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Postby Silverin » 12/12/2010 9:06 PM

Yes this contest is so that I can rid my self of these two since they don't agree with me any more as pretty as they are with their sparkel coats that just radiate beauty and charm (:P Blaaaaaaaaa blaaaaa blaaaa blaaaaaaaa)


Any ways what I am looking for is~

1: A small (and I mean small) personality blurp.

2: A short rp opening (or long 8B I like stories) that includes the characters thoughts or speach on the situation you put them in. (Don't make it too short :P)

3. Fire to be in Warm colors (Red, Orange, Yellow) and Ice to be in cool colors (Blue, Purple) Please no bright colors.

you can only enter for one and no whining! >:/

There are better folks to gift.
Avi is from The Worst Monster Of Them All animation on youtube
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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)

Postby HunnyBun » 12/12/2010 9:35 PM

Skoll! -pounces-

Personality Blurp: ( I want to keep him kinda the same, cause I have always loved Skoll XD ) Very hard shelled, Skoll likes to keep to himself. He is serious, yet calm. Being almost like night that he represents. He has a cruel side where he can be mean and rude, but really only does it for fun. If you can warm up to him just right he can be a fun loving friend.

RP Opening:
Skoll ran through the open plains, the cool night air was refreshing. The grass lightly tickled his legs with each step. A light sigh escaped as he took in the moment, everything was just right.
Stopping for a moment, he stared into the moons glowing gaze. Taking in her light rays, he felt restored and sighed again. Such a wonderful night.
His head suddenly turned back, he thought he heard something. A crack, a crunch? Was something sneaking up from behind him?
He took a more defensive stance and gazed into the dimly lit view. The grass bent back from a soft breath, then stood back up. Everything was silent, you could even hear Skoll's short breaths.
Another snap, Skoll turned to look to his right when a flash of black enveloped him. Everything was moving so fast, he couldn't see who or what his attacker was. But he snapped and kicked back, trying to fight him off. His attacker bit down on his side, Skoll shouted out in pain. Another attack to his right hind leg, Skoll shouted again. His body was in pain, it seemed like his attacker wasn't going to stop and that he wasn't doing any harm back.
Skoll's eyes snapped open, he was lying on the ground in his room. He looked around, everything seemed alright, was it just a dream? He shook his head, not a dream, a nightmare.
"Stupid..." He sighed, slowly getting up.

And of course I am going to keep him cool colors D8 What kind of weird, crazy, insane, dumb person do you think I am D8> -pets Skoll-

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/12/2010 10:03 PM

Current name: Hati

Tane Capello is a brooder as far as anyone outside his world is concerned. He hates the outside and would much rather be left to his own devices and a good book, thank you very much. Rarely can he stand to be bothered by the trivial pursuits of those around him, and company is something he is ill equipped to handle with any confidence. People are typically not worth the effort he is forced to put into them, and he hates wasting his time on things that he could enjoy much more. Now, get of his doorstep before he hexes you into a potted plant.


((Nicolas is one of the sons of the custom I just ordered, not an attempt to take Skoll into this at all. Not my fault I want him to be purple and Star-Speckled as well. That was just happenstance.))



"Now!" Tane glared the figure that dared to darken his doorstep, simmering in anger at being disturbed at all. He had been enjoying such a nice evening alone by his fireplace when someone had decided to pay him a visit. How ill-advised a plan indeed.

The figure shrank away from him but stayed resolutely put on his stoop, drawing another scowl from the mage. Why would no one ever leave when he growled so? He attempted to look as menacing as possible, living out in the middle of the woods and glowering at people when they wandered too close. Which was rare anyway, considering the repelling enchantments he had put in place as of late. Come to think of it, how had this boy managed to get through those to begin with?

"Sir?" The boy, a lad of no more than fifteen, spoke again. His voice shook slightly but seemed to be growing in confidence as the moments passed. "I know you don't want to be disturbed, but I must implore you for your help. You see, my father recognized a talent in me and meant for me to go to an old friend of his by the name of Merlin fo-"

"Merlin?!" Tane cut the teen off with an exclamation. "Your father knows Merlin, boy?"

The boy blinked up at him. "Yes, sir. Well, he did until Merlin vanished. I went looking for him, but his study was empty. I found your name in one of his old spell books and thought it would be a good idea to track you down and see if you could, well, teach me as my father intended for Merlin to. I've been searching for weeks now, and I've finally found you. So... Do you think you could..?"

Tane's lip twitched in a half smile. "How did you get here?" He was still baffled by the boy's ability to penetrate a shield and alarm without the slightest blip.

"Well, you see, I found your name in one of the spell books like I said. As I was reading, I came across a couple of things that seemed like they might come in handy when looking for a wizard such as yourself. A disillusionment and silencing enchantment just happened to be two of those. It seems that I was right in finding those."

The mage blinked down at this oddity who had managed to fumble through a forest and Gods only knew what else, run into a wall of spells, disenchant an area, and find him all without any form of training whatsoever. "What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't," the boy said with a smile, "but it's Nicolas Dragonpen, son of Arthur Dragonpen." He bowed deeply with the practiced sweep of royalty. "At your service, High Wizard Capello."


I'm not exactly sure what you want for this last part here. If you wouldn't mind elaborating, I will be happy to edit this post with the rest of the entry.

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Wouldn't you like to see
Something Strange?

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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)

Postby jobiehanna » 12/12/2010 10:24 PM

Here ya go! I hope it's okay

Personality Blurp:
Fire(Hati) is a hot head. He doesn't think before he acts, and often finds himself in trouble because of this. He hates being told what to do, even if it is for his own good. He loves to have a good time, even if he is getting in trouble. If you can get past the anger, Hati can be a great guy, playful and clever.

A Short Rp Opening:
It was a calm night at the local tavern, something not very common in Queenie's Tavern. Hati was sitting at the bar, eating the peanuts that were in a dish before him. Crack! Crunch! Hati chuckled. He wasn't much of a drinker, he just liked coming here because he like the peanuts, but the bar tender always asked him if he wanted a drink. Hati always declined the young man or woman, saying that it was bad for your health and lead to bad things. As a response he or she would either roll their eyes or ask again.
On this particular night, the man behind the counter wouldn't leave him alone. Sure, the air of the tavern was peaceful, but Hati was getting angry quick. The burly man kept bothering him and whining at him. It was annoying, and Hati wasn't going to put up with it much longer. "Just leave me alone, buddy," he said quietly, cracking another peanut open and eating what was inside.
"Oh, a tough guy, are we?" The bartender said with a grin, taking the cracking of the peanut as a threat.
"I can be," Hati answered without a thought to the offense his statement carried. The man took a swing at Hati, which wasn't a wise decision. Hati was on his feet in a second, he had his hand around the man's neck, holding up up. "I suggest you leave me alone, unless you want trouble," he said threateningly. The man nodded, unable to speak with his neck in a vise-like grip, a desperate look on his face. Hati let him go, huffing a little bit. The man scuffled back to whatever he did behind the counter. Hati sat back down and went back to his peanuts. He didn't like getting mad, but he hated being bothered and walked all over.
The bartender rubbed his neck, looking over at a man over in the corner. The bartender winked, as if saying 'he's the one'. The man in the corner nodded, tipping his hat down to cover his eyes.
After a while Hati stood up, tired of just sitting there, oblivious to what was going on. He didn't have much else to do, so he figured he'd get up and go home and relax, maybe watch a bit of television. He walked out the door, ready for a nice walk home in the crisp Autumn air. He walked down the street whistling a jolly tune. Little did he know the man in the corner had stood up and followed him out, like a tall, hostile shadow intent on capturing it's victim.

EDIT: For got his human form. XD

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)

Postby Atoli01 » 12/12/2010 10:56 PM

Haha, I've just gotta go for Hati~ He's too handsome not too, after all. <3

Personality Blurp: Hati is innocent - almost too innocent minded for someone his age. At around 15, you'd think a boy's mind would be filled to the rim thinking about girls, but no, not Hati. All he really cares about is having fun in life. I mean, life doesn't last forever; its not something you can take for granted. Above all else however, he treasures his friends, the people he holds dear to him. Calling him selfless would be an understatement for sure. You need more food for your trip? He'll get you some. You need help on that math homework? There he is, explaining it to the point where it gets annoying. Also, he's rather clumsy, getting hurt quite often. And did I mention he gets lost a lot? But he's extremely sincere about everything he says and will never so much as mutter a lie. However, being sincere and being straightforward; well, those aren't things you should confuse. Does that dress make you look fat? Well, lets just say you would end up slapping the poor boy.

(Is it too long? DX I have so much more I could add to it, but I tried to keep it short. I mean, I just love the boy. :P)

RP Opening:
The rain was making soft tapping sounds against everything in the large city - the roofs of the buildings, the cobblestone sidewalks, even the statues that were placed between building here and there. And of course, everything was soaked. I ran from building to building, trying to take cover under the overhangs of the various buildings roofs. Soft splattering sounds were following me as I ran, my paws quickly dipping in and out of puddles of cold water. I sighed as I finally found a covered bench to sit on, and trust me - I took full advantage of it.

I smiled at my persistence in finding a spot to sit as I transformed into my human form. I lifted up the yellow goggles that were around my face and perched them atop my head, sitting down. I was tired after all the running. But still, I was dry for the most part, and that was good - not to mention, in my opinion, totally worth all of it. I laid my head back so it was resting against the bench; I was surely ready for nap. However, I never could quite sleep well when there was rain.So instead I decided to take it easy for a few minutes and let my thoughts wander. More like wander into the abyss, that is.

After a while, I heard the rain stop and the normal hustle and bustle of the typical city life resume. I didn't know how long it took for the rain to stop, though. It could have been seconds, minutes, heck, even hours. I had completely lost track of the time. I sighed as I spotted the stall owners setting their tents up again. Perfect. I had come here specially for the market - they sold the most delicious cheese bread on Wednesdays.

I got up from the bench and shook my head a bit, moving one of my bangs out of my face. I stuck my hands in my pockets as I continued walking, dodging all the people hurrying to and fro. That dang stall always moved around, so I had to look for it again, as I did any day. Eventually after what was at least ten minutes of scouting, I caught the scent of the fresh bread.

I hurried over to the stall, and to my relief, I had made it just in time. They had just finished cooking the cheese bread, so it was still warm - just the way I liked it. I dug some KS out of my pocket as I approached the man that was happily baking the bread. "Excuse me, kind sir? Could I have a loaf of that cheese bread?"

I had come over to this stall so much that I was almost positive the stall keeper knew my name, along with my order, since I got the same exact thing every time. So it really didn't need to be said what I wanted, but it was always more convenient to do so. I held out the KS in my hand as he nodded and took it. A few moments later, he produced my said order from the coal burning oven behind him. I took it and nodded, "Thank you. See you again next week."

I walked off to find a bench to sit on again. And to my pleasure, there was one quite literally around the corner. The only trouble was... let's just say a rock appeared out of nowhere and attacked me, sending me flying. After all, it was much better than saying that I tripped over an almost completely flat surface. My loaf of bread went flying out of my hand. To my dismay, I watched it slide out of the bag and onto the floor as it dropped.I grumbled - what a perfectly useless waste of cheese bread.

Today was going to be a fine day indeed.


Oh, and this is the boy's human form~ :3

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)

Postby Elektra » 12/12/2010 10:57 PM

-stares at Hati-

Here's my entry.  ^^

Name: Hati (Might change to something different if I'm allowed, such as Akhenaten, which is the the spirit of Aten, or the sun disk, in Egyptian)
Personality: Although he appears to be a fiery being who would hate to be tied down with studies and work, Akhenaten, or Akhen as some of the younger pets like to call him, chose long before he knew anything about the subject that he wanted to become a solar pysicist.  Perhaps it was because of both his eclipse markings which seem to mimick a solar eclipse, or the faded sun-dancer markings, or something entirely different, but he is what he dreamed to be.  He spends most of his time cooped up in his own observatory, charting the different systems and stars as well as predicting the next thousand solar eclipses.  He hopes to see as many as he can before he meets his final days, and to learn more about such phenomonal occurances.  He has yet to choose an apprentice to carry on his work though, but claims that he will know the one when they arrive.  
(Yeah, kinda scetchy, but I might have him helping Nyxia, although he wouldn't know at the time that she was a psycho vampire intent on revenge, to figure out when the next blue moon would be since that's when she's most powerful, so I hope this is okay for now.)
Human Form: Akhenaten

RP Opening

The night sky seemed to encase the small, rickety old observatory in which a solemn, middle-aged man sat.  Or, well, a Lucain who at the time found being in his human form more appropriate.  All around him were charts, maps, graphs, and more, either on the walls of scattered around the floor.  At the time, he was hunched over yet another piece of paper.  His hands, working furiously, seemed to move swiftly as if he knew exactly what to draw and what to do.  Finally, he sat up, and raised the paper.  On it was an amazing drawn example of a solar eclipse.  One could see the small shadows, the firey outline, and just about every other detail that one could imagine.  In all truth, it seemed like a photograph taken by a proffessional, not a simply thing drawn by a reclusive man.  Of course, he'd never admit to such.  He tended to keep to himself, and would go out only when necessary.  Most often he would actually just send one of his two canidates for apprentices on the errands.  

He sat the paper down, and reached over, hitting a small button. "Vulcan dear, come to the main deck if you will." he said calmly, his voice booming over the intercoms.  A few minutes later, a small Darkflame Kuhna appeared at the doorway of the study.  "Enter young one." Akhenaton said.  "You asked for me Master?" "Yes, it seems that we've begun to run low on supplies for the observatory, and I'd like for you to go and fetch all the items on this list before the Christmas shoppers begin to flood the shops and stores.  And, do please have Zulo accompany you.  He's younger, I know, but please."  He was extremely tired of the constant bickering that went on between the two about who he would choose, and he hoped that having the two interact more would help erase the apparent enmity between them.  And, truthfully, either, or, even both could take his place.  But that was a long ways off.  He was still a young man in most people's eyes, and had kept himself healthy and well for the past twenty-five years.  And in the time that was left, he'd be able to choose his successor.  

Shaking his head, he handed the list to Vulcan, and waved his hand as the Kuhna in front of him tried to protest about bringing Zulo.  "Just get those things, and come back as soon as you can.  There's something I'd like you both to see later tonight..."

After an hour or so, the two came back with so many items that they both were about to topple over due to the load.  Of course, they were both eying each other with pure malice, but seemed to have gotten back to the observatory without any serious injuries.  Vulcan managed to nudge the intercom, and spoke into it quietly.  "Master, we're home.  What should we do?"  His voice boomed all over the compound, and within minutes, he received a response.  "Wecome back both of you.  Drop them off in the kitchen, and come to the main deck where you left from.  Bring Zulo as well.  It is almost time for you to see something."

With that cryptic statement, Akhenaten cut the transmission off, and returned to his desk to wait for his to apprentices to arrive.  All around him were papers, as said before, and to most everyone who might happen upon the place, it would seem as if all hell had broken loose.  But to him, it was all organized and put into a specific order.  Pacing back and forth, he bent down, picking up a chart.  He studied it for a few minutes before laying it back down.  Everything was in place, the predictions all perfect.  

Finally the two arrived.  "Welcome Vulcan, Zulo."  Motioning for them to follow him out onto the deck, he pointed at the telescope.  "You two, take a look in the lens, and tell me what you see."  As Vulcan stepped up, his face took on an amazed expression, and he stood up strait.  "Is...  Master, is it oncoming solar eclipse?"  Akhenaten nodded, smiling.  Vulcan certainly was progressing, and was probably the wiser choice as his successor.  

"In a few hours, it will happen.  And I would like for both of you to stay here with me and witness such a thing."  The two Kuhnas nodded happily, and walked back onto the main deck, and waited with their master for the even to take place.  

(I'd really like him, but I do understand that a lot of others will probably do better than I do, and I just hope he goes to a good home.  And it was edited so I could finish the RP part of the contest post.  xD)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)*End Date 25 Dec*

Postby Silverin » 12/14/2010 8:09 AM

End Date added.

There are better folks to gift.
Avi is from The Worst Monster Of Them All animation on youtube
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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)*End Date 25 Dec*

Postby Silverin » 12/18/2010 6:08 PM

O-o is no one else entering in this cause if not I may shut it down decide on Hati and then give Skoll to Hun cause she is the only one who entered for him as far as I can tell....

There are better folks to gift.
Avi is from The Worst Monster Of Them All animation on youtube
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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)*End Date 25 Dec*

Postby Redd » 12/18/2010 7:22 PM

Siiilv~ Hold up~ I've been working out something for Skoll~ Did you want us to keep the names or change them...? Or do you not mind? xD;

Personality Blurb
Name: Thanatos
Meaning:  "Death" in Greek

Rough, tough, quiet and slightly bada** is one way to describe Thanatos. He's a bounty hunter of sorts, who only chases the most dangerous kinds of criminals down and kills them; his philosophy is that no killer deserves to live and he's determined to make sure that happens. He's good at his job and he knows it all too well.
He works in conjunction with Arristo, the Nonaga and Raphael the Solorex in hunting down killers, and always enjoys a good game of hunting in Arristo's 'Dead Run'*.

Thanatos generally wears a chesty tank top, cargo pants, thick boots and a piece of fabric tied around his upper arm. He's also never seen without a knife or a pistol. He's generally a scrawny kind of guy, compared to his Solorex friend, but his cunning makes up for that.

He's also a reserved kind of guy, not really speaking unless spoken to and ignoring contact unless absolutely necessary. It's supposed to be because of an event in his past that went horribly wrong, but he's never divulged the information.

*The 'Dead Run' was a little game the Nonaga made up, to provide entertainment for bounty hunters, murderers and the like. He'd trick hapless petty criminals and people who owed money to go to a fort to hunt down treasure in return for their freedom. Bounty Hunters would then pay Arristo to go in and hunt down the defenseless people.


"Aah Raphael,Thanatosss~" The Nonaga hissed pleasantly, holding out it's arms in greeting. "My two favourite cusstomers. I take it you want to play my game again... right?"

The Nonaga shut the lid of the tender box, drew out a piece of paper from under the counter and showed it to the pair, drawing one long purple claw over the paper, pointing out several faces. The Solorex and Lucain leaned on the counter, squinting their eyes to make out the images in the poor light.

"Sssee here, I have the lisst of who is in the Dead Run." The Nonaga pointed first to a Tali, then Sulkuhna and Doom Kitty. "Sssamuel... heh heh.. He's nothing. Leave him to the new huntersss. Dora is quick, agile and ssame with Rex. They claw out eyess before you can blink. But itsss not them you need to worry about. I have a ssspecial one. Just for you Thanatoss."

The Lucain tilted his head slightly at the comment and peered down at the figure the Nonaga was pointing at - a fierce Hydrolisk. Raphael just grunted. "A Hydrolisk, for me? You're so kind Arristo."

The Nonaga grinned a sly smile. "I figured you'd like him. He's a hardened criminal. One of my... contactsss at the Lamenolai prisson gave him to me. He'sss a war veteran and a handful. It ssshould be fun. Go on. Get! You don't need to pay me and you know where it isss."

The pair nodded and loosened their weapons from their holders. Today looked like it was going to be a fun day...

Upon arrival at the fort, it was quiet. The high walls surrounded a tiny courtyard and it was impossible for any one to escape without the key. Tendrils of ivy crept down the blood stained walls and small bones littered the ground. The larger bones had been removed - Arristo didn't want his prisoners to despair right from the start.

"I guess we're the first one's here." Raphael commented dryly, rattling the key in the lock and opening the door an inch. "C'mon lets head in."

Thanatos nodded and followed his friend inside, watching the Solorex's back while he locked the door - this was the most crucial moment - to make sure no one escaped. A small shower of rocks and dust caught his attention, and the way it moved towards the pair with speed.
"Raph... I think we've got company. You take these two, I'll race down below and find the Hydrolisk." The Lucain said curtly, shifting back to his quad form and racing off, just as two feline figures dived at Raphael, claws extended.

The Lucain darted off through the door half torn off it's hinges, into the bowels of the ruined fort using his nose to pick out the scent of the Hydrolisk. He knew this place so well, there was only one place it could be - down in the lower floors, where several of them had filled up with water.
He darted off through several corridors and down several hallways, his nose quivering and his cyan eyes bright with excitement.

As he rounded the corner, he slowed down to a stealthy pad and crouched down low. Flicking back to his human features, he drew the knife out of it's sheath around his ankle and his pistol from his belt. Let's get this show going...

Ice~ Like that? xD; That's what I interpreted the last thing to be~

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)*End Date 25 Dec*

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/19/2010 5:14 AM

Skoll!  D8  *grabbyhands*  I'd like to enter for a chance at that handsom ball of blue, if I can?  :3

(I'd keep his name the way it is, if that's not a problem)

A very serene character, who loves nothing more than visiting his favorite restaurant and sipping on a much loved glass of sweetened tea, is Skoll.  His hobbies include book reading, leisurely jogging, and -get this- weapon collecting?!  Yep - This guy loves collecting and sometimes even testing out any kind of weapon he can get his hands on, ranging from simple pocket knives all the way up to military grade weaponry, a rare treat.  But he doesn't just collect.  You see, he also deals in selling/trading many of his beloved wares to interested buyers.  Collecting such things isn't exactly a cheap hobby, so of course he's willing to let a few go ... for a price, to make room for more.

Roleplay Example:
It was just around dusk when Skoll had pushed through the dirtied glass door of the restaurant with a tired sigh.  Carrying a rather large, battered old messenger bag over his shoulder, the man smiled at the warmth and many tempting smells that rushed him as he stepped into the building.  "Ah!  I can always count on this place to lift my spirits!", he laughed loudly into the darn near deserted room.

The small bell that had been fixed atop the door jingled prettily, alerting the employees of his arrival.  Surprised to see someone come in whilst they were closing (that explained the lack of customers), two of the employees hurried to the door to interject him.  

"It's okay, guys.  I was expecting him.", a feminine voice rang out from under a booth.  'Twas a woman who had spoke, one Skoll knew quite well, and she raised up from picking up forgotten garbage from under the booth as she greeted the Lucain with a smile.  

"Ah, Jessie!  I was afraid you had forgotten."  He offered his own smile along with a rough chuckle.  He looked to the two others who shot him a questioning look, but left him be and went about to their own chores, one taking a notion to finally lock the door, preventing any further pop ins.  Skoll made his way casually over to the booth that the waitress was at and slung his bag into the seat, taking a seat next to it.  

"Trainees", the girl laughed with a shrug, "What can ya do?  But I'm sure they'll warm up to you soon, as much as you come here."  She winked at the male and with a graceful twirl started back to the counter.  "So should I get you the regular?"  Skoll chuckled with a wry smile and let himself slump down comfortably into the hard cushioned seat.  "If you don't mind.  I'm going to need one after today's little ... trip."  "Oh?  Did I give you a bad lead?", Jessie called out from behind the counter as she fiddled with one of the machines.  "Oh no no, just a very difficult client.  Apparently the man doesn't know what good merchandise is.  He refused to do business with my because he claimed I was price far to high!  Fool..."

Returning with a tall glass of sweet tea for him, the waitress shook her head.  "Sorry dear.  He sounded like a good client, but apparently I was wrong."  Taking the cup carefully into his hands, he took a long drink that was effective in calming his frazzled nerves.  The man he had mentioned was less than enjoyable to be around, the stubborn kind who thought they knew everything.  Dreadful...


That's more than I was expecting to write.  xD;  I can go on, if you're interested in hearing the rest.  I didn't want to overload you with too big a wall of text.  x3
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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)*End Date 25 Dec*

Postby auntslappy282 » 12/19/2010 3:57 PM

Skoll is his name? Well I'd like, if I can, enter to get him.

I'd like to keep his name the same. :3


Rather cool headed. He tends to be the one in a very serious situation who stops and thinks things through logically before acting. He does have a couple buttons that if pushed, can trigger a deeper side of him which can not be a pretty sight to see. Most of the time however, he is calm and collected.

Roleplaying post thing. xD

The dense forest above caste long, ominous shadows on the path ahead. A Lucain, the color of the night, pushed through the heavy undergrowth. The leaves were brisk, crunching at every foot step. The lack of any space between tree tops made it unable for the hint of light or the hint of anything to penetrate the ground below. Skoll was going on instinct.

Skoll pushed forward. He saw the slightest hint of light ahead. He smiled, but quickly pushed his instincts that wanted to run, down. If anyone else was in the forest, he might be dead in a heart beat. Especially those who had a lust for blood and wouldn't hold back. The light became stronger. Skoll peered through the last amount of under growth that spread in front of him to see a clearing full of pets. A small Cottage on the edge of the clearing. Light beamed through the unusual thin over head branches.

Skoll looked at the clearing. Puzzlement formed on his face. Should he go on, or should he turn around? He decided to push forward. He stopped when a Biolune Rexxel turned his way. He smiled and walked toward him. Skoll reacted o instinct and turned to run, but the Rexxel was to fast.  "Goin' somewhere?" the Rexxel asked, holding a tight grip on Skoll's tail. A New York accent prominent in his voice. Skoll turned to look at him. The Rexxel's eyes gleamed with mischievous intent. He smiled an evil smile. Skoll swallowed, attempting to keep a level head. "I would appreciate it if you would release my tail..."

The Rexxel's smile grew larger. "You don't appreciate me helpin' you? You keep wandering through the forest with out a guide and you'll most definitely end up dead." Skoll looked at him. "Are you saying that you came over here to guide me to the other side?" Skoll didn't like the way this was turning out, however, he would have to deal with it for the time being.

"Well it depends on which way you want to go. I suggest you go back the way you came. This forest is a nasty place." Skoll swallowed the rising fear that grew in his chest. "Might I ask your name?" The Rexxel smiled a ghastly smile. "Only if afterward you tell me your name." Skoll nodded in agreement. "The names Slick. Now its your turn." Skoll nodded. He was in no position to argue. If Slick wanted, he could kill him in one blow. He was at Slick's mercy. "My name is Skoll." Slick nodded. "That settles it then. If you help me in what I need to do, then I'll help you in gettin' out of here..." Skoll looked at Slick. His heart bumped in his chest and he felt like he might end up dead after all....

If you'd like, You can see more of this. XD
This is gospel for the fallen ones,
Locked away in permanent slumber,
Assembling their philosophies,
From pieces of broken memories.
If you love me let me go,
If you love me let me go,
Cause these words are knives that often leave scars.
The fear of falling apart,
And truth be told, I never was yours.
The fear, the fear of falling apart.

~This is Gospel- Panic! at the Disco~

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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)*End Date 25 Dec*

Postby Mousen » 12/19/2010 9:02 PM

Applying for: Skoll

Personality: ((What? Small! D8 *clings to her overly complex personalities*)) At first he was something of a disappointment to his family. They saw Fabian Asplin as something of a wash out, a little naive, almost feminine at times. Much unlike the cunning and ambitious eldest son, Axel. He's an intelligent young man and he always sees the best in everybody, despite how dark they really are. Naturally this makes him a magnet for trouble. Not to say he's unintelligent, infact he's quite the opposite! His grounding in literature surpasses most, infact he's probably a decent part more intelligent than Arthur on some subjects. Fabian writes alot of poetry and he's there's no doubt he's very good at what he does. He's almost acts a little lost at times, he knows almost everything there is to know about being social, manners and etiquette, though he seems to be completely hopeless around people. That nervous stutter he's developed doesn't help either. All in all he;s a very compassionate, intelligent individual with no social skills whatsoever and a naive attitude that gets him into alot of troublesome situations that could have easily been avoided.

Note: He would be the brother of one of my important plot lucain. Who goes my the name of Axel Asplin, so just to clarify the fact that I've already gotten his 'brother' and everything. xD;; <3 You can read more about his plot here. :3

Roleplay Opening:

After the incident, he still could recall the bitter chill of the wind on his face, how the blistering cold bit his bones and burnt his fingers as he walked through the filthy streets. Sandwiched together slum on stinking slum, even this close to Christmas the mood was grim. Children shivered in the shadows of the long gone buildings, even in the days of them being new they hadn't been built for the rich, these had been poor man's houses, and now when only the skeletons remained, calling them houses for the poor was a severe overstatement, these were hovels for those that clung to their existence like limpets on a rock face. Those were the lucky ones, not that it seemed like it, neither had they found themselves in the Workhouse (even the sound of that place brought chills down any respectable man's spine. Those that didn't fear that place were mad) nor were they dead. Not to say that death wouldn't be a kinder fate than suffering this bleak, unforgiving winter.

His breath rose in steamy clouds as the man walked. After a moment or two he pulled his hat further down his face and sighed, fretting over the fate of those children that had to sleep under leaking roofs, with windows bare and doors broken. Those children that suffered and would suffer until they could scrape enough money to leave that god forsaken place, most never made it that far. Cholera had hit this place harder than even the coldest of winters, it had taken many, leaving the wives without husbands and the children without parents. No one had not felt the grief it caused.

He wove through the dark back streets, no one gave the man a glance, no one gave him a second thought. It was much easier this way, dressed like this; a thin frayed coat covered his lanky frame and a filthy once-brown flat cap covered his face, which was also smothered with soot. Had anyone taken a closer look at him, they would have noticed the fact his nails were spotless. A trivial thing perhaps? But, how would a simple chimney sweep have the hands of a well-to-do sort, eh? Beneath the muck, filth and grime of his costume was Fabian Asplin, the second son of one Daniel Asplin, the cunning, fast talking business man that was one of the most well respected in his business. Right now, the young man was congratulating himself on fitting in with a crowd very different to the one he'd been brought up in. Fabian's life had been all show and elegance, everything in his time had been done for effect. Whether it was the fact the Christmas cards were printed or how much gold leafing the servants could cover the food in, his life was miles away from the dying in the slums of the city.

There was a good few inches of snow beneath his feet, it muffled any sounds his worn out boots made. There was barely a soft crunch as he walked, infact the whole place was unnervingly silent. Without noticing he quickened his pace, the empty broken windows and the filthy streets suddenly seemed more threatening, they seemed to be closing in on him, blocking out any light from the quickly darkening sky. Houses set upon house leaned in, leering at the man. It was unwise to be out after dark in an area such as this, disguise or not. Clearly he had underestimated how long his detour was going to take. Every shadow seemed to contain something dark in nature, the street he was now walking along was empty, that in itself didn't bode well. The thin, tattered coat he was wearing made him fit in with every other seemingly penniless beggar out there, but it did little to protect him from the cold

Why? Why had that stupid man picked this place out of all others? Surely there had been other choices. Fabian would have to be a fool not to think that this place was the only option for this meeting. There had been others, the man could afford to buy from Tiffany's for god's sake! Why was he asking the young heir to meet him at the lowest and filthiest place there was. A place with more drunkards and beggars than anywhere else, a shady establishment full of gambling, and questionable substances. There had to be a good reason for it. Strangely Fabian hoped the man was just blissfully ignorant of the place's reputation. The only other reason for taking him here that sprang to mind was that drunk witnesses aren't much good. Shuddering, he pushed the thought from his mind and continued down street after darkening street. As he turned the corner there was the sound of raised voices and raucous laughter. Drawing closer, the heavy smell of tobacco and unwashed bodies, meant he'd found where he was headed. The inn itself was an old place, but age had done nothing to enhance it's beauty, not that it had any beauty to begin with. Fabian closed his eyes for a moment and hoped that he'd make it out alive in one piece. By the looks of things, coming out of that inn in one piece was a rarity in itself.

Taking a deep breath, the young man entered the building. From some out-dated grammar phone some stilted, oddly cheery music played. Not that you could hear it, you couldn't even hear yourself think, drinks were flying, tables over turned. Chairs, plates even barmaids were thrown across the tiny room. The place was utter chaos, there was barely a table or chair standing, most had been reduced to mere splinters in the sheer amount of bar fights that were taking place. Fabian couldn't work out if it was several different fights or if it was a fight involving the whole inn. In some of the shadier corners, there were people taking bets and cheating at card games. Laughter, shouting, screaming it all seemed to collide under that roof.

For a moment his thoughts strayed from that awful place to his eldest brother, who was no doubt in another awful place, prison. The logical side of him, understood why he found himself there and hated him for bringing shame onto their highly respected family. At the end of the day he was still his brother, a brother that he hadn't seen for four years and hadn't spoken to properly for much longer. 'So this is what he lived like everyday...' Somehow he just couldn't imagine, his ambitious and sharp witted brother in a place like this, but he hadn't known the people he'd gotten involved with, nor had he really seen his brother much before he'd been arrested. Fabian sighed, pushing all thoughts of his sibling to the back of his mind, he really didn't need thoughts like that clouding his judgement. The letter he'd gotten to make him venture here had been cryptic, the only thing he'd managed to gather from it was the fact this person was desperate to see him urgently, and that he'd been an acquaintance of his brother during their school days. Odd to say the least.

He flinched and spun around as there was a tap on his shoulder, caught by surprise. He was surprised further by the fact a well dressed gentleman, of which he recognised vaguely, standing before him.
"Fabian Asplin." The man greeted, his accent was very slight and was of the best side of London.
"H-how?" He stuttered, too taken aback to realize how silly he sounded.
"You have clearly come in disguise, clearly, no other man who was used to coming here would walk in with such an air of apprehension, not only that, most men that set foot here go straight to the bar. Finally there is the small matter of both your hands and your shoes."
"M-my shoes?"
"Those are finest quality boots made for hunting and the such-like, a simply chimney sweep would have never   been able to afford something as grand." The man stated plainly.
Stunned into silence Fabian only gawked at the dark-haired man. His green eyes were rather sorrowful and his expression gave away nothing as to what the purpose of their strange meeting could be.
"I am afraid that I am the bearer of bad news." At those words Fabian looked up, fear tinting his surprised gaze. "Scotland Yard believe you responsible for murder."
The blunt tone of his voice made everything seem a little more real, Fabian's eyes widened a little and he put a hand to the wall, as if trying to grip it for support.

"I, however do not believe you to be responsible. Infact, despite myself not being a gambling man, I'd bet more than my fortune on it."
"Don't go betting what you haven't got to lose." Snapped a harsh voice. "Don't forget to introduce yourself, Maycott. It's very bad manners, your superior upbringing should have told you that much."
Choosing to ignore the second voice's scathing comment, he turned from the shadows back to Fabian. "I apologise, I am Arthur Maycott, I have recently taken over from my father's antique business though I am known for helping out idiots in trouble occasionally."

"By that, brother dearest, Our insufferable friend means you an I."

Once again speechless his head turned lightly to the left, as a figure stepped forward, he was a few inches shorter than Maycott, though his frame had a certain lankiness that almost made him appear taller. There was a wide smirk on his face and his dark brown eyes sparkled with the insults he had yet to tell. Axel Asplin, older brother to Fabian Asplin placed a pipe to his lips before filling the surrounding area with the distinctive smell of cherry tobacco. He should have really stopped with that years ago.

"So, I here you murdered a man? I'm curious, you never seemed like the type."

Fabian stepped back, swaying slightly as he stood. He was vaguely aware of the fact that he his feet were going to collapse beneath him, what his brain had forgotten to comprehend was the fact that the rest of him would go down with them.

((Obviously Skoll/Fabian's text is blue, Arthur's purple and Axel's is red. :3 )

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)*End Date 25 Dec*

Postby Kat-Wolf » 12/21/2010 12:49 AM

a.k.a. ‘Hati’

Personality Blurb:
Has anyone ever given you a Hot Tamale, insisting that it was only a red Mike and Ike, and you plopped it in your mouth, expecting a delicious sweet, fruity flavor? Yeah, well, that’s Solus. Upon first inspection, the Lucain is calm and gentle. Beneath this veneer of chivalry, however, a ‘Hot Tamale’ lies within, and the male has quite the temper. He is almost always itching for some sort of fight or tussle, and is often the instigator behind most troubles.

But don’t get the wrong idea—he isn’t mean hearted or cruel, he’s just a battle hungry little bugger. He jokes, he plays, he flirts, he makes sarcastic remarks. He just loves the heat and fury of war. He likes to fight.

Well, we’ve established that he’s a battler now, haven’t we? Aside from that attribute, Solus is a daredevil. He will not hesitate to take on the unknown; in fact, he enjoys the adrenaline. He’s a flirtatious young gentleman, but can be incredibly awkward if you catch him at the wrong time. There is no ‘middle ground’ with Solus; you are either his friend or enemy. Only extremes exist in his world, which could possibly be his greatest flaw. All in all, the Lucain is a fiery spirit that cannot be contained, but can be cooled with the right touch.

(Gah, hope that's not too long Dx I tried to keep it short  :yay: )

Bubbles seemed to rise from the massive volcanic crater, a few plumes of molten rock rising from time to time, magnificent arcs of searing orange-red that soared over the dark, toxic skies. The fire illuminated the male’s already bright vermillion coat, the ebony dots lining his sides contrasting with his pelt even more than usual. He turned his head, letting his nose touch his golden wingblades, and flinched back slightly. They were uncomfortably warm from the hot fumes that swam around his body. He shivered, despite the steaming air.
The mountain loomed in front of him, brought out by flowing streams and pools of red-hot lava. Sure, he was a daredevil, but this was a lot, even for him. There was still time to back out…

Solus closed his jonquil eyes, taking a deep breath. He wasn’t going to welch out of this. He had put too much into the expedition, too much into it in general…

Futilely trying to shrug off the heat waves as if they were a sweater, the canine took a step forward, letting his paw slide onto the smooth, igneous rock. It would be a trek up this volcano, he was sure. His gaze moved upward, looking for the most direct path to the top, his destination. There seemed to be a route that threaded precariously through the haphazard magma rivers and lakes. Lifting his tails, the Lucain gritted his teeth, determined. He could not be late.

The dark horizon seemed to hang ominously above him, the tainted clouds occasionally outlined by a flash of silver as lightning streaked across the sky. Solus’ eyes jumped about nervously as he took in the shimmering pools of molten rock, both beautiful and deadly. Still, he forced his legs to move forward, his bones and muscles creaking together mechanically, almost against their will.

The beast let out a yelp as fire singed his tail tip, sending bursts of pain down his spine. A small spout of lava reached up just a bit too high, catching on the very last hairs. He spun around, looking at the blackened tip with dismay, licking it a few times to ease the stinging. The volcano was dangerous—as if he didn’t know that already.

It makes no difference, he told himself firmly, trying to push the matter away. Who cares? It’s just a little burn—none of this stuff is too bad… And yet, doubt crept into his mind like a serial killer creeps into a house. He could not ignore it, just as much as you could not ignore a murderer that knows everything about you hiding in your freaking attic. You should also listen to that little voice that tells you about the serial killer. Solus, of course, did not.

And, yeah. That voice was right, and if you don’t listen to it the serial killer kills you.

Do we all see the similarities here?

The canine walked on quickly, the hot stone branding his pads with fiery ferocity. Smoke swam around him, staining his shining coat and filling his lungs. The male coughed a few times, trying to expel the toxic gas from his system, his throat itchy and eyes watery. The volcanic air was getting to him, as were all other aspects of the dangerous environment. Just because he was colored like a flame did not mean he was resistant to them.

The entrance to the cave seemed glossy, the lava reflecting off the stones in a bright array of fiery orange and red. Solus stepped in hesitantly, looking around the cavern, watching the magma pools and streams that threaded around the opening with some sort of nervous interest.

“I was told you’d be here around this time.”

The Lucain spun around to face a figure hidden with the shadows of such a recess, his eyes, normally eager to try something new, uncharacteristically wide with fear. A crystalline voice echoed across the hollow, like little golden bells chiming in the air. He searched for the speaker, but to no avail.

“You’re late.” Finally, the mysterious voice revealed itself from the darkness, the ebony curtains shrugged off to reveal the form of a Sky Slynx, looking very out of place in the volcanic milieu. Her light lilac eyes glimmered as flames danced around in her gaze. Solus found himself caught up in them, his paws unable to move, as he watched the fire jump in a sea of lavender.

“Stop staring like that—that won’t fly here.” A harsh remark quickly brought the canine back to his senses, and he backed away.

“S-sorry,” he stammered, taken off guard by the comment. The Slynx grinned, and padded over to the Lucain, who staggered back once more, only to find himself inches from a bubbling pit of lava.

Jaws clasped his chest, and the female tugged him back up to safe ground. A sigh of relief came from him as he shakily regained his balance. “You’d best be a bit more careful,” she warned slyly, her eyes twinkling. “Things are a bit more dangerous here.”

All Solus could do was nod mutely.

“I see you’ve made the journey,” she continued, her pelt seeming to glow against the darkened backdrop. “Tell me, was it hard?”

“A… a little bit.” The canine bit his lip. “I burned my tail.”

A soft laugh came from her lungs, and the pet smiled charmingly. “You’ll have to get used to that. Here, you’ll learn how to avoid those types of things.” He could have imagined it, but he swore he saw her wink. “Have you made your decision?”

“I…” Solus thought for a moment, his ears pinned back. “I don’t…” He had given the matter quite a lot of attention, and had arrived at the cavern with the idea that he would say yes, but, now, he began to have doubts…

“A bit untrustworthy? I can see that.” The feline padded close to him, her whiskers brushing against his muzzle. The Lucain pushed back a little bit, his paws grating against the smooth, black ground with surprise, and he found himself looking straight into indigo depths. He felt his resistance drain as her cheek pressed against his, and it was all but vaporized when her tail wound around his chest, her side perfectly positioned next to his, their eyes locked. “But you can trust me, right?”

“Of-of course,” he responded awkwardly. A whisper in the back of his mind told him to get away that instant, but he ferociously pushed it away. He’d give in to whatever this charming little feline pleased.

“Wonderful,” she answered, breathing onto his neck. Solus felt his heart rate quicken.

“Now, come on, we have work to do.” The Slynx stepped away, her tail flicking his chin one last time as she padded down a dark corridor. “You’ll have to follow me.”

The canine obediently trotted after, trying to catch up. “What’s… your… name?” he asked between breaths as his speed slowed, matching her cadence.

“Me? I’m Icierra. You’ve made the right choice, Solus. Welcome…”

The pair stopped at a much larger hole, revealing a massive cavern, filled with all sorts of creatures.

“…to the Tan'huin Army.”

(Wow, that was so much fun to write xD Hati here just spawned a plot.)
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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)*End Date 25 Dec*

Postby Silverin » 12/22/2010 6:23 AM

Only a few more days left o3o (And I still have to read them all, and leave school, today is my last day with that) Yep only 3 days left to enter, I will alow some to slip through on the 25 though but after that it is the end. Oh and I will remake them o3o but only their titles will be Hati and Skoll not actuall names. (Those two will always be Hati and Skoll to me and others, as they have been around and well known for 3 years under those names XD)

There are better folks to gift.
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Re: Fire & Ice (Hati and Skoll)*End Date 25 Dec*

Postby Silverin » 12/24/2010 3:34 PM

Today is the last day you can get anything in with out having a good reason why your late. I will be reading them all later in the day on the 25 or early 26.

There are better folks to gift.
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