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Silversky's Giveaway

Postby Silversky » 06/17/2010 4:32 PM

I'm leaving Evelon. I'll miss you all so much, but I can't stay. Not now.
So, I'm holding a giveaway for all rare or retired pets I own.

All you have to do to enter is give me a description of who the pet will be and what you plan on doing with them. With the Lucains especially this is VERY IMPORTANT. I will only give the pet to the person who I believe will give them the best home and not let the pets rot in your zoo pen. The more details, the better. Anyone may apply.


All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby Freezair » 06/17/2010 4:38 PM

Applying for this girl:


Name: Gottfriede

Info: Gottfriede is the result of an experiment gone wrong, who found safety from the world above in the Craiss Caverns. She is hideous to behold: Her skin is patchy, she has several eyes, she's growing horns, she has varicose veins... She basically looks like one of Einsor's experiments gone mad. Of course, just because she looks bad doesn't mean she's nasty. And she's nice to most people... except for the fact that her mockery by the world has made her so deeply cynical, she believes most people are idiots and the only way to get what you want is through manipulation. She plays the field, seeking for new ways to emotionally tweak people to her advantage. But she's capable of being manipulated herself, and is truthfully very emotionally fragile deep down. If only she'd go see a therapist or something...

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby AnimeTheia » 06/17/2010 4:53 PM


Name: Nevara (Latin variant of Neves - Snow)
He will be an Ice mage/elemental. Serving as Beta Lucain in my Fire Mage's pack for is fighting against an enemy Pack that has invaded Lambastia and intends to take it over. Nevara would be the cool calm headed Second-in-command to my Fire Mages hot-headed, short-fused impatience and anger. He can summon ice daggers and hail and so on.

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

Song: Fleet Foxes - Ragged Wood
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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby Elektra » 06/17/2010 4:54 PM

I sent you a pm about everything, but I'll say it again that I'm soo sorry you're leaving, and I'll really miss you...   :cry:


(For the record, this boy is really the only one that I would want it I only had a chance at one.  Him, or the medicine duo, since I really also love fenlings.)
Sageeth is a real fighter.  He has a passionate side too though, but it takes a lot to get through that hard, blunt shell of his.  Although he might seem like someone who would just fight for no reason, he doesn't do it unless he's protecting his mate, Elektra.  Sageeth cares so much about her, even if they can't truly have children, and is her sole protector, and will kill anyone or anything that he feels threatens her.  
I know that you have the similiar name for one of your Lucain, him I think, but I thought that I might keep it just to honor him and you.  ^^

What's the point of living when I'm all alone?  That's Lucy's saying.  A while ago, she was perfectly happy, that is until one night, when she witnessed her mate's death.  Since then, she's kept to herself, afraid of almost everything and everyone, except Sageeth and Myrina.  She and Myrina are close friends, and tend to communicate only through thought speech, because of Lucy really.  You see, Lucy was born mute, but can be very expressive on her own.  But she doesn't let others control her, and is truly her own person.

Angie is a very caring person, and also experienced in the medical fields of Evelon.  She uses current drugs and such, but also uses her older teachings with herbs and such.  Sinaia, a troubled PSI Fenling, helps her in her studies, giving her access to old remedies used in the war and such.

The PSI Fenling is similiar to Angie's personality, since the two are very close, and both help and work with medicines for the Caverns.  ^^

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby HunnyBun » 06/17/2010 6:42 PM

Your leaving?
Well, I hope life treats you well

I'd like her since she is from my lines, she'd probably get the same name and personality I had for her before I traded her off. Her name was Lavender, she is sweet like her mother, she dares not speak, afraid that what she says will offend someone. She helps watch over the younger Cains of the family, making sure they grow they don't get into trouble. That's just a part of it. oPo

Shaman is a seer, and can be found surrounded by a cloud of green powder. He talks with anyone, but the sounds of chanting can be heard. No one knows exactly what he is doing, but it is rumored that he is casting spells.

I love Khalmars 8D I can't think of anything as of right now, but he will be an android oPo

Lore is the brother to my other Bleach Fellox Data, he is his twin brother, but seems to be evil.

We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Postby Kyrit » 06/17/2010 8:23 PM


I'll edit this post later with actual personalities, but just posting to show that I will be interested in these two, since I did help breed them.
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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby Nyxia » 06/17/2010 8:41 PM

(Love this girl)

Holly is a very sweet ice sprite/winter fae, who is as soft as falling snow. She is as kind as she is beautiful, never able to harm anyone. Her kind soul only ever meant to help or befriend those she came across, always striving her hardest to be liked or welcomed. Very few who’ve met her believe her to have any affiliation with the ice element, as her smile is warm and friendly, her voice soft like the tinkling of small bells, and she can revive or grow almost any plant she comes across. In fact Holly is a Svátek Fae, or a Festival Fae, a now dead race who were charged with the old holidays of the Azleet’s and the Azural’s. No one knows where she came from; only that she has no family to call her own, and is deeply sadden by this. Holly enjoys decorating, even if not for a season, making gifts for those she loves, and above all else cooking strange and pleasing meals.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby Flame » 06/17/2010 11:26 PM


This beautiful girl is perfect for a character that I've been wanting to create; I don't currently have a name for her, but I do have a base character and a plot set up. :3 Her colors just fit the personality I had flawlessly. <3 (I may edit the post later to add details)

She's essentially your average, perfectly normal young woman; a little on the shy side, perhaps, and slightly skittish around people in general, but otherwise, you wouldn't be able to tell her apart from any other young woman that you might pass on the street. The thing about her though, is a little quirk that no one knows about. Why? Well, the thing is, even if you've met her before, whether it be once, or a hundred times, you wouldn't know it. You see, the thing with her is that it seems she's 'unrememberable', as in, every single person that she meets is bound to forget her as soon as she is out of sight and mind. They might recall speaking with, or perhaps even spending the whole day with someone, but it is impossible for them to recall the person with whom they had been spending time. Just imagine, in a complete and total stranger walked up to you for no apparent reason, then told you a seemingly cock-and-bull story about being your best friend for the past few years, yet you don't remember them. You'd tell them that they were absolutely, raving insane, right? Well, that's what she has to live with; her only wish is that some day, she might be able to live a normal life, where she can have normal relationships with people who will remember her when they see her the next day.
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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby Jessari » 06/18/2010 12:42 AM

Image Image

I'll be editing this post later, after I've gotten some shut-eye. This is just to show my interest in these two girlies. :)
Feed me chicky nuggies and chokky milk.


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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby Akida » 06/18/2010 1:10 AM

I guess I'll enter..seeing I need a tangible body for my baby that will not come into being...

I'm entering for this boy:
His name shall be: Todome (Toe-doe-may)
Age: (In human years) 23 (It's been four years since the sensei's death)
Character Development:(Excuse what roughness there is currently)
Theme Song: "Almost Easy" by Avenged Sevenfold
Human Form: None for the moment (I'll do one at tektek or something sometime later)

Personality: Well he's a ninja.. He's reclusive. He's not shy, he just likes keeping to himself. He seems to have it set that if he gets too close to someone, they become a weakness... He's a tough guy, but under all of that he could be a sweetheart if he gave it a chance because he has some rather good values. I wouldn't recommend him as a baby sitter...unless they're his babies..

Skills: He's been trained well enough in the ninja arts and swordsmanship and the whole whatnots. His main weapons are a rather large broad sword , and a five point retractable shuriken. His battle tactics are on the border of insane maybe? He goes all out and does not hold back. His teachings were brutal and straight to the point. Nothing was softened or sugar coated for him so now he's been molded into this merciless fighting machine...

His Story (Don't confuse the two separate words as "HISTORY" I've done it to myself unfortunately...): Growing up he never really did know his parents. He was just a wandering soul. Soft, pliant, and ready to be molded by his surroundings instead. He came across an old man who knew the way of the ninja. This old man saw the pup's needs and took him in. Todome was taught under a strict hand and learned very quickly. As he grew, so did his strength and abilities. He loved the old man dearly. Much like he would have loved the father he never knew.
On a normal evening after their usual sessions, his sensei seemed to be tense. Being a master of the way of the ninja, this was not easy to see through the eyes of a normal person. Todome on the other hand, read it as clear as the full moon was glowing. It all happened too fast for him to know what was going on, but as his master's last breaths came and went the old man managed to say these words to Todome, "Young one...do not..spend your life......living.........in.............v.a..i...n." It was at this time the lucain shut his heart to everyone. He taught himself that caring for someone means a new weakness is able to form. He kept his master's words, but over the time he lost the true meaning of those words searching for the ones who took his master's life.

"Christmas?! I'm starting preparations for the new year celebrations thank you very much!"

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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby kabuto_rocks » 06/18/2010 12:06 PM

*hopes this is not one in a long line of people leaving*
I feel like a vulture doing this, but it's nice of you to offer up the pets instead of them rotting. I'm always sad to see a member going, and I wish you the best in whatever you do in the future~

Name: Nate
Gender: Male
Personality: Talented, Friendly, Easily bored, Showoff, Funny, Bright
History/Info: Nate is actually half-Timelord, though being left and raised on Earth from a young age means he doesn't know it. As a result he's sort of a weird hybrid-he has the brilliant mind and general all-round skills of a full Timelord, but lacks the telepathic and much of the physical side of things. He picks up new talents almost instantly but quickly tires of them, only choosing to use them if he thinks it will impress someone. Curiousity is something which fuels him, and he is constantly trying to find new hobbies and new people to interest him.

One Timelord skill which has passed down is the ability to 'regenerate', though it manifests itself differently in Nate. Unlike normal, his body does not change. Instead, he merely rejuvinates and comes back to life physically. His personality or his tastes sometimes have the odd tweaking, but apart from that he is the same person as before. It's more limited though since he only has the ability to do this 6 times before dying properly.

Possibly because of his heritage, Nate feels very restless and out of place a lot of the time. He lacks concentration and the motive to do anything worthwhile, though his numerous talents and mental skills could take him far if he tried. Often he goofs off, preferring to do his own thing rather than follow any rules. Moments of confusion and frustration can plague him too-sometimes he 'senses' things that others can't, often upsetting or angering him (this is a low level psychic sense of sorts, all he has in that department from his alien parent) However, on the whole is a mostly cheerful person who just needs someone to show him he can fit in


I would just like to note though while I'm not very active currently, I tend to go through cycles of activeness. I will return fully very soon (probably during my holidays in just a few weeks) where I'll be roleplaying a lot and such :) It's just right now I'm more of a lurker
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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby dgirl183 » 06/18/2010 7:43 PM

Never Mind


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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby clackno1 » 06/18/2010 10:25 PM

Applying for this boy since he is beautiful~

Mitchel Taylor
Mitchel, or Mitch as he prefers, is a champion figure skater. He's the star of his league and the pride of his coach. He does singles and pairs, or did since he left the sport for a while after dropping his partner, fracturing her ankle and cracking three ribs. h left for most of the season and is still deciding whether to go back or not. He's been skating since he was six and fell in love after his first lesson. He's passionate for the sport and only the sport, not the benefits. He doesn't indulge, rarely in food and never in the opposite sex. He makes all his own food so he knows the exact ingredients and what's going into his body. Even though he does eat healthy he always has cake somewhere in his home, whether out in the open or hidden away somewhere. he has a slice of cake maybe once a weeks with dabs of icing and crumbs throughout. He has a buddy that owns an ice rink and lets him in after hours so he can get a little personal time on the ice. Mitch always thinks better with skates on.

And this girlie here~

Marie Martin
Marie is, in simple words, an ice dancer. Also Mitch's best friend since they were kids. They went to lessons together every week, falling in love with the same sport but different parts of it. Marie doesn't do pairs. She only does it if Mitch asks her to do it with him since her grace cannot be compared to anyone else. She is also the partner that Mitch dropped. She fractured her ankle and cracked three ribs. Marie left the sport after that, but not because Mitch dropped her. She had been leaving anyway and that would be her last competition with Mitch. It wasn't Mitch's fault he dropped her. It was a tough lift and she'd convinced him to try it even though he warned he might not be able to hold her. His hand slipped and she fell to the ice. She's been trying to convince him to go back to the sport he loves but he's stubborn and will rarely listen to her when conversation turns to that topic.

(If I only get her I'd edit Mitch out so she's still Marie Martin, just not best friends with Mitch.)

One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the twentieth century.
Jack the Ripper

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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby Redd » 06/18/2010 10:55 PM

Okies~ Since Lucain Breeding is off, I'm practically jumping on Lucain and other pets to fit my Fallen Seraph children.

..:: Jaager, the Bane of the Jungle ::..

I wouldn't dare cross this creature, as she guards her home in the forests almost jealously. Jaager is a loner, who makes her home in the forests and jungles and she hates the company of others. For that reason, she's deliberately distanced herself from her family and used the leafy sanctuary as a safeguard against them, for if the forest was her element, who would dare follow her there? She's that adamant about not involving herself in the matters of her father, she's threatened them all with death should they attempt to even try.
She's terribly greedy and she loves to collect bright and shiny trinkets and hoard them and she's stockpiled quite a dragon's hoard that she has taken off unwary and unlucky travelers.
As a hobby, or a general form of amusement, Jaager spends most of her time devising clever traps and ways to catch and ensnare hapless adventurers so she can first loot from them, then take delight in ending their life.

..:: Zephra - The Wind's Sword  ::..

As Guardian of the Ascended Tower, Zephra is cool, calm and collected. It is her job, with her brother to guard the tower of their Fallen Seraph father, and deny entry to those who mean him harm. Zephra is the more bolder of the twins and gives her power to the element of air, and protects the tower with a Lance crafted from the power of the element.
The twins share an odd bond; when separated, Zephra's wind powers subside to a simple breeze, and her brother's abilities over water slow down to a simple trickle. Together however, they are a formidable team and would defend the tower with their lives if they had to.
Zephra is an honorable warrior, however and will stick to her word when given, regardless of death or punishment and she will make sure one is at full health before engaging them in a fight.

Oddly enough, Zephra and her brother Temhest cannot lie, and would die if they did so.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: Silversky's Giveaway

Postby jobiehanna » 06/20/2010 12:28 PM

Applying for:
Name: Alexia
Gender: Female
Descriptive Words: Helpful, Caring, Passionate, Sympathetic, Loyal
About: Alexia is one to help others out. She doesn't like it when someone in need is, well, in need. She will do whatever it takes to help them out of a situation. Whether it be financially or emotionally or whatever. She is passionate about helping people. She is always running around helping others and has no time for herself.
Alexia has been helping people for hundreds of years, yes, she's that old. She doesn't look it or act it though, does she? Her parents raised her a a 'good' girl. She always behaved, well, maybe not always. XD Like most kids, she got into some trouble now and then. But she wouldn't be sneaking out of the house to meet her boyfriend, oh no! She would sneak out of the house to hep with a charity event!
As a young girl, and even now, Alexia has never taken an interest in guys, or girls for that matter. She doesn't seem to know how to relax and enjoy herself like other people do. Her form of enjoyment is working until she practically falls over from exhaustion. She doesn't have a love life, though you could say helping people is her only love.
Personality: Alexia is a rather sweet girl. She is always nice to those she meets. She has met many people over the years, and considers most of them friends. She doesn't have many enemies, if any at all, as she is such an agreeable person. She hates arguing and will end an argument by walking away if it gets to wild. She loves all things purple. Above all, she loves helping others.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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