Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/08/2010 1:23 PM

Something wasn't right. Euphoria was well aware she had not acted like a normal person before, yet there was no change in Rip's attitude whatsoever. Was there a chance he really hadn't noticed? Doubtful. She was happy to go along with it though. Anything to avoid telling her past.

"Perhaps." She answered cautiously, avoiding any commitment to her statement. Truth was, Euphoria had no friends. Not anymore. She'd either scared them away or lost them. It was unlikely this male had ever met any of them anyway. They didn't live here, and one rarely met more than one Timelord in their lifetime.

Just when she had been thinking she was safe, his question hit her like a ton of bricks. Fighting not to panic, she managed to remain calm. Just keep your answer short. Don't give any more information than is needed
"I chose to be here." There we go. Simple, and the truth. He wouldn't be able to accuse her of lying. It was nice being on Evelon. Painless

{Rip: 3/5, 8, L2
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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/09/2010 3:30 PM

Her motions suggested she was a little confused by his reaction, and he didn't blame her. Her acting skills had improved rapidly though. He could still tell his question bothered her, but she managed to stay cool and collected. Either that or she was on to him.

Hiding a smirk, his eyes glittered. She was probably thinking how clever she'd been with her answer. It was an answer still, and yet it managed to reveal nothing. But he wasn't worried. Confident in his own abilities, he was sure he could get her to reveal something.

"Really? Why would you do that? This is such a primitive planet. Why choose Evelon when you have places like Jondai or Turmen? I believe the new 'Gallifrey' as it were is quite nice too. Can't say I've been though. Personally I think I'd hate it." It was a sad day when he was sharing methods with Darrian. It did work though, this incessant jabbering. Made people confused or relaxed, both dangerous things when trying to hide something

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/10/2010 6:59 AM

Trust him to ask for more information. Every sense in her head was telling her to run, just make some excuse and go. Edging back, she swished an uncertain tail. It would be okay. She'd just answer this last question and then she'd go. She could easily escape him right?

"I wouldn't belong on the new Gallifrey," She muttered quietly, planning her escape route. Too many bad memories there, "Besides, I like it here. It's familiar. I have companions who live on this planet now. It's like a second home." Not that she allowed herself to meet any of her companions again. They were getting along fine without her-a nostalgia visit would be nice, but she'd just mess up their lives. She had never allowed herself to track any of them down, but she'd been too weak with Ben. She knew exactly where he was living now, yet she couldn't go. It was like a form of personal torture.

"Well, I've enjoyed our little chat," She stepped back, pinning a smile on her face, "I'd better be getting back though. Good luck with finding your friend." Nodding her head, she quickly turned on her heels and scurried out of the ruins. Hopefully she'd be able to get away without speaking to him again

{Rip: 4/5, 9, L2
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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/13/2010 1:21 PM

Urgh. There was that word again. Companions. Seriously, why did so many intelligent Timelords feel the need to surround themselves with idiotic and troublesome humans? He blamed The Doctor for this. His influence had set off a chain of people wanting to explore the stars and befriend simpler creatures. In his opinion, the only thing locals were good for was their minds. Some of them could be so much fun to toy with...

Before he had the chance to reply, the Yonyuu was quickly excusing herself. He was stunned at her speed for only a moment before he quickly jumped to his feet. Determined not to let her escape, he keenly rushed up beside her.
"Going so soon? It seems such a shame. We've barely begun our talk," Shifting his feet, he stood right in front of her path, preventing her from going anywhere. That polite smile still plastered on his face, he continued, "I was rather hoping you might be able to help me. Two Timelords are better than one right?" His smile gradually became more of a smirk as he spoke. Like anyone had ever escaped him that easily

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/13/2010 1:55 PM

From the instant he stepped in front of her, Euphoria got the feeling she was a mouse in a cat's trap.  Granted, she was quite a bit bigger than this particular cat. That didn't mean he didn't have fangs. Though his manner was pleasant and his tone polite, she knew that he wasn't so much asking for her help. He was demanding it. Frustrated her plan hadn't worked, she folded her wings somewhat miserably. Her ears pinned back as she answered him.

"I'm quite busy I'm afraid. Besides, I don't know how much help I'll be." Her tone was humble and she instantly scolded herself for it being so. Why did she feel like she had to be so polite to him? True, this form of hers was not as aggressive as she had once been. There were times she would have told this cocky male where to go. She was peaceful this time round (no doubt a result of her past) but she could normally stand up for herself at least. Perhaps he was doing something, messing with her mind. That was always a possibility, if not a frightening one

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/16/2010 1:09 PM

He revelled in her words, taking great pleasure from the way he was toying with her. It was all the more amusing that she was acting so timid, so afraid to just tell him to get lost. He sensed it was bothering her too-ah, victory was sweet. Normal creatures were alright to play with but there was nothing like messing with the mind of a Timelord.

"Alright. I suppose I shall have to find this Darrian by myself. I'll ask him if he's heard of you. That way if we meet again, perhaps I'll know where I recognize you from." Nodding goodbye, he turned around and began to waltz away. It was a risky thing, but he was hoping her urge to keep her identity secret would be greater than her urge to leave. Then again, perhaps she'd just go. In which case, he'd simply follow her. She was too valuable to let go

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/16/2010 5:33 PM

Darn. She had been pleasantly surprised at his words. He was letting her go? Just like that? Perhaps she had misjudged his motives. Either way, she wasn't sticking around to find out. Filled with happiness at the thought of returning to her peaceful, quiet home, she returned his greeting unethusiastically before beginning to skip away.

She had been so close before he spoke. Like he had clearly hoped, his words stopped her dead in her tracks. An ear swivelled round to listen. For a split second, she was tempted to go anyway. Just leave. But then, of course, he would probably follow through on his promise. And if he found out her past and tracked her down...He'd expect her to tell him stuff and answer his questions. She'd never be free of it.

"He won't know me," She added uncertainly. Then, sensing it wasn't enough, she continued with a sigh, "I suppose I could help you though. Just to make sure." Would she ever be free? She was beginning to regret ever coming to this decrepit place

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/19/2010 12:15 PM

"Perfect!" Satisfied he had succeeded, the Kuhna relaxed a little. He needn't try so hard now she had agreed to stick around. Swishing his tails, his icy eyes surveyed the wreck around him. It wasn't much of a place, and yet he felt oddly at home here. There was a sense of what could have been and other such dark regrets. A hint of something else, like an eager promise. The jaws of a shark waiting to snatch...

"I can't imagine he'd lurk around a place like here. Personally it appeals to me, but he wouldn't like it. Odd sort of fellow really. He seems to actually enjoy the company of the locals." His pawprints echoed slightly on the cold ground, like his movement was being announced. His direction was random, different than his usual attitude. He was the sort of person who always had a goal in mind, even if it didn't seem like it.

"Perhaps you could suggest a place. Have you sensed anything recently?"

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/19/2010 12:30 PM

She had no interest in his small talk, no matter how harmless it might seem. As far as she was concerned, she was a prisoner here. Granted, it was of her own accord. But it still counted in her mind. If there were any other way she would not be standing on the hard ground right now. She'd be relaxing at home, thinking of her lucky escape.

"How should I know? He's your friend." Nearly all efforts to be polite were gone. She felt only irritation, a feeling which reminded her of her second form. She had been a sarky person then indeed. Goodness knows how Giraffe had put up with her. Fortunately she had been different after regeneration. She more than made it up to her.

As he spoke, she couldn't help thinking how ironic it was this place appealed to him. She had been certain before that he had a dark aura, and this fact was only becoming more apparent with every second she spent in his company. An amused smile spread across her face, rather unwantedly. She couldn't resist.
"I assume you know the old legends about this place? Then again, perhaps not. I can't see you taking much of an interest in local history." If she was going to be stuck here then there was no reason why she couldn't enjoy herself a little at least

{Rip: 2/5, 12, L3
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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/24/2010 1:14 PM

This was more like it, a bit of spunk. It was no fun when someone just bowed down to your command. Well, almost no fun. It was better when they fought back a little, more entertaining. Briefly, he found himself wondering what number regeneration she was in. This was his third body, still pretty young but old enough in mind. His self-preservation techniques were rather skilled, if he did say so himself.

It was hard to tell whether she was old or young. It was always hard with his species, but especially hard with her. She didn't seem that old, yet her eyes were haunted with a look that usually only came from older Timelords. Either she was older than he thought or she had experienced some truely awful things in her lifetime.

"That's where you're wrong. I do know rather a lot about this little planet, not really through my own choice. I am familiar with the rumours that surround these ruins. I suppose you're suggesting I'm drawn to here because of those reasons?" He grinned, as if at some private joke, "Why are you so convinced I'm evil?"

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/19/2010 3:03 PM

"Who says I'm convinced?"  Drat, he had picked up on her insult. Sighing, she relaxed her wings miserably. There was no point hiding anything. That was the trouble with her kind, they were too intuitive. And yet, his powers seemed to exceed above the normal. How much could he read? She was suddenly scared. Currently she had suceeded to hiding her past and that's how she wanted it to stay.

"You have a...feeling about you. You're too smug, too confident. It's like you don't fear anything because you know you don't need to." She really didn't like being around him. Shivering, she turned her back on him and began to slowly pad away.

"I know this planet quite well by now. Where would this friend of yours likely be? What kind of places does he like I mean?" She didn't once turn back to look at him while she spoke. If she could manage it, she was planning on not looking at him again until necessary

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Re: Here on Earth {Self RP}

Postby kabuto_rocks » 04/19/2010 3:15 PM

Boy, she had him spot on. He supposed it was true that he was scared of nothing, except perhaps death. Whether it was just a body's death or ultimate death, he hated and feared them all. She was clearly good at reading people, though it was hardly as if he hid his life. It was available for anyone to read if they wished, or if they were willing.

"He likes...people. Locals and such. He'll be making friends as we speak." A look of disdain marred his face. Why Darrian insisted on getting involved with primitive species was beyond him. Alright, Rip had known a few. But they were his toys, nothing more. So easy to manipulate, and yet that took away some of the fun. In a way they were too easy.

"Somewhere busy I suppose, and cheerful. He wouldn't be caught in a hellhole like this." A grin spread across his face at his choice of words. So apt-it was a gift of his really. He hoped this female would appreciate it

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