Variety seems to be the style of the western region of Desuna. Much of the south is exceptionally flat and has aptly been named the Vast Plains, as the land seems to roll out endlessly. If you reach the northern ends of the plains though, trees begin to appear, growing larger and thicker until you're surrounded by the Roraldi forest. Trees get more sparse toward the north, unable to grow in the surrounding permafrost.

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Gently into the night [open]

Postby snorkel » 11/20/2008 3:01 AM

Faint odors of faraway places pervaded a cool night breeze; the near inaudible scrape of toenails echoing across the expanse of stone. Only the keenest ears could have made out swift, methodical steps that announced Sweeney's arrival; his dark form often obscured by shadows and only occasionally revealed in the pale moonlight. The Yonyuu suddenly realized he was sneaking, though not intentionally. Being quite and being quick had become habitual, and to make a point of being seen Sweeney purposefully steered his path toward the center of the platform. It wouldn't do to have other's thinking there was a suspicious pet wandering around, trying to avoid being noticed, which was exactly what he was doing.

Lengthening his stride, slowing and presenting his face with confidence, now it was a casual stroll he was on. Better not to catch someone's attention by being shady, let everyone think him on an errand or some such. Pretending to consider which bridge he needed to take, Sweeney scanned the passersby for a familiar face, thankfully there were none he knew. He wasn't exactly sure what policy the owners of his new home had about running off without telling a soul; he never intended to know and he certainly didn't want tales of his little exploit getting around. If all went well he would slip right back inside Grey Haven before anyone was the wiser, but first a bit of fun...

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Innocent Passerby

Postby echolisp » 11/23/2008 12:18 AM

A shy bleached Leebra fought her way through the throngs of pushy passerby.  She was tired and exasperated after a long day in the life of a street urchin, and when the more impolite commuters cursed at her, she followed it up with a choice retort or two of her own. After knocking into a couple rowdy Ferrikoons with harsh tempers and even harsher breaths, Chikura was ready to explode. Grabbing a snooty little plush one by the neck, the once innocent looking Leebra flung it at all the others. They retaliated, snarling viciously with their wings drawn up. A crowd of entertainment seeking citizens gathered around, waiting to see what would happen next. Chiku looked around. This wasn't good at all. She cast a longing gaze out to the bridge, where her adventurous brother Oliver was supposed to be waiting for her. No Oliver in sight. It was her versus five angry Ferrikoons. She noted with grim humor that they looked like a misbegotten group bullying a good little Leebra, when it was she that started it all. She sighed, then growled menacingly at the koons. She wasn't going to go down without a fight.
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Postby snorkel » 11/23/2008 5:59 AM

The noise alerted him first, drawing his gaze like a moth to a candle. Raucous words and stomping feet. Trouble brewing. Sweeney's head snapped around just in time to spot a pink Ferrikon far down the platform sent reeling into yet more Ferrikoons by some fair-haired little Leebra. The hushed stream of late night travelers on the Bridge suddenly came alive, an air of excitement rushing through the crowd. Whispers of "fight" buzzed from every direction. My my, what a fantastic distraction. Nobody even glanced his way as he sidled up to this growing gathering, all passing him off as another curious onlooker.

Taking his time, he began weaving among stranger's legs to pass through and slip away unnoticed. Inevitably driven toward the center of the crowd by the press numerous gawkers, with a deep frown he popped onto the front line, within a few paces of one Ferrikoon. So close, he clearly saw a bit of reluctance in the Leebra's actions. Few would be eager with those odds. No friend stepped forward to keep her from being pummeled. Not a word was spoken beyond nervous mummers; no shouts in her defense. Why would there be? Yet...he felt such an unfair match distasteful. Bah, this really was none of his concern and would definitely bring attention to himself besides.

Weighing his options, the Yonyuu had taken his mind off his surroundings. So much so that an accidental shove from behind jostled him toward the nearby Ferrikoon. Agile as always, he managed to merely brush the creature instead of stepping on it, but the already agitated pet seemed to take his touch as a challenge none the less. Raising both forepaws to swipe at him, the Ferrikoon nearly toppled flat on its face as he dove between its hind legs. Darting out of striking range, Sweeney spun to face his foolish attacker with a curt switch of his tail.
Guess it's you an' me miss. Word of this was liable to be spread to kingdom come and back by tomorrow. Curse his luck.

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Postby echolisp » 11/23/2008 9:00 PM

Chikura was everywhere, covering every piece of exposed Ferrikoon flesh with a flurry of bites, scratches, slashes, and bruises. Being outnumbered at least seven to one, she had her share of wounds as well, though none too heavy. At first it may have seemed that she had the upper hand, but she was already very weary, and now she was exhausted. Since Oliver was still nowhere in sight, and the koons and the crowd didn't seem to be letting up, Chikura was very surprised and glad when another passerby got caught up in the fray as well. When he spoke to her at first, she was too distracted to reply; dodging a well-placed kick that still caught her lower jaw. "Oomph. I suppose so. Get this 'un, the other one's about to kick."

Grabbing two of the Ferrikoons, Chikura was about to smash their heads together when a trumpet sounded. The Gaurds had been notified of the skirmish and had come to break up the party. The crowd scattered haphazardly, not wanting to be arrested. The Ferrikoons similarly slinked off to a melon stand, nursing their wounds and sending some very scathing glares her way. Chikura watched as the guards approached, and she looked at the Yonyuu.
"Where to, stranger?"
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Postby snorkel » 11/27/2008 4:48 AM

Sweeney dodged and glided around the small foray, making a point to never pause in one spot. With deft slashes of wings, nails, and fangs he managed to avoid many of the blows aimed his way, while serving up plenty of pain for being put through the trouble. Not to say he wasn't being hit, but the Ferrikoons were getting the better of it. When the Leebra's voice reached out to him amid this constant chaos of flying limbs, he attempted to turn mid-stride toward her, only to catch a foot along his ribs with a sharp grunt. Blast it all, he was going to regret that tomorrow. At a well aimed snap the offender's plush tail ended inside a set of frustrated Yonyuu jaws; all of his weight thrown into a leap that took the Koon for a real spin. Maybe some would consider that fighting dirty, but this was never fair to begin with anyway.

In the blink of an eye everything changed. At the guard's signal, the entire mob scattered like so many vermin to their holes. Figured. Just when things were finally getting interesting enough. Matching the retreating opponent's nasty looks with his own flat stare, he remained standing still long enough to answer the girl.
Anywhere's better 'an here. Shoulders squared, Sweeney took off at a brisk walk, not bothering to see if the other would follow. Either she would or she wouldn't. Bless him, he wasn't going to be there when the guards came searching for someone to lock away. After a good distance was put between himself and the fight scene, he stopped near the side of the platform to casually examine a small stand selling overripe tomatoes. Don't suppose you know where a fellow like m'self could find something more entertaining, would ya miss? This asked over his shoulder. Simply assuming the Leebra had tagged along.

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Postby echolisp » 11/29/2008 10:26 PM

She watched him dart away with the retreating crowd. Not one to be left behind, she bounded swiftly after him. She casually picked up a tomato, weighing it in her paw. Chikura glanced around. She could still see the bridge where she was supposed to meet her brother thirty minutes ago, but he still was nowhere to be found. She sighed, then spun around when the Yonyuu addressed her. "Entertainment, sir? Was what you just experienced not enough for your tastes?"She laughed grimly."Oh yes, I may usually be quiet, but never fear, these eyes have seen more of the market than your granny. Your little escapade has gone farther than planned, yes? I've seen your kind. Looking for the more thrilling life."

She shook her head ruefully. "Well, if you don't mind me interfering, sir, you could always stay at hostel I lodge at. The food's good, the frivolity better, and the secrecy the best. Unless of course, you're in a hurry to be on you way, sir."
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Postby snorkel » 11/30/2008 12:09 AM

Carefully selecting one of the ripest of tomatoes, black speckled and almost mush in his grasp, Sweeney pretended to examine and weigh it in one paw. He wasn't expecting much of a response, but received a delightful surprise when a great line of speech broke out behind him. The Yonyuu politely turned his head to lend an ear. He couldn't help a slight smile forming at her words, as pleasantly straightforward as he found them. The putrid tomato meanwhile, was balanced precariously on his toe tips.
Entertainment enough for anyone I s'pose, but not to me tastes at all. I'd do well seeking tavern brawls if t'was all I wanted. I prefer a more personal touch to exchanges of that type, yah see?

My he was being free with his tongue today. Of course, he hadn't been making any proper conversation lately, due to his sudden change in living arrangements. That situation still rankled, but he shoved it out of his thoughts.
More than my granny eh? That prompted a chuckle. I hadn' really planned anything miss. Life can be a long bore or short thrill, so I'm prepared for either. And he might go mad contemplating how some could go about having a long life full of enjoyment. Lucky few. Can't say I mind miss. I have no where to be after all an' you do make it sound tempting. With a satisfying plop the forgotten tomato splattered near his hind feet, but Sweeney barely noticed, even as the shop keeper began to raise a fuss. May I ask where this lil' establishment is then?

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And so enters . . . Silence!! [Debut Post]

Postby Ventus3 » 12/06/2008 9:42 PM



Silence once again, had run away from his owner's mountain estate and began a journey to find himself, and maybe prove to his owner that he did not need her.  Silence was quickly managing himself in this market part of the Lambastia World Bridge, quickly navigating the city like corridors and alleyways, leaping across large gaps between roofs of the buildings with the aide of his small wings. Silence confidently scaled over a fence as he continued along the platform world, quickly assessing the darkening sky above him.

Silence slightly sulked, realizing once again he would have to steal food on his own without his owner.  But then again, he rarely saw the girl. Barely even wanting to even think of his owner, he continued along, hoping that he would come across some source of food, or easily defeatable target that he could rip to shreads to get out the slight anger that seemed to be plagueing him at the moment.  Silence quickly leapt and ascended across the town until he came upon people that could probably help him. His pessmistic thoughts, ran incomplete, the words just not being able to form in his immature, young mind.  It was rather foolish for him to have ran away, but Silence never really had contemplated that, he just had an urge to leave his owner, Terreur had also been rather unfriendly, and did not want to be around the feathered jerk, so he had fled to Lambastia, and had ended up here.

"Where . . . ?" Silence asked aloud as he could not form the complete question in his mind yet, obviously showing his lacking intellect.

Silence continued on, until he found a stand where Chikura and Sweeney were talking.  Needing somebody to tell him something, the small, young creature clumsily ran down the wall and leapt from it to the two that were talking.  Silence did not know if he was interrupting or not, so he began to ask his question, apathetic of whether the two were talking or not.

"Where . . . i-is . . . here?" Silence asked, trying to remember the words in even the Evelonian language that humans could not know.
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Postby snorkel » 12/07/2008 9:20 PM

Moving with care so as not to soil his feet with any more of the putrid mess he had made, the Yonyuu slowly backed from the small Tomato stand. His gaze remained on the Leebra, still waiting for her to suggest where they were off to next. It'd be best if she would just start walking. Not wait around for him and this peddler to make another scene. As he continued backwards, an unexpected speaker popped up behind him. He craned his neck to spot a confused looking Draculi, watching him inquisitively. Just what did this one want then? Turning foward again as angrey shriek rang out, Sweeney managed not to look amused at the shop keepers oncoming tirade, her demands for payment growing louder each passing minuet. Oh well.
These here mam, why they aren't worth throwing. Nevermind eating. He ducked as the expected tomato flew past his head and came back up with a foolish grin. This too was interesting...enough. Now what had the Draculi said? Something about here. Ah yes, he wanted to know his whereabouts. The middle o' nowhere. He replied nonchalantly, sidestepping the small creature to avoid the charge of an outraged tomato seller.

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Oh my, an angry produce seller!

Postby Ventus3 » 12/07/2008 10:47 PM

Silence, seeing that this could be a problem, quickly dashed out of the way of the angry tomato seller.  He then took a slight look at his sack of things that his owner gave him everyday despite the fact that he rarely saw them.  Nervously, he unfolded the sack to reveal a small amount of money which was more than enough to pay for the tomato.

"Pay?" Silence asked Sweeney and the mad merchant.



And once again, Felicity was off to search for the run away Silence.  She quickly flew through the alleyways.  They were practically nothing compared to the dense jungle's obstacles.  She expertly navigated over them, trying to look for the Draculi.  Felicity was worried about her fellow pet, even if she didn't like him that much.  She had also been ordered by her owner to do so, and she also wondered whether to do so or not anyway. Felicity quickly flew through the air in the night, the stars shining above as her loud wings created a sound to the already bustling melody of the sleepless night at the merchant corners of the platform.  Eventually, a certain little black Draculi in the company of Sweeney and Chikura came into view to the pet as she landed above them.  

Thinking whether she should fly back for a moment to try and notify her owner was rather hard, since she currently lacked the mental capacity to decide.  She eventually perched in front of Sweeney as she mimicked her owner and then pointed with her wing to the east where her owner was worriedly walking back and forth with her Sygriff Lucie.  What Felicity was trying to ask Sweeney was whether she should go back and tell that Silence is here or not.
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Postby snorkel » 12/08/2008 12:08 AM

Sweeney clucked his tongue, feigning disapproval at the Draculi's offer to pay. He wasn't sure what to make of the situation really, for it was quite unusual. He'd never had someone just offer up their money.
Now now, don't be silly my good fellow. These moldy things are 'ardly worth a stone. Yet another tomato whizzed by his ears. As he stepped to avoid the shop keep time and again, she matched each move of his with her own. The Yonyuu and the peddler were practically dancing around the little pet in a circle. Their maneuverings must have looked very comical to their small audience. Speaking of which, another pet seemed to have joined them. Sweeney couldn't make heads nor tails of the Polly's antics, but when she pointed into the distance, he though he understood. She wanted to go that way. And he had to agree, it was past time to be gone. Quite right miss. Shall we all be off then? A mocking bow to the shop keep brought more projectiles. The pause to hurl her wares gave Sweeney time to dash into the small crowd streaming by, with a flourish of his wings forcing others aside. After a brief jaunt the Yonyuu took a seat on a splintery old bench, curious to see who might catch up.

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Postby Ventus3 » 12/08/2008 6:02 PM

Felicity, guessing that Silence was trying to offer money, quickly swooped down and nodded, in front of Silence, who was slightly overwhelmed at the moment.  Felicity quickly imitated the angry shop-keeper and pointed at her asking if she should take the money and give it to the crazy sales person.  Silence could not help but nod yes, he was scared and did not want to get hurt.  Felicity, in a ruffle of feathers quickly tied up the sack of money to her talon and took flight above the shop keeper's head, using the claws on her toes to rip open the sack and send the money plopping on the merchant's head uncomfortably.  Afterwards, Felicity quickly attempted to grab Silence, unaware of the fact that he weighed just as much as she did and that he would have to fend for himself.  Felicity merely sighed as she motioned for him to quickly run up to the roofs and scale the various heights of the platform buildings. Silence merely stayed in place, and motioned his paw to the east and then moved it to his chest.  Felicity guessed that he meant to bring his owner to him since he was exhausted or something of the sort.  Felicity nodded yes before ascending into the night sky, noticing that Sweeney was sprinting through the croud until he found a seat and sat down.

Silence quickly hid, waiting for Felicity and his owner to come back.  He nervously sighed as he curled up once again to try and retain some warmth in the cold corner.  Meanwhile, Felicity, upon sight of Sweeney, quickly landed besides him and pointed further to the east, where a female human sillhouette appeared.  Felicity copied her owner's nervous walking back and forth, which the sillhouette was also doing.  Felicity then pointed again, asking if Sweeney wanted to go along with her.
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Postby snorkel » 12/13/2008 2:29 AM

Draped comfortably across the bench, Sweeney did his best to act as an innocent traveler taking a break. Languidly stretching one wing, the Yonyuu's jaws split wide in a display of boredom. Even so, it was hard not to continually glance down the platform to pick out potential followers. As it happened, the only one to arrive came from the air, and needless to say, startled him a little. This sudden attention of so many strangers was very strange indeed. More gestures and pointing. Crossing his paws, he cocked one brow in a quizzical fashion. Now what's this then? Taking the time to really observe the odd Polly, he managed to figure out that her intentions had something to do with a far off human, pacing frantically. Sweeney wasn't fond of any dealings with humans, but who knew, whatever was going on might prove more stimulating than sitting on a stiff plank. Alrigh' me dear, lead the way.

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And so enters the owner of Felicity and Silence, Ventus3

Postby Ventus3 » 12/13/2008 2:48 PM

And so the girl nervously paced back and forth, hoping that Felicity had not run away either.  Ventus3 was thankful that her pet had actually obeyed her.  Sometimes it would bight, but luckily, Felicity was in a good-mood today and decided to actually follow the girl's request for once.  And so a flap of feathers filled her ears as she looked at the source of the sound.  Ventus3 quickly dashed off. In her hoody and dark jeans she quickly dashed across the dim lit area torwards Felicity who was nervously flying towards her owner.  Felicity then perched hastily on Ventus3's shoulder to take a break.  Ventus3 noticed that Sweeney was near also.  Felicity pointed at Sweeney and then pointed up the alley.  Felicity could not speak, so she imitated Silence, all huddled up and depressed in a corner.

"Oh, I see," Ventus3 said to Felicity as Felicity hopped to her owner's arm and perched on it.  "We should get to him quickly, will you show me the way?" Ventus3 asked her pet.

Felicity merely nodded.  Felicity then flew off towards Silence's location.  Ventus3 then proceeded to run, wondering what Sweeney was doing here of all places.  Ventus3 ran behind the bird, trusting that she would be able to at least remember where Silence is.  After a few minutes of running, Ventus3 and Felicity cleared the alley to find Silence huddled up in a corner.

"Silence, are you okay?" Ventus3 asked as she tried to get closer to him, only to have him snarl and become rather aggressive.  "You don't need to be aggressive, please?" Ventus3 asked, only to see Silence snarl again and go into attack position.
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((sorry about double posting)) Ventus3 VS. Silence?!?

Postby Ventus3 » 12/21/2008 4:06 PM

((Sorry about double posting, I just wanted to move on quickly, that, and you have not replied in the five days I was gone so I may as well move along  :shrug: ))

Silence quickly growled as he leapt out and was about to take a bite at his owner's face.  Ventus3 quickly leapt back to try and keep herself safe, but Silence was slightly too slow to claw his owner.  Taking him too much time to decide to do anything.  Ventus3 was slightly scared as she checked to make sure that Felicity was okay.  Ventus3 offered her hands out to the bitter creature and kneeled down to its eye level.

"Please . . . will you come back?" Ventus3 asked, her eyes and voice assertive, but not earnest in nature.

Silence bared his teeth, and then slowly closed his mouth to hide his white fangs.  The draculi slowly tried to understand what his owner was saying. The picture that formed in his head was a large question mark.  Silence started to become rather frustrated as he tried to understand what his owner wanted.  Silence wanted to go home though, he was tired and cold.  Silence slowly walked forward, with a rather dissapointed look on his face.  Silence managed to suck it up and slowly walk into his owner's arms.  Ventus3 slowly picked up the creature, holding him in a comfortable fashion so that he would not get agravated and try to run away again.  Felicity flew onto her shoulder as they walked through the town.  Felicity waved with her wing a goodbye to Sweeney.  Ventus3, Silence, and Felicity walked out to a portal leading to their pen, where they would take a nice break from the chaos they had just experienced.
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