Variety seems to be the style of the western region of Desuna. Much of the south is exceptionally flat and has aptly been named the Vast Plains, as the land seems to roll out endlessly. If you reach the northern ends of the plains though, trees begin to appear, growing larger and thicker until you're surrounded by the Roraldi forest. Trees get more sparse toward the north, unable to grow in the surrounding permafrost.

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A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E]

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 03/13/2018 12:55 AM

[Human Form.]

It had been awhile since he and Lamont had been out to gallivant around together. They both led busy lives, what with Worth's clinic and Lamont's courier service, for lack of a better term. But they had both managed to finally find some free time and they were going to take advantage of it while they still could. The fact that free time had landed around Valentine's Day was....comical, to say the least.

Luce had already left a message for Lamont instructing him to come to their usual bar hangout in The Slums. It was a seedy little place: clean, but certainly not somewhere you'd bring your mother or your crush from down the street. He was already there, waiting for the delivery man, nursing a glass of whiskey. A glass ashtray sat next to it, ready and waiting for him to tap the ash from his cigarette into it.

He glanced back at the door impatiently, the low glow from his cigarette contrasting against the soft over head lights of the bar.  C'mon, Toucey what's taking you?

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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Saahs » 03/13/2018 5:47 PM

(Lamont Toucey, human form)

Now, don't get Lamont wrong, fae were sometimes the most interesting folks to do business with. But other times, they were one hell of a handful. Trying to turn you about and trick you into making deals you weren't planning on, it was one of the fun little things Lamont had to put up with concerning a good number of fae folk he had the fortune (and misfortune) of making exchanges with. And today, what was meant to be one little delivery had become a two hour long ring around the rosies to avoid selling himself to a rather crafty seelie.

But it was no matter. The job was done, and he had no other deliveries to make for two days straight. The night was young and ready to get kicked in the face. Lamont let himself into the bar, not taking long at all to spot his brawl mate and best friend. To outsiders, one would think the term was used very loosely. But not really, the two were thicker than thieves. He inclined his head to regard Luce, before shoving his hands into his pockets and moseying over to have himself a seat. "Hey there, sorry about that. Fae again."
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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 03/13/2018 8:11 PM

Luce's lips curled into a grin as Lamont walked in, jumbled, yellowed teeth looking like they had jammed themselves into his mouth just a little too closely. He pat the seat next to him, indicating the delivery man should sit there. Probably.

He tapped the cigarette into the tray, flicking it once, twice, three times before returning it to his lips and inhaling deeply. White smoke lazily poured out of his nostrils a moment later as he exhaled, listening to Lamont's explanation for his tardiness. A low grunt escaped him in response, his brow rising into an arch. "Tried t'trick ya int'bein' their lil'pet again, didn't they? Who was it this time?"

Luce shrugged before Lamont could respond and raised his hand, gesturing for the bartender to grab Lamont a drink as he slid the appropriate coinage over. "Either way, y'here now, no big deal."

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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Saahs » 03/14/2018 6:18 PM

Lamont didn't answer until he'd been presented with a drink, smiling at the bartender with a friendly thank you before taking a sip, turning his attention back to Luce. With a short sigh, he hummed out, "Mmh. Raehall. But! If I told you even half of the names of fae-- or anyone-- who tries to trick me into that kind of shit, we'd be here all day. So it doesn't matter who did it, heh."

His head tipped to the side in place of a shrug, and he took another small swig from his drink. Didn't matter what it was, at the moment, booze was booze, and he was hankering to get at least a little loopy. Enough to start a brawl? Who knows, only one way to find out! "So, how's been life at the clinic? Any interesting clients lately?"
when that light goes out this eve,
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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 03/14/2018 6:35 PM

Luce snorted at him, swirling the ice and whiskey in his glass around as he shook his head at Lamont. He didn't even bother to look up at his best friend as he took another sip and growled out, "No shit, Sherlock. Not gonna stop me from askin' on a whim."

"Raehall, huh? That's a funny one," he continued after a beat. He was feeling a little antsy. The night was missing something.... The music playing in the bar certainly wasn't loud or thrashy enough for Luce's tastes right now. On a night where he felt more calm or content, it wouldn't have been a problem. But now? Now he needed excitement. Loudness. A fist across the face sounded delicious.

He knocked the rest of his drink back before ordering another one and continuing. "Had a mercenary come after me awhile back. Before he started coughin' his damn lungs up. We came t' agreement."

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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Saahs » 03/14/2018 6:40 PM

A snort escaped Lamont, and he gave a shake of his head. "Regardless," he started with a dismissive wave of his hand, "No point wastin' time talking about that. What about this mercenary? How long did he put up a fight, heh?" It was well known to Lamont, that anyone that tried to take Luce's head tended to end up leaving in frustration, or leaving in three or four different directions. All depending on Luce's mood at the time of the attempt.

Shifting a little, Lamont peered about the place as he finished off his drink. He was barely on the verge of being somewhat buzzed, a little, nowhere near the point of being up and ready to cheerfully deck someone in the face. But he still felt the urge. Hrm.
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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 03/14/2018 7:47 PM

"He actually lasted for a few minutes. Honestly wonder what kinna fight he woulda put up if he'd actually been well. Idiot tried to take my head while he was sick," Luce explained as he waited for his next drink. "Little guy that toted around a bigass warhammer an'axe. Honestly, it'd be impressive for him to carry 'em when healthy, the fact he was doin' it even a litl'bit while sick's kinna badass. Obviously he didn't succeed in takin' my head."

But hey, the Smilokuhna was still alive...somewhere. Probably. Upsides all around.

Worth fumbled around in his pockets for loose change, counting them with his fingers before pulling his hand out of said pocket with a fist full of coins in tow, seemingly satisfied with what he found. He muttered something to Lamont before getting up and heading over to the old jukebox and popping in the needed amount, and pressed the selection buttons until he found what he wanted.

"You hit me once, I hit you back. You gave a kick, I gave a slap. You smashed a plate over my head, then I set fire to our bed."

Luce grinned, pleased with himself and strolled back over to Lamont, taking a sip from his new glass. "Better."

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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Saahs » 03/14/2018 7:59 PM

Eyebrows popping up, Lamont gave a soft hum as he waved the bartender down for another drink. "Few minutes, huh? Better than the usual five or ten seconds," he remarked, quirking his eyebrows up as he sipped away from his glass. "So this agreement though, he ain't gonna come back once he's well to try again, I'm guessin'?"

Oooohhh, the night was way too quiet for his liking. The music was slow, likely on "random" just to ruin the day of some poor sod who just got dumped. But he watched as Luce got up to save the day, his lips pulling up into a mild smirk as the song started up. So, looked like Luce was in a similar mood. As the other moseyed back over, he eyed him meaningfully, a glint in his dark eyes and a slight arch in one brow. You ready for a throw down, buckaroo?
when that light goes out this eve,
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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 03/14/2018 8:30 PM

"Well," Worth started, shrugging. "More like a minute, but still. 'S longer than most. As for agreements, that's what I agreed t'anyway. Guy seemed frustrated enough that I ruined his day. We'll see if he stays away or comes back." He paused for a moment, sipping from his glass. "I'm just some back-alley hack, you'd no one'd care. Guess 's my charmin' personality."

Luce didn't miss that look in Lamont's eyes nor the smirk. A leering grin of similar intent flashed across his face. He was very ready to throw down. Ready enough that he threw the first punch, the knuckles of his left fist scraping against Lamont's cheekbone.

"You hit me once, I hit you back. You gave a kick, I gave a slap! You smashed a plate over my head then I set fire to our bed, oh!"

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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Saahs » 03/14/2018 8:58 PM

Lamont hummed thoughtfully in response, brows raising again as he shrugged. He downed the last of his glass' contents before giving Luce a slight incline of his head, already anticipating the first punch to be thrown as the other fellow grinned. Hit me with your best shot, you lousy pin-up toothpick.

And thus, Lamont was wallopped in the face. Lightly, but enough to earn the attention of everyone else in the freakin' bar. The music almost seemed to get louder as Lamont stumbled out of his chair, snickering. "Alright, let's do this, heh?" he chimed, hooking a swing for Luce's jawline.

"My black eye casts no shadow, your red eye sees nothing. Your slap don't stick, your kicks don't hit, so we remain the same. Love sticks! Sweat drips! Break the lock if it don't fit!"
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
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i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 03/14/2018 9:16 PM

The scrape of chairs and stools could be heard as much of the bar's occupants stood up at the sight of Lamont getting punched. A few of them seemed unsure of what to do, unsure of whether they should break them up or not. A few others looked like they were trying to decide whether to join in or sit back down. Most of the regulars took their seats once they'd seen who was involved. They knew Luce and Lamont were regulars to the bar, they knew their antics.

Luce stumbled back from the punch, his jaw burning and tongue a bit sore from having his teeth bite down on it. Even so he grinned as he reached over to his drink and downed the rest of it, blood pumping in his ears along with the music.. "Let's dance." With that, he rushed forward, swinging his leg out with intent to hit Lamont in the gut.

"A kick to the teeth is good for some! A kiss with a fist is better than none!"

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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Saahs » 03/14/2018 9:21 PM

Lamont swung himself backwards with a hop, avoiding Luce's kick before bringing his hands up and skipping back forward, bringing his knee up first before following after with the rest of his leg, aiming a kick of his own for Luce's front.

Years of practice with kickboxing, and even more years of kicking Luce around and getting kicked around by Luce in turn, had since left Lamont with, while he may not admit it, an enjoyment of a good scuffle with the scuzzy doctor. Typically, he wasn't one for fighting in public-- it was usually Luce who instigated such things-- but today, hell, he wanted some fun. They'd get kicked out, but allowed back in no less given a week or two of "time out" away from the bar.
when that light goes out this eve,
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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 03/14/2018 9:38 PM

Luce skittered backwards, somewhat hopping, somewhat sliding away from Lamont's kick. That had been a good one, it was almost a shame that he'd dodged it. His grin curled wider as he lunged forward again, dipping down this time and swinging his leg low in an attempt to sweep Lamont's legs out from under him.

Lamont always put up a great fight and always had and for that, Luce was grateful. It certainly made his life more exciting. He had always enjoyed a good brawl and Lamont always delivered. It was their own little form of bonding, even if Lamont didn't always want to do so in public. But he was clearly raring to go now and who was Worth to bar Lamont from a night of good wholesome violent fun?

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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Saahs » 03/14/2018 10:10 PM

A few people, by now, had gotten the gist that tonight was supposed to be a fun night, and had paired up swimmingly with one another to beat the shit out of each other's asses. Terrible night for the bouncers, wonderful night for the brawlers as always. For now, the bouncers were revving up to start throwing people out should they throw too many punches or knock things over. But, this bar in particular was known for its regular hullabaloo, so the bouncers were biding their time and enjoying the show, for now.

Lamont manages to skirt away from Luce's sweeping kick, but only barely, the other's foot catching on his leg and sending him half spinning, half stumbling, in a circle. A delighted if mildly alarmed cackle escaped him, and as he turned back around, swung his foot for Luce's upper chest. It'd certainly be enough to shove him back, but he wasn't aiming to kill the bastard.
when that light goes out this eve,
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Re: A Kiss With A Fist Is Better Than None [Lilith/Saahs] [E

Postby Lilith Michaelis » 03/14/2018 11:14 PM

Now this was a party. By now, Worth's grin was as wide as humanly possible, a manic glint shining in his grey-blue eyes as Lamont span and stumbled before retaliating. This is what he had been hoping for. The bar suddenly felt charged, felt alive. There was a certain rhythm to the brawls and fights breaking out across the building. Each punch, each kick was another part of the heartbeat of some great, thrashing beast.

It was these nights out that Luce liked best. Something about them fed him.

Luce didn't quite move out of the way in time, Lamont's foot connecting with the doctor's chest and sending him stumbling back. He coughed and sputtered, but even that turned into a manic, growling cackle as he pushed himself back up and dipped low, intending to drive his sharp elbow into Lamont's soft gut.

I broke your jaw once before. I spilled your blood upon the floor. You broke my leg in return, so sit back and watch the bed burn. Love sticks! Sweat drips! Break the lock if it don't fit!"

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