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[*] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 7:42 PM

[Pet Unlocked]
Hearing stories about a festival, and some intriguing rumors of a golden creature that emerged around this time of year to join in the festivities, even Midnight couldn't deny that he was a little curious about the whole thing. More so with the creature in particular. So, he decided to take a trip over to the bright city where the event was being held.

He had flown most of the way there, as he had been busy with business elsewhere before the information had reached him. Having quickly learned that most weren't entirely accustomed to dragons as large as him, he of course had to walk the rest of the way on foot in a different form. Significantly closer to that of a human, but with several notable physical differences that made it quite clear he wasn't one.

Now getting closer to the entrance of the city, it was clear that there was going to be quite a crowd for this festival.

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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Re: [] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 8:09 PM

"Remember to mark down stuff when I give you the signal." He muttered seemingly to nothing but thin air, as he wasn't being accompanied by another person. The faintest sign of whispering said otherwise, and it didn't sound happy as it chattered into his ear. He payed it no real mind though, as complaining was just one of those activities that it seemed to love constantly doing.

Mingling in with the crowds of people that were trying to get closer towards the center and into the very heart of the festivities, Midnight pulled out a small book that fit nicely in his hand. As he had nothing but a handful of rumors to go on for the creature, he was going to have to try to gather more information somehow. With any luck, he would be able to find it with enough looking around. Finding out more of what goes on for this particular festival was just going to be an extra bonus for this trip.

Soon enough the clamor from so many people finally made him raise his head to fully take in what the festival was about with his own eyes.
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Re: [] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 9:54 PM

The festival of the Golden Thread sounded pretty average when he first heard it, but this... really took it over the top. The amount of moving bright golden colors glittering in the sunlight of the clear warm day would make even a dragon envious. Which was a dangerous game to play if that dragon happened to be greedy... For him, it was incredibly distracting and he didn't like that. The voice snickered as it sensed this.

"Focus." He snapped in reminder, mostly for himself as much as the voice. It laughed one more time, and manifested itself as a small shimmering green aura above the book. It reached out to the item, and with its powers, began to manipulate it. Words would appear on the pages when it was directed to do so.

Now to start gathering information...
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Re: [] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 10:15 PM

Festivals were always great! There was tons of fun to go around among among all the noise, food, games and other kinds of entertainment you could find there. Tons of fun, and lots of opportunities to be easily taken advantage of.

A young boy was concentrating on those said opportunities. His bright eyes always on the lookout as he passed by many people in the crowds, while his hands slipped into the pockets and under cut open purses of anyone that wasn't paying any attention to their wallets.

He would slip away well before the owners would take notice that he was up to no good, and be long gone by then. "Score!" He would say aloud with glee as he looked at the small handful of keystones he had taken from a particularly drunken fellow that had gotten too carried away with the festivities. This outta get him a tasty treat from one of the food stands, preferably with lots of sugar.
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Re: [] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 10:35 PM

Making a quick dash to the nearest stand that had the most delicious smelling food available, the boy lucked out and managed to get his hands on something really good. But he had to wait first, and find someplace quiet enough so he could eat it in peace.

A nearby fountain seemed to work perfectly, as it warded away a portion of the crowd that was wandering around in costume. Something to do with avoiding the risk of ruining them he supposed. The water was constantly splashing here, so it would probably be bad to get one of those fancy costumes soaked. That worked fine for him!

At last, settling himself on the edge of the fountain, he started unrolling the paper that covered the food to reveal a churro. The cinnamon and sugar coated pastry was like gold to this kid, and he was delighted to munch away at it.
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Re: [] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 10:50 PM

Midnight had been busily talking to anybody he could find that looked like the might know more about the history of this festival, and anything about the creature that appeared during this occasion. The aura was working to write down anything that sounded important, and whatever might be important for Midnight to remember later. His main clues were black, gold scales, and threads, but not much else could really be elaborated on. He wasn't yet familiar with most creatures that belonged to this world, so the term 'Nonaga' was easily lost on him.

This one might take a while just to even find. There was lots of stuff covered with 'gold' around here, whether real or not, and thread didn't seem like a helpful clue. Somehow even he ended up with a loop of thread tied around his wrist, after someone had insisted he try it on for some cultural reasons relating to the festival itself.

Staring down at the new notes that were added in his book, he began discussing things with the aura. Deciding on a plan of some sort.
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Re: [] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 11:05 PM

The boy had scarfed down the entire churro that he bought, and was busy licking at his fingers and parts of the paper. Making a mess of the cinnamon and sugar that fell off of it as he tried to get every last bit of it on his tongue. When he finished, he crushed that paper right up into a ball and contemplated throwing it at someone for fun. But, something else managed to distract him from this mischievous thought. Someone was standing around doing something. Talking, maybe? He had no idea to who exactly. But there was something the guy had that caught his attention, it was hanging right off their belt and was awfully shiny.

Tossing his trash aside somewhere that definitely wasn't a trashcan, he hopped off the fountain edge and made his way closer. Sneaking along wherever he could hide so he wouldn't be noticed by them. Soon it became clear that it was a mirror, and it didn't look cheap either. "Cool..."
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Re: [] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 11:16 PM

The mirror looked like it had a golden frame, with three tassels attached to the bottom. He wasn't too sure of the full design of it from where he was, but he actually liked it a lot even from here! The man was starting to seem a little extra weird from this close though, and wasn't sure about him. Could he get away with stealing that mirror?


It looked simple to do, as it was hanging from a cord that he could probably cut without trouble. The guy was kind of tall though, so it won't be simple to reach. Getting a running start might be needed. He was pretty distracted at the moment, so he might not notice him. *Okay, okay. I can do this...*

Time to prepare, and fast!
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Re: [] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 11:28 PM

To be absolutely sure that the cut would be right, the boy chose to go practice the move he had in mind first. Get the general idea solidified in his head, as this was different from what he usually did. He needed to be quick though, before the man left and he lost him completely before getting that mirror. This meant he could only practice it for so long. He hoped it would be enough for him to at least succeed.

Coming back to check on the guy, it looked like he was starting to walk again. So he missed out on that chance for now. Which made the boy a little annoyed. But there was still plenty of time in the day for the festival, so maybe if he followed him for a while, another opportunity would present itself.
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Re: [] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 06/07/2017 11:37 PM

Right, so after some deliberation, Midnight had a basic plan in mind now. He would participate in the festival for as long as possible, and keep an eye out for this 'Nonaga' creature. Based on what he's managed to gather, the festival itself has something to do with it showing up in the first place. So naturally the conclusion was to follow this line of thinking. There were supposed to be some events planned for the festival, so Midnight was confident that he might find one during them. Granted, not knowing the appearance of it was troublesome, and left him at a bit of a disadvantage with it. But he was known to be resourceful, and would find a way around that.

Since this was very important to him right now, and he had to concentrate so he wouldn't miss it, he actually didn't take notice of the boy that was tailing him closely...
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Re: [*] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 01/15/2018 2:47 PM

With the crowd as large as it was right now, the boy had to push his way through to even get past some folks. So it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do, just to follow and keep an eye on the strange man. But it was enough for him to close the distance between them at least, that he was now several feet away, and hopefully wouldn't get noticed while he anxiously waited for his chance.
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Re: [*] A Heart of Less Than Gold [Self]

Postby FrostWynd » 01/20/2018 4:23 AM

"Hmm..." After spending a few minutes just walking about almost aimlessly, Midnight would stop for a bit to browse around at one of the many stalls that were set up here. The owner of the shop could easily guess that he wasn't from around here, and was more than delighted about showing off some of the many baubles and trinkets she had to him. Many were quite shiny, and glittered under the sunlight. Clearly of a good quality with closer examination that fit the current occassion.

It wasn't relevant to what Midnight was looking for right now, but that wasn't going to stop him from seeing if there was anything else he might stumble upon. Yet after several minutes of careful looking, none of her wares would hold his interest for very long...

Oh Raven won't you sing me a happy song

You don't want me to stay alone
That's why you gotta sing your song
You keep tapping at my door
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore
But can I ask you something
A favor from you my friend
This song you keep singin'
Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore

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