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Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/23/2014 12:45 AM

I have two Lucain, one male and one female, that are "aliens," beings that come from other worlds. One character is brand new, and one is old that simply achieved a new pet form. Either way, though, I want to roleplay them and I am especially interested in lifemating them. (I may also be interested in eventually breeding them, or starting the plot that way with one of them, since I am sitting on a 'cain room key.) They aren't fully developed, as I wanted to develop them more through roleplay.

These two aren't related, as far as I have decided thus far, although that may change somewhere in the future as I develop them. They wont be related by blood, for sure, although it may eventually come to pass that they hail from the same world.

So, here we go! Throw pretty Lucain and plot ideas at me~?

Erissia, "Eris."

Information: A mystical, magical goddess that was overthrown and banished from her own world after losing in a power struggle against another goddess. After being defeated, it was either death or banishment. Originally, she intended to return to her realm once she regained her strength in order to challenge the other goddess once more, but became caught up in her own curiosity for the new world she'd landed in.

She resembles an average person most of the time, although with fabulous color changing hair and often being considered inexplicably attractive, unable to transform into her goddess form without the necessary nourishment. "Nourishment," refers to the blood of intelligent beings. Blood of various animals sustains her, but she lacks most of her powers when surviving on this type of diet. In order to best blend into this new world, she does not feed on humans, demons, and so forth, only animals, unless in immediate danger or if a potential meal appears particularly delectable. Those she feeds on feel inexplicably good during the period of feeding, generally preventing them from struggling, even if she drinks them dry.

She's not necessarily good or evil by nature, more neutral, focused on her own survival above most other things. Overall, she is somewhat ignorant about the workings of the world, but is immensely curious and is able to retain anything she learns the first time she reads or hears of it.

Without a specific home, she wanders without a destination in mind.

Looking For: A male partner, or something that is able to take on the appearance of a male even if technically genderless. I don't have anything specific in mind for her, regular ol' mortals or something of a stranger variety is completely welcome. Although, since she would likely use her mate as a regular food source, they would have to be okay with this, and actually have blood. In her case, since she doesn't have an amazing life, would more or less become absorbed into the plot and goings on of her mate.

Singit, "Sing."

Information: Although he has no idea where he came from or for what reasons, essentially having amnesia, his living metallic pod crash landed in this world. He is something of an experiment from his world, sent out to discover life on other worlds, doomed to eventually die if he happened to land on a world without intelligent life. Singit is stuck in a comatose state inside his pod, his body unchanging, waiting for someone of the female variety to touch the pod, thus activating it, and releasing him.

Despite his current state, he is not merely sleeping, but is essentially downloading information from the world via the living pod that sustains him. Once it landed, the pod released unusual roots into the earth and a odd magnetic field around it for several miles, which absorbs information, including factual data on anything it comes in contact with or anything spoken within its range.

Once awoken, he imprints on the person that assisted him, following them, being entirely loyal to and protecting said person, even if he is rejected or unwanted. Through his imprinting, he is unable to be with anyone else romantically or sexually, left to be alone if rejected in such a manner. At all times, he can sense where this person is and is often particularly sensitive to their emotions, especially developing this connection as time goes on.

His unusual abilities revolve around gathering information from anything he comes in contact with, hears, sees or reads. Anything he learns is retained, although he sometimes has to search his mind to find just what he is looking for. As he gathers more information, he is able to change his appearance, including even his clothes. Over time, his own DNA structure begins to change to either match the person he imprinted on, or match their desires, so that he best suits them.

Upon first awakening, he wont know too much of the world, and have a speech habit similar to a child, but that can change very quickly. I imagine he is the sort that is very honest.

Looking For: A female partner, as only female DNA is able to activate and awaken him. Again, there are no specifics, the person being a mortal or any other oddity in the world. Regardless of anything, their appearance, personality and so forth, he will be endlessly loyal, even if it may annoy the heck out of the person or if they treat him poorly at first. Ideally, I wouldn't want him treated poorly the entire time, but someone less inclined to want a mate at first could make for an interest story, since he's not someone they can really get rid of. Or even if they are in with someone else at the start. Ultimately, he is the type to be absorbed into the life and plot of his mate.

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Re: Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby crow » 06/23/2014 1:45 AM

My Lucains' stories are still sort of half-developed, but maybe I'll be inspired more if they get out a bit more, so I'll give this a whirl.

This Analaise, and I realize she's not exactly the most intuitive match color-wise, but her personality might make for an interesting story.


Ana was a girl of exceptional beauty, who was rather conceited when she was young due to her looks. She met a man in her youth and fell madly in love with him, running off with him and committing a few heists as his partner before eventually being abandoned and betrayed. The incident deeply scarred her, and she resolved never to let anyone get the better of her again. To this day, she's a cynic, deeply distrustful of 'good intentions' and absolutely refusing to believe in love. She's also somewhat prejudiced against men--- it began with her first lover, but she's met plenty of scumbags since then, which has only deepened her dislike for them. Her beauty hasn't diminished in the least, but now she uses that to her advantage, becoming the betrayer rather than the victim. Calculating and pragmatic, she has little patience for anything she can't use, though she hides her true emotions well.

Despite her hardened personality, she can be surprisingly naive about certain aspects of life, having devoted so much of her life to hunting down the man that hurt her. There may still be remnants of the haughty but innocent girl she had once been, but if there is, it's been buried deep down. It's probably for the best, since there isn't much room for hesitation in her line of work (I'm not too sure about the specifics, but considering the character she's hunting, she could be a freelancing spy/assassin or a bounty hunter).

Singit's blind loyalty and empathic abilities could be a fun contrast with Ana's personality and history, and I could easily see her eventually being won over by his persistence, though of course it wouldn't happen right away. His honesty and innocence about the world would really throw her for a loop... Though, as someone to teach him about the world, she's not exactly the best candidate. Who knows? Maybe he could muck up a few of her jobs for her in return.
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Re: Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby Flame » 06/23/2014 11:51 AM

Hokay, so I have characters to fling at your boy and girl. :3 I've been raring for some good lifemating RPs, and I think I've got a couple of characters that might make for interesting pairings with your aliens. Feel free to poke through my pen as well to see whether anyone in there catches your interest for a possible pairing.

This is Echo - you may remember her from before since I think I've introduced her to you a while back, but she might make for a very interesting plot with Sing. In short-hand, she's basically a part-mechanical cyborg Frankenstein of a creature, but put together with great skill and care, so to the unwitting observer, she looks like a perfectly normal (and quite attractive) young woman. She was created by a mad scientist to be used as a completely obedient tool, primarily for gathering data and intel which might one day help him bring back the wife he lost years ago in a car accident. Although he has complete control over her actions, she has an extremely advanced AI system (likely beyond the capabilities of a normal human), and is extremely quick to learn regardless of whether it's a manual task or even something as delicate as imitating human emotions.

I think she would make for an extremely interesting plot with Sing, considering the endless possibilities where it could take them as well. Obviously, she wouldn't be interested in him as a mate, especially right off the bat, considering her lack of "training" in that particular area, but I plan on having her develop emotions of her own and autonomous thought after being out in the world on her own for a while, so the sky's the limit on that one. Her master could also take a keen interest in Sing once he learns of his existence, and considering his unique background and the fact that Donovan is a brilliant scientist. He would assume that there is something to be learned from Sing that could possibly help him bring his wife back, and therefore likely want to capture him for his own purposes and to study him. Again, endless possibilities there. But I'd love to see how a relationship would develop between a part-robot woman who is completely naive to the world and human emotion and an alien who is emotionally bound to her, not by choice. :3

Seraphina is another possibility for Sing. She has a condition (which she's had since childhood) where basically, any form of human touch is painful to her. Because of this and the bullying it incurred, she's grown up to be extremely mistrusting of other people and for the most part keeps to herself. Oddly enough, she's a wedding planner, so her job itself actually entails a whole lot of human interaction, and it's her way of being a part of a 'real' life without actually having to have one herself. It's bittersweet, but she can't bring herself to trust people enough to seek out a life of her own. However, if Sing were to imprint on her, she obviously wouldn't be able to shake him, no matter how hard she tries, and she'd eventually have to accept the fact that she's stuck with him. It might be interesting if, since he's an alien, his touch didn't have the same agonizing effect on her as other peoples', which might make her open up to him a little more willingly (although she'll be quite suspect of him for a good while), especially considering how long she's gone without human touch.

This is Khazriel, and he's a maaaaybe possibility as a lifemate for Eris. He's a god, and his job on the Council is actually to act as the liaison between the immortals and mortals. The thing is that he's something of a womanizer, so he's not the type to be tied down, so it would be interesting to see how a relationship might develop between them. I've considered lifemating him, if only because I'm really bad with characters that are 'players'. XD There could be an interesting dynamic there too, considering they're both gods, but from different realms.

Valkyrie is another maybe, although he's iffy too. His backstory is still in the works, but basically, he does any dirty work that the gods need done. He's at least part immortal himself, but he gave up much of his own freedom to ensure the safety of his sister, so he's naturally extremely protective of others. I had a few details sketched up on what powers he has, but those are back at home (I'm still at work at the moment), but if you're interested in him, I can fish those up once I go home today.

I've also go Sable here, who is actually a vampire himself. He comes from a loving family, but he's...different from the rest of them. While everyone else is relative "normal" when it comes to being a vampire (the usual super speed/strength, blood drinking, etc.), he somehow inherited some darker abilities and he's felt conflicted over them ever since he discovered them. He has the Dracula-like ability to turn into an animal form (usually bat), but the thing he's had the most trouble grappling with is his necromancer abilities. He is capable of raising the dead and bending them to his will, and it's the knowledge that he has a power that dark that haunts him. Because of that, he's much more withdrawn than the rest of his family (especially compared to his bubbly, vivacious sister). Eris might be able to help him come to terms with who he is, not to mention the fact that it would be interesting to see how drinking the blood of a blood-drinker might affect her. But the boy definitely needs someone who will help him embrace who he is rather than spend his entire life hold up in his room like a hermit.
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Re: Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/28/2014 4:47 PM

All right, I have been sitting here for a few days, trying to decide what I like best for each. I'm sorry for the wait, but I'm still not totally sure. I want to decide for sure in the next few days, though, and see if anyone else posts in that time.

Crow: As of the moment, I really like the roleplay options that can happen with Analaise and Singit together. Especially because her lifestyle gives him an option for his own lifestyle, which he would essentially have to take up in order to be strong enough to be beside her. That, of course, can come after he probably messes some things up at first. xD

Flame: While I really like both of your gals, I don't see much potential for developing Singit alongside either of them. Neither of them have a way of life that would pretty much have to absorb him into it, which is something I feel he sort of requires. Echo doesn't appear to have a set sort of job or lifestyle, while he wouldn't necessarily have to take up a a job working in the same industry as Seraphina to be beside her, which would leave him somewhat without purpose, I think. He wouldn't really pursue taking up a job of his own accord.

However, I really do like the potential that I see with Sable and Eris. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the idea of her being with another blood drinker and seeing the effects that has on her. Especially because I view her as a very confident type, while he is insecure about his differences. I feel like she would be perfect to help him come to accept himself for who he is, and would actually admire his abilities. Plus, his living an eternal life works with her own. I'm curious if you have any ideas for how they could meet? I feel like the possibilities are endless, and Eris can be anywhere, doing all sorts of things. I'm just not sure where Sable would be or what he would be doing? Eris travels a lot and tries to blend in, but I feel that she ends up in some difficult situations here and there, which may require her "fight," response.

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Re: Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby Flame » 06/28/2014 11:03 PM

I'd love to try Sable out with Eris - I agree with you on the fact that I think that she'd definitely be good for him. He's never learned to embrace his abilities; rather, he fears them, and kind of has an identity crisis about it all. Being someone who is extremely comfortable with herself and her powers, she could definitely teach him a thing or two about reining his own in, as well as coming to accept them as a part of himself instead of hating them.

I think we could definitely bring some conflict into the plot at some point, as it would be a very good opportunity to force him into using his abilities, whether it would be to save either one of them further down the road, or even against her (which might be an interesting first encounter between them). Oooh, possible idea. Perhaps he could be out on the hunt for a 'meal' and unwittingly sets his sights on her out of chance, as he tends to keep his head down in public whenever possible. After all, he hates drawing attention to himself, not to mention the possibilities of what might happen if the situation were to get out of hand and his powers kind of get away with him. So, either she could be an unwitting victim (except much more capable of defending herself than he knows) and when she realizes what's going down, I'd imagine she'd give him a piece of her mind in the way of teaching him a thorough lesson in messing with her, to which he could instinctively lash back with his own abilities, which would certainly give them a conversation starter at least, haha. He'd probably be so bamboozled at the idea of someone else having supernatural abilities (he hasn't come across anything like his own) that she'd drop him right on his butt without even having to try terribly hard - and the fact that he's never had much practice with his own skills either. She'd be a great teacher for helping him learn how to control them. Either that, or we flip the situation around and have her hunting him, or perhaps even the somewhat comedic scenario in which they're both targeting each other as potential meals, but don't realize it until much later. Or maybe he gets tangled in some sort of situation in which his abilities kind of get away from him to the point where he can't control them, and she could be the one to somehow bring him back "down to earth"? Like you said, the possibilities are endless. XD Feel free to toss any ideas you might have out there as well - I'd love to hear them! :3
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Re: Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/29/2014 7:08 PM

Oh, oh~ I think it is a pretty neat idea to have Sable targeting Eris at first. xD

I imagine her basic abilities to be fairly similar to his, with the super strength, speed and what not. Since she has been living off of the blood of unintelligent creatures mostly, though, she obviously wont be able to take on her goddess form. I think she'll be able to create blasts of energy and some weaker summons, though. Since she can create monsters and objects out of essentially nothing. She could end up getting angry at him for attacking her and actually turn around an feed on him, too, perhaps? It might make him go, "Wait, you're a vampire?" And she would be like, "I have no idea what you're talking about." I doubt they used the term, "vampire," in her world. I imagine that finding a being similar to himself, with a handful of unusual abilities, would make him feel excited or relieved, even if they didn't start out on the best of terms. Likewise, I expect her to be curious about him, from having not met anything so similar to herself in the new world.

In the end, she would probably follow him very easily, out of curiosity. And its not like she worries about putting herself in potentially dangerous situations.

Since she can wander around anywhere, though, I wonder what the best setting for Sable would be? If he normally tries to target people that are out of the way of others, I doubt he goes into cities for meals? Unless it is during some odd hour. xD

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Re: Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby Flame » 06/29/2014 9:32 PM

Hehe, I think this will be a rather amusing plot to play around with, and I'm all for it. He'd probably sense that something is different about her, but probably just pass it off offhandedly since he assumes any other supernatural beings in the world would be vampires, or at least some sort of creature he would recognize right off the bat. It'll definitely be a lot of fun to see her completely throw him for a loop when she retaliates, since this will be the first time anyone's (at least prey-wise) ever resisted or fought back. I guess you get a little too comfortable with your abilities when you're a vampire. X3 But yeah, she'd probably startle the poor boy - I'm picturing his knee-jerk reaction as an unintentionally summoned squirrel corpse comes sailing out of the nearby bushes to attack Eris. Oh-so-terrifying. He would be so humiliated by it in hindsight. XD

Hrmmm, as for location, his family actually lives in the city, and for the most part they blend well. Their 'clan' sort of owns the territory in that area. Sable mostly keeps to himself at home, but he's had to learn to feed in the city (and the crowds it involves) considering it's where he lives. You're probably right in assuming that he chooses off-hours to hunt though, just to stay as below the radar as possible. However, he does have a tendency to wander off on his own since he's the 'lone wolf' of the family and likes his alone time. Is there anywhere in particular that you'd like for them to meet? Of course, there's always the standard bar scene, where I'd assume it'd be easier for people like them to pick off targets.
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Re: Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby ToxicShadow » 06/29/2014 10:27 PM

Hmm.. If it's a city, how about a late night walk in the park? I don't see her really interested in drinking in the bar crowds, since I don't imagine alcohol having any actual effect on her. Maybe for the taste, but I just don't see it being a scene she uses, since she doesn't bother targeting humans and the like. Lawl. Thinking about it, she probably randomly sleeps in park trees late at night, since she doesn't actually require sleep. xD And maybe feeds on park squirrels. I figure late night in the park would be secluded enough for him to feel comfortable picking off some woman just sitting and frolicking about by herself?

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Re: Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby Flame » 06/29/2014 11:46 PM

That would work for Sable - he'd probably do most of his wandering at night in secluded places like the park anyways, and it's a pretty easy place for him to snag a meal unnoticed. Haha, park squirrels. The mad notion of them bonding over an accidentally-created undead squirrel and keeping it for a pet just went through my head. XD But anywho, I think that would be a great place to kick off their RP. I'm also trying to figure out whether to have him try to converse with her first, or if he'd be more comfortable biting first, then talking later, haha. Hmmm, I suppose I'll feel it out. Would you like to begin?
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Re: Lifemates for Alien Lucain?

Postby crow » 07/04/2014 2:43 AM

Started the thread, as we discussed over IRC. Figured I'd cut straight to the chase without too much set-up, since you wouldn't have much to do until Ana found the pod; hope you don't mind.
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