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Kitsumi's Scavenger Hunting

Postby Kitsumi » 02/10/2012 9:09 PM

Kitsumi's Scavenging Finds

1.        Who are you? Create an avatar of yourself. You may draw it, use a doll creator, model it, or paint it. Image must be within 150 x 150 to 200 x 200. Use image tags. (10 KS)

Kitty! Not exactly how I look, but how I plan to look once my mom finally dies my hair and I finally get it cut xD

2.        Reminisce. Look through your RP posts and think back to your favorite post, the post you’re most proud of. Post it here using url tags. (10 KS)

This one. For some reason I'm able to make longer, more in-depth posts when doing self roleplays xD

3.        What are you playin’? Play a computer game, take a snapshot. Use url tags. (10 KS)

Insanaquarium! It's lame, I know...but I'm addicted xD I finished the Adventure mode in about two days, and now I'm playing it again for kicks :P

4.        Baal is a video game major. She wants to know what games you enjoy. Create a list of games you play on what consoles. (ex. Mass Effect 2 for PS3) List at least five games. (10 KS)

Sims 3 for PC
Just Dance for Wii
Nintendogs for DS
Legos Star Wars for PS2
Sonic Adventures 2: Battle for GameCube
Don't judge me!!!!!!!!!

5.        But wait, there’s more! Create a list of games (on what console) that you wish for but do not have. List at least five games. You must own the console. (10 KS)

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim for XBox 360
Just Dance 3 for Wii
Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded for DS
Final Fantasy XIII for XBox 360
Plants vs. Zombies for DS
Again...don't judge me!!!!!

6.        Draw or sketch a character of one of you Evelon pets (in pet form) as a game character! Essentially, have your character cosplay a character from a pre-existing game. Indicate your character’s pet image, the picture, and the game name here. Use url tags. (10 KS)

Epsilon cosplayed Shahra from Sonic and the Secret of the Rings. Except he didn't want to dress up, so he painted a box and then got inside of it xD Quality is horrible, and because of the recent move I couldn't find my colored pencils/crayons and was forced to use my markers which only have the basic looks horrible, I know :'(

7.        Jump in the IRC! Make sure to use your username. Say hello, make some new friends, and don’t forget to take a screenshot! Use url tags. (10 KS)


8.        Look alikes. Find an Evelon pet then find an image of a realistic animal that looks alike. Post the two images in url tags. (10 KS)

Am I the only one who thinks that a Palamino Appaloosa looks like an inverted Blaze Cavallion?

9.        Kuhna-Nip! Create a fake Evelon product! Give it a name, a one line slogan, and a small advertisement description. Written only. (10 KS)

To keep those puppies cute and playful forever!
Do you have a lucain that’s so adorable, playful, and sweet that you don’t ever want it to grow up? Well, with Perma-Pup, your pup can stay young forever! Your pup will never grow up, and will remain just the way it is for as long as it lives. Caution: Cannot be undone.

10.        Pick your favorite Evelon character of your’s. Indicate their name here. Then, write a haiku about this character. (25 KS)

Chaos is her game.
But is her heart soft inside?
Only time will tell.

11.        Which of Baal’s characters has hair obscuring both eyes when in human form? (25 KS)

Jesper Slade?

12.        Name five Evelon pet species that owns horns of any kind. (25 KS)

Yingshee, Tuscow, Albie, Gyrophant, Penticorn

13.        Fyoooshun! Find images of real animals online. Photo manipulate and splice the images together to create an existing Evelon pet. Use url tags. (25KS)

Gyrraptor This is seriously as close as I could get guys...I'm really not good with digital stuff and cutting/splicing...sorry :\ I feel really bad about the quality, but I did my best.

14.        What colors are you? Make a color swatch of yourself! Choose three or four colors that you think describe you and explain why you think they apply to you. Color swatch must be an image within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)

Dark Purple because I tend to be dark and confused, but still okay, at times. Lime Green because I can be crazy and hyper - chaotic, like the brightness of this green xD Gold because I've been told I have a heart of gold, and I try to live up to that.

15.        Like #8, create a color swatch of your favorite color scheme. Use three or four colors. Image must be within 200 x 200. Use img tags. (25 KS)

Black, Purple, Blue, Gold

16.        Mwahahahah! Your character now rules the entire world. What will your character do next? What would he/she do with this new seat of power? Write about it or roleplay it. Post the image of your pet. Must be at least 5 sentences. Use img tags. (30 KS)

Astrid stared at the world below her, overcome with the thought of being Empress of Evelon. Her father had spoken of this day for what seemed like her entire lifetime, it was true. Yet somehow, Astrid had never really thought about what it would be like actually being Empress. She had assumed that her father or one of her siblings would take over – but they had all been killed in the battle that had finally gained them control of all of Evelon. Too bad they weren’t there to enjoy it and gloat over the victory.

Astrid, however, was still there. An evil grin suddenly turned her features into that of a dark being. Her hands held before her, she allowed her power to manifest. At the single point of a finger, all humans were forced into the form of the creature they were most like as the creatures of Evelon were frozen in human form. Men became lucain, paragon, kuhna, battleheart. Hollowheart, roosken, tiagra, and more became human.

Her evil grin growing wider, Astrid chuckled evilly. Oh, yes, this was going to be fun…

17.        Create a colored image of one of your pets in MS Paint (or the Mac version of it). It doesn’t have to look good, lawl. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Click! You said it didn't have to be good...and it isn't xD

18.        What are you eating? Take a photo of some food that you’ve munched on. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Hot Tamales, Drinking Pac Man, Chugging Blood!

19.        Guess the Evelon pet in this image. (30 KS)

Desert Nagi

20.        Are you an adventurer? Find a photo of one of your exploits in real life to a new or exciting place. Perhaps a vacation or a road trip. You do not have to be in the picture. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Clicky I got carried away...and kinda made a little story-type thing xD

21.        Design a colored image (traditional or digital) your dream custom of any of the Metamorphosis Clinic species. No add-ons. Use URL tags. (30 KS)

Custom Diosol

22.        From #21, name this character and write an in-depth personality for him/her/it. Must be at least 10 sentences long. (30 KS)

An inquisitive little guy, Kao is constantly found sticking his nose into other people's business. In fact, this trait has gotten him into trouble on several occasions; ever heard the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat?' Well, it should have been, 'curiosity killed the bunny.' When around Kao, you don't want to let him know that you have a secret if you don't intend on telling him what it is. He will beg you, threaten you, and stalk you to find out what it is. Seriously, he has a few restraining orders against him because he wouldn't leave someone alone trying to find out their secret. As curios as he is with secrets, though, he can't seem to keep any of his own. He'll blurt out his deepest, darkest secret to a stranger he just met - he's unable to keep his mouth shut about anything. To be honest, he's not the most comfortable guy to be around. Between his gossiping and prying to learn your secrets, he can be pretty annoying. He has good intentions...he just doesn't really understand the nuances of social interaction.

23.        Write a brief segment of a story that your creature from #21 might be involved in. Write as if in a roleplay. Must be at least 10 sentences. (30 KS)

Kao huffed. "That's not very nice," he whined. "You can't just dangle that in front of me and then not tell me more!" His pink nose wiggled as he hopped closer. "Please, please tell me! I won't tell another soul, I swear. I swear on my mother's grave!" Apparently, it didn't matter that his mother was still alive...Kao was willing to say anything to find out the girl's secret.

As his companion continued to withhold the information, Kao started to become hostile. "If you don't tell me, I'm going to tell everyone that you're half mole! Yeah, that's it! I'll tell everyone that your father was a dirty mole! How would you like that? Hmm? Hmm?"

24.        Fancy feet. Draw 5 sketches of your Evelon Pets’ feet/paws/talons/whatever (in pet form.) Be creative! You may only draw legs/feet. Include all 5 sketches in one image. Stay within 600 x 400 pixels. Use img tags. You may include your pets names. (30 KS)


25.        Rock a Bye Baal. Write the lyrics for an original Evelon lullaby. (30 KS)

Lay down to rest under Evelon skies
You'll know that it's morning when the Roosken cries
Allow yourself to drift ever so deep
Into the heaven that is peaceful sleep
Relish the sleep that your body so yearns
Until it is time for the sun to return

26.        Einsor’s sidekick. Draw a sketch fusing two or more of Evelon’s pets. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Click It has a Gyrophant's head, a Ferrikoon's body, a Slynx's tail, and a Paragon spine.

27.        Your head’s in the clouds! Take a photo of a cloud(s) that is shaped like or resembles an Evelon pet. Provide the species name. Use url tags. (30 KS)

This picture. See the space between the clouds? Joey didn't get all of it, but it looks a lot like a Trumpetter.

28.        Unusual medium! Sketch an Evelon pet on something in real life, other than on paper. Be creative! No digital art, no paper. Take a photo of it. Use url tags. (30 KS)

Kuni on Bandana

29.        Choose a character. Now you get to kill them! Write a short, dramatic death scene for that character (you choose the scenario). At least five sentences long. (30 KS)

The Death of Astrid (feat. Tyre)
Time seemed to slow down, almost to a standstill. Astrid looked down, her face expressionless as she took in the sight of bright red liquid slowly soaking her blouse. Then, she began to crumble, falling towards the snowy ground that was already spotted with her life's blood. Before she landed in the snow, however, Tyre caught her, cradling her close to his chest as his tears rained down upon her face. "Why?" He managed to choke out the one word, and then repeat it. "Why?" Astrid raised a single hand to stroke his cheek, before letting her arm fall, limp, her energy spent. "Because," her voice was soft, almost inaudible. "I love you. I only left you because I was...afraid. Afraid of letting myself...fall for you."

Her breathing was beginning to become labored, and her tears were now mingling with Tyre's. Leaning down to kiss her tenderly, Tyre shook his head. "You shouldn't have done it. The bullet was meant for me. You shouldn't have taken it." Astrid tried to speak, but all that came out was a gasp. As she breathed her last, she looked into Tyre's eyes - the eyes of the only man she had ever loved, and heard him tell her that he loved her. And then she died, with a peaceful smile upon her face.

And Tyre fell to his knees, crying and holding her lifeless body.

30.        Connect the dots in order in this image and guess the pet. Post the image using url tags. (30 KS)


31.        It’s almost Valentine’s Day. In the words of your character, write a love letter to another one of your’s or someone else’s character. (30 KS)

From Ameer to Alice
Dearest Alice,
I know I shouldn't risk writing to you. Indeed, I'm afraid that even now my bloody bride has spies watching my every move. But I am unable to stop thinking about you, and I could not contain myself. I've been dreaming about you since the night we last met. Do you remember? The moonlight shining on your hair, as we danced on the dock, our reflection in the water were so beautiful, as you always are. I've heard that Maddigan is searching for you again; I advise that you stay hidden. Of course, I know that you won't heed my warnings - you were always so stubborn, so headstrong. It's one of the things I love the most about you. If only I could come to see you...

It grows late, and I must close this letter before I am found. Know that my thoughts, as well as my heart, are with you. The magician will bring you my letter, and will in return bring me your returning letter. Until I receive your response, I will wait. Soon, my darling, we will be together.
All my love,

32.        Promote Evelon! Bring in a new member. Have them create a ‘Hello’ post in the Hellos and Goodbyes thread and mention you as having referred them to Evelon. You may do this for up to five new members max. Post a link(s), using url tags. (30 KS per)

Bunny from FelisFire

33.        Take a photo of one of your real life pets. If you don’t have one, adopt an inanimate object and make it look like a pet! Use url tags. (30 KS)


34.        Talk to the hand! Find a partner and devise a sentence about Evelon or draw an image. Now divide that sentence/image and draw one part on the back of your hand. Be creative! Scan the back of your hand on a scanner. Your scanned hands should complete the message together. Indicate your partner here and post both you and your partner’s images. Use url tags. (50 KS)

Me and Code Chaos: Put Together Quality's horrible, but it says 'If it ain't Evelon, I ain't playing' xD

35.        Don’t be camera shy! Draw, paint, or draw a mustache on tape and take a picture of yourself with the mustache on. (50 KS)


36.        Lovely Lucain. Design five new markings for the Lucain species, using this template. Markings may be minimarks. Briefly describe each marking in 1 to 2 sentences. (50 KS)

Lucain with this marking tend to be kleptomaniacs o.O
The blaze marking usually appears on the fastest of lucain
Lucain with the Caracal marking seem to be in touch with their wild side.
This marking can be found on the more classic and sophisticated lucain.
Blood splatters and bloody footprints...lucain with this marking seem dangerous!

37.        Oho. I get fanart. <___>; Create a colored drawing (traditional or digital) of any of Baal’s characters. Use url tags. (50 KS)

Vinni I know it looks horrible...I'm not feeling good, and I slammed my hand in a door so I can't draw right :\

38.        Make me laugh, make me cry! Write a short story that has a plot twist by the end (or several!). Must be Evelon related. Limit to two-three paragraphs. Post it here. (50 KS)

Tell Me You Love Me
(feat Cobra and Tarantula)
It was never to be. Cobra knew that; Tarantula was too cold, to cruel to ever return his love. But it was still something that Cobra had longed for, had hoped for. And now, they were alone. Locked in a warehouse, in fact. A loud bang sounded, as Tarantula punched the warehouse door as hard as he could. Despite his unnatural half-vampire strength, the door didn't budge. "Damn," he cursed angrily. "How did we get in this mess?" Cobra shrugged. "They're gonna kill us, you know," Tarantula continued. "And yet you don't even seem concerned. What the hell is wrong with you?" Cobra sighed, and then answered. "I have nothing left to live for. My whole life, I lived, waiting for you to love me. But now we're going to die, and you've never once told me you've loved me. I know that you hate me, I know I'm just a parasite that you're stuck with in your opinion. So you know what? I give up. I'm done." Cobra leaned against the wall, and then let his body slide down, so that he was sitting. He rested his elbows on his knees, and his head in his hand.

There was a pause, and then..."I love you." For a moment, Cobra thought he had imagined the words. It had to have been an illusion, a fabrication of his mind created from years of longings. But then, Tarantula said the words again, louder. "I love you, Cobra." Tarantula knelt in front of Cobra, cupping the other boy's face in his hands and lifting it gently so that they were gazing into each other's eyes. Once more, whispered, "I love you." And then they were kissing, lips meshed together, pulling each other closer. They kissed as if it were the last time - which it probably was. Tarantula's lips left Cobra's, but only in order to travel down his jawline to nip and nibble at his neck. Cobra's eyes closed in rapture, and his muscles relaxed...

Cobra screamed as Tarantula's fangs pierced his neck. He felt his life's blood draining away, as Tarantula drink it in, stealing his energy and his strength, taking Cobra's life to preserve his own. Finally, when Cobra was nearly drained of blood, Tarantula threw him away, like a used toy that was now unwanted. "You're right," Tarantula said. "I've always hated you. At least now you've finally done something useful for me. With your blood in me, I'll be able to make it out alive." As Tarantula escaped, Cobra lay, dying. The last words he spoke as he faded away were, "I still love you..."

39.        Ttee time! Adopt a new Ttee and take a screenshot of it initially (must have 0 clicks and time stamp must be during this Hunt). Grow the Ttee, then post its image here. Use img tags. (50 KS)

Newly Adopted, Grown

40.        Cosplay fashion shot! Dress exactly like one of your characters (in human form) would dress, and indicate the name of your pet here. Include any add-ons and accessories they might wear on themselves. (You may also use a friend as your model instead of yourself, for your photo). BE CREATIVE! Don’t use wear a shirt and pants, srsly. Reward varies w/ cosplay complexity. Use url tags. (50 – 200 KS)

Me as Arrike. Complete with leather trench coat, guitar, and blood packet in mouth xD

41.        Rorschach time! Take a sheet of blank white piece of paper, fold it in half. Reopen it. Take some black paint and pour some into the crease of the paper, then close the paper. Press it together with a book. Take a photo of this, or scan it in once dry. Use url tags. (75 KS)

Click It looks like a mermaid's tail to me :P

42.        Finger paint. Create an image of something Evelon related, but paint only with your fingers. Take a photo or scan when dry. Use url tags. (75 KS)

Eggies <3 I got new Paragon eggs today, so I decided to do my finger painting (since I've been procrastinating haha) on them :D If you can't read the words, it says "The start of a new gen on Evelon" Because it's a new generation! Woot! Haha

43.        Character interactions~ Find a buddy, download this template and draw your character in one square. Have your buddy draw in the other square. Include your partner’s username. Make your characters face each other, doing something awesome and just interacting. Use url tags. (75 KS)

Shade and Aeris Me and Code Chaos - neither of us are good with digital art xD

44.        Find those reptiles! Complete this crossword puzzle by finding all of the species from the Scales ‘N Tails pages. Use url tags. (75 KS)


45.        Be friends~ Write a nice, friendly PM to one of your fellow Evelonians (do not PM Baalsbaby. That’s too easy. X’D). Tell them why you appreciate their work, their personality, or even just them as a whole! Screenshot the resultant message from either your Outbox or the Sent Messages tab. Post it here, using url tags. (75 KS)


46.        Digitally design a book cover, a magazine cover, or a newspaper page that is Evelon related. Must be colored and have valid text (even if made up. Just no ‘lorem ipsum’ filler text.) (100 KS)


47.        Bring them to life! Digitally animate a sketch of an Evelon pet. Must be 4 – 5 frames at least. Use url tags. (100 KS)

Kuni Blows a Bubble It's my first ever it sucks xD But I did it! I'm actually proud of myself for doing it :D

48.        Draw and color of chibi of one of your characters (pet or human form). Print it out if done digitally. Now cut that character out of the paper and use them in a photo. The photo must depict your character interacting with the real world around him/her. Use url tags. (ex. url=]I claim this bunny in the name of SCIENCE.[/url]) (100 KS)

"Wtf?! You're just a giant blood bank! Lemme down! Send me back!" This is what would happen if Tarantula were suddenly teleported into our world, onto Joey (Code Chaos)'s shoulder xD

49.        Oh gods, math. Color in this image correctly, using the table provided. Solve the math problems to find which color to use. Here is a clean version of the image, if you wish to color on this instead. All colors must be correct (does not require shading). Submit your image here, use url tags. (100 KS)

Done! I'm worried about all the blank white areas, thinking that I missed something...I keep checking for any lines leading to the blank areas, but could find none xD should be correct?

50.        Sequential buddies. Work with a partner and create a comic strip (with at least 6 panels)! Must be colored in some form or fashion (ex. Me and Moofius) Include your partner’s name here. Use url tags. (150 KS)

Chaos is scared of Mr. Happy Sparkulz?! Quality is bad, I know; but this is what you get when we stay up all night, and then attempt to make a five minute comic xD Oh, Code Chaos and me xD

51.        Cross the dimensions. Take a photo or use an old one. Digitally draw an Evelon pet into it. Make it look as real as possible, as if the pet were actually there! Image must be colored, photo must be your own (or may include you in it). Use url tags. (200 KS)

Lae-Tzon Shrunk! iPod picture quality sucks D: But I think it looks okay, considering how much I suck at this xD

52.        Sculpt a Lubshi or a Shinzo in clay. Take one to two photos of your sculpture. Bonus keystones if it is colored. (200KS, + 50 KS)

Lubshi I know it's's as good as I could do though :\ I'm really bad at sculpting and everything that goes with it. I tried though, I really did!

53.        Evelon food fun! Create an edible depiction of an Evelon pet in real life. Cook it, bake it, make an arrangement of cheese cubes. Use your imagination! Take photos, use url tags. (200 KS)

Cheese Kuni! I have no idea what my sudden fascination with kuni's is xD Half of my stuff is of them lmfao...I know the cheese kuni looks horrible, but man, that Squeeze cheese is hard to control! xD

54.        Put on a puppet show! Create a small story, design puppets out of some kind of medium, and record a your puppet’s story. Must be Evelon related and at least 3 minutes in length. You can accept outside help! Video should be uploaded preferably to watch online rather than download (i.e. Youtube). (1000 KS)

Computer Troubles's stupid. In fact, I'd ask that most people please don't watch...I'd hate for people to think I'm an idiot because of this video xD

55.        Impress me. Record a video of you reciting all of the current Snickles (Lord Baal’s children, found here), in order. You must cover your eyes or be blindfolded the entire time. No reading from the list, NO CHEATING. Get ‘em memorized? There are 62 Snickles in all. Good luck! (1500 KS)


like sunlight shining through the leaves
we are beautiful

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