Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Return to Lya Pointa Cathedral

.:Path to Power and Insanity:.

Postby Jaykobell » 09/05/2007 9:31 PM

This is a continuation of the RP .:Killing, Bloodshed And Power:. This RP has however become PRIVATE. Unless you are my friend or a special case, you may not be accepted in this RP anymore. Thankee-sai.

This RP is pretty much for killers and/or evil pets, or/and those who have questionable loyalty. If you'd like to join, please send a PM and state which side you'd like to fight with. Each side has a certain goal, one opposing the other, so read the descriptions carefully to know which one would fit your pets best!

This RP will most likely contain blood and other gross things, though we shall keep it to a mild level, please if you can't stand this, please consider before asking for a spot. Thankee-sai!

No more pets will be added to Senervel's team until Sandford's gets more allies! This has become ridiculous. Please check how the teams are unbalanced. Your pet can be a spy if you want, but NO MORE PETS WILL BE ADDED TO SENERVEL'S TEAM FOR NOW.
Please, please bring in pets other than Lucain. Bring in Khimeras if possible. We have enough Lucain as it is. If you wish to enter and register your Lucain, you will be refused. Unless you want to enter it in Sandford's team. He needs Lucain. Senervel doesn't.
Turns! I don't care if you think the RP is going slow, if you want it to happen like this, or if you want to post more than everyone else; you will follow the new set of turns that will be posted below. If you do not follow the turns, you will be warned, and after three warnings, I will retire you from the RP.

August 28th 00:20 AM EST
Turns were once again deleted. However, there is still a rule that will be similar to the previous one.
You may post out of order, however. Please try to look back at the other pages and see if someone hasn't been posting in a while. You may ask them to post, etc, and if they do not wish to, you may continue posting.

In other words, all I ask if for you guys to just watch out for the others. Please try to make it they don't get left-out.

Concerning Lucain pets. I know Lucain are cool, lovely, handsome, etc. But please remember there are other pets on the Lands. You can't let the others rot in the Pen, can you? O= Only, please try to bring in as few Lucain as possible.

Sigurd's team was added! However, no plot has been decided for her team yet, so to all of those who know what the heck is going on, send in your ideas! What I know, however, is that she's mostly neutral, but will help Senervel a few times against Sandford, but that is all that I know, this why I need your help!

Just send a PM and I'll see what idea I like the most! Maybe none will be picked, but you may inspire me! So have at it! OOO=

Thanks to Megan, Sigurd's team now has a purpose! Thankee-sai, Megan! =D

Pets will soon be allowed to switch teams as well, as soon as Sigurd will show up in the RP!

So far:
-Senervel and Sanford have found each other and fought briefly.
-Sandford and Senervel both went their own ways, gathering allies to fight one another.
-Senervel is now in process of explaining things to his allies about what to do at his lair.
-Sandford is currently heading to his own hideout, gathering some more allies before doing so.
-Senervel is planning things out with the ones in his team.

I organized the pets so each pet is under the name of it's owner. No, the owners are not in alphabetical order; they're in the order of who joined first/which pets joined the team first.

Added some stricter rules above.

[center].:Sandford's Team:. [8]

Shrewd's Pets
Sandford (Leader)
Hannah's Pets
Lucifer -- Minos
Megan's Pets
Kitty's Pets
Fire's Pets
Jack -- Bellaluna "Luna" -- Abhilasha "Lasha"

.:Senervel's Team:. [19]

Shrewd's Pets
Senervel (Leader) -- Percival (Ally) -- Karna (Healer) -- Dismas
Hannah's Pets
Adey -- Konoichi -- Amy -- Smoothie -- Tokini
Fire's Pets
Fleur -- Galen -- Tasera
Megan's Pets
Ilana -- Kunomi
Toxic's Pets
Akaona -- Strages -- Incruente
Kitty's Pets
Circe -- Rowena Oakshadow

.:Sigurd's Team:. [1]

Shrewd's Pets
Sigurd (Leader)

In such a dark environment, the bloodthirsty serial killer, casually known as Sandford del Irveh, established a base around the rundown cathedral, and he is gathering more and more killers to satisfy is need of blood and deaths. Killing only for the fun of it, and to try to take over the Grand Cathedral for him to rule over, and eventually all of the Lands.

To counterattack the vile and twisted pet, Sandford's brother and ex-worker, Senervel del Irneh, goes against his own morals of blood and deaths to oppose the mad rise of the Khimera murderer. But will even his own allies trust the former killer, one that once worked with the insane to-become ruler? That is up to you to decide...


Sandford: The main villain, he wishes to take over the Cathedral and rise to ultimate power, aiming to take over the Lands, even. He loves killing, and he loves being unfair. If you're bloodthirsty, and love to kill, he's the one for you. His allies will be his only friends.

Senervel: Although opposing the actions that were once his amusement, Senervel decided to try and put a stop to his brother's vile schemes and plans. He's still slightly struggling between killing and saving, but he's determined not to kill for nothing. If your pet is good or indecisive, he's the one for you. He's caring towards his allies.

Sigurd: Sigurd's team will mostly assists Senervel's, and will go against Sandford's. Although Sigurd herself will fight most of the time, her team is mostly for the younger pets who only want to be part of the war to heal, make food and whatnot. They're a supportive team more than anything. If your pet is unsure or prefers action that's not as rough, then she's the one for you.
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Postby Jaykobell » 09/05/2007 9:39 PM

.:Last Posts:.

Shrewdruby wrote:As she was heading back inside, Dismas turned to Fleur, Galen, and Tas. "This report is fresh. I just came back from my expedition. Sandford has gathered more fiends, and he's heading back to his own lair. The battle will probably soon but shortly." That said, she followed after her father inside, and sat beside him, curling her tails neatly over her forepaws.

Senervel sat down as well, curling his tails over his paws like his daughter. He was about to start when Percival walked over and whispered something to him. His ears moved, then he nodded approval, and the male ran off.

Once Percival had left, and once everyone was inside, the male spoke. "I know but a few of you who are standing here right now," he started, "but right now, something dangerous is going to happen. Sandford is trying to take over the Cathedral, and if we don't stop him, he'll try to take over the whole Lands." He scanned the pets that were inside as he spoke. "We need organization if we want to defeat him. We need strategies. And intelligence. We all need a particular skill if we want to survive as a team. You may all, one after the other, describe what you can do."


Sandford lashed his metallic tails about. "Hah! No matter your species, all that matters is your level of skills." He gritted his teeth. "No one shall stand in my way... No, no one shall stand in our way. We will learn how to fight as a team, and we will develop strategies. If we can outrun Senervel, we can win against him." He jumped on a nearby hill, and yowled, "We shall rule the Cathedral! And we shall rule over the whole Lands!" Looking down at Lasha, he added, "And we shall use this kit to our advantage as well. Surely these fools are too soft-hearted to hurt a useless and hopeless kit like this." He unsheathed his claws and raised his enormous paw. "Now, may the feast begin!"

He jumped down from the hill and jumped at a nearby pet that was walking by the streets. The small animal had no time to scream or feel any pain. Sandford took a bite out of the carcass, dyeing his claws, mouth and fangs with flesh and blood.

[Sandford: 12, Senervel: 59, Percival: 8 -- Has left, Dismas: 2]

FireHeart wrote:Fleur looked around, then cleared her throat.  "I shall start, then.  I am Fleur, for those of you who do not know me.  The ability I have is that of an ingenious spy--I can, through a computer, view the teams and their standings, as well as any... prisoners... that have been taken." She said, looking to Galen.

"Very well then.  I'm Galen, brother of Fleur and Tasera, and... well, I'm the 'self-appointed' Guardian of the Lucain at my trainer's residence.  I am a fierce fighter, though not... bloodthirsty." Galen said, flexing his claws.  He then looked to Tas.  "Your turn, little sis."

Tas's eyes were closed, and would remain so throughout her introduction.  "I am Tasera, or Tas.  While I am not a fighter or a former thief, I do have an ability that can be either a great asset to us or a great hurt: I have premonitions constantly.  For instance, I could tell you that Sandford has gathered a Ssendrek, a Garudor, and three Serraptors to his cause; in addition to two of the Serraptors bringing in a captive kit."  She looked around with closed eyes.  "My gift has its limitations, though.  I cannot see for sure the outcome of any given situation, as the future is always in motion."


Luna and Jack released piercing cries as they also jumped down the hill, Luna still carrying the basket.  Jack took down a Gyrraptor with his claws and sword [did I mention his namesake is Captain Jack Sparrow? ...my bad.], staining his dark skin with blood and flesh.  Luna called a shower of moonbeams down and took out a brace of Magistrey.  She bit into them mercilessly, scattering feathers everywhere as she drank up the blood.

"You horrible pets!  You're all so evil!" Lasha cried helplessly, and then, she whispered, "I want my Auntie Tali?±a..."

{12:5:5:3 x3}

kittyms167 wrote:"I am good at sneaking through the darkness, and stealing," Rowena said, looking around at the others. She twitched her ears, a little uncomfortable at being the center of attention for so many others.

"I can fight," Circe said spitefully. "Obviously.. Unlike yourselves. I probably stand the most chance against Sandford of any of us here." She puffed out her chest proudly, while Rowena rolled her eyes exasperatedly.

Without a sound, Krad crouched down, watching the slaughter, and waiting. Soon a pet ran past, trying to escape from the bloodbath, and he effortlessly pounced on it, his claws digging into its skin. Then, he flexed his killing claw, and plunged it into the poor Penticorn's stomach. But the Serraptor was not hungry, so he simply left the carcass, and moved on to a new victim. He killed for pleasure, not for food.

[R:5, C:5, K:5 --level ups for all three]

Meganstaek wrote:After a while, the white female Lucain finally spoke up. "My name is Ilana... Personally, I am opposed to fighting," she admitted sheepishly, turning her head aside. "I know some things of medicine and healing, however... If that may be useful."

One of the black arcane kits piped up once Ilana was done. "I'm Kunomi, and I like to fight!" She leapt up onto her hind legs and batted at the air, as if swatting at a foe. "I might be small, but I can take 'em!"

Ilana watched the kit and frowned. She seemed too... enthusiastic about this. And to be so young and want to fight... It couldn't have been good.

"Yess!" Enyon hissed. "Finally, the hunt iss on!" She flew higher up in to the air and watched the ground carefully for some unsuspecting creature, but the others and their killings had to have upset the area. Of course, that only made it more interesting to hunt for one. Down below, she spotted what looked to be a white Leebra. It had seen Krad, Luna and Jack already start killing things, and was now trying to avoid the scene.
Enyon made a wide circle around the Leebra, and once she was behind it, she folded in her wings and dove down quickly. By the time the Leebra started to look behind itself, it was too late; with a screech the Garudor extended her claws, grasped the Leebra in them and took it back up into the air. Enyon inspected her prey, and immediately noticed its blue stripes and eyes. "A purine!" she squawked. "How vile!" The Leebra was too shocked to respond. The Garudor dug her beak into the Leebra's chest cavity, ripped out its still-beating heart, then dropped the body to the ground. Enyon gobbled up the heart whole, bloodying her beak to a thick dark-red shade.

[Ilana: 6|Kunomi: 2|Enyon: 6]
(... pardon me, I had too much fun with that last paragraph.)

Hannah Kerela wrote:((Eek. Let's see if I can get all this down with no typos or flaws. *ish sleepy*))

Adey straightened a bit as it was her turn to speak. "My name's Adeyaka. I'm not the most skilled of fighters, I admit, but I have a great amount of stealth, and I can hold my own against that filthy Ssendrek."

"I'm Amy," Amy spoke up once Adey had finished. "Dad already knows this, but I got my mom's stealth... But I'm pretty good at fighting, and I'm ready to kill if I have to in order to survive."

"I'm Tokini..." Tokini said tentatively. "I'm not a fighter, but I'm pretty good at helping people out, and I know a few plants and their uses, so I could possibly help out behind the battle..."

"I'm Smoothie," Smoothie said. "I can fight if I need to, but I'm not good when forced. I'm only here because that stupid Serraptor kidnapped my girls-" here Smoothie nuzzled Kunomi and Konoichi- "and I want to pay him back."

"I'm Konoichi!" Konoichi said pridefully. "I'm trained as a ninja, just like Amy! And I won't let some pathetic meanies push me around!" She swiped her paws in the air, as if clawing a foe, as she finished.

Adey looked at the two kits, and her own daughter. They were too young, there had to be some way to get them home safely... There just had to be a way...

Lucifer observed the other killers with a reserved calmness. "How... Eager..." he said, disdainfully. He rose to his paws and flicked his tail at Minos. "Minos, fetch yourself something to eat."
"Yes, Master..." Minos said, running off to search for prey.
Lucifer licked his lips. "I will save my appetite for a prey worthy of being killed by me," he said.

((I...Think...I got through that okay... Oh! Until the move, I probably won't be posting. So just...Uh... pretend my characters are doing stuff, ok?))
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Postby SpringsSong » 09/09/2007 1:59 PM

Fleur, Galen, and Tasera all looked around with suddenly blank expressions.  "Mother's gonna be mad at me..." Fleur said, looking at her siblings.  Galen nodded, and Tas looked around blankly.  Then, one by one, they nodded their respects to Senervel, and then, they walked out of the hideout and ran for home.

Jack could smell the Lucain on the air, but said, "Pay them no mind.  They are clearly cowardsss that do not want to faccce battle."  Luna nodded.  "Our ssstrengthsss would be wasssted on them." She hissed.

"Wait!  Fleur!  Come back for me!" Lasha cried in vain.

{13:6 x2--The Lucain have left:4 x3}
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Hannah Kerela » 09/09/2007 5:34 PM

Adey sighed. "I'd love to stay and help, but I have obligations," she explained, dipping her head and running off.

"Wait, Adey," Smoothie said. "I'll come with you." He picked up Konoichi and followed.

Tokini and Amy sighed, looking at eachother and following the two pets.

((All my pets on Senervel's team have left.))
So see the leaves fall to the ground,
And see them lying all around,
But still I can't see you.
And there's a wind that plays in the air
Flying around, how it does not care,
But still I can't see you.
And the seasons pass away,
And I still sit here lonely each and every day,
Wondering what's gone wrong
'Cause I don't remember seasons lasting oh so long,
Oh so long...

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Postby SpringsSong » 09/09/2007 5:54 PM

Jack and Luna suddenly stopped their killing as a high-pitched squeak filled their ears.  "Ratsss!  Fire isss demanding that we return... and with the Doomsssberry in tow." Jack said angrily.  He and Luna grabbed the basket and ran, Lasha sighing in relief.  She was going home to her family!

{5 x3--All have left}
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

:.:Eternal Spring:.:Tome of Records:.:Spring's Wishlist:.:Eternal Spring Breeders:.:
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Postby Hannah Kerela » 09/09/2007 9:39 PM

Lucifer sighed. "I grow weary of this stalling," he said. "I will take my leave now. Come, Minos," Lucifer said, walking out of the Cathedral. The Venom Serraptor followed obediently, hissing compliments to Lucifer as he walked.

((All have left.))
So see the leaves fall to the ground,
And see them lying all around,
But still I can't see you.
And there's a wind that plays in the air
Flying around, how it does not care,
But still I can't see you.
And the seasons pass away,
And I still sit here lonely each and every day,
Wondering what's gone wrong
'Cause I don't remember seasons lasting oh so long,
Oh so long...

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Postby Jaykobell » 09/09/2007 10:59 PM

[[Well, I guess it'd be best to close this RP... Better luck next time, I'd say. :\]]

Senervel watched silently as the pets left. He was then asked by Dismas to look at a computer screen. On it, Sandford could be seen.

The Khimera lashed his tails. "Bah. Somehow, this isn't even as interesting as I thought it would have been." He pushed the cadaver away, then walked off. "Maybe... another time," he whispered to himself.

Senervel and Dismas looked at each other. Dismas watched as her mother and sister left, missing her chance to meet the two siblings. She sighed, waving her tails. Maybe another time... she thought.

Senervel then spoke. "You're all free to return home. It seems no danger is in motion as we speak. Let us all forget..." He got up and left, Dismas following him...

[Sandford: 13, Dismas: 3, Senervel: 73 -- Due to breeding, and all have left]
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Postby Kittyms » 09/10/2007 5:31 PM

(*sniffle* Aww, I loved the plot!! :,( Ah well, I suppose I'll have my pets leave soon, too...)

"I suppose we had better be going," Rowena said, getting up. "I'll see you later, Senervel. If ever you are in need feel free to call on my services."

"What?! That's it?!" Circe growled, her tails lashing. "We come all this way for nothing?" In fury, she slammed her massive paw into the ground. "I'm not leaving until we've done some fighting!"

Dipping his head, Krad watched as the others left. "Goodbye. I'll just finish up this slaughter." Turning he made sure that a pet's corpse was really dead by jamming his claws into it, enjoying the feeling of blood running on his scales.

[R: 6, C: 6, K: 6]

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Postby Kittyms » 09/10/2007 6:26 PM

"Circe, we can always go and train somewhere else," the Lucain said, her tails twitching disapprovingly. That Khimera was so hot-headed!

"Be quiet," the Khimera-in-question snapped. "I'm in charge here... you're nothing but a weak little Lucain!! How can you possibly expect to tell a Khimera what to do?"

Wondering where Rowena and Circe had gone, Krad began to walk into the woods, his snout waving back and forth as he tried to catch their scent. It would be a pleasure to kill them. He sensed that they were going to have to go home soon, so he had better dispose of them quickly. His pace quickened as he finally caught their scent.

[R: 7, C: 7, K: 7]

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Postby Kittyms » 09/10/2007 7:12 PM

Finally, the Serraptor found them. Stepping swiftly into the clearing he snarled a greeting, "Hello Rowena." Instantly, the Lucain and Khimera swung toward him. To his anger, neither showed the slightest sign of fear.

"Hello Krad," the Lucain said casually, waving one paw at him. "I thought you were around here somewhere." Her mouth twisted into a wry smile.

"What are you doing here?" Circe said, predictably exploding with anger. "Get out of here, you traitor!!" Baring her fangs she advanced upon him.

[R: 8, C: 8, K: 8]

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Postby Kittyms » 09/11/2007 6:31 PM

Without another word, the Serraptor pounced, digging his claws into the Khimera's flanks until she roared with fury and pain. "I'll slit you open," he hissed in her ear as she twisted and turned, trying to get a hold on him, but he was on her back, where she couldn't reach.

"Get off of her!" Rowena snarled, and leaped at Krad, her teeth sinking into his arm. The Raptor spat with fury, and yanked his arm out of her mouth. But he had lost his concentration, and with a final twist, Circe bucked him off.

"You're dead meat, Krad," Circe growled, her voice quiet, but dangerous. There was no mercy in her eyes, as she lashed one of her tail blades at him.

[R:9, C:9, K:9]

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Postby Kittyms » 09/11/2007 7:03 PM

Nimbly, the Serraptor dodged. "No, you are!" he said, grinning evilly and brandishing his blood-stained claws.

"What's going on here?" Instantly, all of the pets snapped their heads around to see Kitty striding toward them. "Come on, let's go," she said, grabbing Krad's claw in her own. Grudgingly, he obeyed, following her, but he couldn't resist giving Circe a last glare.

Rowena looked up at Circe, glad to see that the Khimera's wounds were far from fatal. They would heal. Fortunately, her skin was fairly tough, and could resist much pounding and slashing before it would tear.

[R:10, C:10, K:10 -- level up for all of them and they have now left]

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Postby ArtsyAlraune » 09/11/2007 7:30 PM

(Nyah :< Oh well.)

Enyon tossed her head about. "Bah, we are done already? Fine... But I shall keep an eye out for you, Ssandford. I am still interessted in a deal..." She gave him a final yellow glare, then spread her wings and made her way home.

Ilana sighed. "Then, farewell, Senervel... Thank you for your protection tonight. Perhaps we shall cross paths again..." And she turned to leave.

"D'aww! I didn't get to fight!" Kunomi swatted her paws angrily. "I was wanting to get at 'em!"

Ilana turned back around. "You, Arcane kit," she spoke softly, "you are coming with me." She picked the struggling kit by the scruff of her neck, then left the hideout. She would have to be quite careful in sneaking back home again, in such a dark place...

[Enyon: 7|Ilana: 20 because of breeding|Kunomi: 3 - All three have left.|
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