by Audra » 08/17/2008 3:21 PM
Oh no. Oh gosh. You just sent the order to Baal?! I had forgotten all about this thread and so the money went to school supplies and clothes and stuff. Do you think it's possible to cancel the order? I'm so sorry but I'm just unable to buy Pittenal. Gawd, I'm so sorry, and I wish I had all the money in the world to use on Evelon, but sadly, I don't. I really hope you get Pittenal..somehow, someway, from someone.
You see a colorful Canopy Gurador, rare in these parts, head hung high, and as he flitters past, you notice that he accidentally dropped a badge on the ground. It looks like such:
Obviously it must mean something, but the pet is then gone in a flash. Curious, isn't it??
.:LINK BAG:.[/sup][/center]