Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Silverin » 03/07/2010 2:49 PM

Saarik had gotten wind of the large gathering of vampires, and so asked Aadi if he wanted to knock off a few of them who caused trouble. Both he and Aadi believed that problem vampires soiled the names of the true bloods and aristocrats. Both Saarik and Aadi were vampires they just had a extreme dislike for those who did not fallow or the rules or change their ways. Once Saarik was a problem vampire but it was when he met Aadi that he had changed his ways.

Now he was on this mission and the smell of other vampires filled his nose. He had gotten so use to attacking other vampires the smell gave him a kind of rush. He kept his distance though, to make sure that he was not picked up on and that they would let their guard down. Aadi had made special equipment meant for the task of hiding their energy and Saarik took precautions also buy keeping down wind from them.

He had noticed that Aadi had moved up behind him, he was late but it was not a bad thing either. "You... seem to be running a tad bit late..." He whispered to his partner with a smile on his face.

Aadi paused as he looked into Saariks eyes, from what he could tell from the look on his face was that the gathering had started and Saarik was ready for a fight. All they had to do was rip out the heart of those they were targeting. Then they would be done and maybe they could leave, Saarik might stay longer than he would but they still would have some fun fighting.

"Oh... my apologies." He said smiling back. It was time to move forward but he planed to wait a tiny bit longer before they head in for a attack and carefully pick their prey after all they did not intend to kill those who were not a problem unless needed.

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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Nyxia » 03/07/2010 6:36 PM

From the corner of her eye L caught sight of the other female, and nodded back with a pleasant smile. Around her L could sense that the energy, though mostly in tune with that of the lead vampire, was also surprisingly thin. Piercing silver eyes took in the room once more, this time making more note of those she hadn't actually seen when she and Spade had entered. Always good to put face to energy signatures she noted before returning her gaze momentarily to the other female, who seemed more bored than anything else. She could sympathize, remembering back to her youth and how she'd sat through many of her father's battle plans and strategy meetings.

Refocusing her attention on Caine, L was very aware of the legends, both from this world and the ones her father had told her of the other ancient vampires. With a dark smile on her lips she tilted her head to listen to Caine, after all she'd come this far to learn what the old vampire wanted. Those thoughts would linger as she watched her companion, who at the time didn't even notice her. Who she noted glanced back at her, with his lackadaisical smile.

Spade found his confidence return when he saw all of who was in the room as well. As he sat by her side he could still feel the emotions of the room flowing around him, for once though he didn't feel so bad about taking them in. Letting his ember gold eyes flutter closed, Spade inhaled deeply, sucking in the scents of the feelings. L had promised he could feed later if he felt so inclined, and right then he felt inclined. When he opened his eyes again, they swirled with mixes of blues and blacks. He blinked a few times to focus again, pushing down his hunger and let his trademark smile drift over to L. Which only grew when he caught the sparkle of laughter in her stormy eyes. It was then that he saw the female lucain who L had nodded to around the other side of L, he flashed her the same smile as he'd given L with a slight tilt of the head as a greeting.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby clackno1 » 03/07/2010 8:10 PM

Well, if the guys failed her she could always go hang out with the girls, Vesira thought. Girl-time was never her specialty but it was better than staying on the sidelines and being antisocial like the rest of them. They seemed seemed to stay in their own little groups and the ones in human form looked like Caine. They preferred their family and maybe close friends to strangers. Understandable, she wouldn't enjoy have to talk to strange vampires either, but it was considerably better than standing alone off to the side. Those two females over on the other side of the cathedral might be good to talk too, and the one's kuhna companion.

This "legend" Caine spoke of seemed interesting. It might be bloody and violent, some war long forgotten to wet her appetite. It couldn't be harmful, it was just a story. He had to know it since he did claim to be the very first vampire. If this was a joke, it would be pathetic for it to crash and burn this early on, especially because of something that small. "Why don't you enlighten us? I'm sure at least one in this room would like to hear it," she said loud enough for him to hear. It would at least break the tension, make things a bit more relaxed. It's not like the legend was forbidden to be spoken or something, that was stupid. How were they supposed to know it then unless they read it? Writing really wasn't a good way to pass on stories, especially legends. it just wasn't efficient.


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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Ander » 03/11/2010 4:00 AM

The blonde's eyebrows lifted at her brothers, eyes flicking between them as they spoke in turn. "You, Malkov? A mate?" She might have expected it from Brujah, or... anyone else, really. But from this, her firstborn brother - never. Her legs folded one atop the other as she looked between them again, concentrating on faces she hadn't seen since they were all gangling, lanky bloodlings. Malkov did look a little more brood-y than she recalled.

"Who- Or, what," she amended, with a glance at Brujah, "was Dejar? And where did he go?" Still speaking, Embres kept a wary eye on the posturing Caine. Likely as not, she had already heard whatever legend he was preparing to say. But, it never hurt to be prepared.

Morpheus was in the midst of a shoulder roll when she noticed her neighbors' attentions; she nodded back ably, trying to match the pleasant smile on the female Lucain's face. The Kuhna's smile was a little freer - enough so to make Morpheus' tension fade a bit. She looked again at her father, then back to the pair. The girl was well at ease around vampires, as many of her kin were. They had grown up together, after all; if any vamp the Lands over was crazier than all of them put together, she would kill to see him.

Of course, there was something to be said for boldness as well. Morpheus glanced over at the off-color female who had been brave enough to speak out, and gave an approving half-smile. Hopefully, she would come a bit closer to the pack soon. To her neighbors, she had other words - and a fuller smile. "I suppose it's obvious, whose daughter I am." The female nodded her bi-toned head to Caine. "But I'm curious. What do you think of the message he's gathered to give you?"

"I'm sorry, pet. There simply wasn't time." Nas'minei leaned in to touch his nose to his sister's, smile indulgent. It was a pleasure to hunt at her side, but this kill had been moderately quick. For him, anyway. With her at his side, it might have taken several blissful moments more. Wouldn't have done for either of them to be late to papa's big shindig, now would it?

Suddenly his head tipped to one side, in a movement so quick that it was more suited to a Polly than a 'cain. "Listen, Las." Nas turned his entire body, facing past Caine's podium to the outskirts of the gathering. He was looking, actually, in precisely the direction of the two newcomers. "Out there; do you smell them? Two males, I think." His smile was thin... but simply thrilled. If anyone was a "problem" vampire, Nas'minei was it. "We've got latecomers."

Legends? Stories? How boring! Alica stood on her hind paws, clawing slowly upward as her flames blazed brighter - her human form seemed to unfold from her bestial one. By the time the flames of nether died, there was a punkish - albeit short - girl standing in Alica's place, with combat boots, bushy pigtails and heart-shaped features scrunched up with distaste. From the edges of a lolita skirt hung two loose ties, and it was from these that her Nightwalker flames re-ignited.

Seemingly undisturbed by her sudden transformation, the human form Kuhna stalked forward a little bit. She was heading, with grim determination, toward her own kind: the two kuhna who spoke together in such low tones, and the one who stood by himself to the side.
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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Citanul » 03/25/2010 12:03 PM

Gaze wandering for a moment Caine looked to the one who had spoken out, Vesira. He gave a small grin. At least his kin did still wish to know of their heritage... This may not be a waste of time after all. "I was the first of us. No matter who may claim to be... I have seen days of war and peace, the rise and fall of many Empires... The Gods themselves..." He smirked, looking out among them before continuing. "In my youth, before being bestowed with my gift, I had a brother. Though I was eldest, he got everything he wished, better treatment, more from his harvests, entitled to what was mine as the first son. I tried to reason with him... But no. I lost my temper, and I killed him." The look in his eyes was quite different now... He was deep in thought, brow furrowed in remembrance of his disdain. "And we all know which God would take offense to that... He came to me, said he would 'curse' me for doing such an evil thing... Though I don't think of this as a curse."

Malkov gave a quiet sigh. He hadn't meant to say anything of this within earshot of his father - whom he knew would hear, distracted by his story or not. "I met him in that little bar, out on the docks... Was trying to get Brujah out of the rain,when he was just a pup. I'd seen him before that... In those dreams, I was telling you of..." Ones he certainly wasn't going to repeat aloud. "He was a God from another realm... Took me there, a few times... Said he had business to attend to one day... Haven't seen him in months."
For once Brujah was quiet, just listening. He had liked Dejar... The man had always treated him just as Malkov did - no different than any other of his siblings. "But after that we found my brother too, Embres... He found dad, and wanted to stay with us..."

Iahmes shook his head. At his brother and sister... At his father's false tales... At the world in general. Where was mother? She could put an end to this... One word, and father would stop... He'd listen to her. What if there were others here who didn't -like- being vampires? They would surely try to harm the first of them. And as much as he and his father did not see the same path, he still loved his family.

Las giggled quietly, nuzzling her brother's cheek as she continued to hold him close to her. "Mm... I smelt them earlier. Don't fret, Tremere is out there. He'll have a lot of fun with them!" She giggled, nipping at his ear. Tremere was not a relation by blood... But he seemed to share the mindset of Nas and Lasombra - to have fun with his immortality.

Tremere indeed was approaching the newcomers, not even trying to hide his presence as he watched them, trying to listen in on their whispers. His area of expertise was not there, in his ability to hear... More in his strength. "You're late, the both of you." He called out, watching the lucain treading carefully towards the old cathedral.

[[Sorry for the late post. And I thought it might be easier to read, this way. ^^;]]
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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Remedy » 03/25/2010 9:35 PM

Dash understood much more now.  The first vampire...  how interesting.  At the beginning, he didn't believe it, but somehow, just standing in the room listening to this story, he could tell that not even the greatest liars couldn't tell the tale with such expression and authority.  Nervously, Dash unfoldes his arms and stepped out into the open.  Not many really noticed him, since he was still in the back of the crowd, but he was perfectly fine with that.  His eyes set of kind of a gleam, and he grinned a little.  So he killed someone... and his own brother...  Dash tried very hard not to kill people himself at night, to satisfy his hunger with Human food while he was actually human during the day, but he's killed a few people... by accident.  Never for a non-vampire reason, though.  
So Dash stood there kind of stifly, listening intently to the talk of the others and the story of the Vampire.
THE Vampire.

((Sorry if this post seems shorter than everyone else's, it's just I've been blanking out lately... :oops: I'll try to get them even longer later on...))

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I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Sappheara » 03/29/2010 2:30 AM

Catahecassa wasn't surprised that Caine killed his own brother, humans killed for less than that. He could fell his sister's uncomfortable movements from behind him. "Cocheta will you calm down a bit?" He looked over his shoulders, turning slightly around to face his sister. "I'm sorry Chatahecassa, it's too many of them here. I just don't like. What if something happens?" Chatahecassa watched as his sister bit her lower lip. "If something does happen we will be gone" The Arkuhna turned around looking at all the vampires in their own little groups. Catahecassa could tell that no one trust any other, it was hard to read what the others where thinking.

The Hydroluhna pressed her thin body against the cold marble wall as she watched her brother. Has she lean on the wall she made sure that most of the shadow was covering her. Cocheta wasn't sure, she just had a strange feeling something was going to happen. "The head vampire never told us how we are related to him." Cacheta whispered to his brother as she looked around. She seen two others that enter the Cathedral late, that made her even more nerves. Taking a large breath to help calm her nerves, Cocheta watched her brother.

Has he heard what his sister said. That's true, Caine never told us how we are related. Catahecassa looked in the direction of the head vampires group. "How are we related to you? Some of us never came from your loin." The Arkuhna would like the answer to that, he watched Caine's little group as he waited for the answer. "Catahecassa! Why are asking that?" Cocheta walked fast towards her brother, stopping next to him. "We need to know."
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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Nyxia » 03/30/2010 5:27 PM

Lucina watched the other female, listening to each word and her tone that accompanied it. The question was a genuine one, one that had even been brought up to her by her companion. True to her nature though, L didn't even seem offset by this as she leaned closer to the female. "I wouldn't know of any message he could possibly have for me, seeing as I was sired and not born a vampire." She explained, pausing to carefully gauge the other's reaction to her. "I merely heard of this all through ghostly whispers on a moonless night, my dear, and curiosity got the better of us two." Another pause, in which L gave the other female a small shrug of her dainty looking shoulders and a half smile. Her eyes cautiously roamed the length of the woman's body, her eyes giving away that she was summing her up. In reality, she was impressed by the woman before, her beauty as well as her attitude; in life L would have never entertained such thoughts, but right then she allowed herself to think on the alluring woman before her. Seconds later, so as not to arouse suspicion from her new acquaintance, the dark woman craned her head partly back to Spade, "Any message you might gain from all this?" She questioned him quietly.

Spade regarded Lucina and the other female for a few moments, slightly glassy eyed by the dizzying array of emotions around him, but before he could gather his wits about him to speak the new comers entered. He saw L glance from the corner of her at the men as well, her eyes scanning them over before faintly getting the same look that she normally reserved for Reima and then looking away. Then Caine began to speak, his words striking the air and stirring more emotion around the room for him. With a few of his wits gathered, Spade only shook his head 'no' to the two women while he watched them speak. His eyes then went immediately to the hydrokuhna in the back of the room, she was resonating fear like a light house on a stormy night, if only he could get closer... He dropped the thought before it had any more time, but his golden eyes lingered on her.

L had noticed her friend's wandering eyes but hadn't bothered to follow them, instead she was partly listening to Caine and a bit more focused on learning what she could of the female before her. 'Probably should learn her name.' She could have kicked herself for forgetting such minor things. "It seems we've forgotten ourselves." She told the other, her elbow prodding the kuhna in the side for his attention. "I'm Lucina, but most call me L; and this is..." She trailed off to allow Spade to say his own name, or nickname. But when the kuhna didn't respond to her she gave him another poke, only to realize his attention was still diverted in the same direction. "Spade." She said with a slight growl before adding. "You know how men are."

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Silverin » 03/31/2010 8:03 PM

Aadi lowered his head and flicked his ears back when Tremere yelled at them because they were late, it was mostly his fault for being rather late any ways. He had no intension to tango with this male, he could tell by smell and looks that he was obviously much stronger. Although he was here to deal with a problem, he had no intention of going after pray much larger and stronger than he. Out of him and Saarik, Aadi was the most submissive but also the most experienced at killing off problem vampires. He was most glad though that the male lucain in question did not have as sharp of hearing as they did, none the less he should lay low for a little while. He slowly approached Tremere and the Cathedral, "I suppose your of direct line?" He in a low growl as he walked past.

Saarik on the other hand walked right past Tremere with out a care in the world, his head was held high and tails swished showing that he had not a care in the world. He did not care if any one was bigger or not, he just wanted to get in there are rid the world of some pests. When he had heard what Caine had been saying he just about laughed, but managed to keep his mouth closed. "I think the old man should be sterile by now... and maybe stop multiplying... I guess he really likes having his genetics and abilities spread across the globe." He said with a slight chuckle to him self.

(sorry really sucky, I am trying to save my muse for the breeding >3>;;)

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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby clackno1 » 04/02/2010 1:51 PM

A bible story? He was really going to tell them a bible story? Of course, it could be from another of the holy books some mortals looked to for guidance. Still, it sounded quite false. Maybe he'd give details of the experience. Killing your kin is quite an evil act, and over jealousy too. When you wanted something, you took it. You either cheated or worked for it. The first option seemed more likely. Jealousy was weakness. When you let emotions into situations such as that made it more dangerous, it made it personal. When you made it personal you made it a fight to the death. In a fight to the death with a vamp, you either lived or died. No loopholes, no third option.

When the latecomers entered Vesira merely sighed. This is where it got dangerous. Fashionably late didn't just mean you were popular, it meant you were going to do something, something important, to her at least. These guys didn't seem like they were just here for the party. It wasn't much of a party anyways. More like one of those boring family reunions, which technically it was. She tensed up, ready for anything. An attack, by the new guys or some backup force. Too bad that the closest exit was the one everyone could see. She'd slip out when things got a little too dangerous for her. She had her limits. She wasn't intent on fighting, more on surviving and having fun doing it.


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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Ander » 04/07/2010 4:13 PM

This family reunion was going to be anything but boring. Ebres was already quite floored, looking at her brother curiously; and with the utmost interest. He was - almost - another creature to her now. "That man was real?" Her mouth opened and closed wordlessly as she floundered. "You, Malkov? With a god?" She was sure why it surprised her so much: living with her family should have long since taught her that nothing was impossible. "And he just left you. Why would he?" A spur of protectiveness broke in the blonde vamp that surprised her - apparently, she had become guardian of more than just her mother in all this time.

Her father's story was only background noise to Embres. Mom had told her all of it before.

Morpheus nodded in time to the other female's words, keeping her eyes on her face as she spoke. Though her gaze was far from challenging, she was taking in her temporary companion just as thoroughly as she noticed said companion taking her in. She had no reservations about her looking - with parents like hers, reservations were always at a minimum. "No, you don't have to be," Morpheus replied, her eyes returning to Lucina's. That's not exactly how this works. You see, you were sired by a vampire, and thus you became a vampire. By that virtue alone -" Virtue! What an odd way to describe this - "my father counts you as one of his children. He does so with all vampires; of course, we expect that some will disagree."

So saying, she smiled. "I have eight brothers, all told. Yes, I know how men are." Her gaze drifted to Spade and back before returning; when they did, it was with a mischievous shine. "Please, call me Morpheus."

"Tremere...?" Nas' face fouled at the faintly familiar name. He had no memory for things that didn't directly concern him, or he hadn't recently killed; so Tremere's name was as unfamiliar as some of his siblings. Of those, only Lasombra and Iahmes were front and center. The others, he knew by sight alone. Still, the dark creature held Las close as she spoke - she seemed to approve of the Lucain that he couldn't quite recall, so that was enough. "Hope he saves some scraps for the rest of us," he grumbled, a little sullen. Fun was his goal, oh yes. What else was eternal life even for?

Alica approached the Kuhna near the wall, one small hand cocked on her hips as did. Long, curving claws more suited to a Paragon than a Nightwalker were visible as she did - they had long since shredded the tips of lavender, woolen gloves. "You two aren't his children either, right?" she asked accusingly. The bright kuhna, and the shifting one made of water - an Arkuhna and Hydrokuhna, though the girl didn't know their names - looked as ready to flee as anyone here. Alica couldn't figure it out. If there were things to be learned, why would anyone want to run away?

Apparently, she wasn't the only one who wanted to know. As the Arkuhna asked the question, her face fell in confusion. "You can't be his children. You guys aren't even Lucain." It only made sense, right?


The trees behind the old cathedral rustled as another male stepped onto the path, yet another late to the gathering. As he walked, it became clear that there was something unusual about this Lucain: he limped, for all that his head and back were held with pride. One of his legs, upon closer inspection, would appear to be completely black and held close to his body. This leg was badly burned and was not used as he walked. It had always been so - and this Lucain blamed his father, the man who addressed all the vampires here.

His eyes, bright blue and hard as stones, where trained on Saarik; as he came, he had heard the confident Lucain's words. "Fool." the male growled - his shoulders squared as he came closer to the little group, his gaze unwavering from Saarik as he spoke. "Genetics are folly with something like Caine; the children of the monster do not all come straight from his seed." Would that he would sterilize, by some miracle; the world, in Achilles' opinion, would be better for it.

( Sorry guys, didn't notice that it was my turn. If that happens again, I encourage polite poking.
And don't worry about the extra characters; I'm just dragging in some more members of Caine's direct family that were occupied before. )
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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Citanul » 04/09/2010 1:37 AM

(Polite poking is okay, and yes, I do know that it's my post most of the time, I just am still without a computer. ^^; I'll do my best to keep up.)

Caine gave a rather twisted grin as he listened to the questions - spoken and unspoken - of the mass of his children. "You not need be of my loins to be my children. The Curse is passed through my blood... Other lines have split, but you all must be my children, even if centuries have passed since I looked upon your faces." His bright blues scanned the room for a moment before they rested on Vesira. "Do you know who even wrote the Bible, my young one?" His face contorted into a rather displeased look.

"He was real... Very real." Malkov nearly flushed at the memory - it was still very vivid in his mind. But he shook his head slightly, brushing pale hair from his eyes after the movement. "I... I don't know... He just... Disappeared." There was a lot more to it... But nothing to discuss in public. Not here.

Brujah sighed as he moved to hug his brother, obviously feeling the protective streak as well. "But you've been helping Ares and I... And that's good... We've got the orphanage built already..."

Iahmes was slowly edging away from his father - trying not to disturb his closest siblings. He knew exactly what they were capable of... And he wanted nothing to do with them, nor this speech. He had heard it all before... And his father knew exactly how he thought of all of it.

Tremere sneered at the two males. "Not a direct bloodline. But I sought Caine, learn from the Eldest of us..." With a low growl he watched Saarik. This may not end well for him... "I suggest you not speak so lowly of Father."
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Re: Calling the Darkness (Vampire RP, Private)

Postby Remedy » 04/09/2010 7:55 PM

((pulling Dash out since this has kinda...  died... owo Sorry.))

Dash nodded.  He was about to question that.  How he could be from the bloodline.  But now it all made sense.  He was beginning to feel uncomfortable again, since he wasn't much of a people person.  Nervously, he morphed back into his Kuhna form and sat down.  His tails flicked nervously.  Somethng just didn't feel right about sitting in a room full of Vampires.  He glanced at the Kuhna who had actually been the one to question (or really, mention) the bloodline.  He turned his gaze then to the two that she had spoken to.  They looked somewhat nervous as well.  He continued watching random people in the room, waiting for something else to happen.  It didn't seem like anything interesting was going on anymore, and he was really hoping for something more than this.  He gently sliped out a hole in the back of the room in mid-morph to kuhna form and decided to go home.  Surely no one would notice his absence here.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Ultimate Explorer
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Keystones: 1982
Joined: 11/18/2009 6:26 PM
Location: Somewhere in the Southwest


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