Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/24/2010 10:55 PM

Sakura tilted her head a bit when she noticed that she seemed to startle Renne a bit by shouting enthusiastically. She looked at him and wondered why he gotten so startled by it. Then she remembered noticing he was probably having a very bad sight. Didn't other senses get heightened when one of your senses was bad. Like the hearing, Renne probably had very sensitive ears.
She felt a bit guilty for not taking this into consideration and dropped her ears a bit, wanting to apologise for startling him so, but he already seemed to regain himself.

She was pretty sure she would be unable to promise him it wouldn't ever happen again. Rather, she could promise him this, but it would be a false promise. Whenever she got happy or enthusiastic she could not help but to shout or squeal with glee. It was bound to happen again. That was, if continueing her quest with Adam involved wouldn't turn out the way she was fearing. They would end up there together anyways in the end, wouldn't they?

She shook the thought of it becoming unpleasant off. They had the same goal, so what could go wrong with that. Sure being around Adam may be unpleasant, but did it matter? She would just stay professional, like co-workers had to. They all had the same goal, and if they liked one another did not matter, what mattered was their goal. She hoped Adam could also look at it from this point of view at least, and be able to stay professional as well. He didn't have to be nice to her. Just not put her down all the time. If he would not do that, she figured it wouldn't be so bad.

Sakura nodded when Renne seemed to comfirm the same thing she was hoping for, though the ignoring part seemed like it would get on her nerves. Maybe if he did that, she would just ignore him as well? After all, what was the use to saying something to someone that would not respond?

When he mentioned that Adam would probably prioritize finding the Mekkayena over being angry at Renne for bringing her, she seemed to read his mind. Maybe not at you, he may vent his frustrations upon me though. She once again shrugged it off. Whatever was going to happen, this was bound to get interesting nontheless.

She nodded. "Alright, I guess we will just see then?" she said, not really asking it. "So let's go?" she asked, as she bounced around him to get back on the road towards the shrine again. "Uhm.." she started a bit insecure. "I am sorry for asking, I don't mean to be harsh, but...I have noticed some things, and they made me wonder. Is your sight bad? If so, want me to stay close in front of you perhaps?" she said, feeling ridiculous for asking, as he had seemed to have walked over her just fine on his own as well.

Still she wanted to know if his sight was indeed, and offering help wasn't a bad thing was it?


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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/25/2010 5:17 PM

Renne nodded gently once Sakura told him they should go, looking off into the distance at the faint black blur that was currently all he could see of the shrine. It must've been awful- hardly being able to see, that is. Sure, he could see things up close within a radius of approximately a yard or so, but beautiful sights like a waterfall or a landscape were doomed to blurry obscurity when it came to the Penticorn's vision. Just as he was about to turn and begin going at a steady pace down the not-so-well-trodden dirt path, Sakura spoke and he turned back to face her.

Hm, had it been that obvious? Renne, of course, did not care, but he wasn't sure how she could tell. Well, Rabbots (and robots in general) did seem to be analytical, so perhaps that contributed to Sakura's understanding of him. Still, he could see well enough to walk where he liked- even though his actual vision was only a small bubble compared to what everyone else could see- without running into any objects or persons in his way. Well, usually, anyhow.

"Um, if you would like to, though I can manage decently. The offer was very nice, though, and you may if you would like. I still end up lost or running into things at times anyway." With that the Penticorn laughed halfheartedly and looked up at the sky, the moon a greyish-white smudge and the stars so small that they weren't even visible to him despite the fact that the sky was littered with a vast amount of them. It had become a very dark blue by this point, nearly black. Nocturnal animals rattled through the undergrowth and the branches, dark birds seen as flitting pieces of movement through the trees. "I suppose we should go now..."

There were a few reasons why: They had to start their mission now as it were, Adam would probably be somewhat more irritated than Renne anticipated if he came back much later than this, and the sky was getting ominously dark. Far too ominous, that was, for them to be going into an ominous shrine while being flanked by a black sky. It just wasn't a pleasant thought. The inside of the shrine was lit in some places despite it being rundown, but Adam did have the capability to turn his electric lighting up enough for them to be able to see down even the darkest (and most intimidating) unlit corridors. (Goodness, just the word corridors was frightening.)

As it was now time to go Renne turned around and began walking at a good pace toward the shrine, though he did not run partially because he did not enjoy doing so (it required a level of hand-eye (hoof-eye?) coordination that Renne did not possess, and for obvious reasons) and partially because he was content to go slowly enough for Sakura to slip in front of him if she so wanted to. It would probably be helpful for him, as it was getting relatively dark and difficult to see even by Renne's standards. The sky slowly sank everything into deeper darkness.

As for Adam, he still lingered atop the stairs. He did not look furious, rather expectant and just a little irritated. At this rate they wouldn't leave by morning, and he was not looking forward to spending a whole night here. Not because of the 'evil' factor, no, he could care less- the MG1 simply did not care for wastes of his time.

If it were anyone else who had committed this violation of Adam's standards he would probably be relatively more irked, but it was Renne and his patience would perhaps hold out a little longer. Luckily for the three of them, however, Renne and Sakura were now on their way.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/25/2010 8:42 PM

Sakura nodded when Renne comfirmed he could manage but that he wouln't mind if she would stay close in front of him. "I am sorry." she said as she drooped her ears a bit. "I didn't mean to insult you, I should have know you can manage very well, since you came her on your own as well."

This also comfirmed to her that he was not sticking to Adam because his bad sight made him helpless, which she had though to be one of the options why he was with Adam. She shrugged when she reminded herself that Adam probably was not the kind of jerk like he was to her. She wish Adam would eventually show the side he showed to Renne to her as well.

She nodded when he told her they should go now. "Yes, it is getting rather dark now, so let's go." she said, with a little smile. She looked up at the sky as she started to walk into the direction of the shrine, not helping but to feel a shudder roll down her spine. Somehow this place felt threatening. All the more now that the darkness was falling in.

It was a good thing she had night-vision but she could only imagine what it would be like for someone that did not. Plus have a bad sight at that as well. She thought Renne was pretty courageous for walking around here, and going to enter a shrine where a so-called murderous Mekkayena was said to linger.

Sakura somehow couldn't help but to make sure Renne was close behind her, and she felt the urge to want to protect him. Strange, he sai he could manage. But the fact that he was at such a disadvantage with his sight, and not having the function of night-vision made her feel like he was a lot more vulnerable then she was. She and Adam.

However she did know, as she told herself before, that other senses grew bigger when one was not functioning properly. And Renne was probably used to it. She saw creatures with handicaps that she didn't even know how to live with properly, doing all the stuff she could. Since they were used to it. She amired them. So perhaps Renne was the same. But just in case, she just wanted to protect him.

Yes she hardly knew him, but he had been nice to her, and well, that was the kind of person Sakura was.

Once they reached the shrine Sakura could see Adam waiting on top of the stairs. She wanted to wave to him and say "Hi!" as she would have done with every other person, but decided against it. It would probably infuriate him already that she came along with Renne, and to greet him, and in such an overly happy manner, would only infuriate him more possibly.

So she stopped, to let Renne pass her, and trotted along behind him now as the drew neared to Adam. She didn't know why she wanted to become nearly invisible. Renne had invited her. But...well she somehow first wanted Renne to cut it to Adam that he brought her with him, before Adam would sneer at her that she shouldn't follow them around.


My Pen! <33

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/27/2010 7:52 PM

Renne paused once he heard Sakura apologize, turning his head to her briefly and shaking his head slightly. He didn't want her thinking that she had inadvertently insulted him- after all, she was only trying to help, and... he wasn't actually insulted in the first place. For the most part the Penticorn had come to terms with his visual impairments, and it wasn't that bad. At least he wasn't completely blind, and the only times he really ran into things would have to be of his own free will... which would be relatively odd.

"No, um, it's fine. You didn't insult me at all."

He had partially expected Sakura to walk in front of him anyway, as she did seem to be helpful enough to do so, and he did value it anyway because the darkness was limiting his range of sight even more than it was usually. In fact, some things that were far enough vanished into complete blackness, but somehow the shrine remained visible to him stenciled out of the black sky. It looked even more ominous, as he had expected of it, in the dark. Let alone the fact that he would be inside of it, looking for a vicious killer robot hyena. Just great.

As he got closer, Renne saw what to him looked like a glowing red blur- occasionally moving- resting on the steps of the shrine. As he got closer the glowing red blur became glowing red blurs, then glowing red lights, then Adam sitting on the stairs with an unreadable expression. He did not focus on Renne but, rather, Sakura who Renne realized had moved along behind him instead. The Penticorn couldn't blame her, because he was a bit afraid of what the MG1's reaction would be once he got there.

The Rabbot MG1, who had previously been sitting down on the cold gray steps (chunks of stone having fallen  off in some places), stood up on his hind legs and trotted up to the single open door. He then turned around briskly, glowing crimson eyes (a stark contrast to the rest of his body, which seemed in its dark colors to melt in to the shadows as if it belonged there) glancing between the two who would now be accompanying him. Figures that Renne would do something like this, but he wouldn't waste his time irritating this AC1, as fun as it would be.

"Very well, then. Let's get inside. It's getting late." Adam figured that Renne had already explained their purpose here to Sakura, as otherwise she probably would have no other reason to tag along. It still begged the question of why Sakura had been here, as it seemed to be a bit of a far stretch to assume that she was here for the same reasons as the both of them were and they had both gasped and made surprised faces and spazzed and went on about how awfully coincidental it was. No. Of course, unbeknownst to Adam, a toned-down version of that was what had actually happened. At least, Sakura had found out that everyone was here for the same reason.

With that, Adam turned back around and stepped quickly through the one door that was open, his red glow lighting up the darkness of the building. Immediately he cranked up exactly how much electricity he was giving off, making his red lights almost painful to look at for long but causing the room to be far more visible, although illuminated in a disconcerting red glow.

Renne glanced back at Sakura and would've shrugged if, as I have said before, he had the ability. Instead, he flicked an ear and nodded before turning and trotting up the stairs and into the Cathedral's not-so-open arms.

Better now than never.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 05/28/2010 8:13 PM

Sakura smiled at Renne, when he shook his head and told her it was alright. She was relieved she did not insult him. He seemed like the sweet kind of guy that would not have said so or let it show if she did, but him assuring her it was alright, convinced her that she had not.

She wanted to tell him that she thought he was very kind for searching her out to apologise, wanting to take her with them, and being so friendly and patient. A voice in her head told her that is normal appropiate behaviour, and she would do the same. But somehow, after having met and deal with Adam, someone that was kind of her, seemed overly kind.

Sakura stared at the shrine in the distance, it was like a small glowing orb in the distance. She rather be at the shrine, knowing there might be a murderous Mekkayena there, then here in the dark forest. After all, it was said it was roaming around the shrine, and at the shrine it was not dark, so the chance of it attacking them there was smaller then in the surrounding woods.

Once they reached the foot of the stars of the shrine and Sakura went to walk behind Renne, she felt Renne understood why she was doing it. She felt how, eventhough she was trying to somewhat become invisible, he had already noticed her presence. She mentally kicked herself. He was a Rabbot, what did she expect?

She turned of her night vision-goggles, since it was decently night here, and waited for whatever Adam had to say.

She saw how adam got up, and opened the single door that was up the stairs. She tilted her head a bit in surprise, not expecting this. He turned around and Sakura coul not help but to startle a bit by this, figuring now he was going to tell her to get lost. She walked to stand next to Renne, deciding it didn't matter anymore to stand behind him, and saw how Adam glanced between the both of them.

She wondered what he was thinking? Figuring he was doing the math now for himself. That Renne had invited her. She felt relieved if he knew somehow. Since Renne was his friend right? And she was not pressing herself on them, since Renne was so nice to ask her to come as well. And if he knew she was asked by his friend, maybe he would be nicer to her knowing his friend liked her. At least, Renne did not seem to hate her.

When Adam spoke, she felt her heart twirl a bit. Apparantly he accepted her tagging along them? Though, it could only be directed at Renne. But she told herself, that she should give Adam a chance. Perhaps he was not so bad after all. First impressions sometimes were not the best after all, and it was wise not to go off by them. And maybe Adam just had a bad day.

She saw how Adam now entered the shrine, and eyed Renne. He seemed to want to assure her, by flicking his ear and nodded. She nodded back and gave him a little friendly smile before walking up the stairs and mixing her blue glowing lights on her body with Adam's. coloring the room in a purple light.

She wanted to tell him that their lights together made a very pretty color, as she adored purple, but kept her mouth shut. She wanted to tell her how exiting she thought this all was. But also kept her mouth shut. She was not sure for how long she would be able to keep that up though.

She mentally grimaced at herself. Wondering why she was not just being herself, since, that was who she was. Whether if Adam would like that or not. Why did she care?


My Pen! <33

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 05/31/2010 4:47 PM

Renne stepped into the Cathedral behind Adam, looking around the room veiled in purple due to the combined lights of an unlikely pair of Rabbots. It was a bit ominous- rubble strewn around the room, the occasional discarded item from past visitors or teenagers trying to come hang around with their friends where they thought nobody would find them. The Penticorn had to wonder how many of them came back, 'had to wonder' meaning 'thought about it for a moment and then dismissed it before he got scared'.

The room itself was circular with a high dome ceiling, the dome itself made of cracked, broken, and yellowed glass windows. The moon peered through one such window, and shards of glass had been brushed off to the sides of the room or sometimes were found jagged on the floor.

Four separate hallways led away from here, which could only mean that this cathedral expedition could get a bit complicated. Adam began getting his computers to chart out a map from what he saw now, just to make sure that when it was time to leave they weren't lost. This wasn't exactly a place he wanted to get lost in.

He eyed one of the more lit pathways, though the term 'lit' was a bit misleading- there were a few lights that someone looking out for the wellbeing of tourists had attached to the ceiling, but that was who knows long ago. Some flickered, others were dim, and others had ceased to function at all. The rest, however, were far more dark and intimidating, and if he started getting tired from losing his electricity for lighting he'd prefer it not being in a completely unlit hall.

"I suppose we should go this way," the MG1 commented, flicking his long light-tipped tail in the direction of the corridor he had been looking at. Renne couldn't see the exact shapes of the lights, but he could clearly see that this pathway was less dark than the others. Thankfully Adam hadn't decided to be wildly irrational and plunge the traveling party into complete darkness.

He eyed Sakura curiously for only a split-second, as though he didn't want her to notice he was looking. She was being quiet, and that was strange once he compared her current silence to her talkative nature only a few minutes prior to now. Whether she was intimidated, spiteful, or just didn't want to talk, it didn't matter.

He had priorities here, but while he was being considerably diplomatic about the whole situation, he would not stoop so low (or what he viewed as doing so) as to accept help from Sakura if the need arose. ... Goodness, what was he thinking? Adam doubted he would even come into such a situation. If he did, Renne would always be around to be of some assistance. Not some pink excuse for a robot.

With that Adam briskly turned and began to stroll down into the hallway he had previously indicated they would venture into, turning his lights down a little as the hallway seemed to have enough for now. There was no guarantee that there would be no lighting in future passageways- and at some point they would have to go into the darkness if they were going to be hunting down a darkness-dwelling creature- but for now it was best to stay safe.

Renne followed along, stepping carefully so as not to step on any discarded materials or glass. Luckily his vision allowed for that, being some kind of extreme version of nearsightedness.
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby DistortedBrwain » 06/03/2010 8:24 PM

Sakura glanced around, figuring they best go into the lit hallway. well the semi-lit one. She was not sure if the others would agree with her on this though, and so she kept her mouth shut. Which was probably a wise decision, or so she figured. She wasn't going to annoy or do anything to piss Adam off. At least, she didn't plan to do so.

The desire to be accepted by him was nagging her. Why did she care? And...why did she wanted to be accepted for prenting who she was not.

She shrugged it off. She should focus on her mission and not on Adam. He was only usefull to her to make her quest more easily, mostly. Yeah, that was it! Or so she told herself. Of course it would be for the best if they did not quarrel in that case. So being accepted by Adam was important to her mission. .

Sakura was happy when Adam told them, or well, she was not sure if it was them, he spoke to or merely Renne, but at least he said, they should go into the direction of the semi-lit hallway.
Sakura gave a slight nod, and then noticed Adam looked at her, though it was just for a very short instant. She wondered what was going on in his mind. The fact that he had indeed glanced at her, made her feel like he did comfirm her presence with them.

Well heck, he was not blind...ironic that sounded, since Renne sort of was. But yes, of course he had noticed she was there. And maybe he had looked at her by mistake, hence why he looked away so fast again.

She shrugged it off. It did not matter, they had a goal here, and she figured Adam would be wise to see her potential aid in this quest as well. So would priorise their quest as well. Though she did not recall Renne telling him that she was her with the same goal, it probably was obvious to Adam. Or not...but he didn't seem to plan to ask about it.

She softly prodded forward following Adam into the hallway. Their footsteps echoed through the cold corridors, that sometimes swept an icy cold breeze in their direction, making Sakura shudder. This place was very eerie indeed, and she was thankful that she had actually ran into Renne...and Adam. No matter how unpleasant Adam was, at least she was not here on her own.


My Pen! <33

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Re: Visitors to the Cathedral [ Open to 1 other~] [Mekka Hunt]

Postby Wyndhail » 06/06/2010 12:49 PM

The hallway stretched on for a reasonable length, the inside of the cathedral being eerily silent excluding the steps of the small group and the occasional crack of previously unseen glass under Renne's powerful hooves. Occasionally along their walk there would be a small window along the wall that gave them a glimpse of outside, though it was hardly anything interesting. Typically it was only a glimpse of the currently dark trees surrounding the Cathedral.

On one occasion a pair of small birds were startled into flying away from a convenient hole in the stone walls of the building near one such window, where they had build a nest in waiting for eggs. If anything that was more proof that the shrine had become increasingly run-down over the years, though even as it slowly became part of nature again most animals (at least the more intelligent ones) seemed to avoid it like the plague. Perhaps that was because of what was said to be lurking inside of it.

There didn't seem to be a way out of the hallway excluding turning around and going back for several yards, or at least until they came to a fork in the road. On one hand the path stretched out ahead, but then there was another passageway that went off to their left. Both of them showed that whoever had been putting up the lights had started slacking- they were both lit, but extremely dim. At least, much more so than the hallway that they had been traversing through before.

Renne frowned slightly. If it kept up like this they would eventually have to go through the darkest reaches of the shrine to find what they were looking for, something that the Penticorn was not quite looking forward to. He eyed Adam, who had since stopped looking, curiously.

The Rabbot MG1 had turned the brightness of his lights up a little more than average, though there was no need for full brightness just yet. He peered down as far as he could see into either corridor, though they both looked reasonably the same. The one ahead just happened to have more of those small windows that he had seen, whereas the one off to the left had none. After all, it went deeper inside of the building.

He turned to his two companions, looking between both of them. "Well, then, which way should we go?"

As always the Rabbot still seemed a bit arrogant, but whatever animosity he still held toward the AC1, he wasn't showing it. There was the small but still possible likelihood that he had become a bit more friendly toward her, but what was more likely was that he had simply put all of his feelings to the side for the time being except for the wish to find what needed to be found and leave.

(Sorry for the short post, I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment and need to go somewhere. xD;~)
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the lungs of me be crowns over you
get a little closer, let fold
cut open my sternum, and pull
my little ribs around you
the rungs of me be under, under you

ill cut the soft pockets, let bleed
over the rocky cliffs that you leave
to peer over and not forget what feet are
splitting threads of lightning over me

"Fineshrine" by Purity Ring

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