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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 10/21/2012 2:05 PM

Lloyd smirked wickedly, accentuating his mask. "This is very much authentic, Monsieur Erik. I am the Phantom of the opera, in death as in life. Perhaps you are the one who took up my mantle in the Paris opera house after that... unfortunate incident involving the chandelier, hmmm? Tell me, do they still reserve our box as we required, or have they forgotten the consequences of the Phantom's wrath?"

He looked sideways as he spoke, noticing the grimace on Gabriel's face. He was well aware of how much courage it had taken his fellow attendee to approach this... intriguing fellow by the punch bowl, and it gave Lloyd no end of glee to see that he had been overlooked by this Erik fellow. However, he was a gentleman at heart (even if it was made of stone) and this was a party. Not to mention thrusting Gabe into the conversation would make the zombunny flustered, and that was entertainment not to be missed!

Turning to the zombunny, he gave him a firm push behind the shoulder as he said the words "Allow me to introduce you to my friend, Gabriel. Gabriel, this is Monsieur Erik, a fellow Phantom it seems. Who could have imagined we would meet here?"

Gabriel looked terrified as he realised what that patronizing self-indulgent egomaniac had done by thrusting him into the conversation; compared to Lloyd, he was as common as muck, regardless of his upbringing. He was a zombunny, for crying out loud; if he shook someone's hand too firmly he'd leave his fingers behind. He squared himself up, unwilling to let Lloyd do any more talking over him, and introduced himself as politely as he could: "Good evening Monsieur, my name is Gabriel. Pardon my... companion, if you will, he can be a little... overbearing." At this, Lloyd merely laughed and clapped him on the back, awaiting what would surely be an entertaining response from the other phantom...
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Freezair » 10/21/2012 2:35 PM

Lucinda was listening intently to the two phantoms converse. Well, the Diosol one didn't seem to be too bad, just a little... off, perhaps. But he wasn't going to throw a hissy fit over his costume, and that was what she needed to see. Lucinda turned around, ready to attend to other guests, when she felt something small and damp and sugary-smelling land on her head.

"Bluh!" She jumped, but in terms of Halloween screams, there had been shriller and more terrified. Lucinda shook her head, trying to remove the stickiness from it. With a roll of her eyes, she thought she saw blue feet. That Anera again! She sighed and gave her head another good shake, to hopefully urge her loose.

"Now this will not do, darling! This party is a civilized--well, it's only as uncivilized as Halloween allows! You cannot go umping all over guests and getting your sticky feet in their costumes! This behavior is troubling. Didn't you come in with a few others? I'm going to have to inform them of this!"

By Talcen, Alek manifested his blackish psychic hand. A glowing cloud of psychic power, roughly in the shape of a hand, manifested over Alek's head and presented itself, open, towards Talcen. "Well, human form aside, I can always shake hands like this. So if you wish--" Then he head his wife yelp. "Oh dear. Hold on, I--is that an Anera on her head? What the--"

The yelp disturbed Armin just as he was adjusting the punch bowl once again. A bright red stain spread across the tablecloth. "Oh no! Not again! Sis, help!"

Ofelia rushed over. Her psychic hand dove into the mess, rescuing as many goodies as she could from the tablecloth before the punch got to them and made them soggy.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby FrostyRae » 10/21/2012 11:55 PM

Merely nodding his head with a small bow to Gabriel, Erik merely shrugged at the last statement the...zombie-like bunny had made. "Pleasure to meet you, Monsieur Gabriel. And as for the chandelier, Erik was honestly hoping it would squash that toad. Trying to replace Christine Daaé, that beautiful angel...it was a poor decision for the managers to try and let that prima donna take her place, don't you agree?"

Now that he was starting to settle into being at the party, Erik felt more...not relaxed, per say, but comfortable. Taking a small sip of the punch that he had grabbed before the Anera incident, the man closed his eyes for a moment. It was rather refreshing to see another legitimate phantom, even if they were claiming the same opera house as theirs. Hearing a scream, he glanced away to see the situation, but merely chuckled and returned his gaze to the pair of diosols. This could turn out to be an interesting night after all.
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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Thunder » 10/22/2012 6:53 PM

Odellia chuckled at her customers, pleased that they had enjoyed her reading. "Ah, I must say I love a good prank," she sighed. "I suppose we're very much alike, Ofelia. We both have psychic powers, we both love mischief, and our names both start with O!" She beamed at the psychic "BOO!" from her fellow psychic. "Your abilities are quite expansive, it seems. But I digress. Is there anything else I should read I usually charge people for readings- it's my job, after all- but I'm doing everything for free tonight, so-"

Before she could end her statement, there was a commotion near the refreshments, and Ofelia had run over to intervene. Odellia glanced over and was surprised to see that a troublesome Anera had landed on one of the hosts' heads, and now punch was being spilled, and a general panic seemed to pervade the area. She couldn't help but laugh heartily.

Azrael glanced over at Scarletti when Kitani mentioned her and nodded in approval. "It's a lovely costume," he told Kitani. "I'm sure you're quite talented with making these. Is it a hobby of yours?" The Kuhna also nodded at what Talcen said on Holmes. "Yes, he is quite a brilliant man. I think his books have even taught me a thing or two about investigations."

He watched as Talcen went to get a drink and laughed at the scene going on by the refreshments. "What a commotion," he chuckled. "Would you like to get some food and drink too, Miss Kitani?" He extended a paw in invitation.

At the table, Jade nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think it's pretty silly too!" she exclaimed. "I mean, it's all just for fun, and everyone likes having fun...unless you're always a boring person!"

When Lucinda screamed, Jade squeaked a little and swiftly turned to the source of the noise, white Lucain ears perking up. She saw the spilled punch on the table and gasped in shock. "O-oh!" she stammered. "Here, I can help you!" Leaning in the direction of the mess, she raised one paw, which began crackling and glowing with a bright green aura. Some of the foods that Ofelia hadn't gotten to yet suddenly became surrounded by the same aura and rose off of the table, as if by magic, and traveled across the table to a not-stained-by-punch spot. They settled down nicely. Jade beamed and turned back to Dez, looking a little sheepish. The incident would probably beg the question of whether she really was a witch. "Um, sorry about that! That was a bit sudden!"

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Akida » 10/22/2012 8:03 PM

Scarletti smiled at the two kuhna when she saw them look at her.
She thought, "Kitani must be talking about my costume."
She tinted slightly as if she were blushing but was caught off guard by an exclamation. She turned toward the direction the noise came from and saw an anera stuck to one of the hosts' head. She laughed quietly and wandered off to have a closer look at the decorations. Ofellia had done marvelously. She wondered to herself who else was available for a short chit-chat.

Kitani smiled brightly and waved when she saw Scarlet look in their direction.
"Yes it is! I don't really have much to do normally but when Hallow's Eve comes around I make it my business!" She winked at him as she said this. She was definitely having a good time and was glad she convinced the others to come along. She would have done fine on her own but that was a rare event.
"Oh.. Thank you. I could use a little.."
Lucinda's shout cut her off and she turned to see the commotion.
"..punch." She laughed at this and lead they way to the table of food.
"It seems that's where the best of the party is. Wouldn't you agree?"
She saw the three other lucain saving the snacks and treats from spilled punch and smiled. As she got closer to them she called out to Armin, "Your feast is now the center of the party."

Ra'ire stopped short of the feast when all hell broke loose. He tilted his head to one side and watched for a moment. Floating food, pouncing aneras...yup this was some party alright. He had stopped beside the two similarly dressed characters and a zombie-looking bunny.
He spoke to all of them, "Some party huh?"
Ra'ire really needed to work on his people skills. Unless they were great cooks who offered excellent food skills for him to enjoy...

"Christmas?! I'm starting preparations for the new year celebrations thank you very much!"

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Freezair » 10/23/2012 2:03 AM

"Hee! It's like we were meant to be friends or something," Ofelia snickered. "I like you. I admit, I'm not the greatest precog in the world, so someone who can do real readings is pretty cool to me. I'm more telekinetic. You know, moving stuff with my mind? But my family can all communicate telepathically. Drives other people nuts." With that, Ofelia broadcast, as loudly as she could manage: Armin! Get your but in the kitchen and make me a sandwich!

"Oh, be quiet," Armin replied. "I've got a crisis with... the... punch?" But then Jade stepped in, and all was magically well. "...Wow. What was that? Some kind of psychic power? Looked like a localized time distortion! Some kind of chronopathy? Cool! Where'd you learn to do that? And is it mental or magical? Because if it's the former, I'd love to learn how..." Ofelia saw the warning signs dancing in her brother's eyes. It was a crush at first sight, and it was dangerous.

"Hmm? Opera?" Alek's face perked up at Erik's words. "I'm afraid I know little of the show you speak of, but I do enjoy a touch of opera myself. What was being performed? Perhaps I know of it. Tell me a little about this show..."

Meanwhile, Lucinda ducked into the unseen bathrooms of the cathedral (did those still work? Apparently so) to get punch and frog-slime out of her fur.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Kylo » 10/23/2012 10:10 AM

Talcen looked over at the source of the shout and laughed. It seemed the little frog was yet again up to no good. The lucain he was speaking to left giving Talcen the chance to get his punch before anything else could happen. Before he could step in to help clean up the mess another lucain used magic to clean it up instantly. He grinned and took a few treats that were now nice and safe from the threat of getting soaked by punch. It seemed like there were quite a few magic users at this party. While Talcen could use some magic he didn't really like to use it all that much as he was afraid it would only make him even more lazy than he already was.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby wave3girl » 10/23/2012 2:05 PM

Mish had enough of watching late night horror movies and eatting stale popcorn. He put on a simple steampunk costume and headed to the closest party he knew. His newspaper boy hat with green and yellow stripes bobbled on his head as he walked.
He was far too old to trick or treat but non the less he wanted to have a good time.
(Sorry I'm in a rush, rush post. longer one later :oops: )

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Thunder » 10/23/2012 6:12 PM

Odellia, after seeing the fiasco at the tables, suddenly realized that she hadn't had any of the food or drink yet. It would be preposterous if she didn't as refreshments could be the best part of the party! "Ah, please excuse me," she said to Scarletti, "I am going to get some food and drink." With that, she marched over to the tables, fortune teller robes glittering as she walked, and grabbed some candy corn. She popped the small treats into her mouth and chewed them slowly, savoring the taste. She swallowed, and then called out, "Would anyone else like to have their fortunes- or their minds- read?"

Azrael headed over to the punch too, with Kitani. He already had a cup of the drink, but it was getting empty, so he refilled his cup and starting sipping again. "It certainly is lively around here," he commented. "Perhaps this isn't a place for a reaper like me." He let out a chuckle at his own joke and put down his scythe, leaning it against the table.

Jade was a little flustered that Armin was so interested in her powers, and her white face turned a bit pink. "Oh, um, thanks!" she laughed. "It's space powers, actually. As for how I got them, it's a really long story! As in, if it was some kind of comic, it would probably be thousands of pages long! I don't think it's anything I can teach you, unfortunately." She frowned slightly. "I wasn't born with these powers, but they come to me very naturally. I just...knew how to use them as soon as I got them."

(OOC: Omg Armin xD Anyone see what I did there with Jade?)

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Freezair » 10/24/2012 1:09 AM

((c wut u did thar Thunder.))

Absent-minded as he sometimes was, Alek drifted between Talcen and the opera conversation. "Tch... so much wanton uses of one's powers," he sighed to Talcen. "Some of these children just like showing off. It's very rude. And it' encourages a lack of discipline. Some people should... focus..." Of course, as he said it, his voice drifted off, as he tried to get back to the opera conversation. Alek could focus without fail on psychic experiments, but when it came to social situations, he had a much harder time of it.

"...Oh." Armin seemed disappointed. "Still, spatial manipulation is cool! What kinds of things can you do, huh? I could show you some of my powers. We could sort of, um... power-chat? Nah, that sounds like... extreme chatting, or something. But it'd be fun! ...If you think so..."

"Oh, just ask her to go talk to you, ya dummy," Ofelia said. She stuck her tongue out at him, and drifted away to go find that Anera and perhaps collaborate with her.

Lucinda, meanwhile, had rushed back in just in time, cleaned and prim, to see the new guest. "Ah! Welcome! Your costume is very charming, Mr. Steampunk."

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Kylo » 10/24/2012 11:28 AM

"Well I guess one could argue magick was made to be used, and no harm was done." Talcen sipped at his punched and looked over at the green lucain gal finding her to be vaguely familiar, though he couldn't place where. Perhaps one of his puppets had encountered her previously. Oh well it couldn't be that important if he couldn't remember her. He grabbed a few cookies and began to eat while he watched the other guests and listened to Alek trail off towards another conversation. he was fine with that as he was sure as a host he had to be busy with many people vying for his attention.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby wave3girl » 10/26/2012 3:08 PM

"…You as well madam Yingsee. I heard your party was going to be a hit. I was not expecting too many people to join." he greeted her with an honest smile. "I see you put a lot of work into this event.'
His backpack had moving pieces like pressure gadgets and clock cogs. His hat was skewed. The off cream dress shirt he had on shimmered with the moving lights above where the gold inseams were. His shirt armbands had fake calcite as a detail to the steam-punk costume.
He didn't know anyone here. Maybe this was not his greatest ideas but it was one of the better ones. He asked unsure where to start the conversation, introductions? "I'm Misha by the way. And you?"

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby Freezair » 10/26/2012 5:00 PM

Alek had kind of been hoping for an agreement, and he bristled when Talcen seemed to go against him. That was the problem with people: He could predict his experiments, but he couldn't predict the way people were going to act. "Err... well, I suppose that's true." Alek slunk away, thinking of the adendums he might have made, but wouldn't, for fear of the ensuing conflict: Food was made to be eaten, too, but too much would make you fat. Books were made to be read, but only reading books would shut you off from the outside world. ...His wife would probably say something similar about science experiments.

Speaking of. "I'm Lucinda, darling," she said to Misha. "Your hostess, along with my husband, Aleksandr. He's over there somewhere, trying to mingle and failing. Do go say hello, if you don't mind. He's very much not a people person, but he is the very dearest when you get to know him. And my children are around here somewhere... where are they...?"

Armin, as it happened, was still staring intently at Jade, trying to say something funny and endearing to make her like him. Ofelia was slinking off into the corners, assuredly up to no good.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: -A Haunted Halloween Hootenanny- (OPEN to all!)

Postby wave3girl » 10/28/2012 4:23 PM

Misha looked pleased to we welcomed to a party like this. "I'm sure I will speak to him shortly. Now tell me. What  festivities are there at his party?" He looks around, "Have you had a drink yet?" he gestures to the food table to continue their conversation.

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