The Fe'gan Mountains are the highest, coldest mountains Lambastia has to offer, with the highest peak recorded at 8589 m (28,179 ft). Only the toughest creatures survive here, and the trek to get to the Basantha Shrine lays through these harsh conditions. (+3 Endurance)

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 7:41 AM

Artemis wrapped her arms around the creature's neck in a hug. "Bye, big guy," she said. "You be good out here. Whatever you do to take care of yourself...uh, make sure you do it."

"Come on, Art," Sawyer called, already several feet ahead of her. "It would be nice if we could finish this before it gets too dark out, so we don't have to stay the night here." The thought of staying the night in an unfamiliar cave - especially one that they hadn't yet fully explored - was not a pleasant one.

The two began walking path, but a third set of footsteps echoed behind them. Looking over her shoulder, Artemis smiled widely. "Hey, looks like our new friend wants to come with us!" She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Ya know, I've been wanting a pet. What should I name him?"

Sawyer simply shook his head and kept walking as Artemis began listing all of the name ideas she could think of.

[Processed up to here]

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 9:28 PM

On their way back past the quartz, Artemis paused and pulled out a pen-like object. "I want to keep one of these," she said. "As a memento of our journey."

"Oh, because the Grondalith following us around isn't memento enough?" Sawyer quipped. "I don't know if we're really supposed to take anything out of the caves. We should probably make sure that it's legal, first. What if the stone ends up being important somehow?"

Artemis rolled her eyes. "Come on, it's just stone. Besides, no one will know. If there ends up being a news story about radioactive quartz being found in these caves, I'll return it, okay?"

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 9:31 PM

Sawyer still didn't approve of taking anything out of the cave with them, but at least Artemis didn't make any more unexpected stops. Soon, they had once again reached the entrance of the cave. Together, the two looked towards the last direction they had left unexplored.

"Well, let's get this show on the road," Artemis said. "C'mon, Grondy, let's go explore!"

"You're naming him Grondy?" Sawyer asked. "That's the best name you could come up with?"

"Shut up," Artemis argued. "I'll give him a better name later on, when I can do some research to find the perfect name."

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 9:43 PM

As the two plodded onward, Artemis suddenly made a face. Letting out a disgusted noise, she turned an accusatory finger towards Sawyer. "Ew, gods, is that you? Couldn't you at least warn me first?"

Sawyer looked completely confused. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "Is what me?"

"That smell!" The woman shrieked, holding her nose with her other hand as she continued pointing to him. "What did you do, eat rotten eggs this morning or something? Oh god, it's getting worse. Are you still doing it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about! What smell are you-" The stench suddenly reached the man, causing him to choke slightly. "Oh, gosh, I smell it now."

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 9:46 PM

"See?" Artemis said, her voice coming out slightly distorted due to her fingers tightly pressing her nostrils together in an attempt to keep out the offending smell. "That really isn't you?"

Sawyer shook his head, quickly. "Gods, no," he said. "I can assure you, that stench is not coming from me." Gesturing towards the stone creature trailing behind, he asked, "Do you think it could be him? Animals are known to have rather smelly gas depending on their diet."

"No way," Artemis said. "He's a Grondalith, remember? I don't think they even eat anything." As they continued moving, she suddenly realized something. "Hey, I think the smell is getting stronger. It must be coming from up ahead."

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 9:48 PM

"Do we really have to keep going?" Artemis whined, now holding her shirt over her mouth and nose. "Why don't we just tell them that there's nothing but a big, stone wall in this direction? We can hand them the map and say it's completed. No one needs to know about the big smelly area."

Sawyer sighed. "No, Artemis. These maps may eventually be used by others who venture into the caves. Do you want to risk their safety by handing in a false version? What if someone ends up getting lost, because they're expecting to find a wall and instead they keep going deeper and deeper and find themselves in some sort of labyrinth down here?"

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 9:51 PM

Artemis crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine. But let's move faster. That smell is getting unbearable." As she went to take another step, she suddenly realized that the texture of the floor had changed. "What the heck?" Lifting up her foot, she shone her light on the ground beneath them. "What is this stuff?"

Her partner leaned over her shoulder to look. Instantly, his expression changed to one of amusement. "Well, I think we've found the source of the smell," he said.

"What is it?" Artemis asked. But then she seemed to change her mind. " I even want to know? Never mind, just tell me."

Sawyer chuckled. "That right there is batti guano. Otherwise known as poop."

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 9:54 PM

"I'm standing in bat shit?!" Artemis screamed. She immediately made a beeline for the other side, trying to raise her feet as high as possible, as if she could somehow avoid the guano that literally covered the entire floor.

Sawyer simply watched her, amused. "I would slow down if I were you," he commented. "One wrong step, and you're going down. You don't want to end up with a face full of that stuff, do you? Actually, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I've heard tales that this stuff is actually pretty good for the skin.

"Eww, please tell me you're lying," Artemis cried, although she did follow his advice and slowed down. "If I find out that this stuff is a hidden ingredient in any of my makeup products, I swear-"

"Relax," Sawyer interrupted. "I was lying about that part. Just keep moving nice and steady, and we'll be through this before you know it."

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 9:57 PM

"Do you think that Grondy is big enough to ride?" Artemis eyed the creature hopefully. "He doesn't seem to mind walking through this stuff."

Sawyer shook his head and chuckled. "Art, I doubt that Grondalith is big enough for a child to ride. Just keep moving - we're almost out of the guano anyways."

At least one thing Artemis had said was right. The creature trailing along behind them didn't seem to mind the smell of the excrement in the slightest. Either he wasn't equipped with a sense of smell, or the smell just didn't affect him the same way it did the humans.

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 10:01 PM

It seemed that Sawyer had finally found a way to silence Artemis. Although at first, she continued to complain about the smell, eventually she fell silent. The last thing she had said was that she was sure she could taste the guano, and that she refused to speak until they were past it. It almost made Sawyer wish that they could stay in the guano for longer.


Although he was keeping his cool, the smell was just as uncomfortable for the man as it was for his partner. If he were to be honest, he would have to say that he was quite relieved when they finally stood on solid stone once more.

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 10:04 PM

"Finally," Artemis gasped. The smell was still in the air, but it wasn't nearly as strong. She leaned her hands on her knees, gasping and trying to fill her lungs with the (mostly) clean air. "That was horrible," she groaned. "Please tell me we aren't going to have to walk back through that."

Sawyer shrugged. "That depends on whether or not we happen to find an alternate exit to this cave." He desperately hoped that this would be the case. "Either way, it's best to keep moving and put as much space between us and that smell as possible." He took the lead, taking much faster steps now that there was no guano to slow him down.

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 10:20 PM

As the area around them began to get brighter, both of the explorers' moods picked up. "Hey, it looks like there may be another way out after all!" Artemis called, excited. By this point, there was no need for her own light, so she turned it off. Then, she began sprinting forward.

"Art, wait up!" Sawyer pleaded. "You don't know what's up there! For all you know, there's a huge pack of human-eating beasts up ahead!"

But the woman didn't slow down. "Who cares?" she called. "We're almost out of here!"

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Re: This is what we do [Caving: Possible M?] [H by C]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/18/2017 10:26 PM

However, it soon became clear that they were not almost out. Or at least, the light had not come from an exit, as they had assumed.

Artemis stared up at the hole, so far above them, in disappointment. "Damn," she mumbled. "And here I thought we were almost done with this cave."

Coming up behind her, Sawyer put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Hey, don't worry," he said, hoping his words would be enough to reassure her. "I have a feeling that we're almost done. And when we get out of here, I'll treat you to a nice, greasy burger and a mountain of fries. How does that sound?"

The woman cracked a small grin. "I'm holding you to that," she said. The promise of food was enough to give her the energy to press on. "C'mon, let's keep going."

[Processed up to here]

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