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The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Krystalolive » 12/27/2009 11:58 PM

A dash of red and orange fur shined in the candle light for a second as a Fenling zoomed from corner to corner. Kyubii looked around. They said some creatures that were hard to find could be found here. Said creatures could also be taken home if a person played their cards right.

He heard it was a challenge to find one for these things, and Kyubii never backed down from a challenge. And this was a hunting challenge at that. He either had to bring one of these things home or not go home at all. He was the best hunter at home, and if he couldn't hunt these creatures down, no one at home could. It was all up to him.

"Now if only I could find one of the DUMB THINGS!" Kyubii growled as he looked side to side. He had been wandering around the shrine for two days, not seeing hide or head of the object of his hunt. He hadn't even seen any other people since he left the main area. What he'd give to have a chat with someone. Anyone.
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Re: The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Chacal » 01/01/2010 3:57 PM

Trotting along all to erratically for a machine and emitting a large amount of squeaks and screeches as he did, the clockwork yonyuu bounced cheerily through the halls, having absolutely no clue where he was going. Occasionally, a screw would pop out of it's socket and bounce to the ground with a small clink. In the candlight, there was just enough light to see the expression on his face, which was constantly shifting; from happy to shocked to scared and to dozens of other expressions. His eyes glowed with a certain kind of glow that is often found in the eyes of mad people.
He seemed to be singing a song in a tone that was completely unrelated to his changing expressions. He wasn't very good at singing- his voice often cracked and he sang out of tune. There was no apparent rhythm or melody, and it seemed to having something to looking for mekkyenas, or as he called them "dear little hyena-thingies"!
At one point in the song, he paused his odd bouncing walk and sang-yelled out:
"He-ere, you hyena-things, la- la- la! Tra- la- la! Fiddle- dee- dle! Aa..." His voice trailed off as he noticed a blaze fenling. Delighted at having someone to talk to, Echo trotted over to him calling loudly;
"He-e-lo! Hello! Hi! I am in need of a good conversation!"
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Postby Krystalolive » 01/03/2010 2:03 AM

Kyubii looked around, thinking he saw something in the shadows before a the sound of a robot falling apart, very LOUDLY, came closer. When he heard someone, or something call to him, he turned around looking not to happy. He stared at the robot, then at the pieces of itself falling out behind it. He stared long and hard at the Yonyuu, wondering how a clockwork pet, who were normally emotionless and quiet, could be so..... LOUD.

"Hello. Just so you know, you're dropping a few things." He nodded to the loose-screws behind him. "My name's Kyubii, who are you?" He paused for a moment, then looked back at Echo. "Was that you singing earlier?"
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Re: The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Rabid » 01/03/2010 2:39 AM

Herman hated this place. It was cold, he would barely be able to see if it weren't for his fancy mechanics, and it smelled bad. A native creature complaining about the environment? Yes, that is a preposterous thing, but Herman most certainly was not a native; he was from Aldrect, not this frigid place. Why send him here, then? Herman knew exactly why; the mistress had told him. She'd told him that the creatures would feel more comfortable around him, what with him being of the same species of the common dwellers of this place. Stupid logic. Someone might be hunting as well, and they'd mistake him for one of the native mekkas, and it just wouldn't end well. Sure enough, there was a horrible song echoing around, calling for his kind.

I never should've followed that overgrown meal. He growled. He'd better find something soon, or he wouldn't be happy. Well, he never was happy, so it didn't really matter too terribly much. Well, it did to him; he would be especially unhappy, and bad things would happen. Namely to him; he'd gotten soft after sitting around in that cursed place, and hadn't gotten the chance to re-improve himself before being sent out here. Great. Splendid. He was going to get caught by some idiots, and he'd have to fend them off long enough to run to a separate part of the shrine, probably being followed most of the way. Just great. The voices were getting louder. Hopefully, they wouldn't notice he was there. Now, if his shoulder would stop squeaking for just a few moments, he could sneak past them. Stupid cold.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Chacal » 01/03/2010 9:24 AM

Echo twirled in place, his joints emitting a horrible screeching noise in protest.
"Mistress calls me Echo, so apparently that's what I am. Not that I echo... but I seem to use rather tricksy words, I must warn you, and it might seems like galimatias . And the singing... yes, that was me. Wonderful, wasn't it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they came flocking to us right now."
He seemed genuinely serious, and he sat there with a foolishly proud look on his face untl he realised that Kyuubi had asked him a question before.
"Oh, and yes- you asked about my state? It probably started when I was made. I was defective... unbelievable from the way I act, isn't it?" He paused a moment to hear some affirmation that it truly was unbelievable, but when none came he shrugged and carried on. "Oh yes, when I feel a bit bogglish about it, I patch myself up... masking tape is a wonderful thing, when you're falling apart. And glue. And sometimes cotton wool. In fact," he said dreamily, "I'm made of a chilliad of different things!"
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Re: The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Krystalolive » 01/03/2010 6:57 PM

Kyubii forced a smile as Echo went on and on. He thought he heard something, or someone far behind Echo. It was a very, very quiet sound, like a squeak or something. He wasn't paying much attention to Echo since he was focusing on the sound. When Echo finally stopped talking, Kyubii looked up at him.

"I'm not sure they would just come all happily to a guy singing about them. They might try to eat you. Though, I'm not sure if they can eat you." He paused, staring at the robot parts. He looked around, then turned quickly to Echo. "Did you just say you fixed yourself up with DUCT TAPE?" He stood there in shock, forgetting about the creature following Echo.
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Re: The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Rabid » 01/03/2010 8:18 PM

Well, they hadn't spotted him, as far as Herman knew. But he could see them just fine; a little blaze fenling and a mechanical yonyuu that seemed to be absolutely falling apart. He let out a nearly silent chuckle at the sight. Well, that's what he tried to do. It came out as a quiet hyena laugh, which was definitely noticeable. He cursed his poor luck and dashed to the nearest hiding spot; an indentation in a nearby wall. Just in case they decided to come and investigate, he held his breath and stood as still as he could. Hopefully they'd think he was just some sort of fancy statue if they saw him. Very unlikely, but hope was all he had at this point. Why he didn't just run and continue searching would be beyond him upon thinking back to this horrid adventure.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Chacal » 01/04/2010 4:56 PM

Echo shrugged.
"Yes. Sometimes my ingenuity surprises even me. But don't worry... not everyone can come up with such a genius idea of fixing themselves with tape. And-"
His ear twitched at the sound of what seemed like an odd laugh. The mechanical yonyuu twisted his head around towards the source of the sound, metal plates grinding against each other. His eyes lit up joyfully.
"Look! What a wonderful statue!"
Quickly, he sprang up and raced towards it, eager to investigate.
Just realized he gained a level here.

Level: 3
Explored: Lambastia World Bridge
Loyalty: 7 +1
Toughness: 6 +1
Exploration: 6 +2
Endurance: 8 +1
Intelligence: 10 +1
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Postby Krystalolive » 01/04/2010 8:30 PM

Kyubii looked around, catching a glance of a Mekkayena, then looked back at Echo when he talked to him. "Yeah, tape is pretty cool...." He paused at the laugh, looking back at where he saw the Mekkayena. When Echo ran out over to it, calling it a statue, Kyubii stared at him. "Echo you fool! That's not...." He paused, then shrugged. 'He can't get himself eaten, and I'm sure he'll be okay. And why do I care anyway?' Kyubii smirked, then started walking over to the two. This might get interesting.
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Re: The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Rabid » 01/04/2010 8:41 PM

Drat! They were heading towards him! What was he supposed to do now? They didn't appear to have noticed that he was, in fact, alive, but it was only a matter of time. Maybe he could frighten them, scare them off. He'd seen the others running away from a dalma springing to life, so surely Herman could at least make these guys flinch long enough for him to make an escape of some sort. Maybe he'd have some good luck for a tad. He doubted it, but, again, hope was all he had.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Chacal » 01/09/2010 8:40 AM

Happily oblivious to the fact that the "statue" was indeed alive, Echo trotted quite close to it before pausing.
"Wonderfully realistic, isn't it?"
He tilted his head, as if trying to analyze it completely, then sighed.
"Well... the artist did try, but really, I don't think they accurately depicted a hyena-thingy. It looks completely different from a real one. In fact, I think I could do a bit better."
The clockwork yonyuu closed his eyes, trying to imagine what his version of a Mekkyena statue would look like. Of course, he had to add sparkles to it, as no statue was complete without them.
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Postby Krystalolive » 01/10/2010 10:07 PM

Kyubii sighed and walked over, looking at the 'statue'. He stared at it for a moment, then smiled, and 'accidentally' stepped on the 'statue's' foot. "What ya mean Echo? It looks just like one. Heck! It even smells like I thought it would. It smells like rotting meat and dirty fur." He looked from Echo to Herman, then back to Echo, smiling. "Don't ya agree?"
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Re: The Hunter becomes the hunted... Or is hunted the Hunter?(O)

Postby Rabid » 01/11/2010 6:37 PM

Herman wanted to scoff at the poorly-assembled creature. Really, what would he know? He was addressing the 'statue' as a "hyena thingy". Really, even the most idiotic back home knew better! He resisted the urge to look over at whatever had just stomped on his paw. It wasn't too large, but it hit his bones just right to cause a decent amount of pain to spark. He did, however, allow a deep rumble to build in his chest. It was obvious that whatever was mocking him knew he was no statue, so he would understand the threat. The mechanical fool would probably think it was a cave-in or a stone moving somewhere, like in the movies. That would be pretty cool, if one other than Herman thought of it; step on the completely disconnected creature's paw and open a door. Indeed, an interesting thought; too bad Herman was too big of a grouch to think of it.


There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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