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Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 4:37 PM

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[Blayze] [Adair]

"A date, a date~ This is a date, isn't it? It just has to be!" One man's cheerful, considerably feminine voice, rang out as he entered the festival grounds.

"This is not a date," another man responded, sounding more annoyed than anything else. They came in a few paces behind their companion and, based on their expression, too, they didn't really want to be here. What was the point of this festival, really?

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 4:41 PM

In all actuality, the first man, Blayze, could have easily been mistaken for a woman, which was just as well, for him. It didn't matter one way or another. With is long, reddish hair, pulled back into a loose ponytail, his face lightly made up with cosmetics, and the fact that he was dressed up in a woman's yukata today, well, it was no surprise at all. It would be more unusual for strangers to suspect he was a man, even if it was the truth.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:08 PM

The other, a blond haired man by the name of Adair, was also dressed nicely. Of course, that was the norm for him. Rarely was he ever seen in clothing other than semi-formal attire. It either looked like he was ready for a date, or for business. His outfit was almost entirely all white, as was usual. Although, because of the warmer weather, he hadn't bothered wearing a coat. White boots, white jeans, and white button up that had the sleeves neatly rolled up half way, completed his look. Although, at the other man's suggestion, the shirt he wore had golden colored buttons, and he wore a golden ring on his right hand's middle finger.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:14 PM

They stood in contrast to one another, with Adair's ensemble being all white, while Blayze had chosen a black yukata with a primarily golden floral pattern, with hints of pink. It was specially purchased, just for this occasion!

"But just look at us!" The red head insisted, spinning around with his arms out wide, clearly enjoying himself already, to face the other man. "If we're not on a date, then what is this? What else could this be?!"

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:17 PM

The blond haired man sighed, in first response to the other man's question. "It's work," he answered. "It most certainly wouldn't be anything else." By now, Adair was actually used to this, regrettably, but that didn't make it any less annoying.

"Are you sure~?" Blayze wondered, curiously, batting his eyelashes, even though he was well aware it would have no effect on his companion. "Even if we're here for work, it could still be a date, you know."

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:19 PM

"Work and dates are two completely separate things, Blayze," Adair tried to insist.

"But they don't have to be." Blayze continued to push the issue, even though he was sure it would be to no avail.

The blond haired man sighed again. "Do we really have to do this every single time?" Nearly every time they went out, it was something like this. They had similar conversations so many times that he couldn't even count them all.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:22 PM

The red haired man nodded his head. "Yes, we do. Every time. All the time. Until you finally give in and accept it!" Blayze wasn't taking no for an answer. Well, he was, because he would absolutely never force himself on the person he loved. He was content to just be near him, really, but he never intended to stop teasing Adair, at the very least.

Adair just shook his head. "Enough of that. We should take a look around."

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:25 PM

"Fiiiiine." Blayze agreed to drop the subject. For now. He had all day to try and make some progress, so there was no problem with letting up, for the time being. "What is it that we're looking for, anyway?"

"Were you not paying attention to the briefing this morning?" Adair's first response didn't really answer the question, but as someone that was serious about his work, he couldn't help it.

"Nope, not really," Blayze replied with a shrug.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:27 PM

Hearing that answer, Adair could have sworn that he felt his eye twitch with irritation.

"I was too busy thinking about the festival," Blayze admitted easily. Clearly, he wasn't at all concerned that he hadn't been paying attention in the morning, when he should have been. "My mind was filled with what wonderful things we'd get to see and get to do, and how handsome you'd look today. And how lovely I'd look next to you while dressed like this."

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:31 PM

"It was all so splendid, don't you think~?"

"No," the blond haired man answered. He really didn't care about those things. In fact, he hated going outside, especially in crowds, and this sort of place was overly crowded. That was the risk of attending these sorts of events. There were just far too many people. Adair didn't like people, in general, but, even more than that, he absolutely hated getting dirty. Considering his choice of wear, perhaps that didn't make sense, but, with wearing white, you could see every speck of dirt and know you were dirty. One could not do that so easily with clothing of other colors.

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:51 PM

For once, it was Blayze that sighed, momentarily deflated. It didn't last long, though, as he immediately cracked a smile again. "Well, no worries, no worries. I'm sure you'll see it my way, one of these days!"

It looked like Adair was going to protest such a statement, as he always did, but the red head held out his hand and stopped him from doing so. "No, no. Let's worry about work. That's what you want to do, isn't it?"

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:53 PM

The blond haired man simply nodded his head in agreement.

"Then, why don't you tell me what we're supposed to be doing here?" Blayze proposed. But, a little more quietly, he added, "Since we're not here to just go on a date and enjoy the festival."

Adair just chose to ignore his companion's after thought. "It's just the same as usual, really." That wasn't a very detailed answer, though. "Emilia is interested in coming here, so we're scouting the area."

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 6:56 PM

Ah, yes, that was certainly nothing new. "That again, huh?" Blayze didn't sound all that interested in it. He understood, to some extent, why Emilia Chevalier were so cautious, but it was proven time and time again that they really didn't have to be. "I suppose we're on the look out for anything interesting, as well? Not just people?"

Adair nodded. "If there is anything of interest, we're supposed to pick it up as well. I doubt these vendors will have anything valuable, but we can't rule it out based on assumptions."

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 8:59 PM

Blayze gave it a moment of thought, before grinning. "So, what you mean to say is, we need to walk around the festival grounds together? And shop together?" That sounded an awful like a date, there was no mistake about that. Sure, they would still be looking around for specific things, but otherwise, it fit the bill, didn't it.

Able to see exactly where his companion's thoughts were going, Adair shook his head. "Quit over thinking things and let's just do our job."

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Re: Is it a Date? [Self] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/02/2017 9:29 PM

"All right, all right," Blayze relented. He then began to look around, really for the first time. There were all sorts of stalls and vendors, with all sorts of wares being sold. Food was popular, of course, and there were all sorts of treats, from what he could see and smell. Food could mostly be ignored, though, since it wasn't as if the sorts of things they were looking for could be found there. "Which way shall we go?"

Adair really couldn't care less where they started, so he just began moving. "Let's just go this way."

[Wild Pet Found]

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