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Paragon Personality Contest~

Postby JoseJalepenoOnAStick » 07/12/2009 12:39 PM

=O Jalap's having a contest?
Yeah, and a personality contest to be exact~
So there are a few things to know before entering:
1. Other than a personality, you can also enter a  few names if you'd like.
2. Use the Form please~
3. Tell me how much you love evelon somewhere in the post~
Code: Select all
Personal Traits he could have(optional):

Not to many preferences for him, he's just not nice?(I'm so good at describing things..)
I may edit the personality in the end though, and I'll give credit to the person who made the personality?
Winning name: 30KS
Winning personality:40KS
If one person comes up with the winning name and personality:80KS

Winner: Daemon!
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Re: Paragon Personality Contest~

Postby HeartofLillies » 07/12/2009 12:57 PM

He looks like a Slasher to me but its up to you.

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Re: Paragon Personality Contest~

Postby zapdragon555 » 07/12/2009 5:24 PM

Well, first of all, Evelon is AWESOME! XD

Now then. The form:

Name(s): Tundra, Xelon, Jedas
Personality: ___ is a quiet, cold Paragon who doesn't like to be around others very much. Although he will tolerate some sillyness, he is very quick to anger and often loses his temper. And yet, he is incredibly calm in most situations, and typically can get out of situations using his wit. ___ usually keeps to himself, and dislikes to show emotion if he feels uncomfortable doing so.
Personal Traits he could have(optional): Will edit this with traits later. X3

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

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Re: Paragon Personality Contest~

Postby Fallen_Snow » 07/12/2009 10:25 PM

Name(s): Benedict Connor

Meaning: Blessed Dog Lover

Nicknames: Benny, Ned

Personality: It had always been hard for Benedict, also known as Benny or Ned, as most Paragons shunned him. Since a young age, he had always been interested in Lucain, and they in him. Always careful, he was first approached by one when alone in Tengel. He almost denied it from his mind, as it only communicated by thought-speech, but finally let it in. And he became facinated in it immeadiatley. He was curious about their flightless wings, their lithe structures, their size compared to his... he had even tried, unsucessfully, to try to link the Paragon and Lucain through a common ancestor, but was unable to. He's always preferred Lucain company to other Paragon, and is very shy around the creatures that always find ways to despise him for what he loved the most, though he's found to bond more with Lucain because of their inquistive natures and they are not as quick to judge. Not suprising though- he is slightly intimidating. He hates it when people lie to him to spare his feelings, as he's sometimes picked on for his girly colors or his wingless back. But he's made up for his lack of manliness and wings by finding a skill valuable to trainers. Many trainers have called on him to help train their Lucain, as he has a special bond with them, and is almost never treated badly by any Lucain, no matter how wild or bad tempered. He was named because he is so good with the dog-like species known as Lucain. Because of his constant taunting by other Paragon, he's always been a bit rough, harder to get to know- he seems to think that if he's mean, he'll scare off the worst or stop them from taunting. He's only kind to Lucain or other dog-like species.

Personal Traits he could have(optional):
Passive: Thought Speech, Diligent, Inquistor

EDIT: I totally meant to put this in. ^^; What I get for trying to do this at 10 at night on a Sunday. oPo I love Evelon with most of my heart. o3o (Gotta save some room for family and friends though. :P)
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: Paragon Personality Contest~

Postby clackno1 » 07/12/2009 11:04 PM

You can't measure how much I love this place...

Meaning: Both mean ghost in latin
Personality: To describe Phasma/Phasmatis you would most likely be using words like chameleon. Thought he is sometimes thought of to be a ghost, that is false. He can only blend in to his background, he can't disappear all together. If he simply moves or changes position you could spot him. Thought he can change to his forever changing background, he can't change that fast. If he decides to walk a few inches while blending in you could see a chunk of rock or building break off from the whole and float a few inches away, while the rock or building is still whole. You might think that you're going insane or that you're dreaming, or even having a nightmare, but logic will probably be telling you that there's someone, or something, there. If your in a forest and decide to lean up against a tree for a rest you could find scales against your back instead of bark. Phasma/Phasmatis blends into his surroundings so well he can copy every texture and shape almost perfectly. Even highlights and shadows barely bother him. He usually tends to stand someplace where someone won't notice a dragon-like shadow. Though, if he's distracted while blending in you could walk by a tree and suddenly find that it's leaves have turned blue, or there might not be any leaves at all, even when it's spring or summer.

Phasma/Phasmatis tends to be very solitary, and more shy than anything else. He usually only spends time in his true colors when it's winter and he can blend in with the snow well, or when he's completely alone. He can tell when someone's coming before they see him or even really get close, so he can disappear quickly and wait for whoever it is walk by, though he has to be careful not to move. He doesn't say much, and some just say he's mute to make it easier, but Phasma/Phasmatis will say the rare comment or the odd noise every now and then. When seen by others he tends to be screamed at like he's some sort of Frankenstein monster, but it's just because he has no eyes. He doesn't understand why so many are creeped out by a paragon with no eyes. Truthfully, if he feels understood and is trusting, he's just a gentle giant, or a big teddy bear.

Sorry, I couldn't see any bad in him. I was trying to fit that in, but it didn't work. I like my personality the way it is, though. A giant chameleon, how fun~

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Re: Paragon Personality Contest~

Postby JoseJalepenoOnAStick » 07/13/2009 9:56 PM

Okay, so I've already come up with the winner~
I really loved them all, but Daemon is the winner for both the name and personality~ I'll send over your KS right away~
Again, thanks to everyone who entered!
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