Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Re: Days of Sunlight [Mousen and Shieba] [PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 04/27/2011 9:05 PM

((Sorry Shieba. x3; I can read it fine, but if it's hard for people to read it kinda makes the whole 'font-beautifying' thing kinda pointless XD))

"A bunch of pointless stuff mostly. Well there's Fate and Death and a bunch of others that don't really do anything particularly important. They just argue, threaten genies and irritate their subordinates mostly." Narcissa shrugged, her world had probably been created by someone with a very good sense of humour. No one had quite gotten the joke yet, though. That or the entire punchline had been forgotten.

"It's Jinn, Narcissa. And yes, that much is true."

"Gin? As in gin and tonic?"

"Jinn as in- Oh, forget it! You're just winding me up now, aren't you?"

"Yes, father."

Rexus shrunk back slightly, a rather tired expression on his face. "You're right as usual Gemas. It's just that I've lost enough family in the past few years, I don't want to do the wrong thing and lose someone else. I've been trying to handle the matter delicately, I mean... It could be just a phaze... It's not as if she's had a mother figure there at all." Dear Zu'hai, it was just lucky that Gemas had so much patience. A lesser animal might have given in and slapped Rexus across the head by now. No doubt the 'mother figure' nonsense was something Narcissa had cooked up to make him feel bad.

Well, it wasn't as if hadn't heard Gemas's rant. It wasn't as if anything in the cathedral hadn't heard it, either. Though, she did seem decidedly unmoved by his speech, like she knew what she was expecting to hear. "All due respect, Sir, I'm not talking about messing about with souls, I couldn't give a toss about summoning souls or whatever my father was doing. I'm talking about simple necromancy that doesn't involve really pissing off Death herself. Just little stupid stuff that no one really cares about, I'd just like to be given some straight facts for once."

"Well, technically..." Rexus trailed off as Gemas shot him a sharp look. "Uh, Narcissa, would you mind if-"
"No, I really don't care." She sighed, it didn't seem like she had a choice anyway.

Turning to Rosy, the young myu just shrugged her shoulders slightly. "My problem is that I don't know when to shut up."

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Re: Days of Sunlight [Mousen and Shieba] [PG-13]

Postby Shieba » 04/27/2011 9:48 PM

(It's actually better now. I'm sitting on a Windows 7 computer and the font displays better now. It was horrible with Windows XP, though.)

Rosy had no idea what a Jinn was supposed to be, so she was a bit confused, but she certainly enjoyed seeing that someone else had fun in winding up their parents, too. "Well, I think my aunt irritates her subordinates, too...", she finally decided. "The other gods, I don't really know. I haven't met them yet. But well, our dark gods create their subordinates themselves, so they're just like them and probably not easily irritated because of that."

Gemas shook his head. "You are a moron. You risk losing your daughter to hell - or whatever equivalent of it you have - just to avoid arguing with a child? Loving your daughter means doing what is best for her, even if it's against her wishes sometimes!"

"Like training me", Rosy added to Narcissa. "Though I guess I understand why he does it...but parents are born to be annoying, I swear."

"My dear child", Gemas said rather coldly to Narcissa, "this 'little stupid stuff' adds up rather quickly in terms of sin. You do not have to be a murderer to be a criminal, so to speak. I shall take a look at your soul. If you do not care, all the better. I would do it anyway, though." He went silent and concentrated.

"Oh wow, I just hope you are a closet saint or something", Rosy mumbled to Narcissa. "Please tell me you save people's life on a daily basis..." She looked rather unhappy. "I don't know when to shut up, either, and I like to rile him up, but I have yet to manage to piss him off like that."

Gemas finished the magic he had used and turned back to Rexus, trying to remain calm. "Do you remember yourself being so sure that your soul was tainted? Well, I can give you the news that your daughter, though so much younger than you, is diving towards the dark side far more than you." He glanced at Narcissa. "She is young enough to undo the damage and return to the path of light, as she is not lost yet, but for that, she needs to change her ways and she needs to change them now. She has racked up quite a sin-count with all her 'little stupid stuff'."

"Well, crap. Seems like your dacing mice aren't a good thing..." Rosy looked a bit helpless at Narcissa.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Days of Sunlight [Mousen and Shieba] [PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 04/28/2011 8:53 PM

"One of our dark gods did that once, create their own subordinates, I mean. Though, if I remember correctly it didn't quite go to plan." Narcissa snickered slightly, laughing to herself. "One of them ran off with the ruler of this place called Dervenya, I think. Now that was a scandal."

"I didn't want to make things worse, by pushing Necromancy further away I was worried that she'd become more and more interested in it. I don't want to make things any worse than they are, you see. And they are pretty bad." To say the least. It didn't seem like Rexus's plan of non-interference had worked out all that well. And Gemas was very annoyed with him again. "She would argue with me anyway, it's not that which I've been trying to avoid."

Narcissa had been about to begin her usual rant about how she'd never hurt anyone in her life, nor stole from them and that she hadn't done anything particularly malicious with her magic, vaguely disrespectful on occasions, but never malicious. Though she decided against it when the realized just how wound up Gemas was, it would save her another argument in return.

"I did once stop my uncle from falling off the roof... But I don't think that counts all that much." She whispered back to Rosy, shrugging her shoulders. "My other problem is that my dad doesn't know when to shut up, especially when it comes to talking to felloxes."

"I feared that much. Surely, Narcissa you realize that Necromancy is part of the reason your mother is dead? I was under the impression you understood what I was saying."

"Perhaps I'd understand better if you told me what happened properly. I'm not a child, you know."

"My life isn't a fairy story, Narcissa." Rexus snapped back, surprising the myu with how harsh he sounded.

((Fail. XD <3))

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

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Re: Days of Sunlight [Mousen and Shieba] [PG-13]

Postby Shieba » 04/30/2011 6:40 PM

"The subordinates of your gods can be disobedient? Weird. Ours can't, since they're basically parts of the original one, so it's ruled out. Your world is really strange. Well, compared to Evelon, the world of my Dad is strange, too, though..." Rosy shook her head. She still liked Evelon the best.

"You are her father. You simply stop her from delving into the matter!" Gemas shook his head. He himself wasn't the best father in the world, with having to work so often, but he just couldn't understand how Rexus could even take the risk of his daughter becoming tainted. "You should have done everything in your power to keep it away from her! It's your duty as her father! Especially since she has no mother around!"

Rosy shook her head. "It counts, but well, just once. And if that stuff you're interested in is dark stuff, it counts again and again, every time you do something with it. It doesn't matter if you use it for good or evil - if it's innate bad, you pay the prize." Rosy was scared of sounding like her father, but she also didn't want her new friend to be tainted and end up in hell or whatever they had in her world. "So, uh, maybe you should stop it? Just saying..."

Gemas just sighed. At least his daughter was attemping to make herself useful now instead of just teasing him. Which was a good thing. Hopefully, she would have more influence on Narcissa than he had. Obviously, the Myu was ignoring him. Still... "If someone tells you something is bad and you have proof that it is, you should maybe accept it as such and not bring your father suffering by making him recall bad memories." Really, that child was so insensitive!

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Days of Sunlight [Mousen and Shieba] [PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 05/09/2011 5:37 PM

"Well, like the ones that work for the light, they've got a conscience, so they can rebel or stay loyal. Yeah, the our world is strange, I've got to agree with you there." How her world worked, Narcissa had no idea. How any world worked she had no idea. Perhaps every world was just made up by some odd conscience somewhere, perhaps the authors in her own world had worlds of their own, and so on. It was an interesting theory to say the least.

"If she's anything like her mother, she'll be flighty. I can't count the times Natalia just packed her stuff and left, or begged me to leave with her. We came back eventually, usually when Tammy caught up with us and dragged us back." He hadn't called Tamorah Tammy since Natalia died. "I didn't want her to run, isn't it better that she stayed so I could keep an eye on her? Goodness knows how bad she'd be now if she'd left."

"I see. It's quite a coincidence that both our worlds work the same in this aspect when so much else is different." There was something in Narcissa's tone that Rexus didn't like. Infact as she spoke he turned his head towards her, a look of concern passing over his face. "Is simple curiosity really so bad...? It's not like I've ever hurt anyone." She paused, walking along the edge of the fallen pillar she stood on. "Personally, I find it worse when a father outright lies to his daughter." Her expression turned into a sneer as she turned to look at Rexus. "Infact, I find it a little bit too much of a coincidence that we all ended up here to day."

Rexus looked stunned at the myu's accusations. "Narcissa are you saying I arranged this whole thing? I-"
"That's exactly what I'm saying. It hasn't worked. You assume that I actually trust you, father, you seem determined to see my mother in me, her mannerisms and her weaknesses. But what you should really be looking for, is yourself and how much esteem you put in Necromancy when you were my age."
Giving a final, apologetic glance at Rosy Narcissa ran from the cathedral.

"I apologise. It seems that I am running out on you yet again. Give my regards to your family and your superior." The kuhna said hurriedly as he to ran from the cathedral. "Stupid, flighty females." He muttered under his breath as he did so.

((Rexus and Narcissa have both left the RP. I apologise. It seems I am running out on you yet again. xP))

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

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Re: Days of Sunlight [Mousen and Shieba] [PG-13]

Postby Shieba » 05/20/2011 3:56 PM

"What--? Narcissa?!" Rosy flapped her wings and called after the Myu, but she had already left. "What was that about?!"

"Unable to stand the truth, the sinner flees from the judge." Gemas stepped to his daughter. "She believed her father took her here so I could show her how tainted she is yet. Which is not true and, given her sudden reaction, she knows this. She just could not stand the situation."

Rosy paused for a second. "Is it really that bad, though, Dad? Is it a sin, even when she is just curious and doesn't hurt anyone? Doesn't she have a point there?"

Gemas sighed, having hoped that Rosy had learned enough yet to understand. Then again, his daughter was, despite her sometimes brash words, a kind soul and had gotten along well with Rexus' daughter. "You know the answer to this question, Rosy, because I have taught you right from wrong. Narcissa told you about the skeletons she revived and you immediately felt that this was not something that should be done, correct?"

"Well, yeah." Rosy searched a bit for words. "It's, I dunno, wrong. It dishonors the dead, even if it's just small animals without much brain."

"Indeed. All souls long to pass on to the afterlife after death, for they are pure and the heart is tainted. They wish to leave the body behind and with it all its sins, no matter that they will get judged because of them later. But even though the souls wish for that, life is still not less important than death. Life is what determines eternity for everyone. It is a single chance you have; a short one compared to eternity. To mess with the remains of a body means dishonoring the life this creature has lived. That is what this Necromancy art is about: Dishonoring. Dishonoring the Creator who willed it to be so by trying to undo the rules. Dishonoring the soul by messing with the body it had inhabited - and potentially causing great damage to it in the process, for souls do not take it well if they get disturbed in their natural passing. But even without the damage, it remains a sin, for this art laughs and spits on life itself and all it represents: The one-time chance to determine your own eternity."

Rosy listened to her father's explanation which was, as always, very long and complicated. Yet she understood what her father was saying this time. "She seemed so nice...", she sighed. "I hope she understands before it's too late for her. Or that things are different after all in her world."

Gemas nodded. "That might be wishful thinking, but hold onto that thought if it makes you happier."

Rosy got up. "Can we leave for today, Dad? I don't feel like training anymore."

Gemas thought about it for a second, then sighed. "Very well. You have learned things in a different way today, after all. Let us return home. Your mother will be happy if we are around before evening, too." He waited until Rosy got up, then turned around and headed towards the entrance.

"Thanks, Dad." Rosy followed her father slowly, still deep in thought. She didn't doubt that her father was right, but she also liked Narcissa and didn't think that the Myu was evil. Hopefully, she would see her again one day and, maybe understanding all this stuff about death better then, would be able to talk Narcissa out of her weird ideas before it was too late then. She really doubted Rexus would manage to do so, that man needed a kick into his butt to grow some spine. "Hey, Dad? You're pretty boring, but also pretty awesome, you know? I'm glad you're my father and not someone like Rexus."

Gemas chuckled. "I doubt someone like Rexus would have managed to raise you, my dear. He certainly has failed with Narcissa so far. I am glad that, despite the fact that I train you without you truly wanting it and me having so little time for you, you still love me. For I love you, too, and will always do my best to help you."

And that, Rosy decided, made it worth to listen to all the boring rants.

~ FIN ~

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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