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Tangled Threads

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 05/07/2016 6:00 AM

All records of my roleplays will be found here. Feedback is welcome, but please do not post in this thread.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Pending New Thread

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 05/07/2016 6:00 AM

[url=link to be inserted here]New Title[/url]

Giovanni 'Vanni' Fauntleroy is an old veteran from another time and place. Stoic, impassive and experienced, he was one of the best in his former army days - until the death of himself and his wife and his subsequent resurrection. He is technically immortal, with a phylactery which is buried with his wife's remains in a secret grave back where he came from. He has recently joined the Imperial army (for what is a soldier without an army) and has been given his old title of 'Commander' back.

He was placed in a tent with two roommates, who bickered and fought constantly and caused continuous problems until he put a stop to it.

Teira is an intelligent young woman with a unique quirk to her; every day at noon she switches personality. This is accompanied by a physical change in features, as well as abilities. When in mage form, she is the army's top spellcaster and scryer, and when in warrior form, she is the best battlemaiden in the Imperial forces. Though she keeps her memories of where she is, what is happening, and what she was doing when the switch hits, she loses all memory of her other side's abilities and this has put a damper on her training, as Vanni insists she must learn to function without magic. She tries to act aloof, as though emotions are beneath her (in mage form) but is actually fairly quick to anger, though she expresses it by being cold with a sharp tongue and withering comments in mage form. In warrior form, however, she pulls no punches and is quick to flare up, preferring to settle things with a fight rather than with words.

Corthrim is the adopted son of a florist; his biological father left him in his adoptive father's care after their relationship ended, along with his three half-brothers. As the eldest, he always felt overshadowed by the bond they had with their father and the talents they had inherited from himn. He left them behind to join the war, in the hopes that he would come back with proud achievements and stories to tell of his own. He is reasonably talented with a bow and arrow, though he lacks proper skill and training. The chip on the shoulder has left him with a slightly snarky attitude and a temper to match.

Together, the three of them have headed out into the forest a little way away from the Imperial camp ground to practice survival and teamwork. So far, it appears to have been working.

Teira detected the presence of a harmful spellcaster nearby as she underwent the switch, and Vanni used his own senses to detect that they were Purine. He ordered them back to camp where they each hid in their camouflage dugout, and they are now waiting to see what will happen next.
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Location: Baian Swamp
Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

Self Roleplays

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/30/2016 7:41 AM

Nox is a quiet young man who is one half of a pair of twins who've been self-sufficient since the death of their parents.

He likes spending time in the forest, where he can sit moodily on a tree branch and let life pass him by. It was during one of these sessions that he was seized by an unknown captor, having fallen asleep in his tali form.

When he awoke, he was in a cage surrounded by many other captive animals - one of whom was a tiny kuhna kit he rescued, and later named Fudge.

Nina, like her brother, is quiet and reserved, though she sank her effort into art in order to get through the depression that plagued them both. She is now well-known in her sleepy town, and received regular commissions.

Since Nox rescued Fudge, Nina has taken her on as an apprentice, and is keenly teaching her the tricks of the trade.

Fudge is a clever young kuhna kit who, though she doesn't talk much, loves cuddles and attention. Separated from her mother when very small by the same being who captured Nox, she was rescued by him and now resides with him and his sister.

Ratchet, the zany inventor-cyborg, is actually very warm-hearted - if a little absent-minded. Having been close to (and fond of) the twins since long before their parents died, he is one of the few they trust, often turning to him for repairs and services (though they don't always get what they expected!). He made the collars for the twins and Fudge, and is able to communicate directly through them using components he modified in his hardware.

He recently adopted Kit after Nox found him alone in the forest, and is training him to be his apprentice.

Kit is a bit of an unknown quantity; he was found in the forest by Nox, and was taken in and adopted by Ratchet. His own wings were badly damaged, but luckily one of Ratchet's inventions - an assisted flying mechanism - saved the day!

Now, Kit spends his time learning Ratchet's hobby and being his assistant. He does enjoy it, though he's only just learning to speak.

The story covers how Nox finds Fudge and Kit, and the interactions between all of the characters as they go about their daily lives.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Roleplays with Others

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/30/2016 7:51 AM

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
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Active Hunt Threads

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 01/22/2021 6:57 PM

General Thread Details Code
Code: Select all

[align=center][size=150][url=] [Hunt] (Location)[/url][/size]
[url=]Pet Name(s)[/url]

[i]Pet (Difficulty)[/i][/align]

Ready for Turn-in
Code: Select all

Help me cool my head! [HUNT] (Basantha Shrine)

Lost Hunter (Medium), Lost Fenref (Medium), Lost Iiylumiel (Medium), Lost Slynx (Medium), Common Hunter (Hard), Emerald Hunter (Hard), Obsidian Hunter (Hard), Quartz Hunter (Hard), Common Mekkayena (Hard), Glitch Mekkayena (Hard), Origin Draculi (Hard)

On the [HUNT] (Fe'gan Mountains)
Bella Donna, Melline and Merpsichore

Lost Albie (Medium), Lost Aries (Medium), Lost Hollowheart (Medium), Lost Reindoe (Medium), Lost Slynx (Medium), Lost Tundragoon (Medium), Lost Zephion (Medium), Morpho Lunafly (Easy)

Into The Deep End [HUNT] (Tuun Mountains)
Shaya & Mick

Lost Albie (Medium), Lost Aries (Medium), Lost Battleheart (Medium), Lost Garagnir (Medium), Lost Gruss (Medium), Lost Leebra (Medium), Lost Magistrey (Medium), Lost Stargoyle (Medium), Lost Terratops (Medium), Lost Torken (Medium), Lost Xing-Yun (Medium), Lost Yingshee (Medium), Dragon Hydrolisk (Medium), Origin Drakel (Hard)

Desert Orchids [Hunt] (Wilt'no Desert)
Eko and Rogir

Lost Suncheeka (Medium), Lost Garudor (Medium), Lost Fenling (Medium), Lost Imeut (Medium), Lost Jirbii (Medium), Lost Lecchi (Medium), Lost Scorpinch (Medium), Lost Serraptor (Medium), Lost Staigovald (Medium), Lost Pot O' Mist (Medium), Dawn Jirbii (Medium), Dusk Jirbii (Medium), Sand Lunafly (Easy), Origin Fenling (Hard)

Brothers in Arms [HUNT] (Aldrecht, the Holy City)
Alistair and Caelan

Lost Evren (Medium), Lost Kuchi Nagi (Medium), Lost Maus (Medium), Lost Meji (Medium), Lost Rexxel (Medium), Lost Shielupe (Medium), Heretic Matches (Medium), Heretic Serraptor (Medium), Heretic Sygriff (Medium), Heretic Fenling (Medium), Origin Fenref (Hard)

Lost and Found [HUNT] (Lya Pointa Cathedral)
Zora and Alistair

Lost Barghest (Medium), Lost Corbine (Medium), Lost Frightmare (Medium), Lost Kasuga (Medium), Lost Malphas (Medium), Lost Mekkayena (Medium), Lost Myu Reaper (Medium), Lost Nonaga (Medium), Lost Nyghtmare (Medium), Shadow Fenling (Easy), Shadow Hollowheart (Easy), Shadow Hunter (Easy), Shadow Kalamarei (Easy), Shadow Kasuga (Easy), Shadow ??? (Easy), Shadow Pingune (Easy), Shadow Sahound (Easy), Shadow Serraptor (Easy), Shadow Shielupe (Easy), Shadow Tavil (Easy), Shadow Tou-san (Easy), Common Mekkayena (Hard), Glitch Mekkayena (Hard)

Foolish Machinations [HUNT] (Roraldi Forests)
Ratchet and Kit

Lost Batti (Medium), Lost Beetanke (Medium), Lost Bruma (Medium), Lost Cuniflare (Medium), Lost Gyrophant (Medium), Lost Honeydew (Medium), Lost Kitrell (Medium), Lost Langerine (Medium), Lost Lunafly (Medium), Lost Staigovald (Medium), Lost Tali (Medium), Lost Werecain (Medium), Monarch Lunafly (Easy), Origin Tavil (Hard)

On Safari [HUNT] (Vast Plains)

Lost Cavallion (Medium), Lost Carpetfang (Medium), Lost Chombones (Medium), Lost Cuniflare (Medium), Lost Fenling (Medium), Lost Gallizar (Medium), Lost Gyrophant (Medium), Lost Leebra (Medium), Lost Matches (Medium), Lost Mocha Picchu (Medium), Lost Nagi (Medium), Lost Penticorn (Medium), Lost Rabbot (Medium), Lost Sahound (Medium), Lost Serraptor (Medium), Lost Shartile (Medium), Lost Snowball (Medium), Lost Wombear (Medium), Lost Zipala (Medium), Grass Wombear (Easy), Plains Wombear (Easy), Earth Wombear (Easy), Origin Torken (Hard)

Feeling Salty [HUNT] (Dead Coast)
Devere Marino

Lost Lohlani (Medium), Lost Palmie (Medium), Common Palmie (Easy), Cherry Palmie (Easy), Peach Blossom Palmie (Easy), Water Palmie (Easy)

Medical Mayhem [HUNT] (Medecai City)
Apollo & Althea Gray

Lost Bleeder (Medium), Lost Lubshi (Medium), Lost Quiksylph (Medium), Lost Scribblen (Medium), Lost Shielupe (Medium), Lost Shinzo (Medium), Noble Lunafly (Easy), Origin Mr Wilson (Hard)

Fields Aflame [HUNT] (Nori Volcano)
Bulbiferum (Nicknamed Lilyfer), Vesta and Fino

Lost Baal Dragony (Medium), Lost Battleheart (Medium), Lost Garudor (Medium), Lost Hollowheart (Medium), Lost Sleepyheart (Medium), Lost Terratops (Medium), Lost Torken (Medium), Origin Sleepyheart (Hard)

Bird-brained [HUNT] (Terrace Park)
Crawford Ferring

Lost Draculi (Medium), Lost Dalma (Medium), Lost Ferrikoon (Medium), Lost Holeef (Medium), Lost Matches (Medium), Lost Mr. Wilson (Medium), Lost Rexxel (Medium), Lost Skyllard (Medium), Lost Tali (Medium), Common Mr Wilson (Easy), Coffee Mr Wilson (Easy), Night Mr Wilson (Medium)

Behind The Curtain [HUNT] (Whisper Forest)

Lost Evergreen (Medium), Lost Fellox (Medium), Lost Frightmare (Medium), Lost Kasuga (Medium), Lost Nyghtmare (Medium), Lost Tavil (Medium), Lost Werecain (Medium), Lost Yonyuu (Medium), Weeping Alluria (Easy), Weeping Barghest (Easy), Weeping Mahool (Easy), Weeping Rexxel (Easy), Weeping Sabbit (Easy), Weeping Suncheeka (Easy), Morpho Scordrak (Hard), Origin Bruma (Hard)

Wrecked [HUNT] (Rewhister Ocean)

Lost Kalamarei (Medium), Lost Gorgeel (Medium), Lost Hydrolisk (Medium), Lost Kuni (Medium), Lost Seawinder (Medium), Lost Trumpetter (Medium), Spotted Lunafly (Easy), Ghost Xing Yun (Hard), Origin Whallos (Hard)

Treasure in the Depths [Hunt] (Yuunu Sea)

Lost Alluria (Medium), Lost Aura (Medium), Lost Aurona (Medium), Lost Kalamarei (Medium), Lost Tricky (Medium), Frigid Lunafly (Easy), Frozen Grondalith (Medium), Floe Xing Yun (Hard)

Otter Chaos [HUNT] (Sa'fir Coast)

Lost Likuta (Medium), Lost Rollaby (Medium), Lost Werebetta (Medium), Ash Palmie (Easy), Autumn Palmie (Easy), Dive Palmie (Easy), Wisteria Palmie (Easy), Origin Tricky (Hard)

Harvest Season [Quest] [HUNT] (Sekudui Farmlands)

Lost Cavallion (Medium), Lost Choopa (Medium), Lost Leumoo (Medium), Lost Penticorn (Medium), Lost Piyo (Medium), Lost Ptarmie (Medium), Lost Riopath (Medium), Lost Roosken (Medium), Lost Sahound (Medium), Lost Shartile (Medium), Lost Sparquill (Medium), Lost Taosig (Medium), Lost Tuskow (Medium), Lost Yingshee (Medium), Lost Zipala (Medium), Origin Cavallion (Hard), Origin Tuskow (Hard)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Town of Nabias)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Drakel (Medium), Lost Ferrikoon (Medium), Lost Polly (Medium), Lost Rattegan (Medium), Lost Rengosett (Medium), Lost Rollaby (Medium), Lost Skyllard (Medium), Lost Tavil (Medium), Lost Turkezilla (Medium), Lost Tuskow (Medium), Origin Merham (Hard), Origin Piyo (Hard)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Craiss Caverns)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Akail (Medium), Lost Batti (Medium), Lost Bruma (Medium), Lost Carpetfang (Medium), Lost Morloth (Medium), Lost Seraphent (Medium), Lost Sygriff (Medium), Lost Yonyuu (Medium), Common Akail (Medium), Pale Akail (Medium)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Idalani Waterfalls)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Banatoyle (Medium), Lost Bubble Spirit (Medium), Lost Florana (Medium), Lost Hypofly (Medium), Lost Kamee (Medium), Lost Larvie (Medium), Lost Lilisyte (Medium), Lost Magistrey (Medium), Lost Taigra (Medium), Lost Sygriff (Medium), Origin Likuta (Hard)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Jawan, the Sea City)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Bandol (Medium), Lost Icthysaur (Medium)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Nu'san Temple)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Anala (Medium), Lost Beetanke (Medium), Lost Gyrraptor (Medium), Lost Hypofly (Medium), Lost Lilisyte (Medium), Lost Nemuwit (Medium), Lost Slydra (Medium), Lost Teigu (Medium), Lost Tengumi (Medium)

Gator Season [Hunt] (Baian Swamp)
Iilanthys and Teryn

Lost Chimerantula (Medium), Lost Choopa (Medium), Lost Flitterfly (Medium), Lost Insonia (Medium), Lost Scordrak (Medium), Lost Snicky (Medium), Lost Taosig (Medium), Lost Tengumi (Medium), Origin Insonia (Hard), Origin Tengumi (Hard)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Lamenolai, City of the Guardians)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Bleeder (Medium), Lost Fellox (Medium), Lost Grondalith (Medium), Lost Kuchi Nagi (Medium), Lost Meji (Medium), Lost Turkezilla (Medium), Lost Wockee (Medium), Lost Velix (Medium), Stone Snicky (Easy), Origin Sabbit (Hard)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Tengel Rainforest)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Anura (Medium), Lost Chimerantula (Medium), Lost Gyrraptor (Medium), Lost Kamee (Medium), Lost Learf (Medium), Lost Leawolf (Medium), Lost Leplora (Medium), Lost Moonling (Medium), Lost Polly (Medium), Lost Rengosett (Medium), Lost Shimin (Medium), Lost Taigra (Medium), Lost Tou-san (Medium), Common Moonling (Medium), Jungle Snicky (Easy), Origin Anura (Hard), Origin Garudor (Hard)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (The Slums)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Baskerville (Medium), Lost Draculi (Medium), Lost Mahool (Medium), Lost Rattegan (Medium), Lost Roosken (Medium), Lost Sabbit (Medium), Lost Whispwing (Medium), Rusty Snicky (Easy)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Freighlei Ocean)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Hydrolisk (Medium), Lost Pengi (Medium), Lost Pingune (Medium), Lost Squeaker (Medium), ??? Xing Yun (Hard), Origin Pingune (Hard)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Nodia Sea)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Icthysaur (Medium), Lost Inessi (Medium), Lost Likuta (Medium), Lost Lohlani (Medium), Common Inessi (Medium), Ocean Snicky (Easy), Coastal Xing Yun (Hard)

[url=placeholder]Title [HUNT] (Ree'ne Sea)[/url]
[url]Pet Name(s)[/url]

Lost Gorgeel (Medium), Lost Merham (Medium), Lost Seawinder (Medium), Lost Trumpetter (Medium), Pearly Snicky (Easy), Storm Xing Yun (Hard)
"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Well-Traveled Tamer
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Joined: 05/21/2011 2:59 PM
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Status: Hiding in a rotting tree - shhh!

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