Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Scheming Secrets [[closed]]

Postby Silversky » 12/21/2009 8:48 PM

A venom hydrolisk stalked silently through the Grand Cathedral. Darkness flowed around him, while his eyes glowed green in the darkness. He was powerful, he was evil, he was--
Eeeew. He was slipping in some kind of goo and landing face-first on the stone floor of the Cathedral.
Spiny's eyes narrowed and he scrambled off the floor and away from the goo, trying to brush it off and only succeding in coating his claws in the stuff.

A small snort of laughter came from the darkness. Spiny's head whipped around, even more angry that anyone had seen him do it. He growled, trying to sound menacing, but when you're sitting on the ground after slipping in goo it's kind of hard to look menacing.
"Who's there?" he called.

A common gyrraptor crept into the dim light from the corner he had been in, glancing around guiltily like he wasn't the one who had made the noise.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Scheming Secrets [[p, self]]

Postby Silversky » 12/21/2009 9:00 PM

The hydrolisk growled again, this time managing to get off the ground and out of the slime while doing so.
"Flash?" Spiny said. "What are you doing here?" The hydrolisk looked pretty angry now, and although it may have seemed brave that the gyrraptor didn't back up a step, Flash knew the extent of Spiny's fighting skill's and he wasn't worried. At all.

Flash fought the temptation to roll his eyes.
You're the one who left, he couldn't help thinking. In all fairness, I should be the one who's mad. We lost 'cause of you. You don't know how to fight, so you couldn't train us. You stayed away from the fight so you wouldn't have to risk your own neck. Your strategy stunk, and you ran away when it was clear we would lose.
Saying these things to Spiny would only undermine what he was here for, though. However stupid or annoying Spiny could be, it was better than Bear. Anything was better than Bear. Even Daisy-
Wait. That was worse than Bear.
Flash shook his head. He couldn't stay with them. Those were his options, now that Spiny was out of power. Stay with his 'leader' or accept Bear or Daisy or Zack. The choice, however annoying a choice, was clear.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Scheming Secrets [[p, self]]

Postby Silversky » 12/21/2009 9:06 PM

"We lost," Flash stated bluntly. "Though I'm guessing you already knew that..."
Spiny's eyes narrowed. "Where are the others?"
The gyrraptor shrugged. "I dunno. How am I supposed to know? Even Star ran off. At this point, you're my best option. I can help you try again, eventually, you know."
He knew this would help get him back into Spiny's good graces. Knowing the hydrolisk, Flash was pretty sure that he blamed them for the loss, not himself. What Flash said showed the hydrolisk that he believed Spiny was important.
In theory.

The hydrolisk pondered for a moment. Well, a long moment. Flash had a feeling that it took a while for a thought to pass through Spiny's brain.
"Allright," he said finally. "This way. I have something to show you, then."
The hydrolisk stalked off, trying simultaniously to listen to see if Flash was following and to look out for more goo.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Scheming Secrets [[p, self]]

Postby Silversky » 12/23/2009 7:20 PM

As Spiny stalked through the shadows of the Grand Catherdral, he thought of how ppowerful he could be someday. He would be powerful enough to rule Evelon someday, he thought. He would be Spiny the Great; Spiny the Conqueror; Spiny, Evil General of the Imperial Army....
And of course, he walked into a carved stone column. His head reeling, Spiny decided that he should probably look where he was going when he was walking, and not close his eyes....

Wisely, Flash decided not to coment. You could get away with smirking or laughing once or twice, but after that he started to actually remember you smirking or laughing for more than thirty seconds afterwards. Normally, you didn't care and you just tormented Spiny anyway, but since Flash actually wanted to help the hydrolisk get power back, he figured he wouldn't push his luck.

Spiny, angry now at his ungracefulness, paid more attention to where he was putting his feet. He wouldn't have to focus for much longer though, because at the end of the darkness, something was glowing...

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Scheming Secrets [[p, self]]

Postby Silversky » 12/23/2009 7:37 PM

The hydrolisk's eyes glowed green in anticipation. It annoyed him to no end that he had the appearence of venom, and yet no venom could be used by him. Still, it made him look a little more impressive, and let's just say, he needed all the help he could get.

In amongst the shadows of the Grand Cathedral waited something that Spiny hoped would help him win the fight against his enemies. The green light of the secret instensified along with the hydroliisk's eyes as the two pets got closer to the source.

Flash stared in amazement. The light was like nothing he had ever seen before. It was eerie and hopeful at the same time. He wondered what it was, and he wondered if Spiny had made it, or bought it, or found it, or stole it... whatever it was...

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Scheming Secrets [[p, self]]

Postby Silversky » 12/23/2009 7:42 PM

It was an egg. Flash gaped, openmouthed, at the green glowing egg, spinning on its own on a turret of rock.
"What is it?" he whispered.
"This is my key to power!" growled the hydrolisk, sounding fiercer now than he had before. The light seemed to make him less unsure, less wary, and more like the Master of All Evil he said he was. Yeah, right. Flash knew enough not to believe in Spiny's self-proclaimed title.

Despite himself, Flash was confused. "How can an egg, however glow-y or weird-looking, help us?" he asked, skeptical.
Spiny grinned.
"This egg will hatch into a creature that will help us rule this world, Flash. I found it, and based on its glow I know that it will spell victory for us all."

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Scheming Secrets [[closed for now.]]

Postby Silversky » 12/24/2009 8:00 AM

Flash was surprised at the hydrolisk's pronouncement. He smiled to himeself.
Someday, we'll win, he thought.
Someday, we'll rule this place.

Spiny reached out one claw and touched the egg, disrupting the glow for a moment.
"Whatever emerges from here will help us," he said.
"I'm with you, Spiny," said Flash. "And I can get others to help too, once I find them. I'll find all the others again and convince them that this time we can actually win."

"Good," said the hydrolisk. "This will work, I can promise you."

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Scheming Secrets [[closed for now.]]

Postby Silversky » 12/24/2009 6:31 PM

Spiny turned and left the way he had come, leaving Flash alone with the egg. It shone in the darkness, and Flash hoped it would really be the key to their success.

He followed Spiny out of the Cathedral, thinking of what he would need to do now. He had to find all the pets who had once been allied with Spiny, and reunite them. It would be hard to convince them after the last disasterous attempt, but Flash knew he could.
And once he found them, Flash would lead them to the egg, and when it hatched Spiny would lead them all to destroy their enemies. Once and for all.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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