The longest range in Lambastia, the Tuun Mountains cover up much of the northwest. Unlike the harsh Fe'gan Mountains, the Tuun Mountains have varying temperatures, from very mild to slightly colder depending on where you go and which sections you explore. (+3 Offense)

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Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/25/2015 4:26 AM

The sun hung low over the horizon as the wind whistled through the leaves of the trees and the crags of the valley. The low screech of a bird of prey echoed across the rocks, soaring on the last hot updraft of the day. Sharp eyes scanned the red rock and wild grasses, and broad wings wheeled higher into the sky, until the shape was naught but a dark silhouette to the brilliant color. The seasons here were beautiful, but harsh, much like life itself there. Very few thrived in as wild a land as this - but those that did were all the stronger for it.

Among the mountains and cliffs, settled in between stone and sky, carved walls of white stone rose up. Bridges of worn wood, sturdy in their own right, stretched between chasms, weaving paths across the rugged earth. Paths ran upwards and twisted around, connecting the lush valley to the various buildings spattered among the crags. Atop the highest peak, bridges and stone arches falling away from it, stood a tower of pale, weathered brick. Around it, walls wove down along cliff and plateau alike, shielding the structures within. The faintest sounds of civilization echoed from between stony ridges and onto the wind.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/25/2015 4:27 AM


It was from the east that a pair of ice-sharp eyes stared at the sprawl which made up the outpost known as Dragonwatch Keep. The dropping sunlight glazed over the dark form as she stood at the treeline's edge, observing with poise as the day ran to its end. She could feel the settling heat through the dusky leather of her armor. It was getting late, and ever fiber of her prickled with the awareness of it - she held no fear of the dark, but these cliffs were not the place one should be after nightfall. Not without reason.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/25/2015 4:31 AM

"Commander Blackstone, ser?" The quiet voice behind her was not unexpected. She had heard the gentle fall of paws on the grass, despite his best attempts to conceal them. "Is all clear?" From her spot at the cliff's edge, Corva Blackstone turned, her gaze shifting to her two scouts, crouched perfectly behind her.

"All clear," she echoed, flicking her ear in signal for them to rise. They did so, own eyes never moving from her. "At ease, boys." She slid into a grin herself as their composures fell away, stiff shoulders rolling and sore paws shifting. They'd worked hard today - she'd remember to reward them for it. "Let's go home."

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/25/2015 5:03 AM

Somewhere in the back of her memory, Corva could remember when the carved walkways and etched walls were unfamiliar to her. It was almost strange to think about now. She'd known these paths backwards and forwards for years now, and they brought with them a sense of security. There really was no place like home, was there?

She had already dismissed Finnigan and Reynard for the day, so she moved alone in the narrow streets. It was quiet, but that was usual. Most were already tucked away at home for the night, no doubt exhausted from the day's regiments. That, or drinking themselves stupid at the tavern, which didn't sound like a half bad idea to her. She could hear the faint bustle of the building from her spot on the road, though she didn't bother to venture farther up the rocky hill. Another time, perhaps.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/25/2015 5:12 AM

The hinges screeched their usual protest as she pushed the door to her quarters open. She chucked the heavy metal keys onto the table of her tiny kitchen with little regard for where they landed. She could always find them later, anyway. A heavy sigh escaped her as she ran tired fingers through her mess of tangled hair. What a day - and they'd just been running exercises and patrolling. Corva dreaded the day they'd have active duty again.

She left a string of armor and clothing behind her as she made her way to the bathroom. Steam quickly filled the small space as she stood there, letting the hot water seep into her black fur. She could already feel the day's new bruises and scrapes protesting, but she'd learned to ignore them. You didn't work as hard as she did and come out of it clean. Each scar of hers was a reminder of a day's job well done.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/25/2015 5:21 AM

Light poured out into the tiny dwelling as she emerged from the room, towel draped around her shoulders and tail dripping water on the floor. Her life wasn't complicated, and for that, she was grateful. Not all had the luxury of returning to a safe, warm space like this. She herself had grown up without the quiet hum of electricity which radiated from certain corners of the rooms. That, more than anything she supposed, had been the adjustment. To think, she barely noticed it now. Time seemed to shift faster than she could ever hope to keep up with.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/25/2015 5:39 AM

She wasn't sure what was making her mind buzz so much today. She was more tired than usual, perhaps that had something to do with it. Finn had managed to hit her pretty good in spar practice today as well, and though that explained the dull headache, she still wasn't sure if that was the answer. She shook her head, damp locks already beginning to curl, and sighed again. Just one of those nights, maybe...

It all melted away as she padded into the bedroom. It was a cramped space, though some might use the word 'cozy' in an attempt to cushion it. The bed took up the majority of the space, and the wardrobes and end tables took up the rest - but she'd learned to like it. Part of that reason, she was sure, was curled up beneath the copious amounts of blankets even as she tossed her towel to the ground. So she wasn't the only one with an early night after all, heh.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/25/2015 5:40 AM


Dark-spattered paws stretched across the covers, sprawled limbs leading up to a whiskered face. Velvet ears poked from a nest of disheveled dark hair, twitching softly in sleep, and Corva could hear the faint shift of dreaming breath. The light from across the dwelling glinted off the brass of an artificial tail, hanging limply off the edge of the bed. Another grin twisted onto Corva's face as she moved in to snuggle softly into the space beside the feline girl.

There were some things you weren't sure how you'd ever show your gratefulness for. For her, Kimberlynn Clearwater was one of them.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/27/2015 6:43 PM

The night passed swiftly by, and before long, the first rays of morning light were seeping across the mountains. Kimber shifted in the comfort of her bed, mechanical tail twitching back into life. She gave a stretch, yawn squeaking, and blinked her eyes slowly open. She’d known she wasn’t alone even before that - the familiar heavy musk of a wolf wasn’t exactly easy to miss. A little smile lit her face, and she moved forward, nuzzling into the fur of her partner’s cheek.

“Mornin’,” she greeted, voice still a bit heavy from sleep. Corva’s response was to grunt something incomprehensibly, roll over, and shove her head deeper into the pillows. Basically, the usual. Kimber couldn’t help a soft laugh, and she kissed Corva’s ear before heaving herself out of the bed.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/27/2015 6:50 PM

There was no question who the morning person between them was. Oh sure, Corva sometimes got up before the crack of dawn to patrol with her squad, but that didn’t mean that she liked it. She always complained the entire time, and quite loudly, to be sure. Kimber, on the other hand, preferred to get up when everything was still quiet. The morning light was low over the horizon and the hustle and bustle of the outpost had yet to fully pick up. It was.. nice. She padded through the house, dim light shining through the curtained windows, and just let herself take it all in.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/27/2015 6:52 PM

One quick shower later, she found herself in the kitchen, fussing with the gaslight on the stove as she started breakfast. Stupid things were such a pain, sometimes she preferred electric… but Corva had sent the last two haywire. There would be no more repeats of that. Eventually she got the thing working, and the scent of her cooking wafted through the house. Shouldn’t be long until-

“Hey, sugar.” Yep, right on cue. Kimber smiled to herself again at that. If there was any sure way in this world to rouse her loaf of a girlfriend, it was by the smell of food.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/28/2015 3:37 AM

"What's cookin'?" Corva asked, stepping up behind Kimber and wrapping her muscled arms around the smaller girl. She always sounded so rough this early in the morning, between her heavy northerner accent and the morning grog. "Anything good?" She leaned her muzzle forward, sniffing deeply before letting her tongue loll out from between fangs.

"Ah-ah, you know the rules," Kimber said, leaning back and pushing against the wolf to move her back. "No dog breath around my cooking. It'll be ready in a minute, so be patient."

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/28/2015 3:37 AM

"A'right, if you say so." Corva gave a low sigh as she plopped heavily into one of the kitchen chairs. She ran her fingers through her thick, wavy hair, pausing with a lock curled around one claw. "Got ah, any big projects today..?" She had that hopeful tone about her - shit, that was right. Her team had the morning off today, didn't they?

"Uhm..." Kimber turned her head to look, ears a bit back and whiskers drooping slightly. "Not huge, but, I'll be busy most of the day."

"Most of the day, huh?" Corva's fingers moved again, fidgeting with the gemstone that hung around her neck. "So not all of it, then." Kimber sighed, ears going back all the way as she leaned on the counter.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/28/2015 3:39 AM

"I'm the head technician, Cor. I've got to be there when the day gets started to make sure everything goes smoothly." It seemed like this was happening more and more. Things were more hectic around Dragonwatch than they used to be. Before, everything was routine, everything was laid-back. Deadlines were more like guidelines, patrols were lenient, training was even-paced... but it wasn't like that anymore. No one knew when they'd need to be ready again. It was setting everyone on edge, putting strain that hadn't been there before. It wasn't easy. Not by a long shot.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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Re: Here There Be Dragons [AtJ - Anthro]

Postby Skeetzybug » 02/28/2015 3:52 AM

"Yeah, of course. I get it." She said it so nonchalantly, Kimber almost believed her. The wolf stretched in her seat, pushing shoulders back and twisting her neck so it cracked. "I've got a regimen to keep up on, anyway. 'Bout time I got around to it, ey?"

"Cor..." Before Kimber could find anything else to say, Corva was on her paws again. She stepped forward and reached out, placing a hand on Kimber's shoulder.

"Food smells great, babe. I'll be back in a flash." She gave a little squeeze before letting go and turning, padding away towards the bedroom. Kimber couldn't help the little sigh of frustration that escaped. For a pair of girls who lived together and worked so close, it sure was remarkably hard to find time together - and it was getting to both of them faster than they'd like.

He sleeps alone,
He needs no army where he's headed cause he knows
That they're just ghosts
And they can't hurt him if he can't see them
And I don't know
If in the morning I will be here and if so,
Let it be known
That I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was worthy,
I was..
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