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Calling All Adventurers!

Postby zapdragon555 » 09/28/2014 6:08 PM

[Mods: If this belongs in the Contest Central forum, please feel free to move it!]

click for human (?) form

"Ahhh... yeees... yeeees there is definitely something special about you."

You start, at the sound of a rough, chilling voice behind you. The hooded figure, who looks almost to be the size of a child, peers up at you. What? you ask, your voice coming out a little more squeaky and afraid than you meant to. You can see the faint light of... wherever you are... glint off of the figure's teeth and eye--just one eye--, and you shudder slightly. It's sort of cold... "Yes... very special," he says--you think it's a he? It's very difficult to tell, with that hood, but you decide to assume so, for all intents and purposes. "The fact that you ended up here at all definitely says something about you."

"Who am I?" Well, no, you never asked who he was, but you tilt your head anyway. It's better than looking around, because you've finally noticed that everything around you is completely black, save for the small circle of light beneath your feet. Is that... whispering...? "I am... well, that's not terribly important. You can call me Chesh, if you want, baby." The child--you're not so sure anymore if it's a child or not--giggles, waving a cloth paw-covered hand at you. "Oh, you should see your face right now. Ah, I guess I should let you get back to... whatever it is you corporeal beings do. Breathe, probably. Laaaame!"

You're getting a little bit annoyed at this point, and you try to take a step towards the figure to reach for his hood, but he quickly flashes out of the way, landing out of the circle of light. "Oh, no no no. That won't do, that won't do at all, Visitor!" You scowl and try to step out of the circle, and your heart drops in your chest about four meters when you realize you're stepping into nothingness. You scream and catch your balance, and your scream seems to echo for nearly a full minute before you regain your footing and stare at the figure with a look of fear. He giggles. "Visitor, please be more careful. I'll let you go home lickety split; but first, won't you hear what I have to say?"

You nod, because what else could you do at this point? His lips pull back in an even larger grin that seems to take up his entire shadowy face, and he steps a little closer and rolls up his sleeves. He shakes them out slightly, and suddenly a number of keys fall out of his baggy striped sleeves and clatter to the floor. Or what should be the floor. It certainly wasn't floor when you stepped onto it. You stare at him for a moment, then slowly reach to take a key, and you gasp when he slaps your hand away with his foot paw. "Hey! No touchie!" he barks, a hyena-like cackle bubbling out of him. "Bad Visitor! You haven't heard what your mission is!"

Mission? you echo him, before you can stop yourself, and he grins, seeing he's caught your interest. "Mmhm. See these things here?" He taps a key with his paw, and it makes a soft chime, like a tuning fork struck upon something. "These are Dante's Keys. Who's Dante? Hell if I know!" he shrieks with laughter, stamping on the keys and sending them scattering. "But that's not important. What is important is that you bring your key to the given place when the moon is completely full... Or something dumb like that," he giggles, and you scowl, staring at a key that has fallen into your circle of light. You don't touch it; you don't want another slap. "So. You got that? Just bring the key. Stuff will make sense after that. Probably!" Suddenly, there's a puff of smoke, and you cough, waving it away. When it clears, you blink in surprise to see the figure is gone, and the keys are gone, save for the one near you...

Of course, something still confuses you, among all the things that have confused you since you laid eyes upon that odd little cat person.

Weren't you just falling asleep a few moments ago?

You jerk awake with a start. Sunlight blinds your eyes for a moment, and you shut them tight against the light, groaning softly. Your head is spinning, but after a moment you manage to sit up and rub your eyes enough to get used to the world around you. Ah, right... you did fall asleep. Everything looks the same... what a weird dream, that was! You sigh and rub the back of your head, glancing down... wait, what's that? Is that... a key?


Hello, adventurers! Did you happen to find a key when you woke up this morning? How curious!
Curious indeed. Well, if you're not the adventuring type, I'd say just throw it out or keep it in
some old wooden box and forget all about it. But if you are the adventuring type... well,
then I'd do what that mangey little cat said, hmm?

There are currently three keys.
One of them is bronze and has a large [1] scratched into it, and it seems cold and heavy.
One of them is silver and has a large [4] scratched into it, and it looks tarnished green.
One of them is gold and has a large [8] scratched into it, but... it looks like it's actually pyrite?

Alright, now on to what this thing actually is.
I've been planning a User Hosted Event that's, in it's most basic form, a D&D style adventure/puzzle RP with a very simplistic battle system and many opportunities to earn fabulous prizes! To prevent this post from getting any more long-winded, I'm going to direct you to my concept post in the Suggestions forum. Didja read it?


Now, onto the forms.
Code: Select all
[img]Insert your adventuring pet here![/img]
[b]Pet name: [/b]
[b]Pet gender: [/b]
[b]Key color: [/b]
[b]Who's keys are they?: [/b]

The bronze key will lead to the EASY dungeon, located in Terrace Park.
The silver key will lead to the MEDIUM dungeon, located in The Slums.
The gold key will lead to the HARD dungeon, located in Basantha Shrine.

This thread is basically to check interest and also get some signups for those who want to participate. Let me first be clear that the dungeons are NOT FINISHED YET! Neither are the bosses of the dungeons, but Kyrit is working on those when she can~ But the dungeons will be finished at a hopefully fairly soon date, and I want to know who is interested so that I can PM them a week or so in advance of when we're going to start the RP! So post away, everyone! And if you have any questions, PM them to me, and I'll add them to the FAQ below for everyone else to see if I think it's necessary. That last question in the form is to see who read Cheshire's big spiel, but it was a pretty long one, so I'll still let you in if you don't answer correctly, haha.
Also, please ROLEPLAY your entry post! It's more fun that way!


Q: Do we need to have played D&D before to participate?
A: Absolutely not! This version of D&D is FAR less complicated than actual D&D, since everyone will have the same stats and the same power of weapons. You don't have to worry about that at all. Things will go smoothly once we start, that I can promise you, and I hope to make things as simple and fair as possible!

Q: Can we put two pets in one dungeon?
A: Yes, but their offense and defense dice will be as for one character, and their HP will be as for one character. For example, if one of your characters gets hit, the other gets hit. So... yes? But they'll have to act as one character always. I'm a little sketchy on this one but I don't see why you couldn't.

Q: Can we have more than one key?
A: Yes! You can put one pet in each dungeon.


Azura Rayume - Keane Medraut Emrys III
crow - Brannon Travert
jobiehanna - Melanie
Zoophilos - Gears
Thunder - Voltage
Atoli01 - Winnie Vandervent
GrayGriffin - Min
Firetra - Sahn'd

Azura Rayume - Dirk
IndigoBook - Ethelred Chadwick
crow - Larkin
jobiehanna - Loki
Talcen - Shoto
Thunder - SevynBlue
Atoli01 - Rhys Ringham
GrayGriffin - Tin
Firetra - Beraz

Azura Rayume - Melia
IndigoBook - Effie Greythorn
crow - Esmond
jobiehanna - Caspian
Thunder - Arkiel di Telos
Atoli01 - Mara Tenor
GrayGriffin - Stormhawk
Firetra - Arean Galind

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby Azura Rayume » 09/28/2014 9:11 PM

Bands of adventurers were a rare thing nowadays, but that didn't mean there weren't still a few around. These three, specifically, were some of about six or seven such travelers, seeking out both work and fun in hamlets and towns around Evelon. Mostly, they were told they were just "playing hero," but they made sure to keep an ear open for anything that could make them true heroes, an adventure the likes of which might have their names recorded in the annals of history.

This morning, three of their number had received just such a message.

Breakfast at the inn was normally a buzzing affair, but the three visitors clustered around a small corner table were even more excited than normal. The rest of their party was still asleep upstairs, but all three downstairs had been awoken early and had made their own ways downstairs.

"So you're telling me that you both found them, too?" Dirk asked, laying a silver key on the table. "Same dream and everything."

The Bard gave an excited giggle. "Of course!" he chimed, withdrawing a bronze key on a cord from under his tunic. "Strange little cat said to go to 'the appointed place,' though there's no telling where that could be. You know, I think this could be the real thing! If it is, boy, will the other's be disappointed!"

Dirk rolled his eyes, displeased with the reaction his companion had. "You don't have to be so pleased with yourself, Keane-"

"Keane. Medraut. Emrys. The third," Keane interrupted, tapping a finger with each name.


"Would you two stop it?" Their Mage dropped her own key, bright gold, to the table with a loud clatter, drawing both of her companions' attentions away from one another. "There are more pressing matters that who is and isn't going, you know. We were told to go to 'an appointed place,' but we still have no idea where that might be. The full moon is in just a few days, so I need you two to actually work together and figure out where that might be, alright?" There was a note of threat in her voice and glared pointedly at Keane. "And keep it to yourselves. We don't know the stipulations of this, so I don't need you blabbing this to the rest of the group, not to mention every warm body you see on the street."

Pet name: Keane Medraut Emrys III
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Bronze
Who's keys are they?: Dante's
Pet name: Dirk
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Silver
Who's keys are they?: Dante's
Pet name: Melia
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Gold
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

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Wouldn't you like to see
Something Strange?

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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby Indigo » 09/28/2014 9:13 PM

[I wasn't totally sure how to format this, but I hope this will do.]

It made sense, really, that she would be sent here. She knew a thing or two about mountains, even if this was a different range than the one she was used to, and all the mysterious things that supposedly dwelled in the shrine would be no match for her. Especially if accompanied by her faithful researcher, although that part was a little uncertain at the moment; Barclay hadn't actually promised anything, but Effie had enlisted her sister to talk him into it, and he tended to have trouble arguing with her.

Effie turned the key over in her claws contemplatively. It had been a strange dream, stranger than the ones she'd had before, even ignoring its real-life effects. Maybe Barclay would know something about the being that had sent it, if he ever bothered to show up.
Pet name: Effie Greythorn
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Gold
Who's keys are they?: Dante, whoever that is
Re:FAQ #2, may be joined by Barclay Simmons; he's pretty useless in a fight anyway so the shared dice aren't a problem on my end.

There was something almost too convenient, about being told to wait in the place where he was already staying. Ethelred had speculated, encouraged by Whisperdark, that it was somehow tied to this quest business, in which case he probably had no choice. His earlier attempts at avoiding the inheritance thing had ended with him where the sword wanted him anyway. At this point it was probably simpler to go along with the thing when the opportunity arose.

The key was on a chain around his neck. Otherwise he was all too likely to lose it, and even destiny wouldn't get it back, unless he greatly misjudged Whisperdark. Which was possible, he supposed. But not terribly likely.
Pet name: Ethelred Chadwick
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Silver
Who's keys are they?: Dante
The aforementioned Whisperdark is basically his sword and cannot act independently.
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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby crow » 09/28/2014 9:51 PM

If there was one thing Esmond knew about life, it was that adventure was always around the corner... whether he wanted it or not, as it turned out. Maybe that was a side effect of travelling with Larkin. She was the type to give the proverbial pot a stir if things weren't eventful enough for her liking. Thankfully, this wasn't one of those times.

In fact, they weren't sure what kind of case this was. A strange dream, and keys... Well, they'd seen stranger things, but none of their past experiences offered any explanations for their current situation. What made matters more complicated was that the two of them had gotten different-colored keys.

“Hey, how come you got the gold one? Does that mean you get more treasure? Not fair; trade with me!” Larkin said, peering at the object that Esmond held in his hands. He handed it over without fuss, inspecting the one that she had gotten. It was silvery in color, though he didn't know enough of precious metals to know whether it was true silver, or if it was steel or some other material. Before he could ask, Larkin had wordlessly grabbed it from his hands and shoved his original key back at him. “Nevermind. It's fake. Pyrite... Beginner's mistake.” She clicked her tongue in annoyance.

“What do you suppose we're to do with these?” Esmond said, looking at the number inscribed in his.

“Hells if I know! I bet we're going to find out though. You remember what happened in that dream, right?”

Pet name: Esmond
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Gold
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

Pet name: Larkin
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Silver
Who's keys are they?: Dante's


Bran often had strange dreams, so this one was hardly a surprise. He had nearly finished preparing himself to go out for the day before he realized that he seemed to have taken a souvenir with him when he awoke. The glint of something metallic from atop his mattress gave him pause as he pulled on his gauntlets; upon closer inspection, that glint resolved itself into a key. His first thought was to wonder how he had slept the night through without noticing that he'd had something like that digging into his back. Not that that would have surprised anyone that knew him, however. Bran had often slept through disturbances of much greater magnitude.

"I don't remember picking this up..." he murmured as he turned the key this way and that. He didn't have anything he'd need to keep locked. Had someone lost this? Perhaps he ought to post up a notice, saying he'd found it... There was this nagging half-thought lurking in the back of his mind, like there was something he should be remembering, and didn't. Maybe it had something to do with his dream? Or maybe he just had indigestion last night. He was usually a good cook, but even the food of good cooks weren't meant to be eaten as five-day-old unrefrigerated leftovers.

It was probably just as well that the key he'd picked was bronze.

Pet name: Brannon Travert
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Bronze
Who's keys are they?: Dante's
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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby jobiehanna » 09/28/2014 10:24 PM

((This... seems like a lot of fun! :D It's also a great opportunity for me to bring out some older characters. *blows dust off of them* heh, it's been a while for some of these guys! Ehem, anyway....))

After that strange dream, Caspian had awoke with a start. He discovered his own key, a shiny golden one, laying on the sheets beside him. It wasn't the strangest thing that had happened to him, but it was definitely on the top of his list of strange things. He picked the key up and twirled it in his hand, feeling its weight as he thought about taking up the offer. It had been so long since he'd been on an adventure. Surely, Aqua wouldn't mind if he went on one more? After leaving a note for his beloved (she was out of the house), he'd packed up and headed for... wherever he was headed. He didn't know where he was going or what he was looking for, but that hadn't stopped him before. He placed his favorite cowboy hat on his head and tipped it so the early morning sun didn't shine directly in his eyes. As he set off he whistled a tune and held the golden key in his pocket loosely. He didn't wanna lose that baby! He found himself on his way to Basantha Shrine, somehow knowing the lock for his key was there.
Pet name: Caspian
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Gold.
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

It'd been the strangest thing, the dream she had. The young ferrikoon had been cooped up in her tree home like she always was these days when it had happened. She was still nursing her broken heart and not wanting to see anyone ever again. But the dream changed that. When she woke up that night the moonlight had been streaming through the hole like it usually did, but this night something shiny sparkled in the serene light. Her light pink eyes sparkled back, and she knew she couldn't abandon this mission. She slipped the key into her stomach pouch and slept soundly the rest of the night. When the sun shone through the entrance, Loki felt the most wonderful feeling: hope. After eating, climbing down from her tree, bathing and making sure her own collection of shinies was safe, the bleached ferikoon set off on her own adventure. She didn't know what awaited, but she hoped it was better than what she'd experienced before. She hoped it wasn't sad, but fun. Perhaps she'd even find a few more shinies to call her own. But her dreams of shinies weren't to be granted, it seemed. She soon found herself where the key led her: the Slums.
Pet name: Loki
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Silver.
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

The young delicate looking teenager hadn't expected the strange dream. But the rush of excitement that coursed through her was a jolt like she'd never felt before. She needed to find where the key went. It would only be right. It didn't matter that it might be dangerous, or that her parents wouldn't approve. Hopefully, she'd be back before they even knew she was gone. Melanie had awoken in the middle of the night with the key on her night stand, and getting ready quietly was no easy task. She packed a small bag with food and other things she always took with her and through on a t-shirt, hoodie, jeans and sneakers. It seemed most practical after all. She left a note on her bed; then she snuck out of the house as quietly as she could. Her feet took her to Terrace Park, where she felt the key had directed her.
Pet name: Melanie
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Bronze.
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby Zoophilos » 09/28/2014 11:09 PM

Pet name: Gears
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Bronze
Who's keys are they?: Dante's?

Gears sat up and looked around, disoriented.  What had just happened?  After a moment, he realized he was in the Hollowheart barn at the Zoo, along with all the other Hollowhearts.  Where he had been undergoing his recharge cycle.  But what had been happening with the strange Grinbones in anthro form?
Another moment, then a likely theory occurred to him.  It had been what the organics called a "dream".  A vision that they might see during their recharge - their sleep cycles.  Odd, he had never had a dream before.  As his Treasure Hollowheart friend liked to say, though, there was a first time for everything.  He didn't know for sure that it was impossible for a Clockwork like himself.

Having figured out that puzzle, he stretched out his neck and was preparing to return to the recharge cycle when a glint on the ground caught his eye. He looked and saw a key.  A key like in his dream.  But if he had been dreaming, how then was there a key here?

A new theory came to him.  Not a dream, but a message, sent to him in his recharge cycle.  He picked up the key and considered it, and what the Grinbones had told him.  It seemed he had something to do when his recharge cycle was complete.

(Introducing a character I invented a while ago but haven't yet had any ideas for!)
An evildoer forgiven and saved by Jesus' sacrifice.

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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby Kylo » 09/29/2014 6:01 PM

Had that been a genjutsu? Shoto rubbed his eyes wearily and stared at the silver key suspiciously. Obviously that strange cat child thing had brought the key here and it intended for him to carry out some strange mission. The question was, was Shoto willing to just drop everything and go on some wild goose chase or quest or whatever this was? Hmm...well he didn't have anything to really do. He was not associated with any village or had a real job so..he had nothing to keep him from doing it. Oh why not? If things got too tough he'd just scurry on back to the Leaf Village. Now to find out just what exactly he was supposed to do...

   Pet name: Shoto
   Pet gender: Male
   Key color: Silver
   Who's keys are they?: Dante's ((Mine now :| *hoards keys*))

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby Thunder » 09/29/2014 8:08 PM

The trio huddled in the corner of the cafe couldn't have been a stranger one. A large Khimera, a man wearing a mage's robes and hat, and a paladin in sturdy looking blue and white armor were all murmuring to one another, each holding in their hands a key.

   Pet name: SevynBlue
   Pet gender: Male
   Key color: Silver
   Who's keys are they?: Dante's

"So we did all have the same dream," the paladin, Sevyn, mused. He rubbed his chin and sighed. "But what could that possibly mean?"

   Pet name: Arkiel di Telos
   Pet gender: Male
   Key color: Gold
   Who's keys are they?: Dante's

"Perhaps it was the work of some kind of magic," the mage, Arkiel, suggested. "It doesn't seem likely that all three of us would have the strange dream. And I've been hearing reports that others have had the same vision."

   Pet name: Voltage
   Pet gender: Male
   Key color: Bronze
   Who's keys are they?: Dante's

"In any case," huffed Voltage the Khimera, "the strange creature in the dream mentioned that these keys all lead somewhere. And I'm sure the three of us can figure out where they go. We'll probably meet others who have shared the dream along the way. We should find out if they know anything we don't."

He extended a big, black paw to the two men. "So, do we agree to investigate this together?"

Sevyn and Arkiel nodded. They both placed their hands on Voltage's paw.

"Let's hope that we all get out of this ok," Sevyn said.

"If everyone is one, none will be afraid."

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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby Atoli01 » 09/30/2014 10:38 AM

Leash in hand, I strolled down the busy city streets. Although I could feel the protesting gazes upon me, I paid them no mind. Such was a normal occurrence-- To lead my sister when not in the castle, leash, collar and all. It was a thing that I had long grown accustomed to. After seventy years or so, one would naturally grow used to any routine with which one is presented.

Rather than protesting, Winnie bounced ahead with glee. To see the world outside of her room was something that she positively adored, but it was an opportunity which she was rarely presented. She tugged gently on the leash, leading me down a quiet, narrow alleyway. The silly girl has insisted that she had to leave the castle. Maybe it was even sillier of me to listen to that absent-minded wish of her's. However, a part of me simply couldn't ignore the request; I noted the gleam of bronze which just barely shone from her tightly clenched palm.

Pet name: Winnie Vandervent
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Bronze
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

"Rhys, wait! Where are we even going?"

"I told you, we have to hurry! Now stop slowing me down already. I never said you had to follow me. You're a pain."

Behind me, I could hear something like, "Harsh, Rhys," but I simply ignored it. After that dream, I... Well, I could ignore anything that stood in my way. I needed to go to The Slums. Fitting for a pair like us two. The time was just barely enough to grab one of my handguns before I had dashed out of the house. Rook was confused; I didn't blame him. The moment I woke from my nap, I was on my feet. That dream... That dream... I racked my head for any remaining memories of it, again and again. The only remnants of those thoughts were the silver key that found itself in my palm and the knowledge that I had to leave for The Slums. Curious.

Pet name: Rhys Ringham
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Silver
Who's keys are they?: Dante's
Will be joined by Rook Clandensteine. {x}

That dream... I stared at my palm, alarmed at the gold key that had found itself nestled within. It was as if were a living thing, as if it would move should I stare at it long enough... I promptly abandoned the notion, discarding the warm blankets under which I had been sleeping just moments before. In a moment, my hair was brushed, my clothes were on, and a note was left upon my pillow for anyone who may come searching for me. I prayed that this wasn't a prank.

My destination was uncertain, though I knew I had to leave. Somewhere, somewhere... I'd find it.

Pet name: Mara Tenor
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Gold
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

A beautiful moon shines above again tonight,
And it sheds light happily over the world.
As for me, I'm just worthless, good for nothing,
Dreaming at daybreak, creeping at dawn.

Still I'll scream into the sky, hoping that somebody will find me.
I want to run, but there's no way out--
No bright future in sight.
But I still fly up like a butterfly, hoping that you'll find me.
A crescent moon, ugly children of the stars, flying with broken wings...!

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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby zapdragon555 » 10/07/2014 2:56 PM

[This is only a bump post, no need to panic, hoho.]

Cheshire peered at his remaining keys, squinting slightly at the numbers. Oh, there were several more with those special numbers on them, the 1 and the 4 and the 8. Those were his favorite keys, and he thought others would like them, too. He seemed to be right, given the amount that were gone now. Oh, but he still had a few more. Cheshire turned a key over in his hands, free from the large paw-sleeves now as he leaned against a branch on a tree, his tail swooping down and flicking lazily. It was no secret that there wasn't an indefinite amount of room in each dungeon...

But there wasn't exactly a set number of spots, either.
Even so, this could get a little hectic... and Cheshire
liked hectic very much indeed, he did.

But there will come a time
You'll see, with no more tears
And love will not break your heart
But dismiss your fears
Get over your hill and see
What you find there
With grace in your heart
And flowers in your hair

"Tomorrow will be a good day."

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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby GrayGriffin » 10/08/2014 2:25 AM

"Big brother?" asked a quiet voice. The Leawolf looked over at his sister, who was shyly holding a bronze-toned key in her mouth. "Did-did you have the same dream as me last night?"

"You mean that dream with that creepy person in the alleyway? Who was creeping all over you?"

She frowned. "I wouldn't say he was creeping over me. More like...on all of us?"

Tin groaned, rolling out of the pile of leaves that served as his bed. "Like that's any better!" He then froze. " have the key?" He turned to his own pile, frozen in shock when he saw the silver key there.

"...I think we need to find Stormhawk."

Pet name: Min
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Bronze
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

Pet name: Tin
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Silver
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

Pet name: Stormhawk
Pet gender: Female
Key color: Gold
Who's keys are they?: Dante's
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Calling All Adventurers!

Postby Firetra » 10/11/2014 11:45 AM

A very unlikely group of men sat in the corner of a tavern, the outside bustling with midday activities. In front of each of them sat a Key on the counter. Going from Bronze, to Silver, and then to Gold. Each of them were silent until the Lucain spoke, shaking off some snow that seemed to float around him.
  "So, what now?"
  The other two fidgeted for a few seconds before the Hunter spoke up, in a very deep and commanding voice.
  "I think we should go do what that crazy cat, guy, thing wanted us to do. We'll bring the keys to where they belong." As he said this, the stool he was sitting on started to burn slightly from his touch and a few flames licked the corners of the table where his arm rested.
  " Kekeke, I think so as well!" Said the Mekkayena with a white lab-coat over his shoulders. "This could provide good experiments for me to try." He chuckled a little bit. He then reached out and grabbed the Bronze Key and slipped it into one of his inner pockets. "In the meantime I am going to retire to my room. There are still many things I would like to accomplish before I make my way over there, Kekeke." And with that he rose and walked out of the tavern.
  The Lucain and Hunter both rose at the same time, though both didn't dare move for a second. Then the hunter quickly reached out and grabbed the silver key. He waited a few seconds and then gave a soft sigh of relief. He then walked calmly out of the room as well, his seat charred where he was sitting.
  Finally after a few seconds of standing there, the Lucain also grabbed for his key and strolled out. His mind racing with questions, and some probable answers about what was about to come.

Pet name: Sahn'd
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Bronze
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

Pet name: Beraz
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Silver
Who's keys are they?: Dante's

Pet name: Arean Galind
Pet gender: Male
Key color: Gold
Who's keys are they?: Dante's obviously

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

- Emily Dickinson

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