Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 12/21/2009 2:04 PM

Ha. Perhaps the rumours were true. He was never one to believe in silly superstition, and yet there seemed to be something behind it this time. Here he was looking for his rival and he had ended up in a mess of ruins. They said evil beings were drawn here.

Not that he considered himself evil of course. But he had certainly been called it several times in the past. Far too many times for his liking. No creature, whether it had fur, feathers or plain old skin seemed to agree with him. Why couldn't anyone see it his way for once?

Idly strolling down the abandoned wreck, his paws padded out an echoing sound. It was comforting in a way-Ripper preferred to be on his own, unlike the rest of his snivelling race. Other creatures either asked questions or argued with you. Given his opinion, it might have seemed odd to hear he was actively seeking someone. But that was a special case

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 12/21/2009 2:12 PM

She felt she shouldn't be here. Really she shouldn't. The whole ruined building screamed decay and danger, and her hearts seemed to beat faster with every step. It was her own fault really. She should have learnt to ignore those little feelings she got. They had only ever led her into trouble in the past, and this time should be no different.

She was just about to turn round and leave this creepy place when she saw him. It didn't matter that he was hiding himself in Kuhna form-she still knew what he was. It didn't matter that she didn't know his face either. All that mattered was he was like her.

And he had sensed her arrival.

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 12/22/2009 6:46 AM

Hmm, fate did enjoy it's little practical jokes didn't it? Here he was thinking how nice it would be to be alone, and bam! He wasn't alone. Even if her footfall and her breathing hadn't given her away, he still would have sensed her. Instantly he knew was she was before he even turned around.

"Timelord," A grin spread across his face as he turned round to greet the stranger. By sight, he could tell the female had taken the form of a Yonyuu. Her star-patterned fur seemed oddly appropriate, and he smirked with approval, "Good choice. Assuming you chose it of course."

As far as he could tell, she wasn't one of the new, 'impure' Timelords as he liked to call them. He didn't know her either, which was quite odd. Rip knew a lot of people. Curious, he stepped forward for a closer look. Who was she?

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 12/23/2009 1:09 PM

It was a knee-jerk reaction to recoil slightly from him as he turned round. It wasn't anything personal, although she was getting an oddly dark vibe off him. No, her reaction was purely to do with her own issues. She didn't really enjoy interacting with others, not after she had seen and lost so much. Even if this stranger was a Timelord.

"I did," Her ears flicked back as she spoke, almost as if she was flinching. Shifting her paws, she realized he expected her to say more, "Who are you?" She asked finally. It was the best thing she could think of. Euphoria couldn't care less about what his name might be-she had already made up her mind not to get close to anyone. Especially not someone who gave off as much dark emotion as this

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 12/23/2009 1:42 PM

Well, she was certainly jumpy. She didn't look happy to see him at all, practically recoiling away from him. Granted, her apparent fear was justified. But she didn't even know him yet! Certainly not enough to know that backing away might be a good idea.

"Name's Ripper," He grinned to show he meant her no harm (not yet anyway) It was intriguing to meet a new Timelord. Despite the fact she was clearly wanting to get away, he had no intention of letting her go yet, "And what would yours be? I have to say, it's unusual to meet one of my kind that I haven't met before. And I can tell you're not one of those 'new' kinds like some are." He wondered perhaps if he might have hit a nerve. Some people supported the new plan, if you could imagine it!

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 12/29/2009 6:43 AM

She did indeed flinch at his words, though it wasn't because she was offended. In some ways, she disliked the new breed almost as much as he did. No doubt for very different reasons though. She adored them too, which is why she hated them. She had given up so much for them and yet they barely knew of her existance. It was a thankless road she had travelled and yes, it left her a bit bitter.

"Euphoria," Hesitating, she looked into his eyes. Would he know her? If he was one of the old Timelords, the 'hiders' as she called them...Yes, he might do. But she didn't want that recognition, not from him. Quick to change the subject, she spoke on, "What are you doing here? You don't seem to be a fan of this land, so I'll assume you're not sightseeing." She relaxed her wings and muscles, trying to disguise how tense she still felt. At her first chance she would excuse herself and leave

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 12/29/2009 7:04 AM

Now why did that name ring a bell? Not much of one-she wasn't someone he'd known personally. And yet he knew her name, almost certainly. But how?
Deciding to skirt round the issue for now, he focused on the second part of her sentance.

"How very insightful of you. Yes, I don't particularly care for this strange world with its funny creatures. Humans flock here in their hundreds though, so it must have some charm. No, I was looking for an old acquaintance. I know he's on this world somewhere." Darn Darrian and his slippery ways! The man was impossible to track. Heaven knows how those pets he liked to keep around kept up with him. They must wear jogging shoes constantly.

"And what about yourself? I trust you're not sightseeing either." He was determined to know now who she was and why she was so jumpy. What was she hiding?

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 12/31/2009 1:51 PM

Funny creatures? Euphoria had already decided she wasn't fond of this guy. While not the most social of beings, she normally gave people a chance first or tried to make allowances. With this 'Ripper' she would quite happily watch him get into a brawl with a couple of 'funny' Khimera. Let's see how easily he could get out of that!

Hiding a smirk, she flapped her wings curiously.
"Is this acquaintance like us? A Timelord I mean." If that were true, she should have sensed him ages ago. Especially if he was wandering round Evelon. But this male was so arrogant! She felt certain he wouldn't hang around with anyone who wasn't the same species as himself. Not without talking down to them anyway.

"I came because..." No point in hiding it she supposed. Not if he was like her, "I can sense things. Alien things. I came because I sensed you." Unfortunately she added silently

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/04/2010 1:01 PM

Why, he was getting the vague impression this female didn't like him! She didn't half ask pointless questions though.
"Of course. Do you think I would waste my time looking for someone if they weren't? I'd hate to be called prejudice but I do have standards for my friends." Not that this acquaintance was a friend. Entirely the opposite actually, though there was no need to tell this female. Perhaps she could help him...

"Sense things?" That caught his attention!, "How? What exactly do you sense?" Ripper knew that a Timelord could tell if another Timelord was standing in front of them, that they could identify each other on sight. But to sense their prescene and know their exact location-now that was new to him. And it sounded like a very useful skill. Tracking Darrian would not be nearly so hard if he could sense where he was in the world.

He couldn't help but notice that this female was avoiding his questions however. Whatever this gift of hers was, she wasn't eager to share its secret with him. No matter-he could wait for all eternity if need be. But, since he wasn't particularly eager for that scenario to play out, he would have to draw it out of her. Rip had a gift for getting others to (wrongly) trust him

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/05/2010 2:23 PM

Already she had said too much. Was this keeping her head down? No! And now there was no way to escape him. Pretending to consider a response, she took a step back. The crumbling building didn't have much in the way of an enclosure. If she could run fast enough, she might make it away...

Letting out a sigh, she resigned herself. What would be the point? The way those icy eyes gleamed showed he had guessed what she was thinking. Surprise would be her only advantage if he was faster, and now that was gone. Besides, if she ran he might think she had something to hide. That would only intrigue him more.

"It's like..." She struggled, trying to remain vague yet accurate, "If anything alien arrives on Evelon I just know. I can't find out anything about them other than their species and their location. Sometimes not even their species. It's like a gut feeling, a signal calling me." That was what was so puzzling about his previous answer. He claimed this other person was Timelord, yet she had sensed no such thing. If he wasn't lying (and why would he) what did that mean?

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/05/2010 4:53 PM

Aww, he almost felt sorry for her. Almost. She really was a skittish thing-he could see her eyeing up all possible exits, acting as if he was about to launch at her right there and then. He wondered briefly if she could fly. She had the wings certainly, but then so did he. He just couldn't use them. It would be useful to learn how he supposed, but he had never cared enough to bother about it.

His ears perked up as she explained more about her gift. It sounded like more than he ever could have hoped for. Perfect for his current situation, and the additional details just made it all the more fascinating. But it was doubtful this creature would help him. She didn't seem very willing to offer anyway.

Well, no need to broach the subject just yet. Perhaps if he 'befriended' her first, she might be more willing to help. Casually, he spoke up as if another thought had just occured to him.
"Have you sensed a lot of alien things then? I wouldn't imagine the experience is that common." He relaxed his smile, trying to look more open and less intense. He didn't want to frighten her away completely after all

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/06/2010 6:49 AM

For a few minutes, his subject change actually made her wonder. She had been almost certain he was going to ask for her help (an offer she would feverishly refuse) and yet he hadn't so much as insinuated it. Instead he was asking some random question about how many aliens she'd met.

It couldn't confuse her for long though. She saw through his suave smile and calm exterior. The ghostly flames on his tail were moving faster than before, and she felt almost certain that was a sign of either his anticipation or his deceit. Either way, she wasn't about to trust him. No sense in being impolite though. Let him think he'd fooled her.

"Not here it isn't. I get these feelings very rarely indeed, hence why I came to check it out. You never know after all. It might have been something dangerous." Perhaps it was. She didn't like him one bit. He would likely look ordinary to anyone who didn't have her gifts, but he couldn't hide himself from her. His smile was friendly but it was that of a crocodile. What should have been a soft shade of blue was a harsh spike of ice. He was perfect but the wrong kind of perfect. He was wrong

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/06/2010 12:37 PM

No, she was still too cautious. He would have to act nice a lot longer in order to win her trust. This resolution in mind, he sat down on the cool, cracked floor. Not the most comfy place to have a chat he mused, glancing around the decaying building. It would have been beautiful once, standing proud and tall. Mind you, everything in life was beautiful at least once. That fact was as true as the fact everything decayed with time.

"Do you know why you get them?" He hadn't been meaning to ask that question so it came as some surprise to him. His tails flicking, he thought once more how her name sounded familiar. Euphoria was still trying to hide something, a secret clearly more important than the one of her gift. Worst of all, it felt like one he should already know.

"You seem awfully familiar. Have we met?" They hadn't of course. He knew that. But she might slip up in her answer, reveal something she meant not to. Then perhaps he could figure out who she was

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/06/2010 12:53 PM

Her heart sank as he sat down. Drat. Clearly he planned to be here a while then. With no chance of escape, the Yonyuu was left with no choice but to sit down herself. Landing with a resigned thunk, she listened as he spoke again. As it so happened, she did know the origin of her powers. Fat chance she was going to share it with him though.

"Not really." She answered, trying to keep her comments simple. If she was curt enough, he might lose interest and just go. He seemed to have no answer for that, staying silent for a while. She began to get hopeful. Perhaps he really would leave...

No such luck. His next question caught her off guard completely, causing her to forget to stay aloof. Her pale eyes blinking rapidly, she quickly tried to answer.
"No!" She blurted out, panicking slightly. Then she closed her eyes slowly, cursing herself for her foolishness. If he hadn't suspected her before, he would now. But what else could she do? It seemed he knew her name at least. If he did, then he might have heard of her. Of what she'd done

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/07/2010 4:25 PM

Just as he suspected. Her overreaction showed that she was indeed hiding something, and something quite important from the sound of it. Fighting to keep his calm exterior, he pretended to not have noticed her little outburst. Swishing his tails, he adopted a pleasant tone.

"Really? I could have sworn your name seems familiar. Perhaps we have a mutual acquaintance or something." Behind his politeness, his mind was working furiously. Euphoria, Euphoria...He did know it. So why couldn't he remember where from? Her attitude would suggest she was reluctant to be recognized, so it wasn't an event she was proud of. Funny though, she didn't look evil. Rip was hardly a newcomer to these kinds of things. Normally he could smell evil a mile off.

"What are you doing on Evelon anyway?" A lightning bolt of inspiration hit him. There was a good chance her answer to this question would reveal more

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