off on a tangent about what their purpose was here.

"The Mekkayena will be a great alliance to me, I believe. Powerful and all that." He flicked his tail slightly, the red-glowing plates bouncing in the air and the crimson light pulsating. "Very intimidating, too. Perfect, right? I'm sure that such a superior being would also believe in my cause. It makes complete sense. As for the malfunctioning, well, nothing that a little tweaking won't fix."

Renne nodded absently as the pair approached the shrine. They could see it rising up in the distance, getting larger as they got closer. Of course, Renne could hardly see it, relying on Adam to lead the way. Renne, admittedly, did want to meet a Mekkayena. After all, if robots were as superior as Adam said they were, he'd like to meet another perfect being like Adam.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/11/2010 3:14 PM

Sakura had heard many stories about a cathedral, and now she had to see it with her own eyes. Many people said it was cursed. That there was an evil creature living around it's shrine, who would rip you into a thousand pieces if you came too close to it, and that many who had ventured there, had never returned. The creature was said to be a robot as well.

In her attempt to try and find this creature, to perhaps get rid of all false stories, at least so she hoped, and to prove that this creature wasn't evil, she was on her way over to the Cathedral now. She knew what it was liked to be hated like that. But the closer she got, the harder her metal heart seemed to beat oil through her body though. Was she feeling anxious? She shuddered. What if this beast was evil, and tried to kill her? She would fight, and use her skill to stop this monster from evil. She would rid the world of a great danger, and so on would be seen as a hero. Finally acceptance for the Rabbots.

Just then, something in a soft patch of grass underneat the trees, caught her eye. She had nearly stepped on it, if she hadn't noticed it. it was an egg. A rather big one, at least, as big as her front paw. Sakura glared up and saw a nest high up in the trees. She picked up the egg and started to climb up, clutching the egg to her chest with one paw.

Once up in the tree, she tried to maintain her steady pace as she was balancing on on one of the branches, to retrieve the fallen egg, to it's nest.
She had no idea from what kind of creature it was, and if it would attack her if she came too close to the nest, yet if putting this egg back meant she could save a life, she just had to try.

She grunted as she nearly slid of the slippery branches, just in time to grab ahold of herself again. She inhaled deeply. "That was close..." she softly grinned nervously to herself. Once she reached the nest, and wanted to put the egg in, a bird of a decent size that had been guarding it started to flutter angrily and started to pick at her with it's beak. Sakura quickly slid the egg in there, and tried to get away as soon as she could, but the bird pecking down on her, didn't make it all too easy for her, and so she slipped again, but this time, she was too late to grab hold of herself again.

"Argh!" she shouted, as she could feel branches slam down on her back, desperately trying to grab ahold of something, but grasping into thin air every time she attempted to do so.

Her landing, though something seemed to break her fall, wasn't a soft one at all. Bewildered and confused, she opened her eyes, and noticed she had fallen right on top of someone.

With a start she climbed off from this unfortunate creature that she had landed on. "Oh my, I am so sorry...a...are you okay?" she stammered as she looked at the Rabbot MG1 she had fallen on.
He's a Rabbot too! she thought to herself. Then she noticed he wasn't alone. A Penticorn was there as well.


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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/11/2010 8:25 PM

The sounds of branches shaking hardly disrupted the traveling pair, though that was perhaps because Adam was still talking. Mostly to himself, admittedly, but once he realized he was for the most part ignoring Renne he would throw in the occasional 'right?' or 'it makes sense, doesn't it?' Of course, suspicions began to rise once he noticed a leaf spiralling to the ground in front of him from above.

"And that's why--" The leaf made its swirling descent to the ground. "... What's this?" He peered up, his nightvision allowing him to see some kind of dark silhouette against the sky that was making various rustles as it came in contact with the branches above. Of course, that dark silhouette also began to plummet violently toward him, and before he could even figure out what this mystery being was it was upon him in a flurry of pastel pinks and slightly-aglow light blues. "What on earth--" And, with that, the Rabbot MG1 was now in a tangle of artificially-furred limbs and synthetic fibers.

As for Renne the Penticorn would've continued blissfully on thinking Adam was still walking if it were not for all the noise he was making and the fact that he could hear and smell another creature. It smelled distinctly mechanical and sounded distinctly female, and he stepped a little closer to the pair so as to see what was going on and also to identify the creature's species. To his surprise, it was... a Rabbot AC1. Well, this wasn't good at all, considering the fact that Adam would probably be giving her plenty of trouble now. He didn't say anything, his white eyes glowing faintly in the darkness and the glow from the two reflecting off of his branch-patterned coat. He wouldn't want to mess up and say something he would regret later, or something that Adam wouldn't want him to say. Adam didn't order him around or be mean to him, but it was no exaggeration to say that part of Renne wanted to be a lot like him...

As for Adam, he narrowed his eyes and hastily got up on his hind legs once the creature that had fallen climbed off of him. He swiped the dirt and bits of twigs and undergrowth from his tufted chest with a foreleg, paying no heed to the female who was stammering about whether he was okay. Of course he was okay. Adam looked up from his chest, readying himself for a reply, when he noticed what had actually fallen on him. This made it... a lot worse. The audacity... even if it wasn't really her fault. He scowled appropriately and gave her a look of thinly-veiled disdain.

"Such an unfitting place for one of those nice little AC1s to be, isn't it?" His insides whirred a bit louder than usual as though they were working themselves up to the appropriate level of discontent. "Yes, well, I am quite obviously okay and I would prefer that you try not to fall upon people. Perhaps you could try walking on the ground as opposed to climbing like some kind of deranged primate. It would do us all a lot of good, believe me." The Rabbot was clearly trying to reassemble his dignity, which was apparently some mechanical bit just like the rest of him that had been crushed upon being fallen on.

Renne felt a hint of pity, but he couldn't show it. He gave her a blank look, as such.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/13/2010 9:23 AM

The male Rabbot didn't seem to pay attention to her, as it climbed back up to his feet again, and swiped the dirt from his coat. Sakura felt a bit awkward, since the Penticorn did not seem to say a word either.
What in the world is going on? she wondered. Then she figured this creature may be angry with her for her dropping smack dab on top of him. Well she could understand that completely if it was the case.

She was hoping though, that this Rabbot wasn't part of the WD-programming. (World Domination) and if he was he had been reset or had won over this programming. The fact that this Penticorn seemed to be his compagnion though, made it pretty sure to her that he wasn't programmed as a killing machine, or that if he had been, he was stronger then it.

Finally the male Rabbot lifted it's head, and Sakura could see he wanted to make a reply, she tensed up, hoping he would not be angry at her. But he didn't say anything, it was as if, now that he saw what she was...he was...shocked? Nay, that wasn't the right word, but at least, the look he gave her sure did not make her feel happy at all. She shuffled a bit with her hind leg through the fallen leaves in order to regain her composure, but failed horribly.

She wanted to again apologise to this creature for falling on top of him, when he spoke. Her ears twitched as his voice started to fill the awkward silence. She felt a bit insulted at his first remark, though she figured he was angry, and that he was probably right. Then again, this place was just as unfitting for him and the Penticorn to be as well.

She couldn't help but to smell a hint of sarcasm when he said "nice little AC1s" but nontheless she straightened her back and looked him straight in the eyes as he continued to speak.

When he told her he was okay, relief was visible on her face. Why he said it was quite obvious she didn't know. She knew Rabbots did not dent easily, at least not her version. But since he was a newer version she was sure he could withstand yet a lot more then her.

He didn't seem to be all that okay though. Clearly she must have shaken him a bit when she dropped on top of him? But he seemed to be to proud to admit that. She payed no heed to this, since she already felt bad enough, but she did find it a bit rude what he was saying to her now. In order to regain his dignity he didn't had to be such a twat. Then again, she felt like she deserved this treatment.

The fact that the Penticorn was just looking at her with a blank stare did not make her feel better about it either.

"I have my reasons.." Sakura said. Reasons to be here, and a reason why I was climbing up in that tree... "But I will pay attention more next time. You are very right, and have the right to be angry at me." Sakura said. She figured it was best to just tell him he was right and not start a fuzz over it.

She would have responded totally different though, if someone would have falled on top of her. She would tell them she was okay, no worries, ask if they were alright, and asked what the were doing up in a tree. And offer to help with something. She shrugged. Not everyone was the same. She wondered though, why everyone she met or wanted to help seemed to dislike her. Her ears dropped a bit at this thought.
"Well, once again I am sorry...I hope...you can accept my apology." she said, waiting for the reply. The moment she had asked she regretted it. Surely he wouldn't would he? Well she would not be a bother to them longer then needed. She felt sad, finally she met someone again, and she messed it up.


My Pen! <33

Sorry if I am slow to reply, work is eating my brains. >< Summertime for a nurse means working triple as much and triple as hard. =/
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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/13/2010 4:25 PM

Not only was this AC1 clumsy and irritating (at least to Adam), she was clearly a weakling and a bit of a dolt (...also to Adam). Indeed, she seemed to have been offended by his remarks. Really, it was ridiculous to be offended by the thoughts of others, though at the same time he liked seeing an AC1 so apologetic and unconfrontational toward him. He felt happy that it wasn't one of those ridiculous OP1s, what with their 'sense of right and wrong' and 'diplomatic attitude'. They would perhaps be less inclined to react so limply, or as much so as this pink robot seemed to be.

The issue now was, however, finding a way to make conversation to find out necessary information about this female without being awkward and lowering himself to what he percieved to be 'her level'. Still sitting on his hind legs, Adam straightened himself to full height with his chestfur now groomed of all foreign substance and his wingblades pulsing with electronic crimson lights. Narrowing his bright red eyes, currently in night vision mode, he tilted his head up and turned it slightly to the side while looking ever-disdainfully at the newcomer. Or, well, newfaller, considering the circumstances. Whichever you prefer.

"Yes, well, I'm afraid that 'I have my reasons' isn't a vivid enough description. I'd like to know why you're here. It's a rather shady place for those of your kind to be. A bit uncharacteristic, shall we say? Suspicious."

This was said in a manner that was neither friendly nor angered, though the 'your kind' was said with obvious disdain and the first sentence was dripping with sarcasm. It was a bit true, though- the Cathedral tended to attract those with less-than-benign intentions, and AC1s were usually the bouncy and helpful type. Not really 'malevolent'. Not even 'ill-intended', not from what Adam could discern. There was a brief pause.

"Just as important as your intentions, who exactly are you? Besides the whole 'on the side of good' thing. I've got all that down." He wasn't expecting a speech about righteousness, though, that was more of the 'OP1' vibe.

She seemed to be a little... unnerved... by Renne's presence as well, but that was as it should be. His blank stare tended to make others a bit uncomfortable when Adam was already irritated with them, which happened to be something that occurred quite often. Speaking of the Penticorn, he had noticed the AC1 looking him over on more than one occasion. To be honest she was a bit blurry considering that he was closer to Adam and his vision was less-than-ideal, but he could still see dual smears of bright blue in his direction whenever she turned to look at him.

He would've liked to speak, to contribute to the conversation in some way, but it didn't seem like much of a good idea and besides that he didn't feel as though he had much to say. While Renne could not see her in detail he could pick up well enough on the fact that she was relatively unhappy, and that could only be because of the tongue-lashing Adam had given her. Robots were good, but AC1s and OP1s were bad, according to Adam. Therefore, he did not think he should bother talking to her just yet. And then there was another part of him less hungry for acceptance, a part that wanted to reassure her that not everyone hated her or at least say something helpful to Adam.

Swiftly he changed the subject of his thoughts. Back to the Mekkayena, which was no less reassuring and yet something that was not occurring 'in the now'. Was that why Sakura was here? Was she looking for that hyena-robot-creature, too? Some part of him doubted it, and he would not ask so as to avoid making a fool of himself. He remained stoic and silent, though he did move a little closer to be able to see the Rabbot AC1 in more refined detail and keep an eye out for any body language that could be noticed. Renne made sure he would move slowly in an attempt to not look threatening, but then automatically regretted it. He was supposed to look threatening, wasn't he?

The step forward was gentle, but he abruptly lashed his tail in the air as if to feign irritation. His face, however, was expressionless. Perhaps it would've given him a little more character if he possessed pupils, but he did not, and as such he was about as forthcoming as a rock.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/15/2010 7:09 PM

Sakura glanced into the direction of the grey Rabbot, as it straightened himself and narrowed his eyes. She frowned a bit as his demeanor.

The way he acted made it seem he felt a lot better then her, and she didn't like the attidude. Maybe he was indeed stronger and faster then her, he probably was. Since he was a more advanced Rabbot. But that didn't mean it gave him the right to act like this.

She wasn't scared, though she didn't feel comfortable. Heck, she had faced a lot of dangerous things, which this fellar probably did not seem to realise. She shrugged. She didn't needed comfirmation from a stranger that she was brave and nice and all that stuff. As long as she knew herself and valued herself, that was all that mattered. Some were just too narrow-minded and placed her kind all in the same box. That was something that did irk her though, all the more since he was a Rabbot himself, a different version yes, but he would understand right? After all, the world didn't take kindly upon any kind of Rabbot in general.

It was more a pity for him that he was narrow-minded (in her eyes) then it was for her though. Falling out of a tree on top of someone probably wasn't the best first impression one could make, yet it didn't factorise anything. Why did he look and sak at her with such disdain? Of the version of Rabbot she was or because of her entry? She was a bit unsure of it. Maybe it was both?

Sakura cocked her head, when he told her that her "explanation" wasn't good enough. Suspicious?
Pretty much irked about this, and not missing the disdain in his voice, she couldn't help but to reply somewhat in the same manner. She said it in a more dry manner though, without any disdain.

"I could ask you the same thing." she replied. "And I don't think I do owe you an explanation as to why I am here." she said. "As to why I fell on top you, I feel like it would be fair to explain you that." she said. She wouldn't have minded to tell him why she was here, but the manner in which he had asked made her not wanting to. Since if she would, it would seem as if she would accept him speaking to her like this and would follow his demands. Sakura was a very warm and friendly Rabbot but she didn't show respect to those who didn't show it to her either.

"I was in the tree to retrieve a fallen egg to a nest." she said. "However, the bird didn't understand my good intentions as seems to happen all the time.." she shrugged and continued, "So it tried to defend it's nest, causing me to drop from the slippery mossy damp branches." she said.

She smiled sourly when he said he got she was on the side of good. "Do you really?" she asked as her eyes widened in disbelief. She shook her head. "Correct me if I am wrong, but I do notice disdain in your voice." she couldn't help but to mention. "I apologised, what more do I need to do? I did not do it on purpose you know." she said as she put one of her paws to her cheek in wonder.

Sakura eyes flicked into the Penticorn's direction when he took a step forward. She wondered why the creature had not spoken yet, and wondered if him coming forth would mean he was about to speak. She tilted her head a bit, and noticed the expressionless look on the face of the Penticorn. She shrugged when he did not seem to intend to speak, and turned her gaze back upon the male Rabbot.

"By all means though, I am Sakura." she said. "I would say pleased to meet you, but I am not sure if the feeling would be mutual." she said as she shrugged a bit. "Since in the event it isn't, there would be nothing pleasurable about meeting others who aren't happy to meet me." she said.


My Pen! <33

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/17/2010 5:04 PM

Adam listened to the idle chatter Sakura seemed to be providing with little change in expression, appearing quite bored and wearing a seemingly permanently-pasted-on combination between a scowl and a wince. He moved himself back onto all fours, looking back up at the shrine in the not-so-distant distance where it poked up from behind a small hill. Simultaneously, these actions seemed to be a great way to communicate his disinterest, and so he also did not watch her widely varying expressions.

At several points her voice seemed a little irritated, and at others genuinely surprised or confused. It was not as though he really cared what she was feeling or why she had gotten around to coming here in the first place, but at the mention of 'retrieving a fallen egg', he turned his head to her and smiled with a combination of sarcasm and amused disbelief.

"A fallen egg, is it? Really?" Adam snickered and shook his head slightly, but a few seconds more and his countenance returned to its previous, hardly approachable state. Ruby lenses scrutinized her like a jury sizing up the defendant.

"Well, Sakura, I am under no obligation to tell you why I'm here either, but I'll be more mature. There's a certain thing I'm looking forward to meeting. That's all I really need to say about the situation." He peered at a forepaw with a nonchalant expression, a brief pause dripping through the silence. "I'm Adam." No 'pleased to meet you's or 'it's a pleasure's or anything of the like, merely 'I'm Adam'. Sakura's assurance that she did not fall upon him on purpose- he could decipher that for himself, he was not a child- and her asking him what more she needed to do gave a tinge of amusement to the MG1's face.

"It's nothing you need to do, per se. And I'm quite aware that you did nothing intentionally." He smirked wryly. "... And of course I can tell you're on the 'side of good', so to speak. Being an AC1 and all. Not too discreet, quite honestly." After a few seconds, he turned to face Renne. The Penticorn had, up to this point, been observing the situation in complete silence. Whether he had any ideas of inserting a statement of his own here or there had not been clear before, but he did speak when spoken to and this was no exception.

"Well, you may introduce yourself, if you would like? No point in being so quiet, is there?" Upon looking at Renne he seemed to act relatively less... malevolent, a bit of a chip in the hull. The hull here did not represent his metallic hide, however- rather, his somewhat irritable personality. It was really unfortunate for a lot of people to have to be pulled into a conversation with him, but none of his annoyance toward Sakura was directed toward Renne. At least he wasn't one of the types that takes everything out on their friends.

The Thorn Penticorn shook his head in response and nodded slightly toward Sakura without being too friendly, but not rude or angry either.

"Er, yes, I'm Renne. But-" His voice was soft and a little uncharacteristically feminine, considering the stoic visage he had been putting up while not speaking. He glanced up at the sky, which was deepening from a flat purple to a blueish, darker hue. He was able to see flat colors well enough, and it was quite clear that the sky was getting to turn a deeper shade.

"... But it's getting dark, isn't it?"

To be honest, he wasn't that keen on searching through a dark shrine in the dark and then leaving in the dark with a dark-looking hyena robot that they may or may not meet while they traverse through the shrine... in the dark. It wasn't that he was afraid- rather, he did not want anything bad to happen, which perhaps constitutes fear not of the dark but of what's inside of it. And then there was uncertainty- would the Mekkayena try to eat them? Would they meet one? Were there others in the shrine, and were they as nonthreatening as Sakura certainly seemed to be.

Adam shrugged. "We'll leave soon enough."
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/17/2010 7:09 PM

Sakura ignored how this Rabobot seemed to show no interest, as she knew he was actually listening to her. She wondered why in the world he was pretending not to though. He really wanted to make it clear, did he not? His selfrighteousness was very displeasing and it sure didn't serve him well in her book.

It became all the more clear to her he was indeed listening to her, when he turned his head to her when she mentioned the fallen egg. His smile was one that really made her resist the urge to help him wipe it off of his face. Sakura managed to resist this urge however. She never knew before she could have such violent thoughts, as she usually was calm and collected, yet friendly and easygoing. But this guy here, he was really irking her.

She nodded when he snickered and asked for comfirmation about the fallen egg. Are you kidding me/ she thought to herself sourly, as she flicked her ears. "That's what I said." she stated in a dry manner.

More mature? Oh yeah being this hostile to someone you hardly know, is very mature indeed.. Sakura though to herself, as she smiled sourly. He really thought he was a lot better then her wasn't he? Well, he wasn't. His whole persona was disgusting her. He was a digrace to the good name of Rabbots she was fighting for.
She shrugged when he told her vaguely why he was here for. She didn't really care, nor had she asked.
When he told her his name she remained silent. It was useless she figured. To even bother responding to him. And so on she just started at him, occasionaly glancing into the Penticorns direction, wonder if it was mute or something. That would have been sad. The creature also appeared to suffer from bad sight, as she could not see any pupils. Perhaps, he was deaf too? One had to be, she figured. Deaf and blind, to be able to put up with this rude-Adam dude as their compagnion.

Sakura lifted her chin a bit, when he made a remark that didn't sound good to her at all. It only comfirmed all the more that he indeed was narrow-minded placing her in the AC1-box and nothing more then that. She wondered if a rock had hit his head. The AC1's weren't on the side of good at all. They were programmed origianally to kill and destroy. She knew some of the AC1's who she had helped to break free from the program who then ended up being just as kind and helpful as her. Though she wondered, if he had met those AC1's, that gave him the idea they were on the side of good, why he was acting like this towards her.

It's not like I feel I need to do anything anymore anyways... she told herself. She surely wasn't going to eat dust for him, that was one thing that was for sure. She had merely asked hypothetically what more she had to do to stop him from treating her with such disdain. Not as if she was actually going to what he wanted her to do in order to "forgive" her for dropping onto him like that.
She just wanted to know, why he was acting this way towards her. It didn't seem to be her falling upon him though, that became obvious. As he had just stated he was aware she didn't do it intentionally.

When Adam turned towards the Penticon telling it to introduce itself, Sakura frowned a little bit. Minion isn't he? She wondered why this Penticorn seemed so obedient of this Adam. Speaking when he told him to, but remaining silent when not instructed to talk. A robot that actually instructs a living creature...how ironic. she thought. Though she wasn't jumping to conclusions. Perhaps the Penticorn owed Adam his life or who knew how nice Adam was to the Penticorn or whatever.

She did notice the change of tone and manner he spoke in when he was speaking to the Penticorn. So she wasn't senile. He wasn't like that to everyone, just to her, and probably to all AC1's. At least, she and the Penticon were the only ones Adam could speak to now so it was merely based on that and how she spoke about her kind. Though, she could imagine him speaking to himself as well when he was alone, telling him how cool he thought he was. She snorted mentally since the image was somewhat hilarious. This Adam dude seemed quite the smugly character that would do something like that. Or at least, he pulled it off to appear like that quite well.

Sakura raised one eyebrow, when the Penticon started to speak a bit hestitantly. At least, there was an "Er..." he started with. She was amazed at his voice. It was rater high pitched, like a...female. She tilted her head to one side. It was a male right? Or was she about to go blind too? She blinked a few times, and reassured herself that yes, Renne was a male.

She wondered who Renne had directed the question about it getting dark at, when Adam already answered Renne's question.

They would leave soon? Great! Sakura smiled faintly. "I won't hold you up then. Bye, and good luck with whatever your doing I guess." she said as she shrugged and turned around to walk away. She was not planning to bother with them anymore. Adam was rude and he ticked her off, and Renne was the biggest oddball she had ever seen.

Normally she would be persistant trying to dive into who they were, why they were like this. She would fight for them to trust her, and see who she was, to rid the bad vision he apparantly had of her. But it didn't seem to matter. Why? She didn't know. She just didn't wanted to be treated like she was a worthless dumb piece of metal. She had been treated in a bad manner, but it was more easy to be completely treated in a bad manner then this.

This was just different. He did speak to her, did ask her things, did show he had nothing against her yet somehow he made it appear he did. Just hate me or don't hate me.. she grumbled to herself.

She innerly cursed herself for realising that she was hoping that Adam would actually stop her from walking away somehow. She didn't wanted to go for real. But...she had to.

Yes, she did wanted to know his story. She was burning with desire to know what he had against AC1's. But she was surely not planning to show him this, since it would probably only feed his self-esteem all the more, and give him more reasons to "talk her down" which he somehow seemed to enjoy. it would only cause her to make a fool out of herself. That was the last thing she wanted. No matter what, she too, had her pride.


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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/17/2010 8:23 PM

Sure, Adam wasn't being the most cordial person ever, but his intentions were at least not a mystery. The fact that Sakura refused to tell him why she was here frustrated him, though he wouldn't show it, and he definitely wanted to know. Even his explanation, however vague, gave some hint as to why he and Renne were here. The majority of him was fed-up with her, but the other part was enjoying this... 'conversation', if you could call it that. Of course, he wasn't going to talk to her any longer if she was just going to walk away... which she was clearly doing, although unbeknownst to Adam she didn't really want to. Besides that, he had things to do, and he was not going to let encounters with this Rabbot delay his finding a Mekkayena.

"Goodbye, then." With that the MG1 turned around and begain walking at a slightly brisk pace down toward the Cathedral. The somewhat rundown structure rose slowly in the distance with every step he took toward it.

He pondered Sakura being here for a moment. It made absolutely no sense- 'kind' pets like her hardly wanted to make a step within a mile of this shrine, yet alone being on its not-so-metaphorical doorstep which Sakura happened to be very close to. For the not-quite-life of him, though, Adam couldn't come up with one reason why Sakura would be looking for the same creature that he was looking for. It was said to be evil, and rumors about it and its apparent malevolence were whispered and written about throughout the lands. Stories of sightings (and sometimes violent mauling attacks or disappearances) abounded as well, though these all made Adam want to meet this creature even more.

And then besides all this something nagged at him to turn around then and there and find out more about Sakura, specifically why she was so... goody-two-shoes-ish. He already knew the species, of course, was the lovable and helpful sort. He tapped into the information about them in his database idly, though he kept walking and there was no sign that read anything. Information appeared up on his 'screens', or more accurately words appeared in the corner of his eye along with a picture of a Rabbot AC1.

"Notes: A loving and dependable species, the Rabbot unit AC1 needs lots of attention from people. Some say this warm-hearted creature is simply built to spread joy; others think it might be collecting data on human emotions. Whatever the case, AC1's are never hesitant to help out and are always there when you call. Oftentimes, though, they can get jealous."

That irritated him quite a bit, and as such he began to walk a little faster. The less time it took for him to forget about that annoying Sakura girl and get into doing something he actually enjoyed, the better. The text and small picture disappeared, leaving his vision unobscured and his red eyes still piercing through the dark. He did not look back to see if Renne was following, figuring that he was as he normally did.

Speaking of the Thorn Penticorn, Renne was quite torn when it came to what he should do. He could tell the AC1 was a bit irritated and maybe a little upset and he would've liked to go over and chat to let her know that he didn't hate her, but the issue was that he didn't know what Adam would think of him if he did. Sure, Adam didn't order him around or dictate to him what he should do, but something inside of his mind nagged about what Adam would think if he was nice to an AC1. Yes, he was a little desperate for acceptance when it came to that MG1. Eventually, however, Renne came to a decision.

Adam never explicitly said that Renne talking to AC1s was bad, even though he obviously disliked them all. He could surely explain afterwards, though he might have to lie. The Penticorn didn't really have the courage to just go up and say 'I felt sorry for her because she looked upset'. Therefore, he turned to look at the grayish-red blur he could see of Adam walking off a short distance away. The Rabbot had already begun to talk to him again, since before they had run into Sakura they had been plotting out how exactly they would get a hold of this Mekkayena and what would happen once they did.

"So, about the Mekkayena..." Adam trailed off as if he didn't really want to talk, but was doing so anyway.

"Yes, um..." Awkward. "...I'll be right back, okay? If that's alright, I mean." Renne called out, his soft voice seeming to hardly become loud enough. Even when he was trying to project his voice out further it still seemed quiet. Adam heard him, though, and simply nodded. "It's certainly alright. I'll wait outside for you, Renne." He continued walking away, and with that Renne turned and walked up to a nearby pink blur that was not facing him. Rather, it was also in the process of walking away.

"Um, excuse me," Renne wasn't exactly sure what he should say and was actually beginning to regret doing this, but he couldn't just turn around and walk away now. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if anything that was said offended you..." The Penticorn looked away, peering through the blurry smears of darkness in the trees alongside the path.

"I can't really say he didn't mean it... because he did... but... um..." He was trying to seem at least a little confident, but it wasn't exactly working.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/19/2010 8:06 PM

Sakura sighed a bit as Adam said "Goodbye then." to her. Oh what was she thinking anyways. He was surely not going to ask her to stay or anything. Whatever reason it was, he seemed to dislike her, so why would he want her to stay and talk? So she kept on walking, figuring it was probaly for the best anyways.

She intentionally walked away from the cathedral, in case they...well would be following her. She decided when she got out of their vision, to sit down at the foot of a tree for a bit, before she would continue to carry on to the shrine. Apparantly that had been their destination too, wasn't it? She sighed. She wondered if they came for the Mekkayena as well, and if they did, what their busniness with it was. She that when they would have come here for the Mekkayena as well, they wouldn't cause trouble.
It would be rather troublesome if they came to hunt it down, especially if the Mekkayena was as the stories went. She'd have to defend a creature and at the same time defend herself against the creature as well. This was a dumb plan... she told herself, yet there was never the thought of giving it up. Once she started something, she wanted to see it through to the end. She had to stay optimistic. She poked the side of her head with her paw. "Come on now, Sakura, don't let you spirit get trampled by that guys manners." she whispered to herself.

She walked quite a bit now and started to look around for a decent spot to sit down at, seeing that the foot of a tree that had a nice patch of grass under it. She figured that it was a decent spot to sit down at. And so she started to walk over as looked up as the sky started to darken more and starts started to peer out. Suddenly she heard footsteps, they were coming into her direction. With a start she came to an halt, when this voice she recognised spoke to her.

She turned around, and saw Renne, who was apologising for his partners behavious. She smiled and shook her head. The Penticorn seemd to feel a bit uneasy, as he looked away. "That's very sweet of you." Sakura said. "Don't worry about it though." she said, with an assuring voice as she made a throwing gesture.

"You may find it rude.." she started as she fiddled with her front paws. "But I was wondering..why do you apologise for what you didn't do?" she asked, as her ears perked up already, curious for his response. "I mean.." she mused under her breath. "He is not here either is he? You disagreed with what he said? With how he treated me? You don't dare to say that to him, or be friendly towards me when he is around?" she asked, figuring maybe she had said too much, assumed too much as well? Well she did not assume it, but it may come off like that, though she had asked. She was just curious.

"I am sorry, it is none of my business really." she added. "So don't feel obliged to answer my question at all." she said, as she smiled at Renne in an apologising manner. "I just wonder, why he seems to hate me so." she murmered.


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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/20/2010 5:01 PM

Renne scooted just a little bit more forward, as it was more difficult to gauge Sakura's expressions from the distance he was at. Now that the image of her was somewhat more clear in his vision, he listened to her words and paused to think for a moment. He wasn't quite sure how to respond, but he knew it was all true for the most part. After a brief few seconds of silence, he finally managed to gather his wits about him enough for a response.

"Well... I don't think anything would happen if I did, necessarily. I just..." He broke himself off, grasping for some kind of proper phrasing. "He's my only friend, I guess, and I worry about disappointing him by doing things that he wouldn't do. I guess that's how you would say it." There was more, but he couldn't possibly tell her all of it at once, nor did he have the courage or ability to make tactful conversation to say everything. He couldn't say that he was too shy to talk most of the time- though it was obvious. He couldn't explain everything in detail, or why he was the way he was. But he could tell her what his problem was with AC1s- that would probably clear up most of her curiosities. Thoughts of the darkness of the cathedral and the Mekkayena(s) probably prowling about in that darkness lingered in the back of his mind. Renne would've shrugged, but considering his anatomy that was pretty impossible.

"Well, in general MG1s tend not to like other Rabbots... or lots of people... and Adam believes that robots are superior life forms, so he's a bit irritable towards everybody. But OP1s and AC1s, um, especially." He was considerably happy that he had the ability to properly coordinate a sentence without it being littered with a torrent of 'um's and 'er's. He did not tack on the fact, however, that part of him was eager to follow and agree with everything Adam said. The other part of him simply couldn't, but he was definitely able to put up an act when Adam was around.

"I hope that clears everything up..."

As for Adam, he had reached the shrine, one of its large and rather heavy doors askew enough for even considerably bulky individuals to enter and the other firmly shut. His long, ferret-like body climbed fluidly up the few steps that paved the way to the Cathedral's entrance, turning around once he reached the flat area in front of the twin doors and peering idly down at the trees to wait for Renne to emerge from them. The Rabbot narrowed his eyes slightly to sharpen his vision. The faster Renne dragged himself up here away from that infernal AC1 the better (although Adam was by no means impatient for his traveling companion (and would only be patient for him)), though with his luck the Penticorn would probably end up with the pink creature tailing right behind him. Ugh.

He knew Renne was relatively friendly, but he was admittedly a little surprised when he had decided to turn around and presumably visit that female he had just trotted away from with the most dignified of looks. Indeed, Adam behaved rather like a cat sometimes- arrogant, independent, so forth. Now, to wait for Renne.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/21/2010 6:40 PM

Sakura saw how Renne came forward a little closer, as she was talking to him. This made her assumption he had a bad sight all the more apparant to her, or so Sakura presumed. Since no one ever came this close to her to speak with her.

She tilter her head to the side, when he started to explain, and broke off again. She remained silent, not wanting to interrupt his trail of thought on how to continue explaining. She nodded when he spoke again.

"Ah, I understand.." she said, as she paused for a bit pressing her left front paw to her mouth, thinking for a little moment. "But, isn't real friendship supposed to be based around being able to be who you are around the other though?" she asked. She could never pretend to be someone else or be afraid to do things she wanted because of a friendship, she knew she would do those things, and if the other had problems with them, that was their problem. Sure, if it were things she did that were uncalled for yes, but otherwise no.

Then again, she didn't know the reason as to why Adam treated her, an AC1 like that, and perhaps Renne knew and that was why he could probably understand his friend and was able to remain silent, eventhough he didn't wanted to be rude at her.

Just as she wondered and asked why Adam seemed to dislike her, Renne explained..

"Hmmmm." she hummed. "Is that so?" she asked, never realising MG1's tended to dislike other Rabbot's. She wondered why. And..if he thought robots were superious life forms, why hate others that were robots? That seemed so strange to her, yet she didn't question it. Perhaps they were programmed like that, to hate OP1's and AC1's? She had no idea. Maybe she would find out eventually though. She could not help but to be curious about it.

When Renne said he hoped he had everything cleared up Sakura shrugged a little but smiled. "Thank you, it sort of does, but not everything." she said. "But it is none of my business, though it would be nice if there was a way to make him see that we AC1's are worthy Rabbots indeed. Well...most of us. And the ones that aren't, they can't help it. Their drives are simply corrupted." She shrugged, wanting to tell him it was one of her goals, to fix those Rabbots, to fix all robots who were broken and turned berserk, but what good would that do?

After all the sole reason she was here, was to find the Mekkayena and if it was corrupted fix it. It was sad that a creature like caused suffering to the world and perhaps suffering inside as well, not wanting to do it, but his program making him do it. She shuddered. She had known that feeling all too well.

"So..." she said as she stuck her nose in the air as a breeze carried many scents towards them. "Need any help with anything? Perhaps I can be of any assistence?" she asked, being able to be her kind helpful self towards this creature. After all he was nice to her, and came after her to apologise for something he did not even do. She was sure Adam would not be pleased though, if Renne would ask her to help them and tag along on whatever mission they were. But she figured if they were indeed here for the Mekkayena, it would be usefull to do it together as she was as well. And it was surely useful to know their intentions. If they were here to kill it, she had to find a way to talk them out of it. Telling them, nay rather convince them she could save the Mekkayena.

And maybe, if she did tag along, she could show Adam that AC1's were worthy Rabbot's that deserved respect. Though the thought to have to put up with his behaviour was not the least appealing to her.


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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/22/2010 11:32 AM

Renne seemed to see a bit of a flaw in her logic, but that was his fault for not having thoroughly explaining the situation and his friendship with Adam. It wasn't as though he would be persecuted by Adam for doing things he wouldn't do- that was just what Renne seemed to often think would happen, but never actually would. Adam was surprisingly tolerant to people that he didn't often have problems with, and besides that Renne was a helpful asset to him. He didn't want to just end up hurting his feelings and making him leave.

"Well, it isn't exactly that... I think I could do whatever I wanted around him to some extent. I just choose not to a lot..." Okay, so that was vague, but it outlined his point nicely enough. He hoped she understood.

As for bringing Sakura along, the thought that she had suggested... This had become a bit of a dilemma, or so it seemed to Renne.

On one hand, Renne thought it would be fun to have Sakura along, and probably more safe than he and Adam simply going it alone. After all, he wasn't sure how easy it would be to get along with this Mekkayena- or fight it, if need be- with just himself and the MG1. He wasn't sure what its temperament was or what would happen once he encountered it, which only made it worse. On the other hand, he could imagine Adam's expression once he came back up to the shrine with the AC1 at his side. Still, even so, the pros outweighed the cons. Adam's reaction shouldn't matter according to Sakura, right? Surely he, what with all his logic and powers of deduction and all that, could realize the benefits of accepting help from Sakura. ... Then again, he was never one to accept assistance. Still, the words came out with no further thought.

"Well, if you would like, you may come with us to the shrine. It seemed to have been the direction you were going originally, right?" He had warmed up enough to not throw stutters and 'um's into his speech, though he seemed to be ever-nervous in conversation. "We're going in to try and find the Mekkayena," Renne explained. "Not to hurt it, of course. We want to find it and be able to interact with it, learn about its mechanics, and all that. Maybe, um, bring it back, if it permits. If it's destructive, Adam can just tweak its harddrive a little and fix that." To be honest he wasn't sure how much fixing Adam would do- probably just enough for it not to hurt anyone until asked, but it would still probably be irritable and malevolent. Renne hoped not to get on its bad side.

Something inside of his mind regretted unloading all of this to Sakura- he didn't think Adam would show much in the way of being irritated at him, but what if he was? And if the MG1 was focused on the task- which he undoubtedly would be- then he would not have much time to be hurling thinly-veiled insults at Sakura, but he would surely not be giving her an easy time of things. Renne thought of how he would be after this. Maybe he would end up being nicer to AC1s... but this thought was full of doubt. After all, it was in his programming, as it was with most MG1s. That was what he heard about them, anyway, and judging by Adam's behavior he was certainly no exception.

"You don't have to come, of course. I don't want you to have to go out of the way of whatever you came here for." Of course, unbeknownst to the Penticorn, that was why Sakura was here as well, and for relatively similar reasons.

Instinctively he turned his head around to peer at the shrine, dark and sitting in the distance awaiting himself, Adam, and Sakura if she chose to come. The darkness of the building only intimidated him further, wanting Sakura to come just a bit more only by looking at it, but if she chose not to it would cure other problems... and, likewise, if she did come with him. There really was no win-win situation here.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/22/2010 7:52 PM

.Sakura tilted her head a bit as Renne explained he just in't choose to do certain things when he was around Adam. That seemed all very vague to her, but in a way she understood what he meant by it. "Ah, alright." she said. Wondering if Renne was as talkative towards Adam as he was to her, when Renne would be alone with Adam..

Sakura blinked a few times when Renne invited her to come with him an Adam to the shrine. When Renne pointed out he had noticed she was apparantly on her way over to the shrine as well, she felt the metal plating on her cheeks getting hot. (robotic blush lol)
Had it been so obvious? She decided to listen to what else Renne had to say before responding as he was still talking. It seemed he had gotten a bit more comfortable into talking to her, since he talked more smootly now.
Maybe that had been the reason? She figured. He just wasn't one to often talk a lot.

She heard how Renne told her of their goal. It was so similar to hers and a smile spread across her face. Especially when she heard Adam too planned to tweak the hard-drive of the Mekkayena if it was destructive.

"That is fantastic news!" Sakura shouted out with glee, causing some of the birds up in the trees to fly away at this suden high-pitched sound. She smiled at Renne in an apologising manner. "I was indeed on my way over to the shrine. And my goals are exactly the same, what are the odds?" she asked. She wondered though, why would Adam want to help this Mekkayena. To learn about it's mechanics? Sounded logical, though Renne had said, and all that. Bring it back? Bring it back where? With them? Did they wanted the Mekkayena as their companion perhaps?

She shrugged. She was fine with that as long as they would help the Mekkayena if it was destructive and if the Mekkayena wanted to tag along with Adam and Renne she had no problem with that. The main issue was however, what was their mission after that? What did they need the Mekkayena as their compagnion for? She decided that if she would tag along she may find out.
Renne did not seem to have evil intentions the least, as for Adam, Sakura couldn't help but to feel usure about this.

She shook her head when Renne said she did not have to feel obliged to come along.
"Of course, seeing as my goal is the same, and I did offer my service to you, no matter what it was I could assist you with, it would be ideal if I were to tag along with you two." Sakura sai. She shuffled a bit poking her toe from her hind legs into the sand drawing lines into the sand with it. "But uhmm" she started, somewhat uncomfortably. "Don't you think Adam would have any problem with that?" she asked.


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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/23/2010 7:27 PM

Renne seemed a little surprised once Sakura loudly proclaimed how fantastic this situation was, though personally he was not feeling the true fantasticness of it- he was still worried about certain things, though the fact that Sakura would most likely be tagging along was not one of his major problems. He appeared to be just a bit startled at Sakura's loud tone of voice- odd to see such a large animal react this way, or at least one larger than the one yelling- but only somewhat so.

Regaining whatever composure he had briefly lost, Renne nodded smoothly once Sakura explained that she had come for approximately the same reasons as Renne and Adam had. Yes, what were the odds? It was so ironic that it almost hurt, and now technically he couldn't go without Sakura because they would have to all run into each other at the Cathedral at some point anyway. There would at least be some interaction involved if they split up, even now.

Still, there were benefits, and Renne was definitely not overlooking them. He nodded once Sakura agreed to coming with him. Yes, it was a logical decision, one which Renne would probably not regret in the future, but the question that she brought up was one that made him think. It was true- he might have a problem with it. Renne paused for a moment to think of what his reaction would probably be.

On one hand he might be a little disappointed, but surely he'd be so focused on the task at hand that he would not bring up too many qualms with the AC1 that was surely now going to be their companion in this 'mission'. He would definitely still seem irritated and aloof, but there would surely be benefits in it even for Adam and Sakura.

Perhaps, then, Sakura would be able to see (she seemed quite the understanding type to Renne) that Adam wasn't really as aloof or irritable as he acted (though there were his problems with OP1s and AC1s, one of which was in Renne's company now), and Adam would be able to see that there really wasn't a reason to be so rude toward Sakura. After all, she hadn't intentionally done anything... or maybe Adam wouldn't see and would just continue on the way he was. Whatever the result, Renne had come to a decision.

"He might, but I don't think he'd show it. Sure, he might ignore you or something... but I think he'd be a bit more focused on finding a Mekkayena. It would be more of a priority for him than simply being mad at me." 'Or you', Renne would've added, but it seemed obvious that Sakura would probably be the target of many of Adam's unspoken frustrations. Renne hoped that, at the least, this would turn out the way he was saying instead of someone getting eaten or mauled or shunned.

That would not be pleasant.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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