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Draiz's super awesome KS makin Scav Hunt List of WIN

Postby Kyrit » 02/10/2012 10:17 PM

Current KS total: 1480ish (more depending on cosplay)

1.        Who are you? Create an avatar of yourself. You may draw it, use a doll creator, model it, or paint it. Image must be within 150 x 150 to 200 x 200. Use image tags. (10 KS)

2.        Reminisce. Look through your RP posts and think back to your favorite post, the post you’re most proud of. Post it here using url tags. (10 KS)
Not my favorite of ALL time since that'd be AGES to shift though, but this is so long and face eating that I LOVE it.

3.        What are you playin’? Play a computer game or a console game, then take a snapshot or a photo. The quality of the photo doesn't matter, as long as I can discern that it's a game. Use url tags. (10 KS)  @

4.        Baal is a video game major. She wants to know what games you enjoy. Create a list of games you play on what consoles. (ex. Mass Effect 2 for PS3) List at least five games. (10 KS) @
League of Legends(Computer), Dance Dance Revolution(PS2), Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep(PSP), Pokemon Soul Silver(DS), and Little Big Planet 2(PS3)

5.        But wait, there’s more! Create a list of games (on what console) that you wish for but do not have. List at least five games. You must own the console. (10 KS) @
Final Fantasy XIII-2(PS3), Soulcalibur 5(PS3), Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!(PSP), Kirby’s Return to Dreamland (Wii), and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded(DS)

6.        Draw or sketch a character of one of you Evelon pets (in pet form) as a game character! Essentially, have your character cosplay a character from a pre-existing game. Indicate your character’s pet image, the picture, and the game name here. Use url tags. (10 KS) @
Reive decided to cosplay as Cait Sith from FFVII and FF: Dirge of Cerberus.

7.        Jump in the IRC! Make sure to use your username. Say hello, make some new friends, and don’t forget to take a screenshot! Use url tags. (10 KS)
O hai thar

8.        Look alikes. Find an Evelon pet then find an image of a realistic animal that looks alike. Post the two images in url tags. (10 KS)
This Lohlani = this turtle

9.        Kuhna-Nip! Create a fake Evelon product! Give it a name, a one line slogan, and a small advertisement description. Written only. (10 KS)
"Save The Whallos!" T-shirt.
Slogan: YOU could save this lovely species
Advertisement description: Whallos are fast on the decline! Save everyone's favorite species by donating to the Save The Whallos foundation. With one simple donation of 15 GT you will receive a Save the Whallos t-shirt with a beautiful depiction of a Whallo mother and her calf, and you will contribute to ending the Whalloing industry.

10.        Pick your favorite Evelon character of your’s. Indicate their name here. Then, write a haiku about this character (25 KS)
I don't have a favorite. =| So I just picked my newest. Faen
Careful not to tell
A great danger lurks within
Putting lives at risk

11.        Which of Baal’s characters has hair obscuring both eyes when in human form? (25 KS)
Clap Trap

12.        Name five Evelon pet species that owns horns of any kind. (25 KS)
Kirund, Drakel, Avalanche/Volcano Panzer, Sleepyheart, Shimin

13.        Fyoooshun! Find images of real animals online. Photo manipulate and splice the images together to create an existing Evelon pet. Use url tags. (25KS)

14.        What colors are you? Make a color swatch of yourself! Choose three or four colors that you think describe you and explain why you think they apply to you. Color swatch must be an image within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)
Brown: Freckles, and because brown is boring. I'm boring.
White: I'm super pale
Black(Dark dark gray): Again, I'm boring.
Green: Green is not a creative color. =| (Brownie points if you get the reference)

15.        Like #14, create a color swatch of your favorite color scheme. Use three or four colors. Image must be within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)

16.        Mwahahahah! Your character now rules the entire world. What will your character do next? What would he/she do with this new seat of power? Write about it or roleplay it. Post the image of your pet. Must be at least 5 sentences. Use img tags. (30 KS)
He'd once upon a time tried to take over the city of Jawan, along with a group of follower Lucain. Back in those days his plans had been ruined and all thought that he fell to insanity after barely making it out alive. Many years later Traeyun rose again and had, by some odd occurrence, managed to take over far more than just Jawan. He sat on the throne of the entire world, animals of all species, even those pathetic humans, bowing before him now. It was better than being just a king. All the worlds riches were at his feet, and Traeyun planned on enjoying the splendors of life from now on - including all the women he could ever hope for. The heroes of the past would regret their past transgressions as his guards hunted them down.  He'd like to see them try to dethrone him now.

18.        What are you eating? Take a photo of some food that you’ve munched on. Use url tags. (30 KS)
Shrewd wanted to actually see my eaten food. =|

19.        Guess the Evelon pet in this image. (30 KS)
Desert Nagi

20.        Are you an adventurer? Find a photo of one of your exploits in real life to a new or exciting place. Perhaps a vacation or a road trip. You do not have to be in the picture. Use url tags. (30 KS)
Skydiving adventure

21.        Design a colored image (traditional or digital) your dream custom of any of the Metamorphosis Clinic species. No add-ons. Use URL tags. (30 KS) *
Ailou. That weird texture is supposed to be a fur texture I'd love her to have if possible. xD; I downloaded a fur brush set, but doing things is hard without my tablet right now. The red areas would be without texture, since they're protruding scales.

22.        From #21, name this character and write an in-depth personality for him/her/it. Must be at least 10 sentences long. (30 KS) *
Ailou isn't the typical Socross obtained by taking a Mysterious Egg in to see Einsor - not even with a fortuna honestly. Another scientist by the name of Faen managed to aquire one such egg one day and, interested in the genetics of Chaos (and Dwellers) decided to tamper with the egg. In the end the result was a creature made from mixing cells of a Chaos and a Dweller, the likes of which would normally not be able to coexist. Ailou is kept around much like a pet dog, and personality-wise more or less is one. The creature can not communicate through a human language and probably would die if sent off on its own to fend for itself. Ailou has to be fed a daily supliment that Faen keeps with her at all time, telling others it is pet food, if the creature is not to decay and deteriorate. The longer it goes without 'feeding' its cells begin to devour each other. Technically, the Chaos cells start to destroy the Dweller cells. This leads to a black ichor that trails wherever it goes. As long as fed properly though, Ailou shows no signs of pain and seems to have quite the happy life. The Socross like creature happily follows the scientist wherever she goes, pleased to carry her belongings for her. They seem to understand each other quite well, despite the language barrier between the two.

23.        Write a brief segment of a story that your creature from #21 might be involved in. Write as if in a roleplay. Must be at least 10 sentences. (30 KS) *
Everything had been so confusing, being thrown away from all the two knew as home and in to running at every turn or fighting for life. There had been many close calls, but somehow the two of them were still together. Finally, a rare chance to rest and relax had been rewarded to the group. Faen pushed open the door, letting her little companion walk in before her and watching as it jumped on the bed. "Hey! Come on. You're going to get the blankets dirty already, Ailou," she called to the creature, though she didn't seem mad. She dropped her belongings beside the desk in the room before allowing herself to sit on the edge of the bed as well. A hand ran through Ailou's mane of fur as Faen gave a soft smile. Knowing that she had Ailou with her made this journey a lot better. She barely knew anyone she was traveling with, but at least she had a piece of home right there with her in the form of a pet. "Come on, silly," she started, standing back up. "Let's go get washed up and then we'll get a bite to eat." With those words the mixed up creature bounded off the bed and toward the bathroom, letting out something that sounded almost like a bark of sorts. After they got to shower, eat, and rest up a bit they'd go meet back up with the others.

24.        Fancy feet. Draw 5 sketches of your Evelon Pets’ feet/paws/talons/whatever (in pet form.) Be creative! You may only draw legs/feet. Include all 5 sketches in one image. Stay within 600 x 400 pixels. Use img tags. You may include your pets names. (30 KS)

28.        Unusual medium! Sketch an Evelon pet on something in real life, other than on paper. Be creative! No digital art, no paper. Take a photo of it. Use url tags. (30 KS)
Go erasable markers

29.        Choose a character. Now you get to kill them! Write a short, dramatic death scene for that character (you choose the scenario). At least five sentences long. (30 KS)
He'd always known that some day things would come down to this, though he'd never expected it to be so soon. The bandages that were usually wrapped around Taxikoth's right arm were currently drenched in blood and had been degrading, rapidly tearing and falling apart. Blood was trailing down his face, blurring the vision from his one good eye. The sound of light panting could be heard has his chest heaved in air, obviously unable to keep up with the need for oxygen as his body rapidly exhausted its reserves. He'd never been the fighting type, so it seemed as though the most he had been able to do was run and fend off what few of the attacks he could.

There was no running now though. He was out of time and was going to have to face it soon. He dragged his left arms across his face, wiping off what blood he could and essentially smearing the rest, allowing himself at least some sight. "Looks like... I'll be joining you soon, Amiah," he muttered to himself before falling in to a fit of coughing, the likes of which ended with a small trail of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Before him stood the cause of all the damage done to his body. The one who had cut through his flesh many time already, his blade moving as silently as a shadow and almost too swiftly for the eye to see. Their eyes met once again, though this time Taxikoth would not back down and run. He would face his fate and take what he knew was coming to him. Taking in one final deep breath, the haggard man ran toward his assailant, his right hand breaking free from the remnants of the restraints that usually bound it.

The jaws of the beast clamped down on Oimohe's shoulder for only a split second before Taxikoth's body fell limply to the ground, a pool of blood forming beneath him. He may have been allowed that one strike, but in doing so he'd taken the fatal blow, the scythe coming down on his shoulder and crushing through bones. His life faded without a single of his last words being understood through the blood pooling through his throat. At least now he could join her, as he had probably longed for many years now.

30.        Connect the dots in order in this image and guess the pet. Post the image using url tags. (30 KS)
Dots connected

31.        It’s almost Valentine’s Day. In the words of your character, write a love letter to another one of your’s or someone else’s character. (30 KS)
Dear Lord Baal,

It's been quite a while, no? I don't believe you have stopped by the shop in a long time. I certainly didn't see you when we were open for the Christmas festivities. Actually, I don't think I saw you while we were open for Halloween either... We never got to go out on that date either... I guess you've been rather busy these days. I hope you have not forgotten about me by now. I'm... not sure how to say this as I've never said it to anyone before, let alone wrote it in a letter. I think I might be... in love with you? I.. I really like you a lot. Whenever you visit it makes my day all that much brighter. I love seeing people enjoy the holidays, but it seems as though I like your visits even more, even if you have tried to eat some of my merchandise before.

I hope to hear from you again some time soon,


33.        Take a photo of one of your real life pets. If you don’t have one, adopt an inanimate object and make it look like a pet! Use url tags. (30 KS)
Mah puppeh

34.        Talk to the hand! Find a partner and devise a sentence about Evelon or draw an image. Now divide that sentence/image and draw one part on the back of your hand. Be creative! Scan the back of your hand on a scanner or take a photo. Your scanned or photo'd hands should complete the message together. Indicate your partner here and post both you and your partner’s images. Use url tags. (50 KS)
"Just you and me...
"Breeeeding" (You better know your own hand, BAAL)

35.        Don’t be camera shy! Draw, paint, or draw a mustache on tape and take a picture of yourself with the mustache on. (50 KS)
Sexy and I know it. *wiggle wiggle wiggle*

38.        Make me laugh, make me cry! Write a short story that has a plot twist by the end (or several!). Must be Evelon related. Limit to two-three paragraphs. Post it here. (50 KS)
Within such a short amount of time, so much had happened. Faen hand been torn away from her homeland, sent on a mission of great importance. In her travels she'd been given many companions, though she started with just one - a seraph no longer serving any god. She'd never known him well, but she had met him once or twice. Over the course of their journey, her interest in him had continued to grow, becoming ever more curious. Eventually, he'd even opened up to her and told things he hadn't told anyone else. Or well, told her before he told others at least. She'd probably even say that she... had feelings for him. Honest feelings too. Not her typical "I'm interested in you because you're not human and I'd like to learn more about your race" sort of feelings.

Their group had stopped for the night at a hotel, understanding that because she was human, unlike every single one of them, she needed sleep daily. Once again, she'd ask Cassiel, that seraph to stay in the same room as her. Come morning, they were all to be on their way again. "Looks like we should get going." she peeped, looking over Cassiel's shoulder as he sat in a chair, reading the bible as usual. He said it was interesting to read, what with how little was true. She grabbed the bible and tossed it on the desk before grabbing his hands and pulling him to his feet to rush him out the door. "We're not going to get anywhere at this rate."

As she moved him along, Faen suddenly became silent and eventually her body went limp for a second before her hand reached for a coat pocket, drawing a dagger from within. A dagger coated in the chaos blood she had been saving. Before she could say anything, the dagger was driven in to his chest from behind, tears streaming down the woman's eyes. "I'm... sorry.... Cassie..." her words came out choked, fighting to even get them out. For a while now she had been silently fighting against the string slowly possessing her movements. For a while it had gotten harder to act normal daily, and then the feeling went away. It seemed to rebound now, forcing the movements of her hands as the dagger bit in to his flesh. There was no way she was going to be able to face her companions now, or even live with herself for what she had done.

39.        Ttee time! Adopt a new Ttee and take a screenshot of it initially (must have 0 clicks and time stamp must be during this Hunt). Grow the Ttee, then post its image here. Use img tags. (50 KS)
Initial image
End result

40.        Cosplay fashion shot! Dress exactly like one of your characters (in human form) would dress, and indicate the name of your pet here. Include any add-ons and accessories they might wear on themselves. (You may also use a friend as your model instead of yourself, for your photo). BE CREATIVE! Don’t use wear a shirt and pants, srsly. Reward varies w/ cosplay complexity. Use url tags. (50 – 200 KS)
Pic one
Pic two
Dress details
Also, this is an example of the character. Teivynne. The wig isn't perfect, but yeah. Her hair is mostly pink. I picked the dress because of the butterfly theme and the plants are actually dead... which is why the character doesn't seem happy. C=

41.        Rorschach time! Take a sheet of blank white piece of paper, fold it in half. Reopen it. Take some black paint and pour some into the crease of the paper, then close the paper. Press it together with a book. Take a photo of this, or scan it in once dry. Use url tags. (75 KS)
Chaos? =|;

43.        Character interactions~ Find a buddy, download this template and draw your character in one square. Have your buddy draw in the other square. Include your partner’s username. Make your characters face each other, doing something awesome and just interacting. Use url tags. (75 KS)
Faen and Safi(Draiz and Moofius)

44.        Find those reptiles! Complete this crossword puzzle by finding all of the species from the Scales ‘N Tails pages. Use url tags. (75 KS)

45.        Be friends~ Write a nice, friendly PM to one of your fellow Evelonians (do not PM Baalsbaby. That’s too easy. X’D). Tell them why you appreciate their work, their personality, or even just them as a whole! Screenshot the resultant message from either your Outbox or the Sent Messages tab. Post it here, using url tags. (75 KS)
I luv Shrewdie. C=

49.        Oh gods, math. Color in this image correctly, using the table provided. Solve the math problems to find which color to use. Here is a clean version of the image, if you wish to color on this instead. All colors must be correct (does not require shading). Submit your image here, use url tags. (100 KS)
Baal ruined the color scheme while fixing the white spots because she's a FAILURE -- Need to edit since Baal keeps tweaking things

53.        Evelon food fun! Create an edible depiction of an Evelon pet in real life. Cook it, bake it, make an arrangement of cheese cubes. Use your imagination! Take photos, use url tags. (200 KS)
Terrible Bubble Spirit
Angle 2
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