With temperatures rising over 143°C (289.40°F) in most areas, the only relief is during the nights when it is much cooler. All travelers are advised to keep to the local towns on the desert's outskirts and avoid traveling too far from civilization. (+3 Endurance, +2 Defense)

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Return to Wilt'no Desert

Postby Fallen_Snow » 06/15/2008 6:12 PM

"Yes ma'am." came the reply, and the Lecchi led them speedily to their room. It was large and nicely furnished. Snowy helped Nyt onto the couch, fanning him with a hand. "Now, about that water?" she said to him. He smiled and hurried off, coming back moments later with a Sahound and a very large bucket. Tearing a strip of cloth off her shirt, Snowy soaked it in the water and put it on Nyt's head. Nyt groaned. "Snowy, I'm fine. Really."
"You're not, if you've fainted like that. Rest for a little bit. Harkelt, Mr. Sahound, you're dismissed. I would like to be alone with Nyt."

With that, the Lecchi and Sahound bowed and left. Snowy kneeled down at Nyt's side. "Now, what's happened?" she asked, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. Nyt smiled and closed his eyes. "I... I think I was Nytenkatuyt. I just had this... this vivid dream... and I was him. I was seeing what he was seeing, doing what he was doing... it was such an odd sensation, but it felt like I really was him."

About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/10/2008 4:59 PM

Snowy glared at him. "You're not just saying that to trick me, are you? Because if you are...!"
"No, no! I wouldn't joke about this. It was too vivid. All of it was clear, there were no fuzzy spots... my background... I must be Nytenkatuyt." he woofed. He stretched up a paw and gently touched Snowy's face. "You'll just have to trust me with this. Why else would I have found this place, out in the middle of the desert?" he told her, his eyes a bit blurred from his faint still.

Snowy gazed at him for a little bit, then said, "I suppose... but I don't want you telling them just yet. I just want to leave this place. Are you ready?" she asked, looking at him. He nodded, taking off his compress and tossing it into the water-filled bucket. "Once we get out of here, we'll need to figure this out you know. Now that this vision has come to you, we can't ignore it anymore." Snowy whispered to him as the opened the door. Nyt looked down either corridor. Silence. They walked out, tracing their footsteps back to the entrance. They found a small crowd with Harkelt at the front.

"Hello, Nytenkatuyt. You've rested now?" he asked, staring at him with large eyes. "Um... yes, and I think it's time for me to go back to my old dwelling..."

"But this is your dwelling now."

Snowy glared at the Lecchi. "No, it's not. This is not Nytenkatuyt, and we don't want to live underground. Now, if you'll let us through-" Snowy was interrupted by three spears to her throat.

"Now, if you'll just let go back up to your room, Nyten. I'll show Snowy here her room."

Nyt looked at Snowy worriedly. "But... but Snowy belongs with me!" he said loudly to Harkelt. He laughed. "No, what are you talking about? She is not your wife. You already have one from the old days... Dae!" he called.


A sleek and well groomed Orchid Leawolf stepped slowly through the crowd to sit next to Nyt and nuzzle into his fur. "Oh, Nyten! I thought I would never see you again..." she breathed, licking his face. He blushed under his fur. Snowy glared at her angrily, but did nothing in fear of impalement. She clenched her fist and felt her ice magic well up there, causing her fingertips to numb. No... she couldn't do it here, not now. She would wait until she could find a time when she could be alone with Nyt. Then she'd get rid of that little temptress.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/17/2008 2:13 PM

Nyt smiled and turned to the Orchid Leawolf. "Dae? W-wow..." he murmured, letting her soft fur work into his coarser fur. She smiled up at him, licking him again. "Come along, Nyten. Your room awaits..." Nyt followed her without a second question, hypnotized by her beauty. He didn't even hear Snowy trying to call him back.

"Nyt! Nyt! Nyt-"
Snowy was trying to call her boyfriend back when the guards grabbed her. "Hey, leggo!" she shouted, trying to pull herself free. But as the hands tighened around hers, she stopped. Harkelt inched up to her. "Well, now. Why do you fight with us, commoner? You must know that we are much stronger. Can't you see that you don't belong here? Why don't you let us lead you home."
"Not without Nyt." Snowy growled, her eyes chips of blue ice. Harkelt laughed. "Silly girl, I was going to give you a chance to live. Now that that fool of a Leawolf is back, we can finally lift the curse and save ourselves. You'll get in the way." he said, smiling evilly. "Guards! Dispose of this wreck in her room." he said, then cackled meniacally. Snowy was pushed forward down into a dank dungeon. "What are you doing? I demand you let me go!"
"Fine." she was then pushed into a cramped and dirty cell, and the large iron door shut behind her.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/17/2008 2:27 PM

She was bathed in a weak orange light from a lighted torch outside her cell, and she tried her best to see in it.
There was only two other beings in cells around her. One was a very scrawny Blaze Fenling, while the other was a deprived Wombear. "Hello?" she said timidly. The Fenling looked at her. "So, why are you in here?" Snowy asked him. He glared. "I'm in here for telling them that Nytenkatuyt wasn't ever going to come back, and if anyone believed me they should join me. Siiva, the Wombear over there, was the only one to join me." A sudden growl from Siiva made Snowy turn around. "I can't believe I was so foolish. Love makes you blind, I suppose." Snowy looked at the two. So, they were separated because they were comrades, and they loved eachother. "Well, if I find a way out, I'll free you two. Okay?" she said, trying to earn their trust. The Fenling scoffed. "Alright, sweetie. You do what you can. I'm just gonna go wait for my life to end over there." he growled, and trotted over to the back of his cell, curling up with his back to her. Siiva sighed heavily. "Don't mind Gyte, he's lost his fire. We've been here too long. Harkelt runs the whole show up there, keeping them confused and brainwashed with his lies about Nyten. Like he could come back from the dead. We all saw him dissappear with the blast from that evil magic of that stupid mage, but I saw his body- and it was dead as a doornail. Harkelt managed to get rid of it before the smoke cleared, but he slipped up and I saw that poor body, blackened by the force of close-up magic. Nyten's dead, there's no doubt about it." she said weakly. "What about the mage's body?"
"Wasn't found."
"Then the body you saw wasn't Nyt... Nytenkatuyt's. It was the mage's, because my boyfriend up there is Nyten, just in a different body. I think. Because he remembers none of this, though he did have a vision earlier..." Siiva looked up. "That's impossible... the mage..." she was at a loss for words. Snowy shrugged. "Maybe he wasn't as powerful as you think he was. I'm sure all that's keeping you guys in animal form is a simple hex that can be broken when the hex applique is found. That mage, did he live in your town before?" Snowy questioned, sitting down beside the white Wombear. Siiva leaned against the bars, her fur poking through them and tickling Snowy's arm. "Yes. He worked as a servant to the king. A few days after, he imprisoned the king and all this happened." she said, gesturing her paw for emphasis. Snowy sighed. Well then, his hex could be anywhere in the palace that people didn't traverse often. They would see the hex symbols. Unless...

"I need to get back to the Story Chamber." she said.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/17/2008 2:28 PM

She was bathed in a weak orange light from a lighted torch outside her cell, and she tried her best to see in it.
There was only two other beings in cells around her. One was a very scrawny Blaze Fenling, while the other was a deprived Wombear. "Hello?" she said timidly. The Fenling looked at her. "So, why are you in here?" Snowy asked him. He glared. "I'm in here for telling them that Nytenkatuyt wasn't ever going to come back, and if anyone believed me they should join me. Siiva, the Wombear over there, was the only one to join me." A sudden growl from Siiva made Snowy turn around. "I can't believe I was so foolish. Love makes you blind, I suppose." Snowy looked at the two. So, they were separated because they were comrades, and they loved eachother. "Well, if I find a way out, I'll free you two. Okay?" she said, trying to earn their trust. The Fenling scoffed. "Alright, sweetie. You do what you can. I'm just gonna go wait for my life to end over there." he growled, and trotted over to the back of his cell, curling up with his back to her. Siiva sighed heavily. "Don't mind Gyte, he's lost his fire. We've been here too long. Harkelt runs the whole show up there, keeping them confused and brainwashed with his lies about Nyten. Like he could come back from the dead. We all saw him dissappear with the blast from that evil magic of that stupid mage, but I saw his body- and it was dead as a doornail. Harkelt managed to get rid of it before the smoke cleared, but he slipped up and I saw that poor body, blackened by the force of close-up magic. Nyten's dead, there's no doubt about it." she said weakly. "What about the mage's body?"
"Wasn't found."
"Then the body you saw wasn't Nyt... Nytenkatuyt's. It was the mage's, because my boyfriend up there is Nyten, just in a different body. I think. Because he remembers none of this, though he did have a vision earlier..." Siiva looked up. "That's impossible... the mage..." she was at a loss for words. Snowy shrugged. "Maybe he wasn't as powerful as you think he was. I'm sure all that's keeping you guys in animal form is a simple hex that can be broken when the hex applique is found. That mage, did he live in your town before?" Snowy questioned, sitting down beside the white Wombear. Siiva leaned against the bars, her fur poking through them and tickling Snowy's arm. "Yes. He worked as a servant to the king. A few days after, he imprisoned the king and all this happened." she said, gesturing her paw for emphasis. Snowy sighed. Well then, his hex could be anywhere in the palace that people didn't traverse often. They would see the hex symbols. Unless...

"I need to get back to the Story Chamber." she said.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/17/2008 2:54 PM

Siiva gave a quiet laugh. "Good luck. That door is solid iron. Isn't rusted either, they just replaced it a month or two ago." rasped the Wombear. Snowy ignored her, picking up her water bucket. Being careful to keep her hands from freezing it, she poured it on and around the door. "What are you doing?" the Fenling Gyte asked, finally becoming interested. "Getting out of here. Both of you, soak your doors like I just did. And then stay as far back as you can." Snowy commanded, lifting her arms to the door and pressing them against the wet metal. The water was suddenly frozen into ice as cold magic seeped from Snowy's palms. Using the ice to manipulate the door, she managed to bend it in half so she could just hop out. Stepping over the steaming door(the heat from bending it was being cooled by the ice), she went over to Siiva's door. Doing the same, she helped the older Wombear out. She stretched, her bones stiff from being in the damp cell for so long. "Time has done nothing good to me." she joked, smiling as they lumbered over to Gyte's cell. As Snowy started to bend the door down, some guards heard the scraping of the metal. They came running down the steps just as Snowy bent the door in two. "Go! I'll hold them off." she yelled at the two, but they stood their ground. "I said GO."
"Not a chance. You saved us, now we're returning the favor. Save your boyfriend, sweetie." Siiva said, baring her teeth at the guards. Being the only human warriors of the Palace, they were valued highly, so they weren't trained in fighting as much as they were in politics, since they had the mind for it. So, when put with a problem they couldn't solve with force themselves, they decided to run. And run they did, screaming like little girls.

"Well, that was easy." Gyte laughed, patting Siiva with one tail. "Yeah, piece of cake."
"I coud go for some cake."
"Will you two focus? I need to find out where Nyt's gone."
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/18/2008 2:36 PM

Nyt was with Dae of course, up in their bed chamber. "Oh, Nyten, I've missed you so much." she purred, leading him to their rooms. "I thought I'd never see you again... but you're here now, that's all that's important. Here with me, you loving wife. Oh Nyten, I was so worried about you! How could you just go off like that?" she said sternly, suddenly becoming human and hugging him. The thick scent of orchids and lilies surrounded Nyt, and he felt suddenly dizzy and confused. "Nytenkatuyt, do you hear me? Why did you leave me for that peasant of a woman?"
Nyt shook his head, trying to clear his head. Was he human? He felt his hands at his sides... "How are we human?"
"This room wasn't reached with the spell. Now answer my question, Nyten! Why did you leave me for that dirty commoner?" She hugged him tighter and stared up at him with limpid pools of magenta. "I... I don't know. She was..." he was suddenly cut off by a gasp from Dae. "She captured you, didn't she? Took you against your will and hypnotized you to make her love you! How cruel and evil and mean! I would never do that to you, my beautiful husband." she whispered in his ear, hugging him tightly with one arm while the other caressed his face. "I... I guess so. Whatever you say... I need to lay down... my head..."
Dae's fingers slowly tickled their way across his face up to his forehead, spreading the sickly scent all over his face. "Oh, you feel alright. But if you need to lay down, so be it. Just let me get some incense to calm you..." she spoke, and hurried over to her nightstand. Her scent was everywhere, all over the bed, the sheets, him... it made him feel congested and dizzy and confused and made his mind foggy. He couldn't think straight... but one image was in his mind, twisted as he didn't know. It showed Snowy with a very evil look on her face, and knives in her belt and a sneaky glint in her eyes. Before he could change it back as the smell started to fade, Dae came back again with incense that smelled even stronger than her. She dabbed it all over his face and arms, and told him that it calmed and cooled him and eased his mind. He would be able to think as clearly as her. She then went on to tell him all about how their lives were forever agony without him, and how Snowy ruined her life and tried to kill him and herself, and how Harkelt was his most trusted friend, and how his life was bad when Snowy captured him and tortured him. And while she was talking about what happened while he was being captured, he felt a sharp prick in his neck, but when he tried to touch it his arms felt like lead and he couldn't move them. And suddenly everything went dark, and his need for sleep took over...
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/18/2008 2:36 PM

Snowy pulled herself up the last of the staircase. The place was deserted, the soldiers safely locked in a cell, bound and gagged with the help of her newest allies, Siiva and Gyte. The air smelled of dirt and flowers. Snowy looked at her options. There were three halls, and she couldn't remember exactly which hall Nyt took, other than there was a staircase at the end. She looked down each hallway. Well, she managed to narrow it down to two that way. So she decided that smelling was key. "Who has the best nose?" she asked the two. Siiva stepped forward. "I do, sweetie. What do you need?"

"Take a sniff down each hallway. Whichever one smells like flowers will lead us to Nyt and Dae."

"You're joking, right? Night and Day can't be in the same place." laughed Gyte. Snowy glared at him. "Not what we're looking for." While they continued bickering, Siiva sniffed around, trying to locate the scent. She found that it was very strong down the left hallway. "Snowy, sweetie, this way." she said sternly, stepping between the two. Snowy followed the Wombear up the stairs to a small hallway with a door on each side and one at the end. "They must be at the end door, because the other two are probably either guard quarters or linen closets."

Snowy sighed. It was always difficult, wasn't it? She started to walk forward. "Let's hope it's that second option."

About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/19/2008 9:28 PM

Nyt felt the blanket of sleep lift off, and he woke to his hands hurting. He turned his heavy head toward them and saw they were in chains. It was odd... how was he in human form again? He wanted to struggle, but his mind was telling him to wait. His vision was still a little foggy. He shook his head to clear it to feel something ON his head. He stopped shaking and held his head still.

"Why hello there, Nyt!" said Harkelt, his head upside-down as he hung from the top of Nyt's head. His Cheshire Cat smile made him look devilish. Nyt closed his eyes. "What do you want, Harkelt? Why am I here?" he didn't open his eyes, the Lecchi's smile creeped him out. The Lecchi's laugh was husky and deep for a small bug-like creature, which made Nyt shiver. "You silly Leawolf you! You haven't figured it out yet! Oh good, I love games. Just guess- GUESS!" he giggled, hopping down off the teen's head. Nyt made a face. The creature was crazy! "Let me guess- Nytenkatuyt isn't really dead." Nyt said quietly, sighing heavily when he paused. Harkelt, who had once been a Lecchi, had suddenly become an old man in his 60's. He clapped his hands together. "Oh, good guess! You've won! Your prize- Nytenkatuyt's soul taking over your body."

Nyt looked up, glaring at Harkelt. "You were behind the mage's death, weren't you?" he asked quietly. "He was just hired help. I thought he could destroy Nytenkatuyt- but now I discover that I need him alive more than I need him dead. And luckily that idiot novice didn't kill him! Heeheeheehee!" he cackled, dancing around like a little child who had opened his first christmas gift to find exactly what he wanted. "And your soul is perfectly fitting for Nytenkatuyt's, and you look like him! You are perfect for the job. But there's one thing I have to do to Nyten's soul before you take it on- I must poison it to adhere to my will. With the most powerful warrior we've had since Wilt'no was discovered and myself, the most powerful mage Wilt'no can contain, I will rule the Lands! No one will be able to stop me! MWAHAHAHAHA!" he cackled. Nyt closed his eyes and wished he could stick his fingers in his ears. Harkelt's laugh was piercing. "And now you will view a sight that many have never seen or even heard of. This magic has been passed down through the darkest hearts that lived in Wilt'no- and surprisingly there were a few of them. But you will be able to witness your last moments of freedom- after this, consider your spirit banished from your body. I hope you don't mind, it's a precautionary thing for Nyten's spirit. Two spirits may comingle as long as both are clean." To show this, Harkelt twisted his hands around eachother, making his hands dance and harmonize. "But if one soul is dark and tainted..." his left hand suddenly jabbed and feinted at his right, then grabbed it and shook it. "You see? Darkness must obtain the right balance- no light may exist with it." he said, then turned away from Nyt and began to chant.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/19/2008 10:23 PM

Snowy stepped forward, and nothing happened. Striding towards the door, she felt stronger with every step. Her hands were turning opaque, but she shook them and they went back to skin and bone. "Siiva, Gyte, stay here. I have to confront Dae by myself. Any guards come- take care of them." she said, her eyes closed. She turned the knob and stepped into the door.

Dae was combing her hair, admiring her reflection in the mirror. She didn't seem to notice Snowy come in. Snowy tiptoed around her, trying to take her by suprise...

"Why, hello Snowy. I was hoping I'd get to meet you face to face." she said cheerily. Spinning around, she flung her comb at the ice-bender. Snowy was thrown against the wall, the comb pinning her shrit down against it. "Now, do I have to keep you pinned like this, or will you talk without fighting?" Snowy said nothing, just clenched her fist.

"I'm going to take your silence as a no." Dae said eagerly. "I was hoping for a challenge." She snapped her comb out of Snowy's shirt, and flicked it so that it landed nicely on her bureau. "So was I." Snowy said, her fists hardening into blocks of ice. Suddenly Dae was jumping at her, in her hand two twin spikes. She threw them at Snowy, who stuck out a fist and trapped them in the ice. "You can't think you're going to win just because you're a trained assassin." Snowy chided, and punched her fist towards Dae, and a few ice shards came out and went through Dae's clothing, pinning her down unexpectedly. She'd expected a punch in the face, which she would've ducked from. "Tell me where Nyt is." she hissed, a foot away from Dae's face. "Why? He's probably not the same person anymore by now."

Snowy's eyes softened. "What are you doing to him?"

Right then, Dae decided to take this chance to kick Snowy off. "You'll most likely be dead soon, so I wouldn't worry about him right now." Snowy flew onto the bed. Pulling herself up, she blew a few strands of hair out of her face. "Dae, I'm sorry to do this." Dae wasn't listening, she jumped at Snowy.

The ice-bender took a deep breath. Then, with all that she had, she pushed both palms in the direction of Dae. The assassin became frozen in a block of ice, and the block fell to the floor and shattered, leaving an unconscious Dae on the ground. Suddenly, the door burst open and Siiva and Gyte came charging in. Siiva took in the scene. "What... happened?"

"Oh, you know. Just some... problem-solving."
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/24/2008 3:42 PM

Nyt's eyes flew around the room wildly. Was it getting darker?

Harkelt was still chanting, but was also adding some dark colored potions to a bowl over a fire in front of him. Suddenly, the Lecchi approached him with a knife. "This'll only hurt a lot." he said, and stabbed Nyt's toe. The Leawolf held in the scream, muffling it with a sharp intake of breath. The Lecchi frowned. "Hmph. The prisoners never give you the satisfaction." he breathed, and took the knife to the fire and flicked some of Nyt's own blood into it. "Nyt, get ready to be posessed. You'll know you are when you feel a heavy weight hit your chest." he cackled. Nyt braced himself. Nytenkatuyt's poisoned soul was about to take away his own. Could things be any worse? Suddenly, a cooling wind pressed gently on his chest, and he felt good suddenly. Strong and unafraid. He heard a small whispering in his head too. Don't worry. I'm here to help you. Pretend you've just been attacked by a dark soul. Don't let Harkelt suspect that he did the spell wrong. He may be strong, but he fumbled about with all the syllables. Do it now, before he suspects. Nyt did as he was told, acting like he'd just been punched in the chest. Was sort of hard, since he hadn't experience the sensation before, but he'd seen movies, and he was sure that this was right. Harkelt obviously thought the same thing. "Good good. Same body, same voice, different soul. PERFECTION!" he shouted, and did a little jig.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/27/2008 2:59 PM

Nyt tried to smile like Harkelt was. Good. He doesn't know. Idiot. laughed Nyten's soul inside the young Leawolf. Nyt wanted to laugh, but suddenly he felt cold. Don't blow this, or you'll be dead before I have a chance to do anything for my people. growled the old soul. Nyt smiled inside. He reminded Nyt of Snowy when she was angry. Harkelt smiled. "Now, to put that control spell over you so you won't turn on me..."


Nyt squrimed. Under control? He never mentioned that! "But Master, I know you are a too good a force to reckon with. I give you eternal servitude. My tainted soul is still a loyal warrior's. I will not let you down." the voice had a bit of an accent to it, but it sounded a lot like Nyt. What are you doing? Nyt thought to his second soul. Saving your butt.

Harkelt seemed taken back, but still he was awed. "Of course, of course! I've just darkened you, not changed. Good, good." he said, then snapped his gnarled fingers. The chains dropped Nyt to the ground. He rubbed at them, wincing a bit. "Being in a body again is painful." he lied, hoping Harkelt would still be hooked. The old man may be a strong wizard, but his common sense left along with his sanity and youth. He clapped his hands, doing another jig. Once he was done, he became a Lecchi again. "Alright, young charge, I order you to take on your Leawolf form!" he shouted. Nyt did as he was told, slipping into his comfy four-pawed body. He groomed himself a little bit and realised that his fur was darker. I did that. Thought it'd be more convincing. Nytenkatuyt voiced in his head. Nyt gave his chest a few licks then followed after the scuddling Lecchi.

"Siiva, you watch Dae. Gyte, you grab that extra armor in the guard closet and guard the door. Don't let anyone in. You both good with that?" the girl asked as she tied the knocked out Dae to one of the posts on the four postered bed. Freezing the knot, she hopped down next to Siiva. "I'm fine with that. Tie her feet too." Snowy did as the Wombear suggested, freezing that knot too. Gyte was already coming back with armor on. "You better get a move on. Harkelt's more powerful than you know." the Blaze Fenling voiced, straightening his helmet and nodding to Snowy. She nodded back, then silently headed out the door and down the hall.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/27/2008 3:28 PM

Dae didn't like being beaten. She knew that the girl had power, but she thought it was minimal. Apparently not. She didn't open her eyes just yet, she wanted to know what had happened to her while she was unconscious. She felt ropes around her feet and hands, and both ropes felt cold. She cursed to herself. Of course that girl would take no chances. She opened her eyes to find a Wombear with her back to her. She still had a chance of escaping if the Wombear didn't know that she was awake. She jiggled her wrists, and held in a squeak as the freezing touch of the icy rope cut against her skin. She wiggled more, and looked down. Her feet were in the same state, maybe a little worse. She growled, which alerted Siiva. The Wombear turned around to be greeted by Dae's menacing stare. "Let me go, now!" she hissed. Siiva shook her head. "Sorry, princess," she mocked, "but I have orders from my leader to keep you here."

Dae's eyes slitted. "Oh, you do, do you?" she whispered, and smiled. "GUARDS, GUARDS! I NEED YOU!" Siiva turned toward the door, Gyte came running in, slamming it behind him. Pounding could be heard on the stairs that led up to them. "What do we do?" Gyte asked. Siiva growled. "I'll look for a way out, you silence her." Siiva roared, and started to run around the room, trying to find a window or trapdoor or something. "This room is inescapable, you'll never get out ali--" Dae's last word was cut short as a wadded up handtowel was shoved into her mouth.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 11/15/2008 7:08 PM

Snowy ran as fast as her sneakers allowed, turning and turning again, trying to find her way back to a door, any door, that would take her to the outside- well, as outside as underground could get you. As she continued on her desparate search for an exit, voices drifted towards her, and she skidded to a halt, quickly shoving herself into a hall closet. It had a small grate so as to let in air to keep everything from getting musty, so she watched as the procession began.

A large line of soldiers- Snowy counted eighteen- began the little parade, each armed to the teeth and shady-looking. Next came two guards supporting a very large and very luxurious pillow, carrying a very fat Lecchi, who looked overjoyed with himself.

Harkelt. Snowy thought to herself.

Behind him a dark orange Leawolf followed behind, his deep blue stripes resembling Nyt's. "It can't be..." Snowy whispered, leaning against the door to get a closer look. But, unlike most of the materials in the closet, the door- and it's hinges- were NOT new. The door fell forward with a thud, releasing Snowy right in front of Nyt's body.

"SEIZE HER!" was all she heard before her world went dark.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 11/15/2008 7:19 PM

Gyte was throwing off his armor, keeping only the dagger that fit into his maw. Siiva, meanwhile, was keeping up her search for a way out. Dae lay on the floor, still tied, but also blindfolded and gagged, so as to keep Siiva and Gyte sane and giving them an easier job of keeping watch of her.

"Gyte, if you would please slip under the bed. I believe there is a trapdoor, from what I can see..." Siiva said calmly, as if the loud banging that would still be ringing in their eardrums for weeks had never actually been heard. The Blaze Fenling slipped himself under the bed, and suddenly a hollow thump was heard. "I found one!" he said loudly, scooting out. "Alright, you go first, then I'll push her through to you. Hopefully I fit under there..." Siiva said, her eyes troubled by this. Gyte stood his ground. "I have to make sure you go first. Go now, I'll be the last one." he said, trying to be valiant. Siiva nodded, touching her nose to his forhead. "Thank you, my honored pupil. I am so glad that I have had you as a student." she said quietly, and quickly shoved herself under the bed. "I just fit..." she muttered, and she finally got to the open trapdoor. Dropping through it, she landed with a thud on a moldy hay mattress. "C'mon, drop her down next!" she shouted. She could hear the whisper of Dae's clothes across the floor, then the sudden plop of her half-conscious body. She trembled a bit, and her face was hot with fury. Siiva ignored it, dragging her off the mattress. Gyte dropped down last, nimbly, but he looked worried. "They were just about to break the door down." he said, smiling nervously. "I hope they weren't told about this place."

"What exactly is this place?"
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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