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Pet Personalities

Postby Kyarra » 12/15/2009 4:27 AM

Hello everybody! Well......I will get straight to the point! I have several pets without personality and that's a shame. As I can't come up with something good on my own I will need your help!

When offering a personality, it doesn't have to be anything too elaborate. Just check my pen and you will see how I normally write my personalities^^. If you still want to offer a in-depth personality, feel free to do so. It is up to you. Well, personality for each pet means KS award for each pet!

For each personality that I chose, you will be given 30 KS. (that means if you offer two personalities for two different pets and I chose both, I will give you 60KS!) I know that' nothing much, but that's a good bit more than people charge for personality help in the bazaar.

Pets in need of personalities

Shinkyou (~religious belief~), male Revelate Kuhna (Isak & Narills)

Raku, female Spangled Kuhna (Aaron & Jurai)

Okay....that's it for now. I'll probably post more pets, after some of them have their personalities.
Have fun!  :yay:
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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby AnimeTheia » 12/15/2009 1:03 PM

Rejection Kuhna

Reikoku (Rei for short)

A cold hearted and cruel individual, Reikoku strives to be the top of all kuhnas and is ruthless in his means to  get there and be recognised as the leader.
Never afraid to show what he is made of Reikoku will violently attack anyone who suggests that he is incapable of doing anything in any way, particularly if they refuse to submit to his leadership or say that they do not think he is capable of being a leader.

Name meanings and alternative names:

Reikoku: cruelty/coldheartedness/relentless/ruthless
Rei: command/order/dictation
Mujihi: merciless/ ruthless
Mujou: heartlessness/hardness/cruelty/ruthless

It's a bit of a short description, but if you like it it may give you something to work off of?


Ishi strives to become Reikoku's life-mate and rule all the kuhnas with him, she is very attractive like a jewel (as per her namesake), and has a heart of stone due to being unable to feel any emotions other than the desire for greatness. Ishi spends most of her time backing up Reikoku and attempting to flirt with him,
the rest of the time she is busy making herself look as beautiful as possible, preening her fur until it shines. Like some other Heartless kuhnas, Ishi hasn't got perfect vison, everything looks a bit blurry and dark to her, but although it does not affect her day to day life very much it can affect her judgement in certain situations (for example gauging jumps).

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/15/2009 4:03 PM

Just thought I'd give this a little try. You're free, of course, to alter anything you'd like about what I write. My personality blips are usually used more as inspiration for each person to add to and expand upon. And, I may also try for a few others later.

It was Ima's innate fear of being eaten that first lead the Candy Apple Kuhna having "adopted" a Trukzilla plushie. In her younger years she tended to catch others trying to steal the strange caramel that never stopped oozing from her pores. "Just a little snack," they would say, but that never ceased to creep the poor dear out. She saw it as them actually trying to eat a part of her, even though licking up the caramel would never bring her any physical harm. The worst day for her every year is Thanks For Life Day, when all Turkzillas go ravenous. Being already sweet tasting, she is sure that she'll be one of the first eaten if she doesn't hide herself away. On this day, she locks herself any inside location open to her and is likely to be found clutching her plushie and rocking back and forth. The fear overwhelms her greatly, and she shies away from all Turkzillas, no matter what day of the year it is, no matter their personality. One gets to close and she has the reaction to either scream and run, or slash at it, then scream and run. She hates confrontation of any sort, her body reacting to it by shaking, however, she has very strong opinions and dislikes when others shut them down without giving them a chance. At first she seems very shy, but it's only cause by her seemingly irrational fear of being someone's dinner. When she opens up, she really has quite the fun imagination, tending to strive for adventures [so long as Turkzillas are not involved]. She's trying to make herself stronger, only she doesn't know exactly how to go about it. Her Turkzilla plushie is sort of like her security blanket and she's rarely seen without it tagging along. She first got it in order to try to get over her Turkzilla fears, only it didn't quite work out. Knowing that it's a doll, however, she doesn't fear it and even will claim that it will protect her.

[An option to her plushie would be that it can actually come to life, transforming into a real Turkzilla when she's in danger in order to protect her from it. Of course, that would greatly freak her out the first time it happened due to her fear of real Turkzillas. I also suggest, perhaps, her actually giving it a name.]

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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby Kyarra » 12/15/2009 4:53 PM

Wow Toxic, that is a really nice personality! 30KS will come your way :D and your idea with the Turkzilla to become alive when she's in danger....awesome^^

@AnimeTheia: Still need to think about that. I'll come back to you later ;)
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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/15/2009 5:50 PM

Rejection Kuhna

Name suggestions: Hayate, Kurou, Daiki, Souta, Yoshiro
[For the sake of writing, I'll just stick "Hayate" where his name shall go.]

Hayate would have been the troublesome child in the family. He has never been a very social creature for not knowing how to enteract well with others, thus being excluded from most of society. He spent most of his time working on machines, taking them apart and seeing if he could piece them back together again afterward. He wanted to know how things worked. What with having a seemingly neglectful family, Hayate became less and less interested in everything aside from machines, slowly gaining more and more distaste for the ignorant people in the world that shut him out of their lives.

Now much older, Hayate has become a hacker, having centered his interest of machines on computers. He hacks for many different reasons, including doing it just to annoy home computer users at random, as well as for ruining businesses, stealing information and dirt, and feeding money into his own personal accounts. He's one of the best at what he does, able to hack while being undected and unfazed by most firewalls. One of his favorite hacks, though one of the most simple, is to initiate the "404; Page Not Found" error. A simple tactic, but one that drives people nuts.

Even less social now than he was at a younger age, Hayate rarely leaves his room where he keeps all of his computers used for hacking. He doesn't have to leave, after all. He makes a living hacking and he truly seems to enjoy it. When thrown into social situations he's simply cold hearted, if not cruel, creature. He makes a point of shutting people down and getting on their nerves, never seeming even the slightest bit interested in what anyone has to say. If someone annoys him, it's likely that he'll strike them, be it male or female. Being yelled and growled at is only the beginning of it and one shall be considered lucky if they annoy him and oget away with only that befalling them.

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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby Silversky » 12/15/2009 6:41 PM

Going with the Heartless Kuhna. They've always intrigued me.

Ishi has darkness inside her. Beautiful yet fierce, ambition is one of the only things that drives her.
Ishi was born to an influential family. From an early age she was always involved in 'games' of trickery and deception with her parents. They taught her that the only way to get through life is to be faster, smarter, and more dangerous than your enemy. Everything was a test; however insignificant, she always had to be ready. When she became older, she realized that if she stayed where she was, her own family would be what destroyed her. They would hold her back, too scared to let her stand against them. So, she left, making plans to destroy what her parents had left and bring her in control.
She manuvered her way into a place of importance, and still continues to rise in power.
Ishi doesn't let anything stand in her way. Being a Heartless Kuhna, she can barely feel any strong positive emotions, so in her opinion there is only ambition, and power, and a cold calculating logic. She figures that if she can't feel it, it doesn't exist.
She believes she is fearless, though that may be an over-exaggeration. She doesn't like showing weakness in front of others.
She has never loved anyone before, yet that doesn't mean she is incapable of doing so. She may learn things about herself that will surprise even her.

Feel free to add/change anything. This is just an idea. =)

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby Kyarra » 12/16/2009 4:20 AM

wow...okay.....for the Rejection Kuhna I will stick with Toxic's personality, very nice!

@AnimeTheia: I will name him Mujihi, you'll get some extra KS ;)

As for the Heartless personality Silversky, you wrote a really nice personality but I don't think that this one fits to my Heartless Kuhna. Don't get me wrong, it's very well done, just need to think about it^^
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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby Silversky » 12/16/2009 3:57 PM

That's okay, I don't mind.  :)

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby Elektra » 12/16/2009 9:02 PM

Hey, so I'd like to try out the brushfire kuhna.

History: Hope it's not madatory because I'm not to good with that part.

Personallity: Naoko is a peaceful kuhna. He can also be a fierce fighter, but he tends to try to solve things without fighting. He isn't some peaceful boring old guy thoough. If he thinks there is something worth while in it for him he will fight like nothing you have ever seen before. He's also a good strategist. His flans are almost always fool proof, and if they aren't, he'll go start back to the drawing board and come up with an even better plan.  His room is covered with tons of blue prints to different building layouts, their security systems, and much more. Although few have seen it, for Naoko tends to be a very open person with everything, except his room.

Sorry if it's pretty crumy, but I was just so tired.  :oops:

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby Kyarra » 12/17/2009 7:48 AM


@Silversky: I will go with your personality, but I have to redo the history part a little bit ;)

@Arya: Sounds good so far...interesting. Need to think about it. Maybe it has to be more filigreed!^^
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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 12/18/2009 11:45 PM

Raku  Born with eyes so sparkly, no one can resist her charming personality.  Raku loves to make and collect rare treasure from around the world.  She especially loves ones that are like her colors.  When someone goes on a treasure hunt, she tags along and wagers a splitting of the treasure.  But those who crosses their fingers, would 90% of the time, would be in a hospital with no treasure.  If Raku loves their sence of treasure hunting, she lets the one she travels with have all of the treausre.  Raku fights and treasures like a tom boy, but is sensitive and sweet loving like a girl.

Hehehe.  I just had to make her a treasure hunter...  Becuase she lookes like a Gem.   ::3:
The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
And that's the TRUTH
Though it may hurt, I give what they DESIRE
What they Desire is my own IMITATION
The reality is, my mind thinks FICTION

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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/20/2009 2:40 PM

Trying to work on more entries, but I have a question. Does Shin want to be a biologist or a botanist? A biologist studies all living things, animals, plants, cells, single-celled organinisms and everything that has to do with all of it. A botanist focuses on just plants, knowing more about plants than a biologist, obviously. To me, it sounds more like he wants to be a botanist, despite that not being what you wrote.

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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby Silversky » 12/20/2009 2:54 PM

Okay, I've come back for another one. =)


Naoko's greatest fear is that he'll make a mistake. A total perfectionist, he insists on doing everything himself to make sure it comes out right. This can make him somewhat unlikable, despite the fact that he doesn't see anything wrong with himself. He does try to be friendly. He doesn't mean to be selfish or condescending; it's just how things come out. He is fairly smart. Because he wants things to be perfect they usually are, to the annoyance of those who try to prove him wrong. Though if something is wrong, he can get very upset.
One of Naoko's hobbies is researching wars and battles, and practicing strategy. He wishes he had been alive during the Purine/Imperial war, because he believes he would be a very good strategist. He's not into fighting, himself, but he wants to be the one behind the battle who engineers victory for whichever side he chooses.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby Kyarra » 12/21/2009 4:24 AM

ToxicShadow wrote:Trying to work on more entries, but I have a question. Does Shin want to be a biologist or a botanist? A biologist studies all living things, animals, plants, cells, single-celled organinisms and everything that has to do with all of it. A botanist focuses on just plants, knowing more about plants than a biologist, obviously. To me, it sounds more like he wants to be a botanist, despite that not being what you wrote.

Hmm....good question!^^
In my opinion he's more an biologist, as I was considering that he also studies living creatures like insects and stuff.^^ He just started with plants as they don't try to run away
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Re: Pet Personalities

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/22/2009 5:08 PM


[I've taken lines and bits of what you wrote and just threw in more detail.]

Shin is a nice, young Kuhna boy, if not a little shy, and one of the youngest residents of the castle. He's very close to nature, finding it easier to be around than most other Kuhnas or creatures that wish to make conversation, and wants to become a biologist some day. He often spends his time helping Daiki, the resident alchemist, by gathering different plants and herbs for his use. Daiki is one of the few he feels comfortable around, also including his sisters, Akiko and Ishi. His time not spent trying to help the Ancient Kuhna he spends trying to track down and study rare plants and, to some extent, rare creatures, even though he is a little afraid to deal with anything too big. He usually sticks to insects and creatures smaller than himself.

Being an endangered rare Kuhna, it only seems to make sense that he has a fascination for the strange and rare. He strives to learn all that he can in order to protect the endangered plants and creatures that he studies. As such, he often collectes plant samples and contains them within his controlled green house, spending hours of his time jotting down as much information as he can gather within his large brown book.

One passion untold, however, is that Shin actually loves the plants and creatures that live underwater, untouched by many of his kind. Being a Kuhna, he has been forced to set much of his love for these things aside, seeing as it's nearly impossible for most Kuhnas to function fully beneath the water for very long. Organisims underwater are so very strange compared to those on land, the plants acting more alive than any others ever seen. He believes that these plants may very well hold a secret that may help him understand all the others subjected to thrive out of water.

He's very passionate about everything he does and, while he may be a little shy, it is believed that his passion will be able to flow over onto another, if only given the chance. Shin, though, doesn't see himself very likely to find another, only because he just can't fathom it. He doesn't see anyone, aside from himself, even being remotely interested in what he does to accept it.

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