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Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Kyrit » 02/07/2010 2:02 PM

Yes, yes. I am aware that I let my old personality contest thread die off and fade away, and I do apologize for doing such. With that said, this time I do plan on paying close attention to it, since I would really like to get these pets added in to my pen.

Anyways, yes. This is a contest to design personalities for a few of my pets that I refuse to let sit around rotting without a personality. This time the prize is 50 KS, seeing as how I have plenty to spare. That's 50 KS per pet, mind you.

So what pets need personalities currently? Well, here they are. I'll try to keep this list updated as well.

The marking on this one sort of makes me think of something digital. Kinda like something is getting deleted off her/him.










I believe those are the main ones I am currently looking for help on.
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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Silversky » 02/07/2010 3:00 PM

Oh wow. Many ideas are now exploding in my brain.

Okay, first off, how about the Fellox?

Name: Eversor ('destroyer' in Latin)
Ever is living proof that sometimes you can't escape what you were meant to be.
Eversor, or "Ever," is not a true fellox, even though that is his form. He was created by someone like Einsor, though no one knows exactly who or how.
He's basically an organic computer. Engineered to be the ultimate destroyer, Ever has rebelled against his programming. He was raised normally, not knowing his true origen, until he started showing signs of the programming within him as he became an adult. Sometimes he blacks out, only to find that he's now lying on the ground somewhere in the night, not knowing why. His descructive programming is taking over, deleting the person and the life he's built underneath. As, little by little, his true self is deleted, his fur changes from red to black. He does all he can to fight it, trying to master his powers over technology, which developed along with his other programming, while he still can. He hopes that someday he'll be able to write a program into himself that will stop his transformation.
The program can cause him to hurt those he loves. As it developed, Eversor began to shut himself off from other people, avoiding his family and those he knew as a child. So instead, he ends up hurting others. Ever hates it, because he doesn't want to hurt anyone. He's always been the helpful one, the one who rescued people or stood up to bullies. And now he's becoming the epitome of what he has fought against all his life.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby kabuto_rocks » 02/07/2010 4:02 PM

This might not be what you're looking for, but since the idea popped into my mind I might as well offer it up to you :)
Name: Mode (can be changed, just a random placeholder name)
Personality: Clever, Calculated, Dangerous, Dark, Secretive
History/Info: When she was first hatched, Mode was just like any other Paragon. Quiet, sweet and eager to make friends, it seems she was unfortunately a little too trusting. One of her human 'friends' took her to a laboratory to take part in a little experiment. They inserted a chip into her flesh and ever since she has been like a completely different person.

The chip was supposed to make her more intelligent and more docile, but the docile part seems to have backfired. She is now super-smart, super-fast and has rather a mean streak. She knows numerous ways to kill and isn't afraid to use them, preferring to distance herself away from others. Frustration can take her over at times and reduce her to going on a mayhem spree, disrupting lives and generally causing misery. This is due to a lack of goal in her life-she has all this skill and intelligence, but nothing real to invest it into. She sees no point in having relationships and therefore aims to destroy others' relationships. It is possible that deep down under it all, the little hatchling she once was still exists. However, if that is so, she is currently buried under too much hate and stress to be found

It's a little rough, but hopefully you get the basic idea
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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Wolfie_Barrow » 02/07/2010 5:00 PM

Ooh... Ideas...

Name: Linden (changeable, of course)
Personality: Linden once lived in a large forest, completely alone. He learned to survive that way, and became a kind of guardian of the trees. He lived in the hollowed out trunk of a large tree that is located in the center of that forest. He took care of the animals and treated them with respect, even when he hunted them. But then one day, when he was in his early twenties, a group of drunken men set fire to the forest, which was on the edge of a usually peaceful town, and his home was burned to the ground. Since then he has held a grudge against humanity, and it's very hard to befriend him.

Name: Tirnpip (also changeable XD)
Personality: Tirnpip (changeable) is obsessed with nature. Not like Linden, where the forest was his home for so long. Her room is large, but very cramped because of the plants she hoards. Some of them are dying because she can never find enough time to water each and every one. Yet she continues to buy more and more, spending hundreds a year on plants and earthy decorations to put in her already crowded room. She can also be a bit eccentric, but tea calms her down.

Personally, I like the first one better, but here you are!
All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, Worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going no where, Going no where
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, No expression
Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, No tomorrow
And I find I kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had
I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very, very
Mad world

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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Indigo » 02/07/2010 5:46 PM

(cleared post for use elsewhere)

What are you looking at?

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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby zapdragon555 » 02/09/2010 8:22 PM

Ooh! I wanna try~ :D

Name: Concha
Gender: Female
Personality: Concha is a lighthearted, innocent little girl who absolutely loves everything about the beach. She is an avid surfer, and spends most of her time playing around in the sand and collecting seashells. This all started when her mother took her to the seashore for the first time; She loved the feel of the sand between her toes, the splash of the waves on the shore, and the noisy seagulls flying high above her head. From that day on she dreamed of having a house on the beach, where she could surf and play all day. Her name is Spanish for "seashell."

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Elektra » 02/09/2010 9:02 PM

Name: Shekai (Of course changeable)
Gender: Male
Personality: Shekai is withdrawn.  Now don't misread her, she is shy, but definitely active.  In truth, she's a robber.  She doesn't keep anything she finds, but she's also not any Robin Hood.  Shekai steals when people pay her.  If someone wanted to get some trophy from a celebrity, they would call her for the job.  One day the guy would have it, the next it would be all over the news about how some random guy ended up with it.  By then, Shekai would have already moved on to her next job.  She is loyal to her very few friends, and defends them ferociously if they are ever in danger.  She likes adventure, which is probably why Shekai chooses to get herself mixed up in things like thievery.  Although that type of career sometimes turns out to be a nuisance to her.

(Sorry if you don't like the thievery style, she just seems like she would be a really good one, being so small and unnoticed sometimes.)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Remedy » 02/11/2010 9:13 PM

Uh, okay, I'll try this...  I'm not quite sure how it'll work out... but here goes.   :yay:


Name: Andrés
Name Meaning: Manly, Warrior
Name Origin: Spanish
Name Pronunciation: (AN drees); (ahn DRAYS)
Gender: Male
Species: Dire Fenref
Personality: Andrés, at first look, seems to be a fierce, rabid dog, always growling.  If you talk to him enough though, (mostly in spanish, since that's usually what language he's barking in), you'll find that he's actually really sweet.  He's protective and loyal to his friends, but always seems to pick fights with the wrong people.  He tends to get himself in a lot of trouble, but somehow everything gets resolved on way or another.  It's like luck balances the unluck equally, so you never know what'll happen when you're around him.  Just, even though he speaks it, I wouldn't learn Spanish to understand him if I were you.  He tends to get a bit... colorful.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Postby Kyrit » 02/28/2010 6:25 PM

Okay. Just posting to say that I have read all these entries. I read them a long time ago and was just waiting to see if anyone else would post. Honestly, so far not of them are really sticking to me. The Fenref has been taken down, as he's now based on a RL friend.
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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Dragyn » 03/01/2010 3:30 PM


Name: Nephele (Nef-eh-lee)
Nephele has an ephemeral quality about her. Others who see her feel that if they're not careful she could simply drift off, carried by the wind. She is highly intelligent, of that there is no doubt, but her mind works almost too fast. She is constantly in her head, dreaming and thinking. Conversations tend to peter off unless prompting is given and her train of thought is an incredibly difficult one to follow. Sometimes, however, when a problem is being discussed Nephele may wander over and offer a brilliant solution, one perhaps no one else would have thought of. She is a gentle soul; incredibly naive about the outside world, but although she is uneducated in some respects one look in her eyes informs you that she knows far more about the world than you ever will. It's a disturbing effect and some find it difficult to make eye contact with her for this reason.

Nephele can be incredibly frustrating. She is incredibly forgetful about mundane, day-to-day things, such as feeding herself. It is considered unwise to ask her to do a chore or help you with a task as she will likely forget what she supposed to be doing as she starts to ponder the paradox of time travel or invent a new, more effective method of gene splicing in hybrid animals. Ask her for advice and she'll likely as not give you some obscure quote from a Greek philosopher that seems to have nothing to do with the situation at hand or remark on the shape of the clouds overhead. It's a mixed bag with this one, but even if she can't help you with your problem the sense of dreamy calm she exudes seems to calm you without you even noticing.

I'm just going to name the rest, because I like to. I'll include meanings and if any of them strike you I can expand.

Minoru(Meen-oh-rue) - Japanese for "truth".

Borislav(Bore-i-slahv) - Eastern European meaning fame in battle.

Gwynfor(Ga-win-vor) - Welsh for tall and white/fair/blessed

For some reason, I like Richard. That or Basil (Bahh-zil). Both mean brave.

Maeve(mayv)- Based off of a Gaelic word meaning intoxicating. In Irish legend this was the name of a warrior queen of Connacht.

I give up on your Khimera. They don't like me and I don't like the look they're giving me! >.>

Lucifer - Latin, means "bringing light" first associated with Venus.

Tamara(tam-air-ah) - Sanskrit for Spice
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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby jackie125 » 03/01/2010 3:41 PM

????? is a mysterious girl. The only thing we know about her is that she is highly in love with all things natural. She loves being outside and finds being inside highly confining. She is loud, but knows when to stop, she is shy around people she doesn't know. Except when they say something she doesn't think is right, then she will say whatever she thinks should be said. She will protect what she believes in. Overall she is adventurous and fun loving and will not back down from a challenge.
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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Adelie » 03/01/2010 4:04 PM

If you don't mind--I have a few really rough personalities I can throw out at you. :)   I like to do little words/phrases in personalities which hopefully might somehow result in some inspiration for a character idea for you.

Strikes me as male: I can't think of a name, really.
Amnesiac: because everyone needs a good amnesiac cliche in their storylines.  But it's not like he just woke up one day and he couldn't remember anything of his past--it's more like he's just always forgetful.  His short-term memory is just as it says--short-term, and don't even mention long-term because he doesn't have any of that.  The only reason why he even remembers to eat, breathe, and all of that necessary stuff is that he does it often enough.  (Think of it this way: you could meet him today.  Maybe in a few days you'll see him again and want to start a conversation, but he's going to have no idea who you are.  And he does have an exceptional problem with names: those take him a lot less time to forget because they're just so complicated.)
In a sense, then, he's not exceptionally smart.  He would be, but smartness is generally synonymous with "having knowledge of lots of things" and he just can't remember all of that stuff for so long.  Same thing goes with his command of the language: sure he can talk, but he talks at what would be considered a low-grade level.  Don't expect great things or impressive vocabulary.
He's got a connection of some sort with computers.  Not the operating systems themselves but the down-and-dirty, chips and silicon and processors part of computers: it's like he can't forget that kind of thing because it sticks with him.  You could probably get him to fix a computer or patch together a robot but he can't really explain how or what it's meant to do.  (Oh, and he's hopeless on the Internet.)
If you want a backstory I think mad scientist's experiment, but honestly I really think there are too many of those on Evelon. xD  As for more rather random, unrelated stuff, I sort of picture him in human form as being somehow Indian--not sure if by Indian I mean Native American or actual Asian Indian, but something in that range.
Female.  It's the purple that does it.
Colors.  All her life she's wanted to see colors--wanted to see the world in other things that simply shades of grey or this weird tone--she can't describe it because she's not sure what color it would come closest to--but nothing works for her.

{UNFINISHED.  I'm not writing you a two-sentence personality. xD  I'll do more when I get home.}
and if you ask how i regret that parting:
it is like the flowers falling at spring's end
confused, whirled in a tangle.

what is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,
there is no end of things in the heart.

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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Fallen_Snow » 03/06/2010 5:38 PM

Name: Caroline
Personality: Nature? Outdoors? You've got to be kidding her. She hates the natural world-- all that dirt and muck and... and disorganization! Uck! The only time you'll see her outside is when it's in a nice, clean, urban area. Concrete preferred. She is a city girl, through and through, though her family and colors might mention otherwise. This isn't to say that she doesn't have a problem with regular dirt and grime, though. She's a bit OCD when it comes to things being clean and organized. She absolutely hates when things fall through, and as soon as they do she's everywhere-- tantrums, demanding solutions, trying hard to fix the problem but feeling powerless... she always needs to be in control, and is so thoroughly stubborn that once she loses it, she feels she has to do everything she can to get it back, no matter how much of a fool people see her as or what repercussions that come her way afterward. She doesn't have very good foresight, meaning she doesn't really think to think ahead. She tends to dwell on her past mistakes and what is happening right this moment. She doesn't like to think of the future, and feels she doesn't have to-- once she's told what's going on, she sticks to this like sparkles in glue and will not move. But don't worry, she's not horribly moody or anything. She's a fairly cheerful person, it's just she gets out of hand sometimes. We believe that in the past she was spoiled so much that nothing ever didn't go her way, and that's why she's like this today.

Name: Brian Eckles
Personality: Coming along with his own laugh track, Brian is a comedy force to be reckoned with. He loves to make nonsensical jokes and slightly off cracks that will get the whole room busting a gut. When he walks into a room, it's like people want to pay attention to him-- he's a commanding, amazingly present person, you can't ignore him. Which is weird, because for the most part, he's fairly plain in coloring with the tans and browns painted heavily on his fur. But even though he likes to make people laugh, he asserts himself when things go wrong or people step a toe out of line. He absolutely hates when people give him sass or try to cut in on his jokes or interrupt him. He is the one that gets the last word, he's the one who makes people want to get to know him and him alone. No one steals his thunder. He makes sure of it by having this deep, commander like voice. If you know of Sam the Eagle from the Muppets, he's similar to him. He's heavily flawed though-- his front left paw is twisted to the side, dead from an accident he suffered through as a pup that they couldn't fix without amputation that wasn't needed anyways.

Name: Madge (Placeholder?)
This girl, while seeming to be anti-social, runs her mouth more than any other. She just loves to talk, which is weird, because she's not that open of a person-- if you don't make a try to talk to her, she'll avoid you. If she's not enough for you to come over and at least say 'Hi, my name is Joe, what's yours?' she's not going to bother with you. While she sounds somewhat snooty, she's a really cool person. She especially loves special effects. She's been hired a few times by bands to do the laser lighting for concerts. She loves creative lighting and stage direction and all that kind of stuff. Mostly into designing, if you ask her about a space, she'll tell you all the cool things she can do to it-- add new lighting, design furniture, create new features... the list will continue on and on and on...
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby Mousen » 03/09/2010 8:10 PM

Small and cunning, Olc Feargach's main object in life is to enslave humantitly for all it has done to him, for starters there is the the "small" jokes and then there is the fact the mail man stepped on him one time. As you could gather he isnt all there and gets a bit scatterbrained now and then as well as the random mood swings and the anger management trouble. Though there must be a nicer "thing" underneath all that...

(I hope thats allright.)
Olc Rune.
This Shimin is as old as the hills, a storyteller and soothsayer, He tends to get things wrong now and again with promises of doom hanging in the air, though on occasions he gets things startlingly right, his best method is the runes or watching the flames in rosmary burning fire. He is very a very patient beast and can stay still for hours staring into nothing.

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

Nothing gets futured without its own spitshine
& I’m already not not not not not not miraculous.

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Re: Personalities. Gimme.

Postby fefe4ever » 03/16/2010 7:17 PM


I did it WAY to person-like.
Name: Petpet (obviously a placeholder, If you want a good one, just let me know.)
Gender: We'll just say girl, but you can change this, too.
Petpet hated it. She hated every last bit of it. Her life was so average. It wasn't bad, and she was grateful for that, but it was so...so...normal! Petpet was the kind of person that wanted adventure in their life. She hated being stuck in a little town, she hated her normal parents, she hated her normal grades, she hated her normal school, she hated her normal family...everything. She was just plain unhappy. Her heart accumulated so much hatred...soon the love was taken over. She still seemed the same, though. Just a bit crabby. Boy, were they wrong! Her fur was dyed blue and green one day, her ears pierced numerous times. She hung out with the bad kids, she smoked, she turned rotten. Her hope, love and happiness were buried inside forevermore...

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