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Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Nyxia » 11/05/2014 10:39 AM

I very suddenly have some free time on my hands, at least until January and I really want to get back into rping. (I also really really hate doing self Rps unless their major plot things.) What do I want? Well the title might have given it away a little, but I'm looking for people to rp with. I'm also looking to lifemate some of my critters, since it gets old and a bit boring to have them just mated off to other characters of mine. Simple really. Below I have listed first the pets looking for lifemates, and second post is those who just need to go out and play for a bit. I love working out plots for an rp, so feel free to just bounce ideas around.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Seeking Lifemates

Postby Nyxia » 11/14/2014 9:47 PM

These are the pets which are seeking lifemates. I prefer to rp lifemate pairs before finalizing them, this way a plot is worked out and it is cleared that the pair will work well.

Name: Iskar Nu'or
Gender: Female
Seeking: Males Only
Human Form: Here
Extra Info: None
+  Iskar is a passive yet fiery spirit who will never hesitate to stand for what she believes in, or in defense of those she loves. She's also very passionate, putting her whole heart and soul into anything she does. In her day to day life though she is a lady like woman with a soft-spoken and calm nature who enjoys life's hidden gifts and simple pleasures. Iskar tends the wear her heart on her sleeve in many ways, but she's also no dainty flower and is rarely ever hurt badly by people's words or actions. She misses her first love, Lykaon, who she claims she will never forget; but she is trying to move on with her life.

Name: Miayun Ma’iingan
Gender: Female
Seeking: Males Only
Human Form: Here
Extra Info: Would prefer another werewolf type creature.
+  Miayun was once a nice normal girl who only worried about her college work and what she wanted to do with her life, until the night she took her dog for a walk and was forcefully changed into a werewolf. Now it seems to her like her old life was nothing more than a distant memory compared to the world she now lives in. After her change, and her whole pack being killed for breaking laws on such changes, Miayun has found further complications in the line of work she choice with the Guardians. While she was never a willful or even head strong woman before being changed, now she’s even more somber and meek than before. Oddly around her many other werewolves find themselves calmer and feeling less threatened than around others, which makes her quite a hit with her own kind. Her timid and all the same serious nature tends to make for an odd mix, especially when those sorrowful golden eyes when they turn on anyone. She doesn’t tend to be terribly friendly, though she is always professional, she rarely lets anyone be more than a work acquaintances. Miayun doesn't like to work around other werewolves either, nor does she want to be part of any packs since she really doesn't trust her own kind at all; even if it does affect her moods and abilities.

Name: Wila Chai'at
Gender: Gender
Seeking: Males Only
Human Form: Here
Extra Info:
+  Wila is a woman unafraid to speak her mind, a were-tiger who can sometimes come off as difficult. The problem with Wila is that she's a sweet being, having been raised to be a care taker for the young of her tribe. She sees fighting as an option of last resort, even when it means trying to save herself. This sort of pacifism has lead to Wila being walked on for most of her life, not that she would speak ill of someone for taking advantage of her. Despite her dislike of violence, Wila won't hesitate to put herself in danger to save someone else as she was taught to. Still she knows some amounts of violence and fighting is necessary to keep the world in balance, so it doesn't bother her when others use violence. When put under too much stress or startled, Wila has been known to once in a while suddenly shift into her tiger lucain form.

Name: Meztli Sokolov
Gender: Male
Seeking: Females Only
Human Form: Here
Extra Info: Mate would hopefully take part in pack plot
+  Meztli is one of those few lone wolves, a werewolf without a pack who wanders from place to place. He had decided on this course when he was still a pup, having never felt like he could fit into his mother's pack the way his elder brother Svarog did. Instead he quietly one day took a few things and vanished from their home without so much as a word to his mother, and has never looked back. Meztli may be on his own, but he is far from a lonely beast; taking great pleasure in the places he finds himself in and watching the people who pass through. While he doesn't say much, what Meztli does say he means since he's found it important in his travels to make every word count. Having no real place he can call home, Meztli has become a staid philosopher of sorts; known to have memorized many old proverbs such as Confucius and Sun Tzu among others. It always appears to those who meet him that Meztli has a terrible case of wanderlust, since almost no one can find him in the same place twenty-four hours after he arrives. That isn't an accurate way of looking at his traveling; in his mind he is on a lonely journey to find a place to belong and someone to accept him. Even though he was born to be an alpha Meztli doesn't have the aggressive nature, he is more of a yielding sort wanting to try and work things out without bloodshed. That isn't to say he won't fight, just that he is an unflappable sort of guy with a resilience that most lone wolves don't have to keep from becoming jaded. From time to time he does return to check on his mother and siblings, though the trips are rare he does love his family dearly.

Name: Ialu Vangen
Gender: Male
Seeking: Females Only
Human Form: Here
Extra Info: Ialu attends a school for monsters, so I would prefer for his mate to be some kind of non-human thing.
+   Ialu isn’t a typical teenage boy, having been able to see spirits and the true face of a monster in human for since he was five. This simple fact, voiced for a few years, ended Ialu in a children's hospital for the insane. Since his release from the hospital, he hasn't said a word about the monster he sees; but this period of his life has profoundly changed the way he deals with other “normal” people. Rarely will Ialu try and talk to others, he is far more interested in the monsters he sees. He will often follow them if he can, and try his best to talk to them to understand why he can see them. Finally Ialu managed to talk his parents into allowing him to attend Gysse Academy, though the administration was wary at first because of Ialu's being a mortal being. Since leaving his home Ialu has come out of his shell quite a bit, taking part in art classes and some school activities. He still is a bit depressed, most due to his parents way of treating him, but for the most part he’s simply a slightly withdrawn teenager.

Possible Mate: Atoli01's Nellie

Name: Jarah Yoshida
Gender: Male
Seeking: Females Only
Human Form: Coming Soon
Extra Info:
+  Jarah is a sweet young man who delivers goods and spices to the tea shop that Devi owns. He’s not one for violence in the least, but he’s not terribly good with words either, in fact he usually trips over his own tongue. Jarah believes in respect above all else, and no matter the woman, will go out of his way to show her respect, even if she blatantly walks all over him. He has an easy temper, which he seldom loses; he’ll tell you it’s because “Ugly things happen” when he does, but I doubt anyone believes him on that. All in all, Jarah is one of those nice guys, who can be a great friend but never quite good enough to be a boyfriend. He has a weakness for sweet things, and shiny things; those are the two best ways to catch his attention.

Name: Lochesh Vanquiev
Gender: Male
Seeking: Females Only
Human Form: Here
Extra Info: Lochesh is a custom kuhna. I am fine with any kind of kuhna though non-elder kuhnas will require a potion the breed with him.
+  Lochesh is Lucina's most trusted adviser and more over her dearest friend, having helped her start the clan she now heads. While normally Lochesh is an easy going sort of man with a calm nature even under pressure who has a lot of old-world charm and genteel mannerism, he uses this behavior to make a break with his dark past. Having too left behind his sire and clan, Lochesh is very careful of how he acts towards mortal beings. Being a Prořok Lochesh often travels far from Lucina's manor in order to feed on the negative emotions of mortals in cities, sometimes even interacting with them in order to satisfy his hunger. To those he interacts with he gives them the feeling of a nurturing and protective air in order to get their guard down, but he does genuinely care for them never forgetting those who he gets close to like this. He has a deep disdain for the Reikshäϯv who kill their victims during or after a feeding, and will step in to save the victim often leading to serious injury on his part because he can't stand the loss of life at his kinds hand.

Name: Matok Kosmin
Gender: Male
Seeking: Females Only
Human Form: Here
Extra Info:
+  Matok is the co-owner of Iksu's apothecary shop in Lamenolai, enjoying his job of running the shop while Iksu whips up potions and cures in her shop. Matok has a secret, one that even Iksu doesn't know; he's one of the creatures created from the world's energy. This makes Matok's job choice a little odd, his gift is for healing but not in a nice way. When Matok finds someone desperately sick from disease or their own lifestyle, he is compelled to help them no matter the cost to himself. When Matok does heal someone, he does so by absorbing their illness or disease. This has made him rather frail, and sickly; but it has yet to stop him from doing so. For him to rid himself of the illness he must wait for it to run its normal course that would have killed someone else.
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Seeking Rps

Postby Nyxia » 11/14/2014 9:49 PM

All of the creatures listed here as simply seeking rps and to get out a little, though they may take a lifemate if the conditions are right, it isn't a high chance. For the sake of keeping things neat and tidy I've gone ahead and listed them under three headings. Those who are seeking a non-specific rp, those who are seeking a war rp (even Purines are welcome for those), and those who will go either way.

General/Non-Specific Rps Sought:

Name: Adrianna Wolfric
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: Slim Possibility
Extra Info: Adi runs a bar in the Slums, so that is the likely place I would want to start the rp.
Human Form: Here
+ Adi is known to most of her patrons as a calm, level-headed woman, who is perhaps rough around the edges but a kind soul. They have it partly right, since this is the light in which she likes to be viewed. Adi is a calm and level-headed woman, but her kind smile belies a being a bit more sinister. She is after all a Cu Sith, but more so an Ifreann Cu Sith; a sinister yet rare creature, born of a Cu Sith and a Hell Hound. Her true nature being an often ill-tempered woman who sucks away the blood of her victims much like a vampire; unlike a vampire though, her victims are specific type, mainly those who have escaped the goddess Hel. Normal she is a stubborn woman, who only listens when she wants and who only works by her own rules, never bothering with social rules. Though she has what seems an infinite amount of patients when in the tavern or in day light world, but if you manage to cross her wrong, which takes a fair amount of effort, she has her father's temper; the fierce and violent temper of a hell hound which can make her very dangerous, as she will either tear out your throat or crispy you.

Name: Gramr
Gender: Male
Extra Info: Gramr is soulbound to Adi, thus he is always rped with her.
+ Gramr is a strange manner of beast, an odd dog like creature that seems to always be at Adi's side. He is a passive and laid back sort who wanders along with his friend, rarely baring his teeth at anyone less they bother Adi or him. Oddly enough Gramr never speaks, at least not in a human tongue, his verbal communication consists of whimpers, whines, barks, growls, and howls; he also uses a lot of visual signs to communicate, but with Adi alone can he use his telepathy.

Name: Akiba Rapp
Gender: Male
Lifemate Potential: Not Likely
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Akiba is one of those honestly good guys, charming and always a gentleman; with him it seems that chivalry isn’t a dead art at all. Still while Akiba may be one of the guys in the white hat, he isn’t without his own demons. His main demon is his eldest brother Kivuli, a man not only of questionable morals but also thought to be danger to society. He joined with the police force in Medicai City, to help and protect those affected by supernatural creatures. After his beloved and her daughter were killed by an inhuman attacker in Lamenolai, Akiba's ability to do his job came into question.  He lives very simply, never asks for much, and rarely looks down upon any other being. An endearing sort of figure, he loves to help someone out with even the smallest task, taking his greatest pleasure from other’s happiness. While he may be a gentle soul, Akiba has built his reputation as an often fierce and loyal protector to those he cares for, and on his sharp analytical mind. Due to his sometimes complicated mind set, Akiba has been known to "go rouge" often trying to solve a crime involving something other worldly without backup. Being a pacifist most of this life to him if the world were perfect then beings wouldn't harm one another with weapons and fists, sadly he’s enough of a realist to know that sort of world isn’t possible in any realm. The down side to Akiba is that he isn't very good with relationships, he tends not to know how to respond to his partner or what would make them happy, the main reason he spends most of his time at work.

Name: Zarya Sokolov
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: Possibly [Males Only]
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Zarya is a lot like her mother, tough, stubborn, and often unwilling to back down even from those in power above her; all are trademarks of Zarya, as is her sarcasm and slightly tooth and nail humor. She isn’t a gal who is easy to push around, and is even less likely to be intimidated by anyone. Her sometimes reckless bravery has landed her neck deep in trouble more than once, and being a werewolf (though hidden) allows her to know more about the other races which share their world. This is how she talked her bosses into being allowed to operate a small task force dedicated to solving crimes with supernatural origins. Cases which end up on her desk are often as baffling as they are gruesome in nature, and more than once she has been injured during a case. Her werewolf nature is something that she isn’t necessary ashamed of, but it is something she tends to hide from all but those she’s closest to. The same goes for her parentage and siblings, as she likes to tell people she doesn't have much contact with any of them; in truth though she does sometimes keep track of her beloved brother Meztli and his wandering, and go home from time to time. Zarya has yet to let the power of her position in the task force go to her head, being more inclined to see those who work with her as part of her pack than subordinates.

Name: Sevina Anuk
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: Highly Possible [Males only in that case]
Extra Info: Sevina only goes out either on theft missions or "dates" where she steals a man's wallet.
Human Form: Here
Personality: {Incomplete}
+ Sevina is one slick chick, either as a thief of valuable items or a seductive woman in one of the shadier bars trolling for an easy pick. Having spent most of her life on the streets, first stealing to support herself and her sister Riella, or now as part of the Family. She's mastered the art of the con, and earned an eye for the best of the best. To her those outside the Family matter little, being nothing more than a target for one thing or another.

Name: Jiayi Crewe
Gender: Male
Lifemate Potential: Slim Possibility [Females Only]
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Jiayi is sometimes seen as Izscak’s conscious, and often as the only voice of reason between the two young men. While Izscak is always claiming wild adventures Jiayi not only knows better than to believe in, but also never has called him out on such claims. Where his best friend is social and a little out there, Jiayi isn’t as much for going out to events. He likes quiet and peace to sit and read or work on his chess game, and dearly loves music; even a skillful guqin player, often telling others that he speaks better with the music than with words. Because he was born with a rare ailment Jiayi is forced to use an unconventional drug normally used for pleasure to keep the sickness from progressing, despite the fact that it causes a stir with a lot of the other agents. He is usually a sweet young man, who doesn't mind going out of his way to help, even if that person is an Other. He believes that the good you do in this life carries over to the next and gives you a bit of favor, which is one of the reasons this gentle soul does what he does.

Name: Izscak Mosaro
Gender: Male
Lifemate Potential: Mid-Level Possibility  [Females Only]
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Izscak is a flippant and sometimes reckless young man who loves to give people the perception that he is nothing but trouble, and lives up to his act. Most of the time Izscak spends his nights out wandering the streets, only to come back with outrageous claims of wild times. He isn’t as wild or even as calloused as he seems, in all actuality Izscak is much more responsible than he appears. However it seems that he is always willing to get into a fight at the drop of a hat, and that some of his flippancy isn’t an act as he does tend to say provoking things to those he doesn’t like. Izscak is a harsh judge of others with the exception of his closest friend and fighting partner Jiayi whom he is willing to defend or even die for. Even though he isn’t half the party mad creature he claims to be, Izscak is a bit of a womanizer loving to attention of certain types of ladies. He’s also well known for making words, diseases, and even proverbs; as well as silly  and off topic poems when the tension is thick or when there isn’t anything better to do. His sometimes sharp comments are generally only meant in joking, but sometimes are actually directed to cause hurt feelings or anger.

Name: Myala Vanial
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: Possibly [Only Non-human beings]
Extra Info: Myala is almost always rped with Aldis, she rarely ventures out of the Library without him.
Human Form: Here
+ Myala is a soft, shy, very meek seeming young woman with a gift for psychic powers that are less than reliable. Having once been a failed military experiment where her natural DNA was crossed with that of a magi and a fae, Myala lives in fear herself of being caught and killed. She rarely will speak with strangers unless she’s foreseen them, Myala is peculiar even for her shade race due to her naturally blood streaked hair marking her as a vampire, and her unique but unpredictable powers. She hardly leaves the building she and Aldis share as a home and archive unless a document or stranger surfaces through one of the many portals. Somehow she managed to befriend Vel, Akiba, Kanna and Mahina; despite her quiet nature, and has always been able to trust them to help her and her surly friend out.

Name: Aldis
Gender: Male
Extra Info: He is never rped outside of being with Myala (except for a few errand runs)
+ Aldis is a grumpy, snarky sort who never likes to answer questions or deal with people. The only person he will deal with kindly is Myala because she rescued him from the king’s castle some years ago. Together the pair run a secretive archive where much of documents from several worlds on many subject, a place that rarely allows others inside. For the most part Aldis doesn't like much, rarely leaves the building they own, and while he isn't unkind to Myala has no patience for any other being. When he is forced into the world with Myala he tends to make it an unpleasant experience, though he means well he’s terrified of being captured again by some well meaning buffoon.

Name: Kenan Sholl
Gender: Male
Lifemate Potential: Slim Possibility [Females Only]
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Kenan is a different sort of man, one who doesn’t say much and doesn't stay long. Having turned his back on the traditions and beliefs of his people, he is now a sort of lone wanderer; a man who travels in search of something he doesn't even know. He is content to find the simple pleasure of life, taking in the sunrise along the coast or a particular bloom growing in a park. Other than his constant wandering, very few known much about Kenan, since he doesn't like to talk about his past or where he came from. He makes his money either through doing small amounts of magic for people, but mainly from working as a warrior for hire; offering his skills from guarding his tribe to merchants or nobles on travel.

Name: Quirin Bane
Gender: Male
Lifemate Potential: Slim Possibility [Either Gender]
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Quirin isn’t anything like his father, he takes his life seriously enough to not toy around. Where his father is content to party and generally approach life with flippant sort of attitude, Quirin is much more deadpan in his behavior. Since his father wasn’t on to take on the responsibly of child, Quirin has had to learn his spells and magic through studying of books and under a few strange creatures such as Gahar. Despite this he doesn't feel really anything for his father except maybe minor annoyance, mostly he just prefers to not speak about his family. Quirin is known best for his vast travels, wandering most of the time by horse or foot through the world see the people of each area and doing what he can to help them. Even though Quirin tends to be pensive and stern which thinly veils the hardened self-control he has, he is actually only contemplative; forever weighting his acts to their “butterfly effect” outcomes for each action he takes. It seems rare that Quirin smiles, it isn’t that he doesn't enjoy the world, its more that he tries often too hard to be better than his father. Besides who in their right mind would want anything to do with a man who has cat eyes and a few scales, other than business.

Name: Xarla Ryoga
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Xarla is one of the temple’s most unnoticed residence, as she often spends her time practicing her shadow blending skills. That and the simple fact that Xarla was raised to keep her secret well from others, she translated into just avoid the conversations that might uncover them. Xarla is one of the few living Ekimmu Reikshäϯv who is tracking around the world, though she prefers to let other believe her to be a simple Varjă in order to hide her true nature. The thing with Xarla is that she prefers to work alone, almost always leaving whomever is partnered with her waiting at the temple while she works. She isn’t unsocial, in truth Xarla enjoys the company of others during her off time loving to spend time just sitting around talking with the others or even take an outing if its offered. It is only if talk turns to the past that Xarla will slip quietly away, choosing not to reveal to the others what she is. For being an Ekimmu Xarla is very young, having been born just two decades and some odd years ago. Xarla is a compassionate woman, who will sit and listen to the problems of others even when she has no answers or solutions for them.

Name: Miyu Huginn
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info: Miyu goes to a school for monsters, but also travels in search of the same town which Eilena is in.
Human Form: Here
+ Miyu is a child of unusual origins, that is the least of what can be said. Born when a member of the Coven of Naeila tried in vain to bring their "goddess" into the world through the birth of a baby. One of the Coven's members helped her mother to escape the prison before more dark power could be poured into the unborn child. With her mother having abandoned her outside the Basantha Shrine, Miyu was picked up and named by Lucina Fellshrone the leader of the Ilztirahn clan. She has since been raised around Reikshäϯv, knowing that she isn't one of them but always feeling like it was her home. It didn't take long for Miyu's almost other worldly powers to surface, calling shadows into rooms and even a pair of strange birds who never leave her for a moment. The birds Miyu called Rok and Hrafn, Lucina believes are the reason Miyu has since stopped having the nightmares and has stopped opening shadowy portals to who knows where. Miyu is a sweet girl, she means no harm to those she meets. Shy and often not one to say much, Miyu is almost always behind Lochesh's daughter Nina, who is her best friend. A bright girl with a quick mind, there are few puzzles or riddles Miyu can't solve. Her magic while controlled, does sometimes cause a bit of an issue if she is in emotional distress.


Names: Rok & Hrafn
Gender: Assumed to be male
Extra Info: Rok & Hrafn go every where with Miyu, as they are magically bound to her.
+ Rok & Hrafn are strange creatures, often appearing to be nothing more than shadows when inside buildings. Neither speak a human language so it is often difficult for anyone other than Miyu to know what they want when they carry on, what is known is that they have an effect on Miyu's powers. As long as the birds are around Miyu's energy is calmer and she is in control of her dark powers, which is why Lucina has insisted that the pair be allowed anyway Miyu goes to minimize damage possible. The pair can be annoying, often flying through other living beings and causing them to have a death chill reaction (and to think a ghost touched them), but they also cause other mischief when bored.

Name: Yepa Selänne
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Yepa is a serene woman who simply loves to explore, something a bit strange for her kind. It isn’t unusual to run across Yepa singing softly as she digs for history in some of the strangest places, its all just a part of who she is. Though Yepa still carries herself with a regal air no matter what she’s doing, no longer does she worry so much about a little dirt under her nails. Once she was a princess whose destiny had been planned out before she was born by her loving parents. Having to show them that it wasn’t what she wanted hurt her far more than it hurt them, but both accepted her choice easily enough. Her dear friend Rayen has always been their to help her, giving her a job that pays well and a place in the shop to sleep between her adventures. While Yepa is a kind hearted woman, and much more outgoing than most; she does have one small quirk, she refuses to entertain the idea of marriage. Having found that she is far happier to roam freely here and their, practicing her perplexing version of archaeology as well as her sometimes problematic alchemy, she sees no reason to give up her current lifestyle. She loves adventures, regardless of their purpose or sometimes dangerous nature, and is always up for trying something once.

Name: Katima Leonhart
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Kit is a healer in training under Ornella at the Asysin Sanctuary, and she is perfectly happy with it. From day one that her father brought her to the island Kit showed a gift for healing magic and a deep connection to the world around her, and while her father didn't know what to do with her Ornella took the girl in and taught her. She is a hard worker, often going to the city for supplies so Ornella doesn't have to deal with the stress of venturing out there. She is a very logical person, often thinking in terms of practical and least wasteful path of doing a job. While she can be a logical person Kit is also very sensitive and selfless in her actions, known for working herself too hard to help others and not worrying enough about herself. There are times when Kit wishes she was closer to her father and her sister, even though her sister really has nothing to do with their family. She often goes down to check on her father and see that he is well, and has never let his lack of words make her feel unwanted. That’s the part of her sensitive nature that is helpful, her ability to know what people really mean when they speak. The down side is that she is often overly emotional, and will on her worst days take things too personally.

Name: Niayk Kovács
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: Not Likely
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
Personality: {Incomplete}
+ Niayk is a bubbly young woman with a love for life and fixing things, she literary lives to work. Niayk has a very upbeat personality that she says doesn't allow her to be depressed, or sad all the time. Niayk can come across as ditsy or out of touch with the world, really she just hates to see sadness, or people unhappy for any reason. A skilled sword maker and mechanic makes Niayk a handy creature indeed. Most of the time Niayk roams here and there never staying long either in the mist or in the world of her birth; but that's part of this girl's charm, that she enjoys the scenery and a good chocolate. That's one way to her heart, via chocolate, and the darker the better, or a good tool.

Name: Riz
Gender: Male
Extra Info: Riz is Niayk's guard, a creature of unknown origins stuck in the body of a Shielupe.
+ Riz is a much more down to earth sort of personality, in sharp contrast to the woman he guards. Riz tends to think of things that escape Niayk, such as the location of her tools and meal times. Without him Riz fears that Niayk would be completely lost. Though his is a very rational and sometimes unemotional creature, Riz cares very deeply for his charge the reason he has followed her for so long.

Name: Cila Eld
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Cila is one of the few open Nether demons to wander the world, and that isn't all about her that is strange. Cila is actually a very odd and slightly unknown and highly rumored species known as Ahnahcael, and Cila is training to be the top apprentice to Krieinic one of the most notable Savantmic demon scholars in this world. She is a bright but sometimes distracted young woman, who can easily get caught up in the minor details of her work. While she is mostly a shy bookwormish young woman by nature, she can be forceful at rare times. Cila prefers to spend her time surrounded by books and scrolls rather than people, that doesn't mean she isn't social but that she is particular about the types of people she deals with. Not really willing to deal with those who are blissfully ignorant and happy to stay that way, Cila will however happily spend time with those who want to learn or are of a fair intelligence.

War Rps Sought

Name: Anastasia Križ
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: Slim Possibility
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Anastasia is another member of the elusive agency known only as the Kikibash, she too is a spy working in this world to similar goals as Kivuli only she has another course of action lined up should this “gig” be a dud. Anastasia has made her life out of her skills to con and work men, traits that have always served her since her teen years as a working girl all the way up to her being handpicked by the Kivuli who saw her talents for more than their surface value. Anastasia isn't a typical girl no matter where she goes and she knows it’s more than just her good looks too. She’s always held herself with a confident air and a haughty sort of arrogance; she walks like a goddess and sees nothing wrong with always getting what she wants. While she may have a superior attitude with most of the other agents and may look down on them she has the utmost respect for Kivuli though she thinks very little of the Circle, her only reason for staying is him and her loyalties. Commonly she isn’t a woman many put stock in whether they know her true occupation or not, this is due in part to her perfected innocent act and in part to her ability to keep one focused on herself only. Anastasia is a seductress of a woman who takes any limelight she can get good or bad, and has been known to be both a slacker at points and a bit of a drama queen at other in the manor. She uses her charm, her attitude, her body, or her impressive wit to get whatever she deems she wants at the moment; she also has a history of using a person until she’s bored before leaving them without explanation.

Name: Ormr
Gender: Male
Extra Info:
+ Ormr is Anastasia's constant companion and pet, and a tool she often uses in her work. Having been trained since he was a pup to steal objects he's directed to, or to wear camera's to record meetings as he sneaks in a building. Despite being so highly trained what Ana loves most is Ormr's impish side, he love for playing tricks on unsuspecting people on the street. From snatching things off vendor stalls unseen, to playing dead in front of people Ormr has a good many tricks up his furry sleeves.

Name: Camue Raun
Gender: Male
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Camue Raun, like his sister was raised by a very strange lady named Dr. Suhoiae. Unlike his sister he didn’t act out as much about the abandonment of their parents, though he is in his own way a bit of a delinquent. Camue took up with computers at a young age and has since turned to his greatest ambition of all, to create an unstoppable computer virus capable of giving him control over anything he pleases. Since this not so simple task takes up a good chunk of his time, it is rather rare for him to leave the basement of the house he shares with his sister. When he does though it’s usually to head straight for Kinsa and her friend Enae at the tavern where they occupy space, normally for a chat or a drink while they plot the next steps for their crimes. Camue isn’t unsocial, he’s usually just more interested in the things going on throughout the web; that doesn’t mean he shuns human contact, in fact the opposite is true. He enjoys the brief time he spends with his sister Xacia, no matter what causes these meetings, and is even found to sometimes forgo his work to just go outside and explore the world around him a bit. He is known to be leery of people he doesn’t know, as he views anyone and everyone unknown to him a possible threat to himself or his often flighty sister. While he acquired some small bits of his parent’s powers, mainly the Death abilities from his mother that allows him to see souls, and the bolstered half angelic blood of his father allowing him to sense demonic beings and his “aura wings”; neither seems to have passed much to him as he is always fully in control of both abilities, and can never understand how his sister isn’t.

Name: Mrinal Fellshrone
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+  Mrinal is one of the most dangerous members of Ilztirahn Manor, she is swift and deadly as hell. Part of the issue with Mrinal is that she hates rules, she hates those who make them and how absurd they often appear. That said she is going to break her loyalties over something trivial as the rules she lives by. Mrinal happens to be an excellent fighter and often a great soldier on the field of battle when orders are kept simple for her, and her ability to blend with shadows makes her more dangerous than most assassins. It has been rumored that the fiery little woman (standing 5’3”) has as fast a tongue as she has a blade, conclusions have been drawn that this is why she’s always alone. It is in reality her choice to be alone most of the time, she prefers not to mingle often and does her best to avoid anything that might require a dress. Mrinal feels much more at home when she is working, it soothes her worries and fears of not being adequate in the manor. The only people very close to her are her beloved big brother Nuada, and her training partner and brother Jakan; though her baby sister Kana is close to Mrinal it is mostly out of Mrinal’s need to protect her. While often times she isn’t rattled by threats or jokes, mess with her family and you will find her fangs.

Name: Rinia Krause
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Rinia is a hot headed Reikshäϯv who tend to act a bit rashly, she rarely puts a lot of thought into her actions before she takes them. It is typical of Rinia to be always moving always full of energy, in fact no one has ever seen the woman sitting quietly anywhere. Constantly keeping her partner Korulu on his toes whether on a mission or just having some down time at the temple, Rinia is rarely idle in the least. She spends her off time training with different weapons or just sparring with one of the monks when Korulu refuses to take part, it is never in doubt that Rinia is passionate about her job. Often Rinia is seen as taking her responsibilities too seriously, as she is always eager to get out into the world and hunt down those who go against the old laws. If left to her own devices long enough Rinia has been known to simply search out offenders to punish, even when they are outside her own domain. Despite loving her job and her partner Rinia has a bit of issue with taking Istos seriously, mostly due to his more passive nature. When on her own Rinia has been known to play the role of leader, refusing to take orders from anyone including Korulu. Her inability to stay still for long often makes her appear nervous at times, and like a loose cannon at others; making it difficult for most to feel at ease around her, let alone trust the stability of her mind. Rinia is in fact sane as any of her kind, she just lives for the thrills, no matter what sort of thrills they may be. She likes to live a bit on the edge, when she isn’t working hard; having been known to take part in fights matched in the Slums when she’s bored. While Rinia may be a walking fire she is naturally one of the quickest beings inside the temple walls, able to slip through shadows and move with such silence those not aware wouldn't notice her presence. Her keen abilities of silence and her unnatural way of blending into the shadows around her often make Istos sorry he didn’t see her trained as a spy, she might have been less unruly if he had.

Name: Sephtis Vencel
Gender: Male
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Sephtis is a man of action, that is how he earned his rank in the command and the respect of his peers. It is one of the reasons which Sephtis often frequents the battle camps in order to check on things himself, his need to make sure a job is done right the first time. His loyal dedication not only to the soldiers under his command but to those under his peers as well is what drives him to double and triple check every detail, read every report himself, and look after the care of the wounded. Still if he isn't issuing orders, Sephtis isn't one to speak much. Though he is always on the hunt for new recruits for their ranks, Sephtis insists on seeing their training himself, as only the best will do. He's a tough man who will settle for nothing less than near perfection, and he has no issue with telling someone they aren't good enough.

Name: Iksu Vaidya
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info: Sometimes Iksu will be rped with Isanna, since the two belong to the same plot.
Human Form: Here
Personality: {Incomplete}
+ Iksu is a very temperamental potion maker, with a snarky sort of humor. She tends hate being bothered with small details, more she has a deep dislike for anyone who asks too many questions. When first met Iksu seems just shy, she doesn’t say much and avoid contact outside of her work. Once she does speak however, that notion goes out the window. She can be abrupt and often snappy to people, even blunt about what she thinks of them. Its part of why Rayen doesn’t often send Iksu out of the shop, fear of what the slightly explosive young mage could do if a supplier is even the least unable to comply with her requests. Oddly enough Iksu and Matok get along exceptionally well, a puzzling detail none in the shop have stopped to question very long.

Name: Xifeng Yan || Nickname: Neon
Gender: Female
Lifemate Potential: None
Extra Info:
Human Form: Here
+ Neon is an all-around rough, gruff, one-of-the-guy's kind of a girl. Since she was a kit she's always loved guns, knives, and anything that went boom, that lead her to a life as a weapons modifier. To date she hasn't meet a weapon she couldn't modify or quickly learn to use, but she is by no means an assassin, more a gun for hire in her own way. Neon has a strange sense of humor that is mostly on the dry side with a liberal use of sarcastic wisecracks that come often at others expense. But be warned, the laughter and "good times" will stop the first time her real name is use, and likely that person will regret it, as her temper is quick and her wrath swift and terribly painful. Now with the addition of Reikshäϯv power infused in her body, along with her new friendship with one of the vampires in the town she is pretty much not someone to be messed with.
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Postby Nyxia » 11/14/2014 9:49 PM

Lifemate Threads:

Remember Me [Kazímir & Siobhan] (Kitsumi & I)
Status: Ongoing - Temporary Hold

War & Monster Hunting [Gunner & Nahimana] (Kitsumi & I)
Status: Ongoing - Temporary Hold

Shadows of Allies Past[Korulu & Rosie] (Kitsumi & I)
Status: Ongoing - Temporary Hold

Regular Rp Threads:

None Currently
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Atoli01 » 11/16/2014 10:56 PM

Okay, this is going to be quite a bit of suggestions. Inhales deeply. Let's do this. (If they have human forms, I'll link their image.)

Ialu x Nellie or Matok x Nellie. Nellie is high school age, as well as er... non-human, so I immediately thought of her as a lifemating possibility for Ialu, and just... an interesting match for Matok. I file her under my category of "immortal"; a being who has the ability to use magic and is well... immortal. She got kidnapped three years ago along with her boyfriend who, to her knowledge, was murdered in the process. As a result, she has an extreme case of amnesia and developed the odd ability to see the past of any inanimate object which she touches. She's rather gentle and soft-spoken, but, although rare, will not hesitate to speak up and fight for the few subjects for which she has a passion for. Nellie's amnesia troubles her at times, but she chooses to convert her energy she would typically waste fretting over this into studying magic and living up to her name as a child of a high-born immortal family.

Her best friend, Landen (an android), will accompany her quite often. He doesn't feel emotions the same way typical humans do, although he is quick to get into fights and flirt with other young women. His loyalties, however, lie solely within Nellie (platonically, that is). She has an older brother who goes by the name Alain, and an older adopted sister, Mara. (Mara's a fun one; I'll actually mention her later.) I am unsure of whether those two will appear in the roleplay, though I figured I should mention them either way.

Lochesh x Christina. I could see this going as going down either the path of simply a friendly roleplay or a lifemating, depending on how the personalities of the two mix. Christina is young woman who has been recognized on the international stage. Some call her a prodigy, but she insists that it's a result of how hard she has worked since she was a young girl. She did work hard, of course, but that has left her knowing nothing else in life aside from the piano. After the death of her parents in a car accident when she was in high school, she was diagnosed with depression, a diagnosis which has remained with her into adulthood. From that moment, she has been mindlessly playing the piano, more motivated by the flimsy layer of comfort it provides her than any fame or riches she could amass. She is withdrawn and quiet, although she manages to conduct herself quite well at social events and gatherings.

Jiayi x Mara or Quirin x Mara. Even if it's not for lifemating, it'd interest me to see Mara would interact with either of these two, considering the common grounds which she shares with the both of them. Mara, like Nellie, is an immortal. (She has a rather complicated history, so I'll leave you to read that in my pen, and just discuss her actual personality here, since it's changed from the original.) Mara's extremely opinionated, though she prefers not to interfere in any matters that do not directly involve her. She, like Jiayi, would much rather prefer to read a book or play her violin rather than go out partying. She's practically a baby by immortal standards, though she's already gotten a head start and spent every second she could reading and practicing her magic after those... unfortunate events. She's regarded as a child prodigy, though she'd now much prefer to live her days in peace rather than in the public spotlight. However, to follow her passion, magic, would be impossible had she opted for calm and quiet. Mara seems to be in a state of perpetual fragility as a result of the amount of magic practice she forces herself to do, placing a large amount of strain on her body. Due to previous events, placing her trust in others is a laborious task that she tends to avoid.

Of course you could also check my pen to see if anyone else interests you, though many of my pets have nothing written about them.

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Jaykobell » 11/16/2014 11:28 PM

Nyxia, hello. :,v I believe at some point you... were, maybe, intrigued/interested in RPing together. I see you seek RPs, and while I'm still not the fastest person around, I feel like I've been not too shabby at keeping up with my RPs, of late~

So, well, let me list you the characters I'd be most inclined to RP right now. You can feel free to check my Pen and see if any others strike your fancy, but that's entirely up to you.

First up is Benjamin, who's been getting around a bit recently. He is a young vampire who comes from a particular 'clan' consisting of multiple families, all with their own element. Benjamin's is fire, and his weapon of choice is a whip. He was exiled from his family due to a duke from another one framing him for a murder he didn't commit, and so now he's roaming the world, a bit unsure of what he's meant to do and what he should do.
He's the quiet type, and usually the talking and fighting is done by his two snake familiars, who are always with him. He can be put in any kind of situation, really; he's the type to go with the flow. I don't know if you'd have anyone that might be interesting to RP with him, whether because they're also a vampire, or what have you?

I'm putting these two together because usually they're not separated. The Corpse Kuhna is Bach and the Bandol is Askr. As per their species, Bach is a zombie/undead, and Askr is a mummy. I drew them a looooooooooooooong time ago, too, if you want visuals for them: Bach (#2) and Askr (#2). They used to be in another plot, but when I figured they didn't belong in it, I took them out. Only now did I realize I could use them in Benjamin's story, so they're part of his 'party'; although I'm not sure what their deal is, really. But, they're good friends, brothers almost; so if I'm going to RP one, I'd prefer to RP him with the other. Askr can't talk, which is one reason why Bach is usually always with him. They're both nice, quiet, chill guys, with Askr being a little bit more assertive than Bach.
Feel free to put them in any situation, and that should get me to flesh them out a bit. I'm not sure what their story is, again, so yeah. Feel free to rough them up a bit.
Bach is also missing an eye, and as per zombie stereotypes, he can lose limbs. xD Whoops.

I also have two other characters I could potentially get out, but you'd need to give me some time to... well... flesh them out and name them AND get them pet forms. x'D They're also related to Benjamin's story. One of them is a female dhampir, and the other is a male vampire. The dhampir knows some air/wind magic, but she's not very powerful. She's Benjamin's main friend, I guess you could say. She's a bit rash and rough around the edges, but she's got a good heart. She can be blunt and uncaring at times.
The male vampire, I know is a Merkuhna. He comes from a very, very, very old and powerful family from Benjamin's clan. He's got a bunch of siblings that are not yet planned. But he's one of the youngest and one of the most troublesome. He's a pretty chill guy with power over water, and he's a good friend of the dhampir; he's been helping her connect to her vampire roots and he's been helping her develop her skills. He likes to relax and unwind in clubs and other places of that nature, and he's usually pretty chill and suave. And at first glance, you might think he's pretty careless, like nothing is a big deal. He kinda is that way, but he'll straighten up if you need him to listen.

They still need names and the dhampir needs a form. But, again, that could force him to flesh them out a bit.

Otherwiiiiiiiiiiise... yeah. If you'd like to check my Pen, feel free. Although, some characters are not written in there... like my ninjas. :'| But, if you've ever seen characters or what have you, let me know and I can give you a bit of a description for them.

But yeah. If you wanna RP something out, maybe?
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Nyxia » 11/17/2014 9:45 AM

@ Atoli

Ialu & Nellie:
Would be a definite go as far as I can see. Though would you want her to be part of his/the school plot? Or would you want to have her not be a part of it, and meet him outside his school? Just wondering, because I can see it going either way.

Lochesh x Christina:
I would be fine with sending them out to rp. The thing with Lochesh is that he would be sympathetic towards her, but I don't foresee his kindness towards her turning into much more. We can always see where it goes.

Jiayi x Mara:
This one I see being fun, even if they don't end up as lifemates. Jiayi is a demon hunter, so it might be a way for him to meet her.

@ Shrewdy

Benjamin: I'd pair him off with Sima, because they would probably have quiet a bit of fun. Though I have to warn you that Sima's back story and personality aren't set, since you literally caused me to spark and idea. Or he could pair off with Miyu, on her crazy hunt to find where she was born. That one though might end up with him accidently getting snared into the alternate reality which she sometimes pulls to the surface by accident.

Sima: A hybrid of a vampire and a reaper, which is the reason she was put in chains as a control of her power. Sima roams a lot, helping souls of those dying to be at peace. She doesn't speak often, normally using telepathy to communicate. I would like to stick them somewhere near the war, since Sima is unfortunately bound to helping and comforting.  

As far as Benjamin is concerned we can do either, or both I would mind.

I am exceptionally interested in your dhampir, and hoping she is some kind of kuhna since I would want to pair her with Lochesh and see what might happen. Though I have really no idea of a setting, or plot sort of idea for it yet.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Jaykobell » 11/17/2014 10:55 AM

Ohhh, Benjamin meeting Sima. :0a Benjamin was accused of murdering the son of that corrupt duke I mentioned, because the two boys were very close (like brothers). So meeting a reaper, he would probably ask questions to make sure his friend is at peace... Although... Story-wise, well... xD No matter who he asks, he will never get any answers. Because of what I have in store for him. We would have to discuss it in PMs maybe. :'v

Hmm, for the dhampir... Were you hoping for lifemates, or...? Cause I'm not looking to lifemate her. x'D I wouldn't mind RPing them together, if you give me some time, but yeah. xD But lmao, you should know me, I try to use Kuhnas as much as I can. :'v Hahah.

Sorry for the short and convoluted answer, at work. x'D But this should do for now.
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Nyxia » 11/17/2014 11:23 AM

For the dhampir I just thought it would be fun to have him meet with another vampire thing not connected to his own clan. She would be something he has never seen, having even minor magic and all. No, for a lifemate for him I'm running on the basis that I will know the right character when I see them. Though if she is a kuhna, somewhere down the road (when I get a kuhna key again) I would probably bug you to breed them. That's really the only reason I asked that.

For Benjamin, Sima would likely not know how to contact a soul that has passed. She would offer him advice on who might know something along those lines, while at the same time doing her bound duty. Yes, yes! Pm plot discussions are fun, plus it helps that I know what you have planned so I don't mess up your plot.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Jaykobell » 11/17/2014 12:23 PM

Ohh, alright. Yeah, I can flesh her out a bit and look for a form; actually, I might just have one in mind. ovo Then she just needs a name~ and we could RP them. ovo Do you have a meeting scenario in mind?
As for breeding though... I'm... very picky when it comes to that. x'D;; So at this time, unless they reeeeeeeally hit it off, I'd rather not breed her. Sorry. ;w;

And hahah, it's fine. Like I said, no matter how hard he looks, Benjamin won't be able to find that soul. C': I'll pm you tonight if I can~ To give you a bit more details.
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Atoli01 » 11/17/2014 7:48 PM

Ialu x Nellie: I think her being a part of the school plot could be interesting, actually. Give her a chance to step out of her comfort zone. Maybe she could be a new transfer student? (Even though higher status immortal kids are usually homeschooled, I could see Nellie begging her family to let her study elsewhere.) Is there anyone else involved in the plot/is there any more I should know about it?

Lochesh x Christina and Jiayi x Mara: I'd be fine with both of those, definitely. Do you want to do both or--? If we chose one or the other, I'd almost be a bit biased toward Mara and Jiayi, as Mara just... She's my little baby. Sighs happily. Lochesh and Christina could still be interesting though, as it'd give me the chance to work out the small blips here and there in her character. I think it's really more up to you? I'm fine with whatever.

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Nyxia » 11/18/2014 10:10 AM

@ Shrewdy

I fully understand on the breedings, that's part of why I want to see how they interact. That and I'm trying to develop Lochesh's character outside of the clan and Lucina's own plot stuff. Lochesh would be greatly interested in her (not as a mate), he hasn't met a lot of other vampire creatures so she would be odd to him.

As for Benjamin I seem to think this is fairly well hashed out, so if you'd like I can start that one up? You can always Pm me that when you get around to it.

@ Atoli
Ialu & Nellie:

As far as the plot on that goes, I ought to warn you it is rather massive. He attends a school called Gysse Korihar Academy. If you want I can Pm you the whole set up and who all is involved, though as far as Ialu is concerned mostly he interacts with Anna, Kichirou, Keit (his best friend), Miyu, & Leia. All of them are considered first year students, and would like show up during sections of the rp. I do love roping other people into being part of my plots, so I hope your alright with it.

Lochesh x Christina

I would be fine with doing both, honestly Lochesh doesn't get out away from his daughter or Lucina very often so I want to work with his character in that way. From what you gave me it seems that Lochesh would likely start getting to know her while feeding on her negative emotions, then probably try to show her a brighter bit of the world.

Jiayi x Mara

As far as Jiayi & Mara that would be fun, having him meet an immortal and at the same time teach her about the world he knows. Like I said Jiayi is a demon hunter, part of an agency called M.I.S.T which hunts monster and humanoid creatures (shifters, werewolves, magic users, ect.) who cause harm and destruction. He often patrols towns for signs of demons, or someone summoning one.

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Jaykobell » 11/18/2014 10:36 AM

Sorry I didn't pm you yesterday. I was exhausted and did very little and then this morning went horribly so I couldn't even check my stuff much.

I'll develop my dhampir girl more solidly and if all goes well, we can start shortly~ How would they meet? My girl is flexible so let me know what/where Lochesh is most likely to be doing/be.

As for Benjamin x Sima, yeah, we can definitely start, if anything. Hopefully I'll have a chance to pm you tonight for real this time.
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Nyxia » 11/18/2014 11:49 AM

Don't worry about it Shrewdy, I know the feeling of being wiped out and things not going well. Really its no big rush to get that since it might take a bit to get there story wise.

For Lochesh, he tends to wander into place with a fair population. I see somewhere like Lamenolai, Foundry City, or Starlight Town as a good places for the rp (really its a take your pick sorta thing). As for them meeting, since I don't have much of a clue about your girl, I think he would be lurking around in the market soaking up the energy while waiting to meet someone from the Order of Taoh. He could mistake her for the person he's meeting, because of her ability to use magic, and begin speaking to her? Or since you mentioned her being  Benjamin's friend, if she were looking for him Lochesh would be willing to help. This one I'm sorta shooting in the dark with.

I'd be fine with starting the rp for Benjamin/Sima. Link is here: X

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

We Don't Have to Dance - Andy Black
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Re: Looking for Rp/Lifemate Partners

Postby Atoli01 » 11/18/2014 9:59 PM

Complicated plots are always the most entertaining of all! Of course I wouldn't mind. I'll just go ahead and PM you concerning everyone's rps, in that case.Don't want to clutter up your thread too much. (Just a warning too that my replies MAY be a bit spotty during the weekdays due to school, but they shouldn't go er... unreplied to for more than a day or two at a time.)

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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