A very strange place indeed, this Shrine to the Holy Triumvirate is nestled within the icy peaks of the Fe'gan Mountains. You will find the warmth of spirituality here, together with works of great sculptural design based on the Holy Triumvirate religion. (+2 Fame)

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Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/17/2009 9:50 PM

(Human Form)

Annix crawled out of the cockpit of her fighter, pulling herself up and out of the warm interior. She shivered violently as the cold wind hit her, nearly knocking her off the wing of the plane. She surveyed the landscape with mild disdain, her eyes narrowed slightly as she lifted the helmet off her head. She'd been forced to make an emergency landing due to rough weather, and now, it seemed she was stuck here. She hooked her helmet onto her belt and wrapped her arms around her middle as the wind and the snow began to pick up. She hopped off the side of the plane, and was nearly buried in a snow drift as she landed awkwardly under the bows of a large, snow covered tree.

Growling, Annix shoved her way through the snow, wincing as the frosty cold bit through her skin and into her cheeks. She wasn't equipped for this kind of cold, and she'd never been stuck in anything like this before. Glancing up, she squinted her way through the snowstorm, and began making her way to a giant, dark blob in the distance that she assumed to be shelter. At least, Annix certainly hoped that was what it was. If not...Well, it might be tough to find the plane again. She glanced over her shoulder and was dismayed to see that it was already half covered in snow. She'd have to dig it up in the morning and hope that it still functioned properly. Huffing to herself, she curled her arms around her body and hurried to the dark shape looming off in the distance.


Sa'Rabi hadn't slept that well in a while. Come to think of it, she hadn't slept in a while, period. She blinked open her bright purple eyes, the light from the glowing symbols on her fur and the panel on her back illuminating the dark corner she'd claimed as her own. She yawned widely, revealing two rows of razor sharp teeth, and stretched her body like a cat. The last thing she remembered she'd been in a room with a Fenling named Cocoa. But beyond that, everything seemed fuzzy. Sa'Rabi wondered if she'd malfunctioned again, and thus, had her memory files corrupted. It would make sense; she'd malfunctioned multiple times before, and each time something new had been corrupted, re-formatted, or deleted in her files and memory banks.

A soft, mechanical voice seemed to issue through the corridor. “Operating at maximum efficiency. Energy levels: 100%. Last Known Contact: Fenling. Commence scanning for life-forms?” Mentally, Sa’Rabi agreed and a beam seemed to shoot out of the panel on her back, scanning the halls and the dark corridors that made up her home. “Life-forms: Negative. There are currently no biological life-forms within the vicinity.” Sa’Rabi wondered where Cocoa went, and what had happened to her. She’d become fond of the tiny creature. With another yawn and a large sigh, she stood and began her nightly prowl of the corridors, which always seemed to lead her to the entrance of the Shrine. She wondered if it was subconscious; maybe she was waiting to see Cocoa again, hoping she’d come through the doors.

Or maybe she was simply lonely, and just wanted someone to talk to. “Warning: Life-form detected. Estimated Time of Arrival: one minute. Divert course?” Sa’Rabi felt a thrill of excitement run through her, and disagreed with the last question. “Course maintained. Contact: Imminent. Estimated Time of Arrival: 25 seconds.” Sa’Rabi’s course brought her to a skidding halt in front of the large double doors that marked one of the many entrances to the shrine. She watched in silent anticipation as the doors creaked open. but the creature that stumbled through was not what she was expecting. A woman nearly collapsed onto the floor, her skin a pale, almost icy hue.

But, as Sa’Rabi soon realized upon closer inspection, that seemed to be the normal hue of her skin. The Mekkayena stepped back and slid into the shadows, intent on watching this new creature and what she intended to do. She dimmed her panel and disappeared into the darkness.


Annix coughed softly, and looked around the shrine. She could’ve swore she saw something move in the darkness. but maybe it was just her imagination. She stepped forward, her boots echoing loudly in the large, dusty halls. “Hello?” she called. “Anyone home?” Perhaps no one lived here. All the better for her. She didn’t want to have to explain why she was here. Wrapping her arms around her torso, she found a large statue that looked remarkably like a large lion, and sat at the base. It was cold in here, but at least it wasn’t as cold as it was outside. She stared up at the ceiling, and suddenly wished she was back at base, in her own quarters, surrounded by her fellow pilots. She sighed heavily and leaned against the leg of the statue. This would just have to do for now.

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby Draconial » 07/18/2009 7:24 AM


There was a faint clicking echoing from all directions when the Twi'Lek came in. Somehow, it didn't seem like the noise was supposed to be here. There was a noise like a snake's hiss, but much lower pitch, off to the left of where Annix was. Apparently, sa'Rabi hhad missed something in her scan. The creature seemed like it was about to pounce.... and if it did, Annix could be in big trouble.
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Re: Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/18/2009 9:24 PM

Annix could've swore she felt someone watching her. She curled her arms around her chest. "H-hello?" she called uncertainly into the dark. She stood up, and reached down to the holster at her hip, drawing her blaster. Annix narrowed her eyes, and flicked off the safety.  A hissing sound filled the corridor, and she nearly jumped out of her skin as she turned around. Two twin beams of dark purple peered at her from the dark. "C-come out, you!" she called, aiming her blaster in the Turkezilla's direction. It was...Giant! She'd never seen anything like it. If it pounced, she was definitely done for. "A...A..." She didn't know what to say as she stared down the barrel of her blaster at the large, carnivorous creature. "AAAAHHH!" Throwing dignity to the wind, Annix turned tail and shot off towards the doors.

Sa'Rabi watched in silent amusement as the strange woman took off running towards the door. Her amusement faded slightly, however, when she woman failed to open the doors. Sa'Rabi sighed. They were most likely snowed in by now. It would be impossible to open that door until some of the snow melted.  But Sa'rabi felt no inclination to help...Just yet. Perhaps she never would. She laid down on her belly, crossing her paws over one another to watch the show. Annix was pressed up against the door, trying in vain to open it. Sa'Rabi very much hoped the woman was a quick runner. Or perhaps she was poisonous, and would give the Turkezilla indigestion. Either way, it was shaping up to be an interesting night.

[2, 2/17]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby Draconial » 07/19/2009 1:39 PM

The Turkezilla ,(which I don't have a name for yet, so don't expect one), advanced on its prey. Just when it was about to leap at Annix, it sniffed the air.There was another predator, in close range. Mammalian, perhaps a canine, or even feline. It whipped its head around to Sa'Rabi's direction, and roared. It was an otherworldly screech, almost like a hissing goose and roaring lion combined, but infinately more terrifying. It took another look at Annix, and walked over to about ten feet away from the Mekkayena, then stopped. It stared at Sa'Rabi, and it seemed as if there was a dark fire in the birds eyes. the bird opened its tail crest, and outstretched it wing feathers, then roared again, the noise echoing through the shrine's halls.
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Re: Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/19/2009 7:53 PM

Annix pushed herself up against the door, whirling around to face her attacker. She still held her blaster aloft, as if the tiny thing would do any damage on a creature as large as the Turkezilla. When the creature stopped, Annix was sure it’d be one of those ‘cat and mouse’ games. it was toying with her before it ate her! When it roared, she clamped her hands down over the sides of her head, wincing as the otherworldly screeching cut through the shrine. Then it began advancing in a different direction. Annix wasn’t sure what was going on, but she didn’t care to ask. She stared across the open hallway, and was suddenly terrified to see a second set of glowing purple eyes. Great! It had babies! This was the end! But the mechanical laughter that issued from the shadows near the giant bird was anything but ‘baby.’

Sa’Rabi stepped from the darkness, the symbols on her fur glowing in the dimly lit halls. Her panel flashed a warning. “Biological life-form detected. Species: Turkezilla. Threat Level: High. Contact: Imminent. Advisory: Run or fight.” Sa’Rabi knew there was no running. Her only escape route was blocked by the giant bird. She narrowed her eyes, a gut-wrenching snarl easing it’s way out of her sharp jaws. Enough, you overgrown, Thanksgiving dinner,” she growled.  She didn’t seem afraid, a fact which seemed to startle the woman standing at the door. “You’ve caused enough trouble here as it is. You are a guest in my home, and as such you should either show some respect by shutting up and being more civil, or getting the heck out of here. I don’t have time to deal with trouble-makers like you.” She narrowed her gaze further, her claws scraping against the stone. “Besides, birds are not scary. All you are to me is one giant, Turkey meal. Although I can’t imagine you’ll be very tender.” She scrutinized the Turkezilla. “You look rather tough to me.”

[3, 3/18]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby Draconial » 07/19/2009 8:50 PM

Apparently, Sa'Rabi didn't know about Velociraptors. Birds could be quite scary indeed, in the reight circumstances.  These were those circumstances.

The Turkezilla snarled. If it could speak, what you probably would have heard was "challenge accepted". It leaped to the Mekkayena, and sunk its two rows of razor-sharp fangs into her shoulder, tearing into the flesh of her organic half. The bird's hind foot pressed into her side, trying to push her down. The creature's eyes blazed with fury, and it was determined to get rid of the other predator, if only by driving it away for the time being.
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Re: Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/23/2009 9:23 PM

((-Poke- Remember, no power-playing. ^^))

Sa'Rabi hardly felt pain at all. Due to her mechanical body, she hardly seemed to feel the Turkezilla as it leaped at her. She managed to tear away from it's claws and beaks, ducking a little to avoid the swipe of it's rather large body as it moved clumsily about. She snarled, and suddenly, went completely rigid. A mechanical voice seemed to issue from somewhere deep inside her. "Threat identified. Target: Turkezilla. Course of action? Destroy. Proceed?" Something seemed to click inside Sa'Rabi's mind, and her sane half flew out the window. "Confirmed. Course of Action: Destroy all organic life-forms in the immediate vicinity." Sa'Rabi's eyes glowed a deep, hazy purple as red began to bleed across her ision. She snarled again, but this was no more animal than it was human. It was completely mechanized. Sparks flew from her shoulder where the creature had bitten into her. Sa'Rabi howled, throwing her head back, before charging at the Turkezilla. She ran with inhuman speed, her paws flying across the floor. It was no difficult feat to get behind the huge lumbering giant. Sa'Rabi leaped for it's back, jaws outstretched as she tried to bite down into it's tender flesh. Feathers didn't matter; they were only an afterthought.  

Annix tried to make herself as small as possible. She scooted behind an old statue, clutching her blaster to her chest and shaking like a leaf. She'd been in dogfights, flew through outer space with one engine, nearly been blown to bits by enemy fighters, and captured by the opposing forces more than once. This, by far, was the most terrifying experience of her life. Not because it was so different, but because this time, she had the very real fear of not being able to protect herself. What could she do against two monsters who were, for all intents and purposes, bent on eating her? Nothing. She'd have to sit back, and accept her fate. She squeezed father back behind the statue, and whimpered.

[4, 4/19]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby Draconial » 07/27/2009 8:15 AM

The turkezilla tried to leap away as Sa'Rabi ponced, but the dog's jaws clamped down on its forearm. There was a sound like a cracking tree branch as the huge bird's bones broke, followed by a piercing screech. Similarly to Sa'Rabi, the pain sent it into a feeding frenzy, desparate to destroy its opponent. The Turkezilla took advantage of the clamped down arm, and tried to sink its teeth into a spot right behing Sa'Rabi's skull, if there as any organic things in her.
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Re: Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/27/2009 9:53 PM

Sa'Rabi saw Annix out of the corner of her eye. And from the way the woman knelt in fear, she could safely assume that she was...Scared. It wasn't hard to figure out. But in her berserker mode, Sa'Rabi couldn't process many coherent thoughts, so it was difficult for her to keep track of anything. She felt her teeth clamped down on the Turkezilla, heard the bones snap and felt the warmth of the body flow through her fangs. Sa'Rabi took the opportunity to tug as hard as she could. But she managed to shit her grip enough to see the Turkezilla's head coming down towards her.

She immediately let go, but didn't get away unscathed. the beak sheared past her neck, exposing wires and metal beneath the thick skin. Sa'Rabi's eyes glowed a dark purple, and she lowered herself to the ground, a maniacal and 'not all there' snarl escaping her jaws. She charged forward in the blink of an eye, sparks flying from the wounds to her neck and back. She lunged swiftly at the Turkezilla's neck, hoping to clamp down on the soft, vulnerable skin. Annix, meanwhile, shrunk further behind the statue. This wasn't good at all...

[5, 5/20]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Pilot's License (Hunter Hunt, Open)

Postby Draconial » 07/28/2009 7:31 AM

The Turkezilla took the chance to get away when Sa'Rabi let go, and leaped away. The Mekkayena missed when it lunged, but the bird came up behind her and clawed at the exposed wires on Sa'Rabi's neck, then jumped away again. Hopefully, she would short-circuit or something, and as a result, leave the Turkezilla to its prize. But, for the few moments it was being left alone, the huge bird simply stood in the center of the room, its arm trickling bright red life onto the floor.
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